Making Your Measurements Count

Making Your Measurements Count
All of the numbers I know for sure…
+ 1 estimate.
◦ Non Zero #s
◦ Zeros
 Trapped Zeros
 Leading Zeros
 Trailing Zeros
 Decimal Point present
 Decimal Point absent
Exact Numbers (Counted items and some
conversion factors)
◦ Unlimited or Infinite Significance
The Weak Link Rule
◦ Your answer must have the same number of
significant figures as the number in the operation
which has the ___________ ___________ of significant
◦ Remember how to round!!
The Weak Link Rule
◦ Your answer must have the same number of
______________________as the number in the
operation which has the _________ __________ of
◦ Why the add/subtract rule is seldom used in lab.
◦ Why it is used in % error calculations.