UMass Dartmouth Botulinum Research Center Introduction Symposium Insights into the mechanism of BoNT/A neuronal persistence and avenues for novel therapies George A. Oyler MD, PhD Friday August 24, 2007 Proposed Mechanisms of Persistence • Cleavage product of SNAP25 by BoNT/A is stable and acts as dominant negative for synaptic transmission. This requires cleavage products from different serotypes to have different recycling time. • The catalytic subunit is stable and persists in an active form. This requires the different serotypes to have different stability. • Differential compartmentalization of the catalytic subunits of different serotypes: YFP-BoNT/A LC is trafficked through multiple vesicle compartments in neuronal cells GFP-BoNT/A LC is trafficked in a polarized fashion and accumulates in specific sites of neuronal cells YFP-BoNT/E LC is also trafficked to plasma membrane Differential compartmentalization alone cannot account for differences in persistence YFP-LCE RFP-LCA N18 neuroblastoma Merged BoNT/A and /E LC stability in SH-SY5Y cells YFP-LCE CHX: anti-GFP anti-actin 0 1 2 4 6 8 YFP-LCA 0 1 2 4 6 8 Ubiquitin proteasome system YFP-LCA YFP-LCE YFP YFP-LCA YFP-LCE YFP 250 100 75 50 25 IP: anti-GFP IB: anti-HA IP: anti-GFP IB: anti-GFP + HA-Ub YFP-BoNT/E LC is ubiquitinated more extensively than YFP-BoNT/A LC in N18 cells a-YFP a-Ubi Ubin YFPBoNT LC YFP-LC Myc-LC/A Myc-LC/E HectD2 TRIM63 TRIP12 Cbl-b E4A TEB4 Triad3 DZIP3 Designer E3 ligases that target toxins for proteasome degradation Natural proteasomal turnover of BoNT LC Ub Ub Cellular E3 ligase Ubiquitin E3-ligase Target Ub Ubiquitin E3-ligase Target bindin g domai n Ub bindin g domai n ubiquitination BoNT LC “slow” BoNT lc Proteasome recognition Ub Ub slow BoNT degradation Ub Ub Ub Ub BoNT lc Degraded BoNT lc Proteasome Complex Ub Ub Ub Ub Designer E3 ligases that target toxins for proteasome degradation Enhanced proteasomal turnover of BoNT LC Ub Ub “Designer E3 ligase” E3-ligase Ub E3-ligase Ub “fast” Ub Ub Ub Ub LC binding agent Therapeutic fusion protein LC binding agent ubiquitination BoNT lc BoNT LC Proteasome recognition Ub Ub Accelerated BoNT degradation Ub Ub Ub Ub BoNT lc Degraded BoNT lc Proteasome Complex Antidotes that accelerate turnover of intraneuronal BoNT LC Background: • The concept of targeted proteolysis of cellular proteins has been demonstrated several times in the literature. • SNAP25/nc based “proof of concept” for a designer E3-ligase strategy. • For potential therapeutic applications, we are currently developing: 1. Camelid antibodies as more effective LC targeting domains. 2. Optimal E3-ligase domain (e.g. F-box proteins). 3. Neuronal delivery vehicle. BIR1 BIR2 BIR3 C C Zn C C C C Zn C H XIAP BIR1-3 domains recognizes and binds caspase substrate for ubiquitination XIAP RING is Catalytic E3 domain SNAP-25/NC SNAP25 replaces XIAP BIR1-3 domains and recognizes BoNT as substrate for ubiquitination BoNT/A and E noncleavable Cterminus of SNAP25 C C Zn C C C C Zn C H Designer E3 ligase accelerates BoNT/A LC turnover in N18 cells Relative amount of 35S labelled YFP-LC SNAP-25/NC-RING + proteasome inhibitor (MG132) cells alone SNAP-25/NC Control SNAP-25/NC-RING 0 5 10 15 Time (hours) 20 25 SNAP-25/NC-RING “designer E3 ligase” substantially accelerates proteasomemediated degradation of recombinant BoNT/A in transfected neurons Camelid VHH forms a compact well-folding single peptide structure Spinelli S, Desmyter A, Frenken L, Domain swapping of a llama VHH Ver r ips T, Tegoni M, Cambillau C. . FEBS Lett. 2 004 ;5 64(1 - 2 ):3 5 - 40. VHHs as targeting domains Background: • VH domains of camelid HcAbs (VHHs) are easy to produce as recombinant proteins in E. coli and have excellent hydrodynamic properties. • These antibodies are also generally superior for enzyme neutralization as they bind better into “pockets” such as found in enzyme active sites. Progress: • We hyper-immunized two alpacas in New Zealand with A-LC and prepared a VHH phage display library. • We obtained five unique A-LC binding positives screening at high stringency, three with particularly high apparent affinity. Elisa analysis of Anti-BoNT/A Lc VHH clones SDS-PAGE (Coomassie) A6 E3 D4 G6 B8 A6 E3 D4 G6 B8 VHH ELISA on BoNT/A LC ELISA vs BoNT/A LC 350 ng each Absorbance 3.5 SDS-PAGE (Coomassie) 350 ng each 3 2.5 Series1 A6 A6 E3 E3 Series2 D4 D4 Series3 G6 G6 Series4 B8 B8 