Fourier Spectrum of Riemann Waves Efim Pelinovsky Elena Tobish (Kartashova) Tatiana Talipova Dmitry Pelinovsky Institute for Analysis Institute of Applied Physics, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia State Technical University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia Wave Interactions WIN-2014, Linz, Austria, 23-36 April 2014 Motivation Tsunami Wave Shapes at Japanese Coast 26 May 1983 Japan Sea (Shuto, 1983) Internal Wave Observations Marshall H. Orr and Peter C. Mignerey, South China sea J Small, T Sawyer, J.Scott, SEASAME Malin Shelf Edge Nothern Oregon Weakly Nonlinear Riemann Waves t V ( ) x 0 V ( ) 2 Coefficients can have either sign ( x , t ) F [ x V ( )t ] Wave Steepness x dF / dx 1 dV dx t Riemann Wave First Wave Breaking T 1 ( dV / dx ) max Initial Sine Disturbance F ( x ) A sin( kx ) Breaking point location >0 CQ A <0 Cubic/quadratic nonlinear ratio Breaking Time | | kA ( = 0) T3 ( = 0) 1 | | kA 2 1 0 .8 Cubic nonlinearity reduces breaking time 0 .6 T /T 2 T2 1 0 .4 0 .2 0 0 2 4 6 |C Q | 8 10 Time evolution of the wave shape 1 c u b ic t= 0 t= T 1 q u a d ra tic t= 0 t= T 0 .5 /A /A 0 .5 0 0 -0 .5 -0 .5 -1 -1 0 0 0 .5 k x /2 0 .4 0 .5 1 k x /2 2 0 .3 0 .4 0 .5 1 n e g a tiv e p o s itiv e 1 0 .2 Cubic nonlinearity 0 0 -1 CQ = 0.4 -0 .2 -2 -0 .4 0 2 4 kx 6 0 2 4 kx 6 Fourier spectrum of a nonlinearly deformed wave a 0 (t ) ( x, t ) 2 Change of variable S n (t ) S n (t ) 2 / k n iA n 0 2 dF dy n ( t ) cos( nkx ) b n ( t ) sin( nkx ) n 1 S n ( t ) a n ib n i a 2 / k k ( x , t ) exp inkx dx 0 y x V ( ) t F(y) = A sin(ky) exp ink y V ( F ) t dy Explicit formula cos x exp in x kA sin x kA sin 0 Implicit formula 2 2 x t dx Final formula Quadratic Nonlinearity S n ( 1) n 1 2 iA n kAt J n ( n kAt ) Bessel-Fubinni Series (Nonlinear Acoustics) 0 -8 /3 Power asymptotics at breaking time lo g (E ) -1 0 Q u a d ra tic 1 /4 1 /2 3 /4 1 -2 0 S(k) ~ k-4/3 from Tbr -3 0 1 10 n E = (S/A)2 100 E(k) ~ k-8/3 Cubic Nonlinearity Sm iA 2m 1 q ( t ) ktA / 2 2 exp[ i ( 2 m 1) q ]J m ([ 2 m 1] q ) iJ m 1 ([ 2 m 1] q ) 0 AGAIN Power asymptotics at breaking time -8 /3 lo g (E n ) -1 0 S(k) ~ k-4/3 C u b ic 1 /4 1 /2 3 /4 1 -2 0 E(k) ~ k-8/3 -3 0 1 10 n 100 Quadratic – cubic nonlinearity 0 0 C u b ic -q u a d ra tic B re a k in g C u b ic -q u a d ra tic B re a k in g -2 lo g (E ) lo g (E ) -2 -4 CQ = 1 -4 CQ = 0.2 -6 -6 1 10 100 1 10 100 n n Power asymptotics at breaking time 0 C u b ic -q u a d ra tic B re a k in g -2 lo g (E ) S(k) ~ k-4/3 -4 CQ = 5 E(k) ~ k-8/3 -6 1 10 n 100 Universal Spectrum Asymptotics S(k) ~ k-4/3 means existence of singularity in wave shape ( x , t ) ~ ( x x br ) 1/ 3 Proof: t V ( ) x V 0 Or in equivalent form t dx dt V V dV dt V x 0 0 Riemann Wave Solution V ( t ) F ( ) x ( t ) tF ( ) Breaking coordinate x br br TF ( br ) where br is extreme of dF / d see, breaking time T 1 ( dV / dx ) max 1 ( dF / d ) max Decomposition br 0 Taylor series of Riemann wave in the vicinity of breaking x br TF ( br ) br 2 2 3 3 dF d F d F T F ( br ) ( br ) ( br ) ( br ) ... 2 3 d 2 d 6 d Finally x x br 3 d 3F T ( br ) 3 6 d So 6 3 3 d / F Td 1/ 3 ( x x br ) 1/ 3 Similar Taylor series for function, V V ( x , T ) F ( br ) F ( br ) dF d ( br ) ... F ( br ) T In breaking point the wave shape has a singularity V ( x , t ) V br 3 x x br This singularity leads to power spectrum The same for η due to V(η) k 4 / 3 Rigorous Results for Shape Singularity in Riemann Wave 1. Sulem, C. Sulem, P.-L., Frisch H. Tracing complex singularities with spectral methods. J. Computational Physics, 1983, v. 50, 138-161. 2. Dubrovin B. On Hamiltonian perturbations of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws, II: Universality of critical behaviour. Commun. Math. Phys., 2006, vol. 267, 117-139. 3. Pomeau Y., Jamin T., Le Bars M., Le Gal P., and Audoly B. Law of spreading of the crest of a breaking wave. Proc. Royal Society London, 2008, vol. 464, 1851-1866. 4. Pomeau Y., Le Berre M. Gyuenne P., Grilli S. Wave-breaking and generic singularities of nonlinear hyperbolic equations. Nonlinearity, 2008, vol. 21, T61-T79. 