DSP C5000
Chapter 4
Software Development Tools
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ESIEE, Slide 2
Software Development Tools
Code Composer Studio (CCS).
Development Starter Kit (DSK).
DSK 5416
DSK 5510
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ESIEE, Slide 3
Code Composer Studio
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ESIEE, Slide 4
Code Composer Studio
Loading of the executable code.
Running in real-time or step by step.
Saving memory contents in a file.
Waveform representation of memory
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ESIEE, Slide 5
To Build an Executable File
Source files (C,C++ and/or assembly)
Text files with strict syntax checking,
especially for assembly language *.asm.
Linker command file (*.cmd)
Project file (*.pjt) :
Act as a makefile for CCS.
Defines all the source files and the linker
command file needed to build an
executable file.
Copyright © 2003 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.
Assembly Conventions
tabs or spaces
colon optional
instruction or directive
Any printable ASCII text is allowed.
Use .asm extension for file
Instructions and directives cannot be in first column
Comments O.K. in any column after semicolon
ESIEE, Slide 6
Copyright © 2003 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.
How Do We Build a Project ?
Processing goal : z=x+y
ESIEE, Slide 7
get x
add y
store z
LD @x,A
start: LD
LD @y,A
ADD A,@z
BSTL start
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Instructions Used and On-line Help
ESIEE, Slide 8
Copyright © 2003 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.
Linker Command File
origin = 0080h, length = 0080h /* Internal Program RAM */
origin = 100h, length = 1f00h /* Internal Program RAM */
PAGE 1: SCRATCH: origin = 0060h, length = 0020h /* Scratch Pad Data RAM */
origin = 2000h, length = 1fffh /* Internal Data RAM
ESIEE, Slide 9
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Memory Space and Software Sections
Sections are placed into specific
memory spaces via the linker.
ESIEE, Slide 10
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ESIEE, Slide 11
Building the Executable File
Equivalent Process
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ESIEE, Slide 12
How to Create a Project under CCS
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ESIEE, Slide 13
Building the Project
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ESIEE, Slide 14
Project Options
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ESIEE, Slide 15
Project Build
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ESIEE, Slide 16
Running the Program
- Step by step
- real time
- Breakpoints
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ESIEE, Slide 17
Memory and Register Display
Copyright © 2003 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.
Assembler Directives and Data Types
Basic Directives
create initialized named
section for code or data
create uninitialized
named section for data
8-bit constant
.int (.word)
16-bit constant
32-bit constant
used for symbol
.ref and .def combined
equate a value with a
assign an assembly
constant*. Will display
in debugger
ESIEE, Slide 18
Data Types
0Ah, 0xA
1010b, 1010B
Decimal (default)
* takes no memory space
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ESIEE, Slide 19
Visual Linker 1 of 2
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ESIEE, Slide 20
Visual Linker 2 of 2
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Dynamic Graph Display 1 of 3
- Probe Point Insertion
ESIEE, Slide 21
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ESIEE, Slide 22
Dynamic Graph Display 2 of 3
-Display configuration
-Start adresse : z
-Acq buffer size : 1
-Display size : 40
-Data type : 16 bits unsigned
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ESIEE, Slide 23
Dynamic Graph Display 3 of 3
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ESIEE, Slide 24
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ESIEE, Slide 25
DSK5416 Block Diagram
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ESIEE, Slide 26
DSK5416 Hardware Resources
Internal APLL and 16Mhz Xtal
128 Kwords of on chip RAM
16 Kwords of on chip ROM
1 Timer
Up to 160 Mhz. (CLKMD register)
Reset value set by JP4 on board :
 Default settings : 32Mhz (x2)
Running value set by startup GEL file:
 160 Mhz (x10)
McBSP 2 may be used for audio codec
6 DMA Channel
16 bit EMIF interface
8/16 bit Host Port Interface
Copyright © 2003 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.
DSK5416 Internal Memory Resources
Internal Memory Details
ESIEE, Slide 27
Depends on DROM and OVLY values (PMST register)
(as set by C5416_dsk.gel and MP/MC pin (JP4)) :
4x8Kwords DARAM (0080h-7FFFh) Data.
Also map in (xx0000h-xx7FFFh) Program with OVLY=1
4x8Kwords DARAM (018000h-01FFFFh) Program.
