Alumetal Group Q3 2014 financial results 30th October 2014 Q3 2014 and LTM at glance Volume sales – 37k tons in Q3 2014 and 151k tons in LTM Adjusted EBITDA – PLN 20 mn in Q3 2014 and PLN 85 mn in LTM Adjusted net profit – PLN 14 mn in Q3 2014 and PLN 62 mn in LTM Low net debt due to improved EBITDA, low capex and low effecitve CIT rate Motor vehicle registrations in the EU in thou. units 19,000 18,000 17,000 2,743 2,990 16,000 2,451 15,000 1,642 1,761 14,000 13,000 15,387 CV 1,935 15,530 14,309 12,000 14,132 13,343 PC 1,830 1,695 1,712 12,054 11,851 2012 2013 13,130 11,000 12,400 10,000 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 LTM In Q3 2014 sales of motor vehicle in the EU increased by 5,8% (increase by 5,1% in PC and 10,1% in CV) In LTM sales of motor vehicle in the EU increased by 4,9% (increase by 4,6% in PC and 6,9% in CV) 0 09-2014 07-2014 05-2014 03-2014 01-2014 11-2013 09-2013 07-2013 05-2013 03-2013 01-2013 11-2012 09-2012 07-2012 05-2012 03-2012 01-2012 11-2011 09-2011 07-2011 05-2011 03-2011 01-2011 11-2010 09-2010 07-2010 05-2010 03-2010 01-2010 11-2009 09-2009 07-2009 05-2009 03-2009 01-2009 11-2008 09-2008 07-2008 05-2008 03-2008 01-2008 Metal Bulletin 226 alloy spread w EUR Margin benchmark (EUR/t) 600 500 400 300 200 100 In Q3 2014 slight improvement of relation between scrap cost and standard 226 alloy prices Volume sales in thou. tons 140.0 26% 120.0 116.9 140.0 100.0 80.0 8% 34.4 99.4 88.1 60.0 37.2 40.0 20.0 20.0 0.0 3Q'13 126.9 80.0 60.0 40.0 150.7 120.0 93.1 100.0 19% 160.0 3Q'14 9M'13 9M'14 In Q3 2014 volume sales increased by 8% to 37k tons In LTM volume sales increased by 19% to 151k tons 2011 2012 2013 LTM Sales revenue in mn PLN 1,000 22% 900 800 908.9 1,400 16% 1,200 743.7 1,015.3 1,000 700 600 800 500 7% 400 274.2 300 1,180.5 811.7 844.6 2011 2012 600 292.3 400 200 200 100 0 0 3Q'13 3Q'14 9M'13 9M'14 In Q3 2014 sales revenue increased by 7% to PLN 292 mn In LTM sales revenue increased by 16% to over PLN 1180 mn 2013 LTM EBITDA in mn PLN 60.0 55.9 60% 80.0 70.0 50.0 39% 63.0 60.0 40.0 35.0 30.0 16.4 52.9 54.0 2012 2013 50.0 20% 20.0 74.9 40.0 19.8 30.0 20.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 3Q'13 3Q'14 9M'13 9M'14 - In Q3 2014 EBITDA increased by 20% to PLN 20 mn In LTM EBITDA increased by 39% to PLN 75 mn 2011 LTM EBITDA per ton in PLN 11% 600 800 531 27% 478 500 478 17% 600 376 400 715 700 532 500 300 497 425 400 300 200 200 100 100 0 0 3Q'13 3Q'14 9M'13 9M'14 2011 In Q3 2014 EBITDA per ton increased by 11% to 531 PLN/t In LTM EBITDA per ton increased by 17% to 497 PLN/t 2012 2013 LTM Net profit in mn PLN 45.0 42.0 40.0 83% 60.0 50.0 35.0 53% 44.0 40.0 30.0 22.9 25.0 15.0 12.4 34.4 35.8 2012 2013 30.0 14% 20.0 54,9 14.0 20.0 10.0 10.0 5.0 - 0.0 3Q'13 3Q'14 9M'13 9M'14 In Q3 2014 net profit increased by 14% to PLN 14 mn In LTM net profit increased by 53% to PLN 55 mn 2011 LTM The impact of one-off events for 1-3Q 2014 results in thou. PLN VAT – reversal of provision 1 106 IPO costs - 1 490 Cimos – creation of provision - 9 757 Impact on EBITDA VAT – reversal of provision + interest Impact on EBT CIT Impact on net profit - 10 142 884 - 9 258 2 137 - 7 121 Adjusted EBITDA in mn PLN 66,1* 70.0 60.0 55.9 89% 50.0 40.0 16.4 57% 74.9 63.0 60.0 52.9 54.0 50.0 24% 20.0 80.0 70.0 35.0 30.0 85,0* 90.0 40.0 19,8 20,3* 30.0 20.0 10.0 10.0 3Q'13 3Q'14 9M'13 9M'14 2011 * Adjusted by impact of one-off events In Q3 2014 adjusted EBITDA increased by 24% to PLN 20 mn In LTM adjusted EBITDA increased by 57% to PLN 85 mn 2012 2013 LTM Adjusted EBITDA per ton in PLN 14% 600 500 565* 531 546* 50% 478 478 800 715 700 33% 600 376 400 564* 532 500 497 425 400 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 3Q'13 3Q'14 9M'13 9M'14 0 2011 2012 * Adjusted by impact of one-off events In Q3 2014 adjusted EBITDA per ton increased by 14% to PLN 546 In LTM adjusted EBITDA per ton increased by 33% to PLN 564 2013 LTM Adjusted net profit mn PLN 60.0 70.0 49,1* 50.0 114% 42.0 73% 22.9 17% 34.4 35.8 30.0 14.0 14,5* 12.4 54.9 44.