Lecture 5, January 18

Lecture 5
 Today, how to solve recurrences
We learned “guess and proved by induction”
We also learned “substitution” method
Today, we learn the “master theorem”
 More divide and conquer:
closest pair problem
matrix multiplication
Master Theorem
Theorem 4.1 (CLRS, Theorem 4.1) Let a ≥ 1 and b > 1
be constants. Let f(n) be a function and let T(n) be
defined on the nonnegative integers by
T(n) = aT(n/b) + f(n).
log a
 n b
log a
T ( n )    n b log n
  f (n ) 
log a  
f (n)  O n b
  0
log a
f (n)   n b
 c 1
log b a  
f (n)   n
af ( n / b )  cf ( n ) for large n 
 Only apply to a particular family of
 f(n) is positive for large n.
 Key is to compare f(n) with nlog_b a
 Case 2, more general is f(n) = Θ( nlog_b a lgkn).
Then the result is T(n) = Θ( nlog_b a lgk+1n).
 Sometimes it does not apply. Ex. T(n) =
4T(n/2) + n2 /logn.
Proof ideas of Master Theorem
 Consider a tree with T(n) at the root, and apply the recursion to
each node, until we get down to T(1) at the leaves. The first
recursion is T(n) = aT(n/b) + f(n), so assign a cost of f(n) to the
root. At the next level we have “a” nodes, each with a cost of
T(n/b). When we apply the recursion again, we get a cost of
af(n/b) for all of these. At the next level we have a2 nodes, each
with a cost of T(n/b2). We get a cost of a2f(n/b2). We continue
down to T(1) at the leaves. There are alog_b n leaves and each
costs Θ(1), which gives Θ(alog_b n). The total cost associated with
f is Σ 0 ≤ i ≤ log_b n - 1 ai f(n/bi).
 Thus T(n) = Θ(n log_b a) + Σ 0 ≤ i ≤ (log_b n) - 1 ai f(n/bi).
 The three cases now come from deciding which term is
dominant. In case (1), the Θ term is dominant. In case (2), the
terms are roughly equal (but the second term has an extra lg n
factor). In case (3), the f(n) term is dominant. The details are
somewhat painful, but can be found in CLRS, pp. 76-84.
Idea of master theorem
f (n)
f (n/b) f (n/b) … f (n/b)
h = logbn
f (n/b2) f (n/b2) … f (n/b2)
T (1)
#leaves = ah
= alogbn
= nlogba
f (n)
a f (n/b)
a2 f (n/b2)
Recursion tree:
nlogbaT (1)
Three common cases
Compare f (n) with nlogba:
1. f (n) = O(nlogba – ) for some constant  > 0.
• f (n) grows polynomially slower than nlogba
(by an n factor).
Solution: T(n) = (nlogba) .
Recursion tree:
f (n)
f (n/b) f (n/b) … f (n/b)
h = logbn
f (n/b2) f (n/b2) … f (n/b2)
CASE 1: The weight increases
geometrically from the root to the
T (1) leaves. The leaves hold a constant
fraction of the total weight.
f (n)
a f (n/b)
a2 f (n/b2)
Idea of master theorem
These functions increase
from top to bottom
geometrically, hence we
only need to have the
last bottom term
nlogbaT (1)
Case 2
Compare f (n) with nlogba:
2. f (n) = (nlogba lgkn) for some constant k  0.
• f (n) and nlogba grow at similar rates.
• This is clear for k=0. For k>0, the intuition is
that lgk n factor remain for constant fraction
of levels, hence sum to the following
Solution: T(n) = (nlogba lgk+1n) .
Idea of master theorem
Recursion tree:
f (n)
f (n)
a f (n/b)
a2 f (n/b2)
f (n/b) f (n/b) … f (n/b)
h = logbn
f (n/b2) f (n/b2) … f (n/b2)
All levels same
T (1)
CASE 2: (k = 0) The weight
is approximately the same on
each of the logbn levels.
nlogbaT (1)
(nlogbalg n)
Case 3, c<1, akf(n/bk) geometrically
decreases hence = Θ(f(n))
Compare f (n) with nlogba:
3. f (n) = (nlogba + ) for some constant  > 0.
• f (n) grows polynomially faster than nlogba (by
an n factor),
and f (n) satisfies the regularity condition that
a f (n/b)  c f (n) for some constant c < 1.
Solution: T(n) = ( f (n)) .
Recursion tree:
f (n)
f (n/b) f (n/b) … f (n/b)
h = logbn
f (n/b2) f (n/b2) … f (n/b2)
CASE 3: The weight decreases
geometrically from the root to the
T (1) leaves. The root holds a constant
fraction of the total weight.
f (n)
a f (n/b)
a2 f (n/b2)
Idea of master theorem
nlogbaT (1)
( f (n))
Examples for the Master Theorem
 The Karatsuba recurrence has a = 3, b = 2, f(n) = cn. Then case
1 applies, and so T(n) = Θ(n l og_2 3 ), as we found.
