The following presentation contains references to Tables 6.02 and 6.03, and “MTO Empirical Design Examples”, all of which are posted under subsection 2.6 of the course notes on the instructor’s website. Viewer discretion is advised as some scenes contain material of a tabular nature. MTO EMPIRICAL PAVEMENT DESIGN TABLE 6.03 a STRUCTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS - KING'S HIGHWAYS AND FREEWAYS (After: "Pavement Design and Rehabilitation Manual", 1990) TABLE 6.03 b STRUCTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS - SECONDARY HIGHWAYS (After: "Pavement Design and Rehabilitation Manual", 1990) Subgrade Material Subgrade Material Gravels Range of Pavement and Sands SANDS AND SILTS Lacustrine Varved & AADT Structure Suitable as Percent Passing No. 200 Sieve Clays Leda Clays Elements Gran. Borrow <40% 40 - 55% >55% HM 130 130 130 130 130 130 B 150 - 250 150 150 150 150 150 > 4000 3000 - SB --- 300 - 450 450 - 600 600 - 800 450 450 - 1100 GBE 410 - 510 610 - 710 710 - 810 810 - 945 710 710 - 1145 HM 120 - 130 120 - 130 120 - 130 120 - 130 120 - 130 120 - 130 B 150 - 250 150 150 150 150 150 Gravels Range of Pavement and Sands SANDS AND SILTS Lacustrine Varved & AADT Structure Suitable as Percent Passing No. 200 Sieve Clays Leda Clays Elements Gran. Borrow <40% 40 - 55% HM 90 90 90 90 90 90 2000 - B 150 150 150 150 150 150 3000 SB** --- 300 450 600 450 800 GBE 330 530 630 730 630 865 HM 50 50 50 50 50 50 1500 - B 150 150 150 150 150 150 2000 SB** --- 250 300 450 300 450(300 - 600) GBE 250 415 450 550 450 550 (450 - 650) >55% ANY QUESTIONS? 4000 SB --- 300 - 450 450 - 600 600 - 800 450 450 - 1100 GBE 390 - 510 590 - 710 690 - 810 790 - 945 690 - 710 690 - 1145 HM 90 90 90 90 90 90 2000 - B 150 150 150 150 150 150 CL 50 50 50 50 50 50 1000 - B 150 150 150 150 150 150 3000 SB** --- 300 450 600 450 800 1500 SB** --- 250 300 450 300 450 (300 - 600) GBE 330 530 630 730 630 865 GBE 240 405 440 540 450 540 (450 - 640) HM 50 50 50 50 50 50 ST* --- --- --- --- --- --- 1000 - B 150 150 150 150 150 150 500 - B 150 150 150 150 150 150 2000 SB** --- 250 300 450 300 450 (300 - 600) 1000 SB** --- 150 250 300 250 350 (250 - 450) GBE 250 415 450 550 450 550 (450 - 650) GBE 150 250 315 350 315 385 (315 - 450) HM 50 50 50 50 50 50 ST* --- --- --- --- --- --- 200 - B 150 150 150 150 150 150 200 - B 150 150 150 150 150 150 1000 SB** --- 150 250 300 250 300 (250 - 450) 500 SB** --- 150 250 300 250 300 GBE 250 350 415 450 415 450 (415 - 550) GBE 150 250 315 350 315 350 Gravel --- --- --- --- --- --- B 100 100 100 100 100 100 Notes: All AADT Volumes refer to Present Traffic HM: Hot Mix Asphalt & Thickness (mm) B: Base Thickness (mm) < 200 SB** --- 150 250 300 250 300 GBE 100 200 265 300 265 300 SB: Subbase Thickness (mm) GBE: Equivalent Thickness of Granular Base (mm) ( 1 mm HM = 2 mm B = 3 mm SB ) **: Proposed subbase thicknesses may be decreased or increased respectively for harder or softer subgrade conditions in each category, except for varved & leda clay subgrades where exceptionally large ranges are shown Notes: All AADT Volumes refer to Present Traffic HM: Hot Mix Asphalt & Thickness (mm) B: Base Thickness (mm) SB: Subbase Thickness (mm) GBE: Equivalent Thickness of Granular Base (mm) ( 1 mm HM = 2 mm B = 3 mm SB = 1.11 mm CL) CL: Cold Mixed, Cold Laid or Road Mixed Mulch ST: Double Surface Treatment or Single Surface Treatment with Prime *: Apply surface treatments 0.25 m wider that lane width **: Proposed subbase thicknesses may be decreased or increased respectively There are? TABLE 6.03 b TABLE 6.03 FOR a STRUCTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS STRUCTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS - SECONDARY HIGHWAYS (After: "Pavement and Rehabilitation Manual", 1990) - KING'S HIGHWAYS ANDDesign FREEWAYS Subgrades range from:STRONGEST to weakest (After: "Pavement Design and Rehabilitation Manual", 1990) Subgrade Material Range of AADT Range of AADT Same old subgrades OK, well here’s a little more… You may have noticed that there were two design charts: Gravels 2000 - 3000 > 4000 1500 - 2000 3000 - Pavement and Sands Gravels Structure Suitable Pavement and Sandsas Elements Gran. Borrow Structure Suitable as HM 90 Elements Gran. Borrow HMB SB** B GBE SB HM GBE B HM SB** B GBE SB CL GBE B HM SB** B GBE SB** ST* GBE B HM SB** BGBE SB** ST* GBEB HM SB** BGBE SB** Gravel 150 130 150 ---250 330 --410 -50 510 150 120 - 130 --150 - 250 250 --50 390 - 510 150 90 --150 240 ----330 150 50 --150 150 ----250 150 50 --150 150 ------ Subgrade Material SANDS AND SILTS Percent Passing 200 Sieve SANDS ANDNo. SILTS <40% 40 55% >55% Percent Passing No. 200 Sieve 90 <40% 150 130 300 150 530 300 - 450 610 -50 710 150 120 - 130 250 150 415 300 - 450 50 590 - 710 150 90 250 150 405 300 --530 150 50 150 150 250 250 --415 150 50 150 150 250 150 --- 40 - 90 55% 150 130 450 150 630 450 - 600 710 -50 810 150 120 - 130 300 150 450 450 - 600 50 690 - 810 150 90 300 150 440 450 --630 150 50 250 150 315 300 --450 150 50 250 150 315 250 --- 90 >55% 150 130 600 150 730 600 - 800 810 -50 945 150 120 - 130 450 150 550 600 - 800 50 790 - 945 150 90 450 150 540 600 --730 150 50 300 150 350 450 --550 150 50 300 150 350 300 --- Lacustrine Clays Lacustrine Varved & Leda Clays Varved & Clays Leda Clays 90 90 150 150 130 130 450 800 150 150 630 865 450 450 - 1100 50 710 710 - 50 1145 150 150 120 - 130 120 - 130 300 450(300 - 600) 150 150 450 550 (450 - 650) 450 450 - 1100 50 50 690 - 710 690 - 1145 150 150 90 90 300 450 (300 - 600) 150 150 450 540 (450 - 640) 450 800 ----630 865 150 150 50 50 250 350 (250 - 450) 150 150 315 385 (315 - 450) 300 450 (300 - 600) ----450 550 (450 - 650) 150 150 50 50 250 300 150 150 315 350 250 300 (250---- 450) --415 - 550) 100 450 (415 100 250 300 265 300 a) The first is for “Kings” Highways and Expressways b) The second is for secondary highways 4000 1000 - 1500 2000 - 3000 500 - So, a) has 5 levels (rows) of traffic (AADT) which are different than the 6 for b) The 6 columns for different subgrade AADT>200 AADT<3000 vpd vpdthe same for both types are Each cell has a conventional pavement design 1000 1000 - 2000 200 - 500 200 - 1000 GBEB 250 350 415 100 100 100 SB** --150 250 Notes: All AADT refer to Present GBE Volumes 100 200 Traffic265 HM: Hot Mix Asphalt & Thickness (mm) < 200 450 100 300 300 B: Base Thickness (mm) Notes: All AADT Volumes refer to Present Traffic SB: Subbase (mm) HM: Hot MixThickness Asphalt & Thickness (mm) GBE:B: Equivalent Thickness of Granular Base (mm) Base Thickness (mm) ( 1Subbase mm HM =Thickness 2 mm B =(mm) 3 mm SB ) SB: GBE: Equivalent Thickness of Granular Base (mm) **: Proposed subbase thicknesses may be decreased or increased respectively ( 1 harder mm HM or = softer 2 mm B subgrade = 3 mm SB = 1.11 mm in CL)each category, except for for conditions CL: Cold Mixed, or Road Mixed Mulch varved & leda Cold clay Laid subgrades where exceptionally large ranges are shown ST: Double Surface Treatment or Single Surface Treatment with Prime *: Apply surface treatments 0.25 m wider that lane width **: Proposed subbase thicknesses may be decreased or increased respectively Example 1 A 2-lane county road is expected to have an initial AADT of 1750 vpd and is to built over a silty sand subgrade with 30% Passing the No. 200 sieve. a) Determine a conventional flexible pavement design. b) A couple of subsections require the use of a deep strength design using cement treated base and no