Size, Growth and Composition of Adolescent and Youth Population in India by Dr. Sanjay Kumar National Programme Officer, UNFPA-India, New Delhi COMMEMORATING WORLD POPULATION DAY 2014 Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi July 17, 2014 Relevance The adolescent and the youth population constitute a critical segments, as the future demographic, social, economic and political development depends on them Therefore, investing in them seems to be the best way to leverage the nation’s competitive advantage for reaping the benefits of the demographic dividend Definition Different countries define adolescent and youth differently. The lower bound ranges from 12 (Jamaica) to 18 (Bangladesh). The upper bound ranges from 24 (Jamaica) to even 35 or 40 (Kenya, Pakistan). While there are no universally accepted definitions of adolescents and youth, for statistical purposes, without prejudice to other definitions by Member States, the United Nations considers – Adolescent Population: 10 – 19 Years Youth Population: 15 – 24 Years Overlapping age category of 15 – 19 years Outline of the Presentation Trends in size and % of Adolescents and youth population Global perspective, India and its States Future prospects of adolescent and youth population Composition of adolescent and youth population by Gender Place of Residence Social groups Summing up 253 million Adolescent population of India is more than the total population of 18 Western Asian Countries in 2011 Adolescent population Source: Census of India, 2011, UN World Population Prospects, 12th Revision Western Asia (236 million) Armenia Azerbaijan Bahrain Cyprus Georgia Iraq Israel Jordan Kuwait Lebanon Oman Qatar Saudi Arabia State of Palestine Syrian Arab Republic Turkey United Arab Emirates Yemen 232 million Youth population of India is nearly equal to the total population of 18 Western Asian Countries in 2011 Youth population ~ Source: Census of India, 2011, UN World Population Prospects, 12th Revision Western Asia (236 million) Armenia Azerbaijan Bahrain Cyprus Georgia Iraq Israel Jordan Kuwait Lebanon Oman Qatar Saudi Arabia State of Palestine Syrian Arab Republic Turkey United Arab Emirates Yemen Adolescent and Youth Population: Global Perspective 2010 Source: UN World Population Prospects, 12th Revision Sl World / Countries Total Pop Adolescent Population (Million) Youth Population Numbers % Numbers % World 6916 1198 17.3 1223 17.7 1 China 1359 191 14.1 242 17.8 2 India 1205 236 19.6 229 19.0 3 United States of America 312 43 13.8 43 14.1 4 Indonesia 240 43 18.0 40 16.8 5 Brazil 195 33 17.3 33 17.2 6 Pakistan 173 39 23.1 37 21.5 7 Nigeria 159 35 22.3 30 19.2 8 Bangladesh 151 32 21.3 30 20.3 9 Russian Federation 143 15 10.6 21 14.8 127 11 9.4 12 10.1 10 Japan Around 36% of the world’s adolescents and 38% of its youth reside in China and India The proportion of adolescents population in India is higher than China Annual Growth Rate of Adolescent Population in Selected Countries (percent), 2000-2010 -4.61 Russian Federation -2.36 China -1.57 Japan -0.53 -0.04 -0.01 Brazil Indonesia WORLD 0.45 0.54 0.68 USA Bangladesh India 1.55 Pakistan 2.22 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 Nigeria 3 The highest negative annual growth rate during 2000-2010 was recorded in Russian Federation, followed China, Japan and Brazil Nigeria and Pakistan recorded highest annual growth rate Annual Growth Rate of Youth Population in Selected Countries (percent), 2000-2010 Japan -2.11 Russian Federation -0.83 Indonesia -0.52 Brazil -0.31 USA 0.97 Bangladesh 1.05 1.18 WORLD 1.23 India China 1.77 Nigeria 2.12 2.7 Pakistan -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Among youth population, Japan recorded the highest negative growth rate Similar to the case of adolescents growth rate, Pakistan and Nigeria had the highest growth of young population during 2000-2010 Future Prospects of Adolescents and Youth Population, India and China, 2010 - 2050 Adolescents 300 200 241 237 250 191 238 219 139 150 250 242 190 100 50 50 139 0 2010 2015 2030 2050 2010 China 2015 2030 2050 Youth Population (Million) Adolescent Population (Million) China India India 25.0 25.0 19.6 20.0 18.8 20.0 16.1 13.5 15.0 10.0 224 175 150 100 0 237 234 229 200 175 161 Youth 300 14.1 11.5 15.0 13.6 12.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 2030 % of Adolescent Population China 13.8 17.8 10.0 5.0 2015 18.3 16.1 10.0 12.1 5.0 2010 19.0 India 2050 2010 2015 2030 % of Youth Population China India 2050 Growth of Adolescent and Youth Population in India, 1961 - 2011 300 250 250 200 100 154 150 73 Corresponding increase in youth population is from 73 million to 232 million during this period 91 50 0 1961 Adolescent population has increased from 85 million in 1961 to 253 million in 2011 (in five decades) 121 116 85 232 190 178 150 253 1971 1981 Adolescents 1991 2001 2011 Youth Net additions during successive Census years Unlike the decrease in the net addition of adolescent population during the last decade, the net addition of youth population in each subsequent