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 62,0* 20.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 3Q'13 3Q'14 9M'13 9M'14 2011 * Adjusted by impact of one-off events In Q3 2014 adjusted net profit increased by 17% to PLN 14,5 mn In LTM adjusted net profit increased by 73% to PLN 62 mn 2012 2013 LTM Capex in mn PLN 30.0 70.0 28.2 64.2 60.0 25.0 -74% 20.0 50.0 38.6 40.0 33.5 15.0 -62% 30.0 10.0 7.4 -68% 20.0 12.7 5.1 5.0 10.0 1.6 - 0.0 3Q'13 3Q'14 9M'13 9M'14 In Q3 2014 capex decreased by 68% to PLN 1,6 mn In LTM capex decreased by 62% to PLN 12,7 mn 2011 2012 2013 LTM OCF vs EBITDA in mn PLN 80.0 55,9 60.0 70.0 50.0 38,8 35.0 40.0 16.4 3Q'13 -10.0 60.0 69.5 60.9 52.9 54.0 36.5 40.0 19.8 30.0 5.8 6.1 10.0 63.0 50.0 30.0 20.0 74.9 3Q'14 -2.3 9M'13 20.0 17.2 10.0 9M'14 2011 EBITDA OCF 2012 EBITDA In Q3 2014 OCF amounted to minus PLN 2 mn vs EBIDTA PLN 20 mn In LTM OCF amounted to PLN 69,5 mn vs EBIDTA PLN 75 mn 2013 LTM OCF Net debt and effective CIT rate Net debt 120.0 1.8 2.0 1.8 100.0 1.4 80.0 60.0 Effective CIT rate 1.6 1.3 1.4 0.8 1.0 112.1 40.0 1.2 0.8 72.1 70.2 61.7 20.0 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 2011 2012 Net debt 2013 9M'14 Net debt/EBITDA 14.0% 12.0% 12.3% 10.0% 8.0% 7.8% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 1.7% 0.0% -2.0% 2011 2012 2013 9M'14-1.2% At the end of September 2014 net debt amounted to PLN 62 mn and Net debt/EBIDTA ratio decreased from 1,3x at the end of 2013 to 0,8x at the end of Q3 2014 Effective CIT rate in Q3 2014 was negative due to the provision for CIMOS receivables Provision for receivables from CIMOS The Management Board decided to make a provision for the total amount of the receivables amounting to PLN 9.757 thou. in the results of H1 2014 On 5th August 2014 Alumetal received the letter with the proposal of claim repayment in the following way: 25% of the amount shall be paid in October 2014 30% of the amount shall be divided into 8 semi-annual installments due from October 2015 45% of the amount shall be redeemed The court indicated the deadline until 3rd September 2014 for Cimos to present the restructuring plan On 15th October 2014 Alumetal received the letter confirming an intention of first payment (25% of the amount) within November 2014 (5 days after approval of restucturing plan by the District Court of Koper) Status of project in Hungary On 1st October 2014 – business plan accepted by Supervisory Board PLN 120 mn capex ca. 60k tons production capacity realized in one stage start of the production in Q4 2016 On 9th October 2014 – order for design of the plant was issued On 10th October 2014 – preliminary purchase agreement of the land was signed On 10th October 2014 – binding offer from Hungarian Goverment was obtaind (public aid up to 35% of eligible capex, the split between cash grant/CIT allowance close to Management expectations) Summary Q3 2014 financial results in line with the Management expectations Market situation should be stable till the end of 2014 Strong OCF, low leverage and obtained Hungarian public aid will allow to finance capex of Hungarian project and continue the dividend policy