subbase. Give the appropriate layer thicknesses. For a county road with an AADT of 1750 vpd, try Table 6.03b • for AADT of 1750 use second row • for silty sand with 30% passing no. 200 use second column • And the winning design is: HM: 50 mm B: 150 mm SB: 250 mm GBE: 415 mm TABLE 6.03 b STRUCTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS - SECONDARY HIGHWAYS (After: "Pavement Design and Rehabilitation Manual", 1990) Subgrade Material Gravels Range of Pavement and Sands SANDS AND SILTS Lacustrine Varved & AADT Structure Suitable as Percent Passing No. 200 Sieve Clays Leda Clays Elements Gran. Borrow <40% 40 - 55% HM 90 90 90 90 90 90 2000 - B 150 150 150 150 150 150 3000 SB** --- 300 450 600 450 800 GBE 330 530 630 730 630 865 HM 50 50 50 50 50 50 1500 - B 150 150 150 150 150 150 2000 SB** --- 250 300 450 300 450(300 - 600) GBE 250 415 450 550 450 550 (450 - 650) >55% CL 50 50 50 50 50 50 1000 - B 150 150 150 150 150 150 1500 SB** --- 250 300 450 300 450 (300 - 600) GBE 240 405 440 540 450 540 (450 - 640) ST* --- --- --- --- --- --- 500 - B 150 150 150 150 150 150 1000 SB** --- 150 250 300 250 350 (250 - 450) GBE 150 250 315 350 315 385 (315 - 450) ST* --- --- --- --- --- --- 200 - B 150 150 150 150 150 150 500 SB** --- 150 250 300 250 300 GBE 150 250 315 350 315 350 Gravel --- --- --- --- --- --- B 100 100 100 100 100 100 < 200 SB** --- 150 250 300 250 300 GBE 100 200 265 300 265 300 Notes: All AADT Volumes refer to Present Traffic HM: Hot Mix Asphalt & Thickness (mm) B: Base Thickness (mm) SB: Subbase Thickness (mm) GBE: Equivalent Thickness of Granular Base (mm) ( 1 mm HM = 2 mm B = 3 mm SB = 1.11 mm CL) CL: Cold Mixed, Cold Laid or Road Mixed Mulch ST: Double Surface Treatment or Single Surface Treatment with Prime *: Apply surface treatments 0.25 m wider that lane width **: Proposed subbase thicknesses may be decreased or increased respectively Lets calculate the GBE for this design: Granular Base Equivalency Layer Thickness (mm) Equivalency Factor Hot Mix 50 2.00 100 Base 150 1.00 150 Subbase 250 0.67 167.5 Layer Total Granular Base Equivalency (mm): (mm) 417.5 The tabulated GBE was 415. The tabulated GBE’s have been rounded to the nearest 5 mm. Now on to part b) Example 1 b) Part b) calls for a deep strength design This would require that the base and subbase be replaced by a cement treated base layer (CTB) The strength of the base and subbase is 150 + 167.5 = 317.5 mm of new Granular A The Equivalency Factor for CTB is… 1.80 TABLE 6.02 GRANULAR BASE EQUIVALENCY FACTORS (After: "Pavement Design and Rehabilitation Manual", 1990) NEW PROJECTS Equivalency Material Factor New or Recycled HL Granular A in Base Granular B in Subbase Cement Treated Material in Subbase (with Gr. A base) Cement Treated Material in Base (no subbase) Bituminous Treated Material in Base (with Gr. A subbase) Cold Mix OGDL (Open Graded Drainage Layer) 2.00 1.00 0.67 1.40 1.80 1.50 1.80 1.00 RESURFACING PROJECTS Equivalency Material Factor Crushed RBM* (in base) Bituminous Treated Crushed RBM* Crushed RBM* Blended with New Granular A Pulverized Bituminous Surface Mixed with Existing Base Old HL Old Granular Base Old Granular Subbase 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.25 0.75 0.50 RECONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Equivalency Material Factor Granular A Layer Old HL Old Granular Base Old Granular Subbase 1.00 1.00 0.60 0.40 Example 1 b) If the required thickness of CTB is TCTB, then the GBE of the CTB is 1.80TCTB = 317.5 mm Solving, TCTB = 176.4 ≈ 180 mm So the deep strength design would be: Granular Base Layer Layer Thickness (mm) Equivalency Factor Equivalency (mm) Hot Mix 50 2.00 100 CTB 180 1.80 324 Total Granular Base Equivalency (mm): 424 Example 