DROM=1, OVLY=1 and MP/MC=0
Also map in (8000h-FFFFh) Data with DROM=1
4x8Kwords SARAM (028000h-02FFFFh) Program.
4x8Kwords SARAM (038000h-03FFFFh) Program.
Copyright © 2003 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.
DSK5416 External Memory Resources
External Memory
Configured by DM CNTL register located
at IO@0005h.
64Kwords SRAM
2x32Kwords (SR PAGE0 and SR PAGE1):
ESIEE, Slide 28
Data: (MEMTYPE DS1=1) All pages, specified by
DM PG[4..0]1, are seen in the (8000h-FFFFh)
address space if DROM=0.
Program: (MEMTYPE PS1=1), mapped on :
 SR PAGE0: 000000h-007FFFh if OVLY=0,
 SR PAGE1: 008000h-00BFFFh always,
00C000h-00FF80h if MP/MC=1.
DS, MEMTYPE PS, DM PG[4..0] are bits field of DM CNTL register.
Copyright © 2003 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.
DSK5416 Flash Memory Resources
256Kwords Flash memory
8x32Kwords (F_PAGE0 through F_PAGE7):
ESIEE, Slide 29
Data: (MEMTYPE DS1=0) All pages, specified by
DM PG[4..0]1, are seen in the (8000h-FFFFh) address
space if DROM=0.
Program: (MEMTYPE PS1=0), mapped on :
 F PAGE0: 000000h-007FFFh if OVLY=0,
 F PAGE1: 008000h-00BFFFh always, 00C000h00FF80h if MP/MC=1,
 F PAGE[2/4/6]: 0[1/2/3]0000h-0 [1/2/3]7FFFh if
 F PAGE[3/5/7]: 0[1/2/3]8000h-0 [1/2/3]FFFFh if
DS, MEMTYPE PS, DM PG[4..0] are bits field of DM CNTL register.
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ESIEE, Slide 30
DSK5416 Default Memory Map
Status bit values:
MP/MC=0, DROM=1, OVLY=1.
Data memory
Program memory
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ESIEE, Slide 31
DSK5416 Default Memory Map
Check memory from CCS
Copyright © 2003 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.
DSK5416 Hardware Resources
Four switches and LEDs
ESIEE, Slide 32
Provided for user application
Read and driven through USER REG
USER REG[3..0]: drive leds
USER REG[7..4]: read switches value.
Tutorial :
Create a project (LedSwitch) that will read
switch position (ON/OFF) and that will set
the corresponding Leds depending on the
switch value.
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ESIEE, Slide 33
Tutorial : LedSwitch 1 of 6
Create a new project called LedSwitch
Modify call option in « Project>Options » and
select « far »
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ESIEE, Slide 34
Tutorial : LedSwitch 2 of 6
Set a new configuration file (*.cdb)
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ESIEE, Slide 35
Tutorial : LedSwitch 3 of 6
Save (File>Save) the new configuration file
under the project directory
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ESIEE, Slide 36
Tutorial : LedSwitch 4 of 6
Add to the project two of the files generated at the
previous step: the configuration file (*.cdb) and the
linker command file (*.cmd).
Copyright © 2003 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.
ESIEE, Slide 37
Tutorial : LedSwitch 5 of 6
Create the main source file : LedSwitch.c which should
include the header file generated at the configuration
step and add it to the project.
You are now able to get this satisfactory message after build …
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ESIEE, Slide 38
Tutorial : LedSwitch 6 of 6
Copyright © 2003 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.
ESIEE, Slide 39
DSK5416 Audio Resources
Audio CODEC (PCM3002) :
stereo codec
x64 oversampling DS ADC-DAC converter:
16 bits, 48 kHz (default settings) (possible sampling
frequency are 24 , 12, 8, 6 kHz).
Use McBSP 2 for data I/F to the DSP
Control I/F is done through CPLD registers:
CODEC L (IO@0002h) and CODEC H (IO@0003h)
to send command word to the codec.
CODEC CLK (IO@0007h) to set the sampling
MISC[7] and MISC[0] (IO@0006h) for status.
Copyright © 2003 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.