decades has always been higher since 1961 Decades Adolescents Youth 1971-81 33.8 30.9 1981-91 27.7 32.0 1991-2001 47.7 36.5 2001-1011 28.2 42.0 Trends in Percentage of Adolescent and Youth Population in India, 1961 - 2011 30 25 20 15 19.4 21.2 16.7 16.5 1961 1971 22.6 21.2 21.9 20.9 18.3 18.3 18.5 19.2 1981 1991 2001 2011 10 5 0 Adolescents Youth Since 1971, the proportion of adolescent population has remained around 21% The proportion of youth population has increased steadily from 16.7% in 1961 to 19.2% in 2011 Adolescent and Youth Population: State Ranking, 2011 (Million) Rank States Adolescent Population % to Total Population States Youth Population % to Total Population INDIA 253.2 100 INDIA 231.9 100 1 Uttar Pradesh 48.9 19.3 Uttar Pradesh 40.6 17.5 2 Bihar 23.3 9.2 Maharashtra 21.7 9.4 3 Maharashtra 21.3 8.4 West Bengal 17.8 7.7 4 West Bengal 18.2 7.2 Bihar 17.5 7.6 5 Andhra Pradesh 16.2 6.4 Andhra Pradesh 16.2 7.0 Uttar Pradesh ranks first in terms of both adolescent and youth population in the country, accounting for 19.3% of total adolescents of the country and 17.5% of India’s youth Bihar, Maharashtra, West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh are among top five states in terms of both adolescents and youth population, with varying ranking for the two segments, though all these four states each accounts for less than 10% of the share of adolescents and youth population of the country Adolescent Population: in India, 2011 Percent of Adolescent Population, State wise, 2011 Percent of Youth Population, State wise, 2011 Trends in Adolescents Sex Ratio in Selected Countries, 2000-2010 Among top 10 populous counties of the world, drastic declines in Sex ratio among adolescent population during 2000-2010 has been observed in case of China and India and also in Indonesia Sex ratio is defined as females per thousand males Trends in Youth Sex Ratio in Selected Countries, 2000-2010 In case of sex ratio among youth population, China showed drastic decline of 36 points during 2000-2010 India’s youth sex ratio has declined by 8 points during this period Sex ratio is defined as females per thousand males Trends in Adolescents, Youth and Overall Sex Ratio in India, 1961 – 2011 Females per 1000 males 1000 990 980 960 940 941 930 920 900 935 898 880 884 860 934 927 927 925 895 892 887 882 1981 1991 2001 933 943 908 898 840 1961 1971 2011 Census Years Adolescent Youth Overall Based on Census data, the adolescent sex ratio in India has been low – with the lowest at 882 in 2001 to the highest at 898 in 2011 The youth sex ratio declined sharply from 990 in 1961 to 935 in 1971, and thereafter it fell in subsequent four decades, it fell continuously and during 2011 Census, it improved by 13 points (at 908) Sex ratio is defined as females per thousand males Top and Bottom Five States in terms of Adolescent and Youth Sex Ratio in India, 2011 Top five states/UTs Adolescent Sex Ratio Top five states/UTs Youth Sex Ratio Lakshadweep 1053 Puducherry 1040 Arunachal Pradesh 983 Meghalaya 1011 Odisha 981 Kerala 1008 Meghalaya 979 Odisha 1006 Chhattisgarh 972 Tripura 1003 Bottom five states/UTs Adolescent Sex Ratio Bottom five states/Uts Youth Sex Ratio Haryana 805 Haryana 834 Punjab 791 NCT Delhi 829 Dadra & N Haveli 775 Chandigarh 749 Chandigarh 756 Dadra & N Haveli 627 Daman & Diu 584 Daman & Diu 406 Size of Adolescent and Youth Population by Place of Residence in India, 2011 (Million) Total Rural Urban Percentage Distribution Rural Urban 253 181 72 71.5 28.5 232 158 74 68.1 31.9 72% of the total adolescents in India resides in rural areas (181 million) In case of youth population, 68% live in rural areas Trends in Percentage of Adolescent and Youth Population by Place of Residence in India, 2000-2011 RURAL AREAS 25 21.9 URBAN AREAS 25 21.7 18.9 17.7 20 20.5 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 21.9 19.7 19.2 0 2001 2011 Adolescent Youth 2001 2011 Adolescent Youth Percent of adolescent population in urban areas declined from 21.9% in 2001 to 19.2% in 2011, while in rural areas it remained more or less same The reverses is observed in case of percent of youth population. In rural areas, it increased from 17.7% in 2001 to 18.9% in 2011, while in rural areas it remained more or less same Social Composition of Adolescent and Youth Population in India, 2011 (Population size in Million) Adolescent INDIA Youth SC % to total adol ST % to total adol SC % to total youth ST % to total youth 44 17.5 23 9.2 40 17.1 20 8.6 44 million adolescents belong to Scheduled Caste category, comprising 17% of the total adolescent population of the country 23 million adolescents belong to Scheduled Tribe category, comprising 9% of the total adolescents in the country Among youth, 40 and 20 million belong to SC and ST respectively Summing Up • The current and future prospects of adolescent and youth population, as well as diversity, provides denominators for programme planning • It is up to us to take cognizance of the huge size and invest properly for the future development of our nation Thanks