
AI System Overview
March 2012
AI System Basics – Navigation
• Default Navigation System
– Triangulation
• 2D terrain-based navigation
– Navigation Modifiers
• Waypoints
• Flight
• Volume etc.
• Multi-layer Navigation System
• Smart Object System
– Allows AIs to move in a special way
AI System Basics – Decision Making
• Behavior Selection System
– Uses Behavior Selection Trees to select behaviors of AIs
• Goal System
– Executes atomic and composite goals of AIs
• Cover System
– Provides AIs with static and dynamic covers
• Smart Object System (again)
– Allows AIs to interact with their environment
• Interest System
– Allows AIs to perform intelligent actions when not alerted
AI System Basics – Tactical AI
• Tactical Point System
– Allows AIs to ask intelligent questions about their
environment (e.g. where to hide or attack)
• Faction System
– Determines which AIs are hostile to which other AIs
• Group Coordination System
– Uses Coordination Selection Trees to select group behaviors
• Formation System
– Allows AIs to move in formations
AI System Basics – World Interfacing
• Signals
– Trigger events and/or change behaviors
• Perception System – 2 options:
– Perception Handler (legacy, usually per-game)
– Target Track System uses configurable ADSR
envelopes to represent incoming stimuli
• Communication System
– Allows AIs to play sound/voice/animation events
Environment (1/4) - CryAction
• Game Object Model
– Entity, Movement Controller, Extensions
• Actor & Vehicle System
– Health, camera, IK, weapons, animation etc.
• Flow Graph
– Visual definition of game logic
• AI Debug Renderer
– HUD, geometric primitives, text labels, graphs etc.
Environment (2/4) - Editor
• AI Entities (AIs)
– Properties, Flow Graphs (FG Debugger available), scripts
• Entity Archetypes
– Templates for properties of individual AIs
• AI Shapes
– AI Territories, AI Paths, Forbidden Areas
• Navigation
– Navigation Modifiers for where Triangulation is not used
• Cover Surfaces
– CoverSurface anchors for where cover should be
• Visual AI Debugger
– Recording AI signals, active behaviors, goals, stimuli etc.
Environment (3/4) – Lua & XML
• Lua scripts
Entity definitions (including entity Flow Graph nodes)
AI behavior definitions
Group behavior definitions
Library or shared Lua code (game rules, basic entities)
Blackboards to share information among groups or globally
• XML files
Behavior/Coordination Selection Trees
AI Communications
Items (e.g. weapons)
Environment (4/4) – Entity System
• Spatial queries: GetPhysicalEntitiesInBox
• AIs and vehicles are entities of the Entity System
• To spawn an entity, its Entity Class is required
– Defined either using .ent file in directory Game/Entities
– Or through a C++ call to RegisterFactory(…) in game code
• Entity Pool can be used to limit the number of active
AI actors (AIs) per each specified Entity Class
AI System Execution Context
• AI update is called every frame
• That said, AIs are “fully” updated only at ~10Hz
• Some AI subsystems use independent time-slicing:
Tactical Point System
Dynamic waypoints update
Smart Object System
Interest System
Dead bodies removal
• Some services can be called synchronously from
game code (e.g. Tactical Point System queries)
AI Objects Hierarchy
• CAIObject: Basic properties (entity ID, position,
direction, group ID, faction etc.)
