LARGE CLASS SIZE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY GATHER THESE THINGS: HAMMER AND NAIL TWINE A VARIETY OF BOTTLECAPS SCISSORS PUNCTURE THE BOTTLECAPS ABOVE THE LOGO INSERT TWINE FROM BOTTLECAP FRONT TIE AN INITIAL KNOT, ABOUT TWO BOTTLECAP LENGTHS, BEFORE TYING AT THE NECK. NUMBER EACH BOTTLECAP FAMILY 1 to X HAND OUT THE BOTTLECAP FAMILIES BOTTLECAPS IN ACTION Organizing a role-play ‘Job interviews’ Brakina 1 APPLICANTS Beaufort 1 Flag 1 Fanta 1 Coke 1 Youki 1 INTERVIEW PANEL Sprite 1 Beaufort 1 APPLICANTS Flag 1 Brakina 1 Coke 1 Youki 1 INTERVIEW PANEL Fanta 1 Sprite 1 APPLICANTS Flag 1 Fanta 1 Beaufort 1 Coke 1 Youki 1 Sprite 1 Brakina 1 INTERVIEW PANEL Fanta 1 APPLICANTS Flag 1 Coke 1 Youki 1 Sprite 1 INTERVIEW PANEL Beaufort 1 Brakina 1 APPLICANTS Fanta 1 Flag 1 Coke 1 Youki 1 Sprite 1 INTERVIEW PANEL Brakina 1 Beaufort 1 APPLICANTS Fanta 1 Flag 1 Coke 1 Youki 1 Sprite 1 INTERVIEW PANEL Brakina 1 Beaufort 1 AGAIN… 1 2 3 5 6 START 4 SWITCH ROLES Organizing a jigsaw Individuals change groups to add new information, opinion, etc. Coke 2 Coke 1 Coke 9 Coke 3 Coke 8 Sprite 1 Sprite 2 Sprite 9 Coke 4 Sprite 3 Coke 7 Coke 5 Sprite 8 Coke 6 Sprite 4 Sprite 7 Sprite 6 Fanta 2 Fanta 1 Fanta 3 Fanta 9 Fanta 8 Fanta 4 Fanta 7 Fanta 5 Fanta 6 Sprite 5 Fanta 1 Coke 2 Coke 9 Coke 3 Coke 8 Coke 1 Sprite 2 Sprite 9 Coke 4 Sprite 3 Coke 7 Coke 5 Sprite 8 Coke 6 Sprite 4 Sprite 7 Sprite 6 Sprite 1 Fanta 2 Fanta 3 Fanta 9 Fanta 8 Fanta 4 Fanta 7 Fanta 5 Fanta 6 Sprite 5 Fanta 1 Coke 2 Coke 9 Coke 3 Coke 8 Coke 1 Sprite 2 Sprite 9 Coke 4 Sprite 3 Coke 5 Coke 7 Sprite 8 Fanta 6 Sprite 4 Sprite 7 Coke 6 Sprite 1 Fanta 2 Fanta 3 Fanta 9 Fanta 8 Fanta 4 Fanta 7 Fanta 5 Sprite 6 Sprite 5 AGAIN… Manage individuals, pairs, small-groups or whatever you need, simply by calling out the beverage names to fit your plan. Randomly distribute the necklaces daily. Try to find soft drinks rather than alcoholic brands, obviously.