Files and Directories

Files and Directories
File types
stat functions for file information
File permissions
suid and sgid
Sticky bit
Hard link and soft link
Directory operations
Device special files
File system
File Types
Regular file
Directory file
Character special file (unbuffered I/O access)
Block special file (buffered I/O)
Named Pipe (a type of IPC) - FIFO
Socket (a network form of IPC)
Symbolic Link (a file that just points to
another file)
stat, fstat and lstat
int stat(const char *path, struct stat *buf);
int fstat(int filedes, struct stat *buf);
int lstat(const char *path, struct stat *buf);
 All three return 0 on success or -1 on failure
 All three set buf to point to a structure of information
 stat get info about the file
 fstat gets info about an already open file
 lstat same as stat but if given a symbolic link will get
info about the link instead of what the link points to
stat structure
Definition on page 88
Determining the type of a file
Set of macros defined in <sys/stat.h> can be used.
They all accept the st_mode field of the stat struct as
their only parameter
S_ISREG(mode_t mode)
S_ISDIR(mode_t mode)
S_ISCHR(mode_t mode)
S_ISBLK(mode_t mode)
S_ISFIFO(mode_t mode)
S_ISLNK(mode_t mode)
S_ISSOCK(mode_t mode)
Set-User-ID & Set-Group-ID
Every process has 6 or more IDs
Real user ID
Real group ID
Effective user ID
Effective group ID
Supplementary group IDs
Saved set-user-ID
Saved set-group-ID
Set-User-ID & Set-Group-ID
Normally, effective IDs are the same as real
user IDs
Sometimes, we need to run a process with
the permissions of the user or group that
owns the file (ex: passwd)
Two bits in the file’s mode word (st_mode)
allow this.
set-user-ID bit
set-group-ID bit
Set-User-ID & Set-Group-ID
When creating a file with the creat
function, the new file’s UID is the
effective UID of the process, and the
new file’s GID is the effective GID of
the process
Checking set-user-ID and
set-group-ID bits
Can use S_ISUID and S_ISGID masks
if(S_ISUID & st_mode)
if(S_ISGID & st_mode)
Setting SUID and GUID
SUID has a value of 4
 GUID has a value of 2
chmod 4755 afile -rwsr-xr-x
chmod 2755 afile -rwxr-sr-x
chmod 6755 afile -rwsr-sr-x
File access permissions
Read section 4.5 on page 92. Note the
different permissions required for
operations on regular files versus
access function
Tests to see if the real user ID and real
group ID allow access to a file
 Useful if a program that may be running as
another user (ex root) wants to be sure that
the person that started the program has
permissions to access some file
int access(const char *pathname, int mode);
 Returns 0 if ok, -1 otherwise
access function (cont)
In this context, mode is not the same
as in previous functions. Here, mode is
the bitwise OR of several constants
- test for read permission
- test for write permission
- test for execute permission
- test for file existence
umask function
mode_t umask(mode_t mask);
 Sets the “file mode creation mask”
 “file mode creation mask” is used to specify
the default permissions of newly created files
 Since we are dealing with a mask it is the
complement of what we want. So we set the
bits corresponding to the permissions we
don’t want.
umask function
When using open or creat, any bits in
mode that are also set in the file
creation mask are turned off.
All the UNIX shells also define a shell
command called umask that displays
the default umask set at login. Each
process can change its own mask
without interfering with each other
File Size
st_size member of stat structure holds the
size of a file
Only meaningful for regular files, directories
and symbolic links
Regular file – number of bytes in the file
Directories – multiple of a number (more on this
Symbolic Links – number of chars in filename
Sticky Bit
Used to tell the system to keep a copy of
the “text” portion of a program in the swap
space even after the program exits. (text =
instructions, not data)
Swap file is contiguous  faster start on
next execution.
Sticky Bit
Used on directories, indicates that in order to
rename or delete a file in that directory a user
must both have write permissions to the directory
and one of the following must be true
User owns the file
User owns the directory
User is the superuser
To set the sticky bit
chmod +t mydir
chmod and fchmod
Allows us to change the existing permissions
for a file
int chmod(const char *path, mode_t mode);
int fchmod(int fildes, mode_t mode);
Returns 0 on success or -1 on failure
mode is bitwise OR of constants shown on
page 99 fig 4.11
Effective UID of process must be the same as
the UID of the file or the process must have
superuser permissions
link, unlink, remove and
int link(const char *oldpath, const char *newpath);
Creates a new hard link within the file system
oldpath is the file to be linked. Newpath must
already exist except for the last portion which will
be created
If all of newpath already exists, an error will be
Returns 0 if ok, -1 otherwise
link, unlink, remove and
int unlink(const char *pathname);
Removes directory entry indicated by pathname
Decrements the link count of the file
Must have write and execute on containing
Only when link count reaches 0 and no
process has the file open will it be deleted
link, unlink, remove and
int remove(const char *pathname);
Calls unlink for files and rmdir for
int rename(const char *oldpath, const char *newpath);
Equivelant to mv shell command
Symbolic Links
Indirect pointer to a file or directory
Created to get around limitations of hard
Hard links must live in the same file system
that the think it links to is in
Only superuser can hard link to a directory
symlink and readlink
int symlink(const char *oldpath, const char *newpath);
Creates the symbolic link file newpath that
contains the text contained in oldpath
oldpath and newpath may be on different file
ssize_t readlink(const char *path, char *buf, size_t bufsiz);
open function follows symbolic links. readlink
operates on the link file itself
String from file placed in buf, with number of
bytes in bufsiz. String is not null terminated
File Times
3 times are kept for any file
Last access time
Last modified time
Last status change time
These are stored in the following fields of the
stat struct
int utime(const char *filename, const struct utimbuf *buf);
struct utimbuf {
time_t actime;
time_t modtime;
actime and modtime are calendar times marking
seconds since Epoch
buf may be NULL, in which case the time is
updated to current system time
Unless using NULL for buf, just having write
permissions is not enough. Effective user ID must
equal owner ID or process must have superuser
Directory Operations
mkdir and rmdir
int mkdir(const char *pathname, mode_t mode);
int rmdir(const char *pathname);
Create and remove the specified directory
For mkdir, the mode parameter is the same as
those used for open. However, recall that
interactions with the umask may occur!
When creating directories, remember that we
usually want execute permissions so that the files
within the directory can be listed
Reading Directories
DIR *opendir(const char *name);
struct dirent *readdir(DIR *dir);
void rewinddir(DIR *dir);
int closedir(DIR *dir);
off_t telldir(DIR *dir);
void seekdir(DIR *dir, off_t offset);
struct dirent {
ino_t d_ino;
char d_name[NAME_MAX + 1];
chdir fchdir and getcwd
int chdir(const char *path);
int fchdir(int fd);
 Change the current working directory of
the process
long getcwd(char *buf, unsigned long size);
 Get the current working directory of the
Device Special Files
Many devices are represented as files
within /dev directory
Each device has major number and
minor number for the Kernel to identify
Major number usually specifies the driver
to use for the device
Minor number may be the specific sub
device or options for that device
Device Special Files
ls –lL on a device file will show major
and minor numbers instead of size of
st_dev and st_rdev
st_dev for every file is the device number
under the filesystem containing that
filename and its associated i-node
st_rdev (only for character and block
special files) contains actual device number
Device Special Files
Obtaining the major and minor numbers
Use the major and minor macros
For block and character special devices use
st_rdev instead to obtain real device