 The mergesort recurrence has a = 2, b = 2, f(n) = n. Then case 2
applies, and so T(n) = Θ(n lg n).
 Finally, a recurrence like T(n) = 3T(n/2) + n2 gives rise to case 3.
In this case f(n) = n2, so 3f(n/2) = 3 (n/2)2 = (3/4) n2 ≤ c n2 for c =
3/4, and so T(n) = Θ(n2).
 Note that the master theorem does not cover all cases. In
particular, it does not cover the case
T(n) = 2 T(n/2) + n / lg n
since then the only applicable case is case 3, but then the
inequality involving f does not hold.
Closest pair problem
 Input:
A set of points P = {p1,…, pn} in two
 Output:
The pair of points pi, pj that minimize the
Euclidean distance between them.
 Euclidean distance
 x1 , y 1 
x2 , y2 
 x1 , y1    x 2 , y 2 
 x1  x 2 
  y1  y 2 
Closest Pair Problem
Closest Pair Problem
Divide and Conquer
 O(n2) time algorithm is easy
 Assumptions:
 No two points have the same x-coordinates
 No two points have the same y-coordinates
 How do we solve this problem in 1 dimension?
 Sort the number and walk from left to right to find
minimum gap.
Divide and Conquer
 Divide and conquer has a chance to do better
than O(n2).
 We can first sort the points by their x-
coordinates and sort also by y-coordinates
Closest Pair Problem
Divide and Conquer for the Closest
Pair Problem
Divide by x-median
Divide by x-median
Conquer: Recursively solve L and R
Combination I
Take the smaller one of 1 , 2 :  = min(1 , 2 )
Combination II
Is there a point in L and a point in R whose distance is
smaller than  ?
 = min(1 , 2 )
Combination II
 If the answer is “no” then we are done!!!
 If the answer is “yes” then the closest such
pair forms the closest pair for the entire set
 How do we determine this?
Combination II
Is there a point in L and a point in R whose distance is
smaller than  ?
Combination II
Is there a point in L and a point in R whose distance is
smaller than  ?
Need only to consider the narrow band
O(n) time
Combination II
Is there a point in L and a point in R whose distance is
smaller than  ?
Denote this set by S, assume Sy is the sorted
list of S by the y-coordinates.
Combination II
 There exists a point in L and a point in R whose
distance is less than  if and only if there exist
two points in S whose distance is less than .
 If S is the whole thing, did we gain anything?
CLAIM: If s and t in S have the property that ||st|| < , then s and t are within 15 positions of
each other in the sorted list Sy.
Combination II
Is there a point in L and a point in R whose distance is
smaller than  ?
There are at most one point in each box of size δ/2 by δ/2.
Thus s and t cannot be too far apart.
 Construct Px and Py as sorted-list by x- and y-coordinates
 Closest-pair(P, Px,Py)
 Divide
 Construct L, Lx , Ly and R, Rx , Ry
 Conquer
 Let 1= Closest-Pair(L, Lx , Ly )
 Let 2= Closest-Pair(R, Rx , Ry )
 Combination
 Let  = min(1 , 2 )
 Construct S and Sy
 For each point in Sy, check each of its next 15 points down
the list
 If the distance is less than  , update the  as this smaller
Complexity Analysis
 Preprocessing takes O(n lg n) time
 Divide takes O(n) time
 Conquer takes 2 T(n/2) time
 Combination takes O(n) time
T(n) = 2T(n/2) + cn
 So totally takes O(n lg n) time.
Matrix Multiplication
 Suppose we multiply two NxN matrices together.
Regular method is NxNxN = N3 multiplications
Can we Divide and Conquer?
 A11
A = 
 A 21
A12 
A 22 
 B 11
 B 21
B 12 
B 22 
 C 11
C= A*B = 
 C 21
C11 = A11*B11 + A12*B21
C12 = A11*B12 + A12*B22
C21 = A21*B11 + A22*B21
C22 = A21*B12 + A22*B22
Complexity : T(N) = 8T(N/2) + O(N2)
= O(Nlog28) = O(N3)
No improvement
C 12 
C 22 
Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication
P1 = (A11+ A22)(B11+B22)
P2 = (A21 + A22) * B11
P3 = A11 * (B12 - B22)
P4 = A22 * (B21 - B11)
P5 = (A11 + A12) * B22
P6 = (A21 - A11) * (B11 + B12)
P7 = (A12 - A22) * (B21 + B22)
C11 = P1 + P4 - P5 + P7
C12 = P3 + P5
C21 = P2 + P4
C22 = P1 + P3 - P2 + P6
And do this recursively as usual.
Time analysis
 T(n) = 7T(n/2) + O(n2 )
= 7logn
by the Master Theorem
 Best bound: O(n2.376) by CoppersmithWinograd.
 Best known (trivial) lower bound: Ω(n2).
 Open: what is the true complexity of matrix