DSK5416 Hardware Resources
Analog Interface Input
Analog Interface Output
ESIEE, Slide 40
DAC outputs are send to both outputs : line
and Speaker through an audio power amplifier
for this one.
Copyright © 2003 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.
ESIEE, Slide 41
DSK5416 AudioTutorial
Write a program that takes input samples from the ADC and writes
back them to the DAC.
Create a new project, then add this configuration file audioIO.cdb
(which configures McBSP2), the function main( ) could be this one :
Copyright © 2003 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.
ESIEE, Slide 42
DSK 5510
Copyright © 2003 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.
ESIEE, Slide 43
DSK 5510 Block Diagram
Copyright © 2003 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.
ESIEE, Slide 44
DSK 5510 Hardware Resources
Internal DPLL and 24Mhz Xtal
160 Kwords of on chip RAM
16 Kwords of on chip ROM
2 Timers
From 6 Mhz to 200 Mhz. (CLKMD register
Run at 200 Mhz after default boot.
McBSP 1 & 2 may be used for audio codec
6 DMA Channel
32 bit EMIF interface
16 bit Enhanced Host Port Interface
Copyright © 2003 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.
ESIEE, Slide 45
DSK 5510 Memory Resources
Copyright © 2003 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.
ESIEE, Slide 46
DSK 5510 Default Memory Map
Check memory from CCS
Copyright © 2003 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.
DSK 5510 Hardware Resources
Four switches and LEDs
ESIEE, Slide 47
Provided for user application
Read and driven through USER REG
USER REG[3..0]: drive leds
USER REG[7..4]: read switches value.
Tutorial :
Create a project (LedSwitch) that will read
switch positions (ON/OFF) and that will set
the corresponding LEDs depending on the
switch values.
of unified memory space, it can be decoded in data or prog memory space.
Copyright © 2003 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.
ESIEE, Slide 48
Tutorial : LedSwitch 1 of 6
Create a new project called LedSwitch
Modify memory model in « Project>Options »
and select « large memory model »
Copyright © 2003 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.
ESIEE, Slide 49
Tutorial : LedSwitch 2 of 6
Set a new configuration file (*.cdb)
Copyright © 2003 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.
ESIEE, Slide 50
Tutorial : LedSwitch 3 of 6
Save (File>Save) the new configuration file
in the project directory
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ESIEE, Slide 51
Tutorial : LedSwitch 4 of 6
Add to the project two of the files generated at the
previous step: the configuration file (*.cdb) and the
linker command file (*.cmd).
Copyright © 2003 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.
ESIEE, Slide 52
Tutorial : LedSwitch 5 of 6
Create the main source file : LedSwitch.c which needs
to include the header file generated at the configuration
step and add it to the project.
You are now able to obtain this satisfactory message after build …
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ESIEE, Slide 53
Tutorial : LedSwitch 6 of 6
Copyright © 2003 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.
DSK5510 Hardware Audio Resources
ESIEE, Slide 54
Audio CODEC (TLV320AIC23) :
Stereo codec with selectable line and
microphone inputs and both line and
headphones outputs.
x250 or x272 oversampling DS ADC-DAC
16 bits, 48 kHz (default settings) (possible predefined
sampling frequency are 44.1, 32, 24 ,16, 8 kHz).
Use McBSP 2 for data interface.
Use McBSP 1 in SPI mode to control interface.
Copyright © 2003 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.
DSK5510 Hardware Resources
Analog Interface Input
Analog Interface Output
ESIEE, Slide 55
DAC outputs are send to both outputs : line
and Speaker through an internal audio power
amplifier for this one.
Copyright © 2003 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.
DSK5510 Audio Tutorial
ESIEE, Slide 56
Write a program that takes input sample from ADC and write back
them to the DAC.
Create a new project, then add this configuration file audioIO.cdb
(which configure McBSP 1 and 2), the shape of main could be this one :
Copyright © 2003 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.
Further Activities
ESIEE, Slide 57
Application 1 for the TMS320C5510
The first in a series of applications to show
practical applications of Digital Signal
Processing (DSP) with the TMS320C5510
Template for an audio project. Sets up the
audio codec, the 4 user switches to control
the program and the 4 LEDs to act as a
bargraph display. This project template
can be used as the starting point for new
Copyright © 2003 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.