• CAIActor: Basic perception & navigation, behavior
selection, coordination, blackboard, AI Territory
awareness, AI Proxy (of CryAction)
• CPipeUser: Goalpipes/goalops, smart objects,
pathfinding/pathfollowing/obstacle avoidance,
attention target, full-fledged perception
• CAIPlayer: AI System’s representation of the actual
(real) game player
• CPuppet: Aiming, firing, stances, covers –
full-fledged AI agent
• CAIVehicle: Vehicle-specific code
Navigation (1/3)
• Default Navigation
– Triangulation on terrain
• Uses cylindrical objects (e.g. trees) and Forbidden Areas
– Human Waypoints
• Waypoints need to be placed manually
• Connections can be generated automatically
– Flight Navigation
• Information about navigable volumes for flying entities
– Volume Navigation
• More general volume navigation, e.g. for ocean
Navigation (2/3)
• Multi-layer Navigation
Navigation (3/3)
• In general
– A* search is time-sliced to use 0.5 ms per AI frame
(configured in console variable “ai_PathfinderUpdateTime”)
– Pathfinding options: high priority, straight or partial path
– Human Waypoints update is a bit heavy but time-sliced
– Navigation graph is optimized but needs some memory
• Navigation generation
– Navigation data is generated offline, in Editor
– Multi-layer Navigation allows the regeneration of navigation
mesh as the designer modifies the map
Behavior Selection Tree – Overview
• Effectively a state machine
– Defines conditions to changes Behaviors (“states”)
• Behavior variables are used to choose behaviors
– They can be set in Lua or as a result of receiving a Signal
• Uses tree decision system with condition checking
– Conditions are specified as strings but can be more
complex than just checking a single variable
• E.g. "IsHurt and !InCover and HasTarget"
– If a condition fails traversal moves on to the next sibling
– If no leaf node is reached then no behavior switch is made
• The code can be shared among a number of BSTs
Behavior Selection Tree - Example
<SelectionTree name="FogOfWar" type="BehaviorSelectionTree">
<Variable name="IsFar"/>
<Variable name="IsClose"/>
<Variable name="AwareOfPlayer"/>
<Signal name="OnEnemySeen" variable="AwareOfPlayer" value="true"/>
<Signal name="OnNoTarget" variable="AwareOfPlayer" value="false”/>
<Signal name="OnLostSightOfTarget" variable="AwareOfPlayer" value="false"/>
<Priority name="Root">
<Leaf name="FogOfWarSeekST" condition="IsFar"/>
<Leaf name="FogOfWarEscapeST" condition="IsClose"/>
<Leaf name="FogOfWarAttackST" condition="AwareOfPlayer"/>
<Leaf name="FogOfWarIdleST"/>
Behavior Selection Tree – Definition
• XML file which resides in Scripts/AI/SelectionTrees
• Use tag <SelectionTree>
• Multiple Behavior Selection Trees (BSTs) can be defined in the
same file, if really necessary
<SelectionTree name="FogOfWar" type="BehaviorSelectionTree">
Behavior Selection Tree – Tags
• To define a BST, use tags <Leaf> and <Priority>
• Leaf name should be the same as that of the corresponding
behavior (or a Leaf Translation node)
• Leaves are evaluated (as defined in attribute “condition”) in
order. The behavior of the first leaf evaluated to true is
<Priority name="Root">
<Leaf name="FogOfWarSeekST" condition="IsFar"/>
<Leaf name="FogOfWarEscapeST" condition="IsClose"/>
<Leaf name="FogOfWarAttackST" condition="AwareOfPlayer"/>
<Leaf name="FogOfWarIdleST"/>
Behavior Selection Trees – Variables
• Variables can only be Boolean
<Variable name="IsFar"/>
<Variable name="IsClose"/>
<Variable name="AwareOfPlayer"/>
Behavior Selection Trees – Signals
• AI signals can be used to change the values of
specific BST variables
<Signal name="OnEnemySeen" variable="AwareOfPlayer"
<Signal name="OnNoTarget" variable="AwareOfPlayer"
<Signal name="OnLostSightOfTarget" variable="AwareOfPlayer"
• Can essentially be thought of as an FSM state
• Written in Lua and contains a function table where
each row defines the response to a Signal
• Scripts must be in “Scripts/AI/Behaviors” (or below)
• Each behavior script should contain a call to
function CreateAIBehavior(name, parent, def)
defined in AIBehavior.lua in order to be added to the
table of available behaviors.
Behavior – Example
local Behavior = CreateAIBehavior("AlienGruntAvoidImmediateThreat", "GruntBaseBehavior",
Alertness = 2,
Constructor = function(behavior, entity)
Destructor = function(behavior, entity)
AvoidThreat = function(behavior, entity)
AvoidThreatCoverNotFound = function(behavior, entity)
• Goalpipe is a predefined sequence of atomic goals (goalops)
to be performed by an AI
• In Lua it’s easier to create goalpipes on the fly, if necessary
• In XML goalpipe definitions look a lot more intelligible
Example of an XML goalpipe:
<GoalPipe name="ApproachAndShootObject">
<Speed blocking="false" id="Run"/>
<FireCmd mode="Burst"/>
<LookAround blocking="false" lookAroundRange="360"
scanRange="5" interval="60" breakOnLiveTarget="true"/>
<Timeout intervalMin="1.0" intervalMax="4.0"/>
Goalops – Some Examples
• Locate
• Locate an AI object/actor for further handling
• LookAt
• Look at a specified AI object/actor
• FireCmd
• Attack a specified AI object/actor in a specified manner
• Signal
• Send a signal to a specified AI actor/group/neighborhood
• Speed
• Stance
• Stick
• Approach/follow a specified AI object/actor
• TacticalPos
• Find a spot that match certain criteria (to hide, attack etc.)
