Interdisciplinary CS

Sociology and CS
Philip Chan
How close are people connected?
 Are people
closely connected,
not closely connected,
isolated into groups,
Degree of Separation
 The number of connections to reach another
Milgram’s Experiment
 Stanley Milgram, psychologist
 Experiment in the late 1960’s
Chain letter to gather data
Stockbroker in Boston
160 people in Omaha, Nebraska
Given a packet
Add name and forward it to another person who
might be closer to the stockbroker
 Partial “social network”
Small World
 Six degrees of separation
 Everyone is connected to everyone by a few
people—about 6 on the average.
Obama might be 6 connections away from you
 “Small world” phenomenon
Bacon Number
 Number of connections to reach actor Kevin
 Is a connection in this network different from
the one in Milgram’s experiment?
Problem Formulation
 Given (input)
 Find (output)
the average number of connections between
two people
 Simplification
don’t care about how long/strong/… the
friendships are
Problem Formulation
 Formulate it into a graph problem
 Given (input)
 Find (output)
the average number of connections between
two people
Problem Formulation
 Formulate it into a graph problem
 Given (input)
People -> vertices
Connections -> edges
 Find (output)
the average number of connections between
two people -> ?
Problem Formulation
 Formulate it into a graph problem
 Given (input)
People -> vertices
Connections -> edges
 Find (output)
the average number of connections between
two people -> average shortest path length
 Shortest Path
Dijkstra’s algorithm
 Limitations?
 Shortest Path
Dijkstra’s algorithm
 This could be an overkill, why?
 Unweighted edges
Each edge has the same weight of 1
 Simpler algorithm?
 Any ideas?
Breadth-First Search
 Start from the origin
 Explore people one link away (dist=1)
 Explore people two links away (dist=2)
 Until the destination is reach
 Breadth-first search (BFS)
Single origin, all destinations
 Breadth-first search (BFS)
Single origin, all destinations
 Repeat BFS for each origin
ShortestDistance(x,y) = shortestDistance(y,x)
 Breadth-first search (BFS)
Single origin, all destinations
 Repeat BFS for each origin
ShortestDistance(x,y) = shortestDistance(y,x)
Each subsequent BFS can stop earlier
BFS Algorithm—A Closer Look
 Add origin to the open list
 While open list is not empty
Remove the first person from the open list
Mark the person as visited
Add non-visited neighbors of the person to
the open list
BFS Algorithm—A Closer Look
 Add (origin, 0) to the open list
 While open list is not empty
Remove the first item (person, dist) from the
open list
Mark person as visited
For each non-visited neighbor of person
Add (neighbor, dist + 1) to the open list
 Data Structures
What do we need to keep track of?
Whether we have visited some person before
An ordered list of persons to be visited
Boolean visited[person]
Open list of to be visited people
 Queue
 First in first out (FIFO)
Queue Operations
 Enqueue
Add an item at the end
 Dequeue
Remove an item from the front
Queue Implementation 1
 Consider using an array
 How to implement the two operations?
 Enqueue
Update tail, add item at tail
 Dequeue
Queue Implementation 1
 Consider using an array
 How to implement the two operations?
 Enqueue
Update tail, add item at tail
 Dequeue
Remove the first item
Shift the rest of the items up, update tail
Additional Operations
 What do we need to check before Enqueue?
 What do we need to check before Dequeue?
Additional Operations
 What do we need to check before Enqueue?
 What do we need to check before Dequeue?
 Enqueue:
Is the queue full?
 Dequeue
Is the queue empty?
Queue Implementation 1(shifting
 Is the queue empty?
Queue Implementation 1(shifting
 Is the queue empty?
When tail is -1
 Is the queue full?
Queue Implementation 1(shifting
 Is the queue empty?
When tail is -1
 Is the queue full?
When tail is length - 1
Number of assignments (Speed of
 N = number of items on the queue
 Count number of assignments
involving items in the queue
Number of assignments
(Implementation 1)
 Enqueue
Number of assignments
(Implementation 1)
 Enqueue
1 (assign new item at tail)
 Dequeue
Number of assignments
(Implementation 1)
 Enqueue
1 (assign new item at tail)
 Dequeue
1 (assign first item to somewhere else)
N-1 shifts (assignments)
Total N
Shifting items in Dequeue
 Quite a bit of work
if we have many items in the queue
 Can we avoid shifting?
 If so, how? Ideas?
Queue Implementation 2
 Consider using an array
 How to implement the two operations?
 Enqueue
Head and tail
Update tail, add at tail
 Dequeue
Queue Implementation 2
 Consider using an array
 How to implement the two operations?
 Enqueue
Head and tail
update tail, add at tail
 Dequeue
Get item from head
Update head
Queue Implementation 2 (head and
 Is the queue empty?
Queue Implementation 2 (head and
 Is the queue empty?
When head is larger than tail
 Is the queue full?
Queue Implementation 2 (head and
 Is the queue empty?
When head is larger than tail
 Is the queue full?
When tail is length - 1
Number of assignments
(Implementation 2)
 Enqueue
Number of assignments
(Implementation 2)
 Enqueue
1 (assign new item at tail)
 Dequeue
Number of assignments
(Implementation 2)
 Enqueue
1 (assign new item at tail)
 Dequeue
1 (assign item at tail to somewhere else)
What if tail reaches the end of
 But there is room in the front of the array?
 Any ideas to reuse the space in the front?
Queue Implementation 3
 Circular queue
Wrap around
 If we use head and tail (Implementation 2)
What needs to be changed?
Circular Queue Operations
 Length = length of array
 Enqueue
Circular Queue Operations
 Length = length of array
 Enqueue
If not full
If tail < length
 increment tail
 tail = 0
Add item
 Dequeue
Circular Queue Operations
 Length = length of array
 Enqueue
If not full
If tail < length
 increment tail
 tail = 0
Add item
 Dequeue
Similarly for head
Queue Implementation 3 (circular
 Is the queue empty?
Queue Implementation 3 (circular
 Is the queue empty?
When head is larger than tail
With wrap-around adjustment
 Is the queue full?
Queue Implementation 3 (circular
 Is the queue empty?
When head is larger than tail
With wrap-around adjustment
 Is the queue full?
When head is larger than tail
With wrap-around adjustment
 Same!!
How can we distinguish them?
Queue Implementation 3 (circular
 Is the queue empty?
When head is larger than tail
With wrap-around adjustment
 Is the queue full?
When head is larger than tail
With wrap-around adjustment
 Same!!
How can we distinguish them?
Keep track of size instead
Keeping track of queue size
 Enqueue: increment size
 Dequeue: decrement size
 Understand how people are connected
 Degrees of separation
shortest distance between two people
 Average degree of separation (community)
 Sum of shortest distance of all pairs / # of pairs
 Algorithm for shortest distance (distance 1 in all edges)
Breadth-first search (BFS)
 Different origins
Open list: people to be explored
 Circular queue (implementation 3)