Measurement - Length Digital vs. Analog There are many other types of measuring instruments that measure various other things. Regardless of what you are measuring, the instrument you are using may have either a digital read-out or an analog read-out. Digital read-outs are the simplest to read. The measurement is given in numbers just the way you need to record it. Analog read-outs are in a form similar to that of a ruler. An indicator, such as a needle, points to the correct measurement. You must then determine the measurement by reading the scale. Length Length is how long an object is; and it is measured in inches, feet, yards, and miles. These are called English units of measurement. There are also Metric units that include millimeters, centimeters, meters, and kilometers. Length Length is normally measured using a ruler or a tape measure. Half way between each inch mark is another large mark that shows the half-inch. There are three smaller marks between the inch and half-inch mark that divide the inch into eighths. The smallest marks of all divide the inch into sixteenths. Metric Ruler Measures The centimeter side is marked somewhat differently. Each small mark is 1/10 cm = 0.1 cm = 1 mm ½ of a centimeter = 5 millimeters (mm). Here are 10 mm = 1 cm. One-tenth is equal to 0.1. 5 cm + 4 mm = 5.4 cm or 54 mm. The bright white mark on the ruler below is at 13.3 cm or 133 mm. Questions