Dynamics of a compound vesicle* Yuan-Nan Young New Jersey Institute of Technology Shravan Veerapaneni, New York University Petia Vlahovska, Brown University Jerzy Blawzdziewicz, Texas Technological University *Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett., 2010 Funding from NSF-CBET, NSF-DMS Biological motivation: Red blood cell (RBC) (Alison Forsyth and Howard Stone, Princeton University) RBC dynamics, ATP release, and shear viscosity • Correlation between RBC dynamics and ATP release • Correlation between RBC dynamics and shear viscosity (Alison Forsyth and Howard Stone, Princeton University) Biological mimic: Elastic membrane (vesicle) • A vesicle is a closed lipid bilayer membrane, and the total area is conserved because the number of lipids in a monolayer and the area per lipid are fixed • The enclosed volume is •Vesicle in shear flow conserved as well s u s I n n : u 0, • For red blood cell mimic, the vesicle membrane also has a u 0. (J. Fluid Mech. Submitted (2010) ) finite shear elasticity p(in, out) in, out 2 uin, out T in, out 0, uin, out 0, in T out ˆ T pI u u , n T T m . m is the membrane surface forces with elastic component. Biological mimic: Capsule (cont.) • Small-deformation theory is employed to understand the dynamics of capsule in shear flow j rs 1 f , 1 f jmY jm , j 2 m j where Y jm is the scalar spherical harmonics. •Capsule in shear flow (J. Fluid Mech. Submitted (2010)) T he leading- order equat ions for amplit ude f 2m R(t) eim t 1 1 S sin 2 2 , Ý cos2 0 2 2R 2R 1 1 RÝ 1 1 R 2 sin2 S 0 1 R 2 cos(2 2 ) R 1 R 2 1 02 , 1 2 Ý . 0 : asphericity,S -1 2 8 30 Ca1, 1 , : excess area. 15 23 32 ÝR0 out A Ca , 02 4 , ~ . R0 Biological mimic: Capsule (cont.) • Three types of capsule dynamics in shear flow: tanktreading (TT), swinging (SW), and tumbling (TB) •Capsule in shear flow •0=0.5, Ca=0.2 and =0.02 ÝR0 out Capillary number: Ca . • Transition from SW to TB as a function of a outin, and b 0 Biological mimic: Capsule (cont.) • SW-TB transition at the limit 0 <<1 and R~ 0 1 RÝ~ 1 sin2 S 0 cost 2 R, Assuming 0 S 1 ~ O(1), at leading order R ~ 0 1 0 S sin2 cost 2 , 1 cos2 S 10 sint 2 Ý~ . 2S sin2 S 10 cost 2 P eriodic solution for is possible forS 10 1. T B occurs whenS 10 1 15 1 0 Reproduces t he t ransition 2 from comput ations for 0 0 0.5. Ca1 c •Capsule in shear flow • SW-TB transition for 0 1 and R 1 1 1 S sin t 2 Ý ~ cos2 2 2 2 1 1 =- Bcos2 B , 2 2 boundary S 1 cost 2 1 1 B 1 S 2S sint , B tan . 1 1 S sint 1 2 Ýd t 2 0 0, For periodic solutions 0 (J. Fluid Mech. Submitted (2010)) 23 322 15 this is possible only whenCa 1 2 8 30 1 c Introduction • Enclosing lipid membranes with sizes ranging from 100 nm to 10 m • Vesicle as a multi-functional platform for drug delivery (Park et al., Small 2010) Configuration • A vesicle is a closed lipid bi-layer membrane, and the total area is conserved because the number of lipids in a monolayer and the area per lipid are fixed. • The enclosed volume is s v s I n n : v 0, conserved as well. • A vesicle is placed in a v 0. linear (planar) shear flow. Formulation • The system contains three dimensionless parameters: Excess area , Viscosity ratio Capillary number Excess Area A0 4 , 2 R0 3 2 Reduced Volume V 1 . 4 * R0 3 3V0 /4 , Ý inside a 3 , . outside 0 1 0 1 Ý v E r , E = 1 0 0, 1 for linear shear flow. 2 0 0 0 outside 2v outside p outside 0, v outside 0. outside 2v inside p inside 0, v inside 0. v 0, in- extensible membrane s v s 0. Formulation (cont.) • The compound vesicle encloses a particle (sphere of radius a < R0) • Small-deformation theory is employed: m j r r0 f () r0 f jmY jm , j 2 m j jm ( j 2)( j 1) * f jm f jm h.o.t., 2 y jm0 j j 1 1/ 2 y jm1 irˆ y jm0, y jm2 rˆY jm . r Y jm , •The rigid sphere is assumed to be concentric with the vesicle. f jm ~ Small-deformation theory • Velocity field inside and outside vesicle v c u u c jmq u jmq X jm q | q'u jmq' jmq jmq q' in v c jmq u jmq X(q | q')u jmq ' jmq q' out jmq jmq jmq •Singular at origin u jm0 ujm1 ujm2 •Singular at infinity 1 r j 1 u jm2 r Y jm j( j 1) y jm1 irˆ y jm0 y jm0 y jm2 rˆY jm 1 j j 11 2 y jm2 r y jm1 2 j 1 j 1 2 j 1 y jm0 j 2 y jm2 2r j j 1 r 2 r r j1 u j 1 j 3r 2 y jm0 2 u jm1 r j y jm1 jm0 1 j 2 j y jm0 2r j r 2 Vector Spherical Harmonics j j 11 r 2 y jm2 r j1 j 1 2 2 3 j 1 r y jm0 j 3 j 1r y jm2 2 j Scattering matrix Xjm(q|q’) • The enclosed rigid sphere (of radius a <1) is concentric with the vesicle. Thus the sphere can only rotate inside the vesicle in a shear flow. This means the velocity must be the rigid-body rotation at r=a. vS inc vS scat a mu1m1 at r a, m vS inc c jmq u jmq , vS scat c jmq X jm q | q'ujmq' . jmq jm qq' Scattering matrix Xjm(q|q’) (cont’d) • For any coefficients c2mq the following equations have to be satisfied a 1 3 X 20 2 2 c 2m 0 3 5a 4 X 00 c 2m 2 5a 1 a 4 0, 2 a a 8 a5 3a 2 3 a 2 1 1 2 3 a 2 1 X 22 2 c 2m 0 1 a X 00 4 X 02 c 2m 2 X 20 2 0. 