Cover Surfaces
• Actual cover information is generated offline,
in Editor
Interest System
• If the player is able to secretly approach AIs, merely
playing idle animations may not suffice to look cool
• Interest System basically triggers predefined AI
Actions, as soon as idle AIs of applicable AI classes
find themselves near applicable (interesting) entities
• Examples:
• AI attentively examines a dead body
• AI attentively examines an abandoned car
• AI “finds” a good spot and uses his binoculars to
attentively examine the landscape
Tactical Point System (TPS)
Bill, on the right, finds a hidespot from a Woodsman
Tactical Point System – Overview
• Tactical Point System
– Allows AIs to ask intelligent questions about their
– Is a structured query language over sets of points
in the world
– Is used for finding hidespots or attack points or
navigation waypoints
– Optimizes queries automatically and processes
them in a time-sliced manner
• Accessible through Lua, XML, C++
TPS Query Example
• Find a cover from referencePoint
AI.RegisterTacticalPointQuery( {
Name = "Find_Cover",
Generation =
hidespots_from_referencePoint_around_puppet = 20.0
Conditions =
reachable = true,
coverSuperior = true,
Weights = {
distance_from_referencePoint = -1.0,
distance_from_puppet = -1.0,
friendlyDistance = 1.0,
Faction System
Determines which AIs are hostile to which other AIs:
<Faction name="Players">
<Reaction faction="Grunts" reaction="hostile"/>
<Reaction faction="Civilians" reaction="friendly"/>
<Reaction faction="Assassins" reaction="hostile"/>
<Faction name="Civilians" default="neutral"/>
Group Behavior – Example (1/2)
<SelectionTree name="DefaultGroup" type="CoordinationSelectionTree">
<Variable name="AreaSearch" />
<Variable name="Sweep" />
<Variable name="InvestigateMemberDeath" />
<Priority name="Root">
<Leaf name="GroupAreaSearch" condition="AreaSearch" />
<Leaf name="GroupSweep" condition="Sweep" />
<Leaf name="GroupInvestigateMemberDeath"
condition="InvestigateMemberDeath" />
<Leaf name="DEFAULT" />
Group Behavior – Example (2/2)
local Behavior = CreateAIGroupBehavior("GroupAreaSearch", "DEFAULT",
Constructor = function(self, group)
Destructor = function(self, group)
OnGroupTargetNone = function(self, group)
OnGroupTargetSound = function(self, group)
OnGroupTargetMemory = function(self, group)
OnGroupTargetVisual = function(self, group)
AI Territories & Waves
• Control the number of active AIs at any time
through simple Flow Graph logic
• All AIs assigned to an AI Territory can be activated,
deactivated, and spawned using a single FG node
• Optionally, AI Waves are attached to AI Territories
and allow independent AI activations
• If AIs were marked to be Created Through Pool and
assigned to an AI Wave, the AI Wave handles Entity
Pool issues – e.g. loading/unloading – automatically
AI Debug Draw – (1/2)
• ai_DebugDraw
1: Basic info on AIs (selected by ai_DrawAgentStats)
74: All the Navigation Graph (can be slow)
79: Parts of the Navigation Graph around the player
• ai_statsTarget Goon35
– Detailed info for specified AI (e.g. Goon35)
• ai_DebugTargetTracksAgent Grunt1
– Perception information on AI Grunt1
• ai_Recorder_Auto
– Record AI activity in Editor game mode for AI Debugger
• ai_DebugTacticalPoints
– Debug TPS queries
AI Debug Draw – (2/2)
• ai_DrawPath Grunt1
– Draw the path of a specific AI (can be “all”, for all AIs)
• ai_DrawPathFollower
– Draw the actual path following
• ai_DrawSmartObjects
– Display Smart Objects, their classes and attributes
• ai_DebugDrawEnabledActors
– List currently enabled AIs
AI Debugger
• AI Debugger can track a number of AI features: active
behavior, active goalpipe, signal received, attention
target, comments created with AI.RecComment etc.
Scriptbind Functions
• Some AI functionality is available in Lua, for example
AI.GetAttentionTargetType – Visual, Memory, Sound, None
AI.GetAttentionTargetAIType – Actor, Grenade, Car etc.
AI.SetBehaviorVariable (change behavior)
AI.RecComment (make comment for Visual AI Debugger)