5. Mailybaev A.A. Renormalization and universality of blowup in hydrodynamic flow. Physical Review E, 2012, vol. 85, 066317. 6. Kartashova E., Pelinovsky E., and Talipova T. Fourier spectrum and shape evolution of an internal Riemann wave of moderate amplitude. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 2013, vol. 20, 571-580. 7. Pelinovsky D., Pelinovsky E., Kartashova E., Talipova T., and Giniyatullin A. Universal power law for the energy spectrum of breaking Riemann waves. JETP Letters, 2013, vol. 98, No. 4, 237-241. Korteweg - de Vries (α1 = 0) or Gardner equation u t u u x 1u 2 u x u 3 x 3 The dispersion leads to solitary waves formation at the front of breaking wave 0 Energy spectrum in KdV computations before solitons tends to k-8/3 k-8/3 = k/k0 Solitary wave formation Mark J. Ablowitz, Douglas E. Baldwin. Interactions and asymptotics of dispersive shock waves – Korteweg–de Vries equation. Physics Letters A, 2013, vol. 377, 5550559. 0.8 0.4 0 0.8 -0.4 0 40 80 120 160 t = 40 200 x elevation elevation t = 27 0.4 0 -0.4 0 40 80 120 160 200 Solitary wave formation in spectrum 1 0.1 spectrum, S/S0 0.01 0.001 0.0001 1E-005 1E-006 40 1E-007 t = 24 1E-008 1E-009 1E-010 1 10 wave number, k 100 Denys Dutykh BreakingRiemannWave_KdV.avi Burgers Equation Shock wave formation k-4/3 k-1 Strongly nonlinear Riemann Waves in Water Channels 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami Nonlinear Shallow Water Theory t u t x u h u 0 u x g 0 x is the water level displacement, u is the horizontal velocity of water flow, g is a gravity acceleration and h is unperturbed water depth assumed to be constant Riemann Wave u() Riemann Wave u 2 t V ( ) g (h ) V 3 g (h ) 2 gh x 0 Particle velocity Local speed gh 5 4 1 0 -1 crest 9 h 2 trough H cr V (H )/c Critical Depth when V = 0 4 “right” deformation 3 “left” deformation -2 0 1 2 3 Ãë óá è í à , H /h 4 5 a m p litu d e , a /h 0 0 .2 0 .4 (t) 0 .6 -2 a -0 .4 2 h -1 .6 b rea k in g p o in t h 9 1 2 = asin ( ) Wave amplitude -0 .8 -1 .2 2 t 0 ( 3 1 2 ) 2 ( 3 1 2 ) A arcsin Location of the breaking point in trough on the shallow water wave a m p litu d e , a /h d is p la c e m e n t a t b re a k in g p o in t, /h p h a s e o f b re a k in g p o in t, t 0 0 0 .2 0 .4 0 .6 0 * h * a sin -0 .2 -0 .4 .6 •Zahibo, N., Slunyaev, A., Talipova, T., Pelinovsky, E., Kurkin,-0A., and Polukhina, O. Strongly nonlinear steepening of long interfacial waves. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 2007, vol. 14, No. 3, 247-256. •Zahibo, N., Didenkulova, I., Kurkin, A., and Pelinovsky, E. Steepness and spectrum of nonlinear deformed shallow water wave. Ocean Engineering. 2008, vol. 35, No. 1., 47-52. •Pelinovsky, E.N., and Rodin, A.A. Nonlinear deformation of a large-amplitude wave on shallow water. Doklady Physics, 2011, vol. 56, No. 5, 305-308. Shock Wave Formation A/h = 0.2 Computation with CLAWPACK Shock Wave Formation A/h = 0.6 Shock Wave Formation A/h = 0.9 Conclusions • The time for breaking to occur depends only on the absolute values of the coefficients of the quadratic and cubic nonlinear terms but not on their signs and it decreases with increasing wave amplitude. The shock appears on the face- or back-slope depending on the signs and ratio of the quadratic and cubic nonlinear terms. • Using the dispersionless Gardner equation, the spectrum evolution of an initially sinusoidal wave has been analyzed and an explicit formula for the Fourier spectrum in terms of Bessel functions obtained. The asymptotic behavior of the Fourier spectrum has been studied in detail. • The energy spectrum of the Riemann wave at the point of breaking is universal for any kind of nonlinearity and described by a power law with a slope close to -8/3. • The spectrum can be described by an exponential law for small times and has a power asymptotic describing the form of the singularity in the wave shape at the point where the wave breaks at the time of breaking.