4 4 2 2a a 3 2 2 a a •Velocity continuity at r=a gives (Young et al., to be submitted to J. Fluid Mech.) 1 X11 a 5 , X 00 a 5 3 5a 2 , 2 2 5 6 5 5 6 3 X 20 a 1 a 2 , X 02 a 1 a 2 , 4 4 a3 X 22 15a 4 36a 2 25. 4 X 01 X10 X12 X 21 0. Amplitude equations • Surface incompressibility gives c jm2 j( j 1) 1 X 00 2X 02 2 j j 1X 20 2X 22 c jm0 ac jm0 . • Balance of stresses on the vesicle membrane gives the tension and cjm2. Combining everything, we obtain 3(2 j 1) Ef jm m 1 2 j 1 i f jm c jm0 c jm2 22 j 1 dt 2 D' j( j 1) j( j 1) df jm D D' 1 X 02 a 1 2 j 1 3(2 j 1) , D 2(2 j 1)when = 1. a j( j 1) j( j 1) X 22 Tank-treading to tumbling: >1 • In a planar shear flow, vesicle tank-treads at a steady inclination angle for small excess area . •Inclination angle • Vesicle tumbles if 9 120 2 c 23 23 15 (Vlahovska and Gracia, PRE, 2007) • In experiments (3D) and 9 23 ˜ direct numerical simulations (2D), 16 30 vesicle in a shear flow does not tumble large . without viscosity mismatch even at 1/ 2 3/2 Tumbling of a compound vesicle: • The vesicle rotates as a rigid particle as a 1 X This is because 1 a02 X22 0 as a 1. • The inclination angle is a function of enclosed particle radius a and excess area •Inclination angle vs excess area • Compound vesicle tumbles when the inclusion size is greater than the critical particle radius ac. • Effectively the interior fluid becomes more viscous due to the rigid particle, and we can quantitatively describe the effective interior viscosity by the transition to tumbling dynamics. •Geometric factor vs radius 3 / 2 V 1 4 =2 =0 •Critical radius vs reduced volume Effective interior fluid viscosity • The compound vesicle can be viewed as a membrane enclosing a homogeneous fluid with an effective viscosity, estimated as a 9 120 2 eff critical out 23 23 15 Rheology of c-vesicles •Effective interior fluid viscosity •First normal stress for the dilute suspension •Effective shear viscosity for the dilute suspension Conclusion • Compound vesicle can tumble in shear flow without viscosity mismatch • Effective interior viscosity is quantified as a function of particle radius a • Rheology of the dilute compound vesicle suspension depends on the “internal dynamics” of compound vesicles Compound Capsule • A pure fluid bi-layer membrane is infinitely shear-able. • Polymer network lining the bi-layer gives rise to finite shear elasticity. • Assuming linear elastic behavior, the elastic tractions are t 2K A ( s d)Hnˆ K A s s d s sd Is Is sd d is the displacement of a material particle K A stretch modulus ~ 200N /m, shear elastic modulus ~ 106 N /m s d 0 for an inextensible capsule. T Compound Capsule (cont.) • Extra parameter for shear elasticity • Starting from the tanktreading unstressed “reference” membrane • For deformation of a membrane with fixed ellipticity, the transition between trank-treading (swinging) and tumbling can be found using min-max principle 2D compound vesicle • Following Rioual et al. (PRE 2004) the critical particle radius can be found as a function of the swelling ratio (reduced area) in two-dimensional system. • Rigorous small-deformation for the 2D compound vesicle is conducted. • Comparison with boundary integral simulation results is consistent. •Critical radius in 2D A R2 Effective interior fluid viscosity • The compound vesicle can be viewed as a membrane enclosing a homogeneous fluid with an effective viscosity, estimated as a 9 120 2 eff •Effective interior fluid viscosity critical out 23 23 15 Dilute Suspension of c-vesicles •Effective shear viscosity 5 6 1 X 00 X 20a 10a 5 f (a) D'2 Txy , f (a) . 2 2 D' E D'2 aD' N1 6 1 X 00 2X 02 3 160 Ef (a) 0, E D'2 , . 4 3 2 6X 20 2X 22