Series5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 2.5e6 5e5 300 10e4 60 2e4 12.5 4000 2.5 nM VHH 800 0.5 160 0.1 32 0.02 6.4 VHH-B8 selected as having the highest affinity for BoNT/A LC YFP-SNAP25-CFP cleavage activity (%) GST-VHH-B8 potently inhibits BoNT/A Lc 100 100% inhibition of 2.5 pM of BoNT/A LC by 0.4 ug, or ~10 pM, of VHH-B8 75 50 25 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 GST-VHH-B8 (ug) 0.6 0.7 0.8 VHH-B8 was expressed as a GST fusion protein (GST-VHH-B8). Assays were conducted with 0.2 ug BoNT/A LC in 100 ul reaction volume (25 nM), 0.5 ug YFPSNAP25-CFP substrate (80 nM), and increasing concentrations of GST-VHH (B8). Inhibition of BoNT/A LC activity by GST-VHH (B8) was near stoichiometric. 0.9 Anti-A-LC VHH co-localizes with A-LC in cells YFP Channel + YFP-VHH-RING - CFP-BoNT/A LC + YFP-VHH-RING + CFP-BoNT/A LC - YFP-VHH-RING + CFP-BoNT/A LC CFP Channel Anti-A-LC VHH localizes to cytosol in transfected Neuro2a cells. When co-expressed with BoNT/A LC, the VHH localizes with ALC at the plasma membrane. Western Blot for Steady State level of CFP-BoNT/A LC with YFP-VHH-RING Designer ligases a-BoNT/A LC N2a cells Expressing Yes-SNAP25-Cer FRET Indicator YesFP CerFP YesFP FRET CerFP SNAP25 (1-206) FRET ratio changes from 1.3 to 0.60 over 24 hr treatment with 10 nM BoNT/A in media VHH-B8 inhibits A-LC co-expressed in cells Transfected BoNT/A LC activity in N2a cell lysates is inhibited when co-transfected with VHH-B8 constructions using YFP/SNAP25/CFP FRET reduction assay Cer BoNT LC Cer BoNT LC Y B8 only Cer BoNT LC Y B8 Ring Cer BoNT LC Y B8 TrCP TrCP designer ligases themselves turnover rapidly MG135 treatment M - 4 hr o/n Inhibition of proteasomes with MG135 stabilizes TrCP fusion protein and leads to accumulation of poly-ubiquitinated forms YFP/VHH-B8/TrCP Anti XFP 1:5000 VHH based designer ligases prevent YFP-SNAP25CFP cleavage in intoxicated M17 cells. Anti XFP 1:5000 1: YFP-B8 +/A24+24 2: YFP-B8 +/control 250 YFP-B8 YFP-VHH B8-Trcp YFP-VHH B8-RING 3: Indicator only +/A24+24 150 4: YFP-VHH B8-Trcp +/A24+24 100 75 NC YFP-SNAP25-CFP 5: YFP-VHH B8-Trcp+/control YFP-VHH B8-RING 6:YFP-VHH B8-Trcp +/A24 50 C YFP-SNAP25-CFP YFP-B8 37 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 M 9 10 11 12 7: Indicator only +/A24 8: Indicator only +/control 25 9: YFP-VHH B8-RING+/A24+24 10: YFP-VHH B8-RING +/control 11: No transfection +/A24+24 Anti SNAP 1:5000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12: No transfection +/control 8 M 9 10 11 12 Jun. 11th-15th.2007 Designer E3 ligases that target toxins for proteasome degradation Preferred strategy for targeted destruction of BoNT: a smaller, modular “designer E3 ligase” E3 ligase targeting domain, e.g. minimal TrCP (F-box) E3-ligase VHH-LC targeting domain LC binding agent Delivery vehicle to neuronal cytosol BoNT LC Note that the targeting domain can be interchanged to create botulism therapeutics for each serotype once an A-LC prototype has been developed. BoNT Lc BoNT Hc-N BoNT Hc-C BoNT/A Heavy Chain can be used for trafficking cargo to hippocampal organotypic neurons a. b. c. d. Conclusions: 1. BoNT/A and /E LC are plasma membrane localized. 2. BoNT/E is degraded much more rapidly than BoNT/A LC in cells. 3. BoNT/E is ubiquitinated and degraded by the proteasome rapidly. 4. Designer E3 ligases can be constructed to accelerate BoNT/A degradation. 5. VHH camelid antibodies have been generated against BoNT/A LC. 6. VHH-based designer E3 ligases are effective in degrading BoNT/A LC. 7. Delivery to intoxicated neurons of VHH-based designer E3 ligases may offer novel post-exposure therapies for BoNT intoxication. Synaptic Research: Acknowledgements: George A Oyler MD PhD Tufts Team: James R Oyler Chuck Shoemaker PhD Saul Tzipori DVM PhD USAMRICD: Chueh-Ling Kuo Michael Adler PhD Jong Beak Park PhD James Eric Keller PhD (now FDA) Ira Herman PhD Metabiologics: University of Maryland: Michael Goodnough PhD Paul Fishman MD PhD Yien Che Tsai PhD (now NCI) University of Wisconsin: Eric Johnson PhD Johns Hopkins: Daniel Drachman MD UMass Dartmouth: Michael Betenbaugh PhD Bal Ram Singh PhD This w o rk w a s supp o rted b y co n tract N O1 -AI3 0050 from the N a tio n al Inst itut e s o f Healt h (N IH) and the National of Allergy and Inf e ctio u s Di sease s (NI A ID ) an d Bioshiel d N IA ID 1R 0 1AI Inst itu te 67504 -01 to Geor ge A. O yler M D, PhD