2 A 12 km stretch of Highway 99 has 75 mm of hot mix over 180 mm of granular base over 300 mm of granular subbase. If the AADT has grown to 2500 vpd, the sandy subgrade has 22% passing the No. 200 sieve and the hot mix has lost 65% of its strength, what minimum thickness of hot mix overlay will restore the pavement to its required strength? For a highway with an AADT of 2500 vpd, try Table 6.03a • for AADT of 2500 use third row • for silty sand with 22% passing no. 200 use second column • The required design is: HM: 90 mm B: 150 mm SB: 300 mm GBE: 530 mm TABLE 6.03 a STRUCTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS - KING'S HIGHWAYS AND FREEWAYS (After: "Pavement Design and Rehabilitation Manual", 1990) Subgrade Material Gravels Range of Pavement and Sands SANDS AND SILTS Lacustrine Varved & AADT Structure Suitable as Percent Passing No. 200 Sieve Clays Leda Clays Elements Gran. Borrow <40% 40 - 55% >55% HM 130 130 130 130 130 130 B 150 - 250 150 150 150 150 150 SB --- 300 - 450 450 - 600 600 - 800 450 450 - 1100 GBE 410 - 510 610 - 710 710 - 810 810 - 945 710 710 - 1145 HM 120 - 130 120 - 130 120 - 130 120 - 130 120 - 130 120 - 130 3000 - B 150 - 250 150 150 150 150 150 4000 SB --- 300 - 450 450 - 600 600 - 800 450 450 - 1100 GBE 390 - 510 590 - 710 690 - 810 790 - 945 690 - 710 690 - 1145 HM 90 90 90 90 90 90 2000 - B 150 150 150 150 150 150 3000 SB** --- 300 450 600 450 800 GBE 330 530 630 730 630 865 > 4000 HM 50 50 50 50 50 50 1000 - B 150 150 150 150 150 150 2000 SB** --- 250 300 450 300 450 (300 - 600) GBE 250 415 450 550 450 550 (450 - 650) HM 50 50 50 50 50 50 200 - B 150 150 150 150 150 150 1000 SB** --- 150 250 300 250 300 (250 - 450) GBE 250 350 415 450 415 450 (415 - 550) Notes: All AADT Volumes refer to Present Traffic HM: Hot Mix Asphalt & Thickness (mm) B: Base Thickness (mm) SB: Subbase Thickness (mm) GBE: Equivalent Thickness of Granular Base (mm) ( 1 mm HM = 2 mm B = 3 mm SB ) **: Proposed subbase thicknesses may be decreased or increased respectively for harder or softer subgrade conditions in each category, except for varved & leda clay subgrades where exceptionally large ranges are shown TABLE 6.02 GRANULAR BASE EQUIVALENCY FACTORS The recommended design: Layer Layer Thickness (mm) Equivalency (After: "Pavement Design and Rehabilitation Manual", 1990) NEW PROJECTS Material Equivalency Factor Factor Hot Mix New or Recycled HL Granular A in Base Granular B in Subbase Base Cement Treated Material in Subbase (with Gr. A base) Cement Treated Material in Base (no subbase) Subbase Bituminous Treated Material in Base (with Gr. A subbase) Cold Mix 2.00 1.00 0.67 1.40 1.80 1.50 1.80 1.00 (mm) 90 2.00 180 150 1.00 150 300 0.67 201 Total Granular Base Equivalency (mm): OGDL (Open Graded Drainage Layer) Granular Base Equivalency 531 RESURFACING PROJECTS The existing design: Equivalency Material Layer Crushed RBM* (in base) Bituminous Treated Crushed RBM* Crushed RBM* Blended with New Granular A 65% of HM strength lost Pulverized Bituminous Surface Mixed with Existing Base EF of HM = 2-(2-1)*0.65 =1.35 Old Mix HL Hot Old Granular Base Base Old Granular Subbase Factor 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.25 0.75 0.50 RECONSTRUCTION PROJECTS SubbaseEquivalency Material Factor Granular A Layer Old HL Old Granular Base Old Granular Subbase 1.00 1.00 0.60 0.40 Granular Base Equivalency Layer Thickness (mm) Equivalency Factor 75 1.35 101.25 180 0.75 135 300 0.50 150 Existing GBE (mm): (mm) 386.25 Example 2 Extra Strength Required = 531 – 386.25 =144.75 mm of new Granular A Since overlay will be with new Hot Mix, only half of this thickness of new hot mix will be needed. Overlay Thickness Required = 144.75/2 = 72.375 ≈ 80 mm of new Hot Mix