Robotics Research Laboratory Louisiana State University Class Robot Development Environment ◦ Programming Environment ◦ Major components Microcontroller ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Overview of the features AVR Architecture PIN layout Timer / Interrupt AVR-C basic ◦ Variable type, condition, loop Programming ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ OS : Linux ( Ubuntu ) Compiler: gcc-avr (avr-gcc in Ubuntu package) Required library : gawk, avr-libc Additional Software : subversion(svn), gtkterm Robot parts ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ AVR Stamp Module and Board Pololu USB AVR Programmer (1 ISP, 1 UART) TB6612FNG Dual Motor Driver (1A per Channel) Optical switch/ IR sensor Geared DC- Motor Jumpers (wires) 4 AA batteries, 1 battery holder, 2 wheels, 1 omni-wheel Install Ubuntu Update list of Ubuntu package ◦ sudo apt-get update Install required package for AVR ◦ sudo apt-get install gcc-avr avr-libc gawk avrdude Install additional packages ◦ sudo apt-get install subversion gtkterm Download basic robot libraries – ◦ svn co robostix Atmel : AT series ex) ATMega128 NXP : ARM series Microchip : PIC series TI (Texas Instrument) : MSP series Motorola : 68HC908 Series Advanced RISC Architecture – 8 Bit Microcontroller ◦ 133 Powerful Instructions – Most Single Clock Cycle Execution ◦ 32 x 8 General Purpose Working Registers ◦ Up to 16MIPS Throughput at 16MHz 128Kbytes of ISP Flash program memory 4Kbytes EEPROM, 4Kbytes Internal SRAM Two 8-bit Timer/Counters 8 External Interrupt ports Two Expanded 16-bit Timer/Counters 6 PWM Channels from 2 to 16 Bits 8-channel, 10-bit ADC 53 Programmable I/O Lines 4.5 - 5.5V supply power ; 0.2 W (16Mhz, 5.0V) $5 ~ $12 64 pins 53 Programmable I/O Lines ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ 8 6 2 8 ADC PWM UART External Interrupts PORT A, B, C, D, E, F, G ATMega128 PINS : SPEED : Memory : Power Consumption : Price : Intel Core i7 ◦ 64 Pins ◦ 1175 Pins ◦ 4 ~ 20 Mhz ◦ 1 ~ 4 Ghz ◦ 4 KB ◦ 4 ~ 12MB cache ◦ 0.2 W ◦ 30 ~ 110 W ◦ $5 ~ $10 ◦ $100 ~ $500 #include <avr/io.h> #include “yourLibrary.h” void yourFuctions(void) ◦ Declare prototype functions first Main(){ ◦ initialize ◦ while(1) {} // initialize hardware // One main while loop } void yourFuction(void){} uint8_t : 1 Byte 0 ~ 255 uint16_t : 2 Bytes 0 ~ 65535 uint32_t : 4 Bytes 0 ~ 232 - 1 char : 1 Byte int : 2 Byte -32768 ~ 32767 double : 4 Bytes float : 4 Bytes * : pointer char[], int[], double[], … : Array, also multidimensional array void functionName(void) ◦ No parameter, no return void funcitonName(type parameter) ◦ ex) void funcitonName( int parameter) : One integer parameter, no return type funcitionName(void) ◦ ex) int funcitonName( void) : No parameter, return integer type functionName(type parameter) ◦ ex) double functionName( char parameter) - One char parameter, return double If ( ){}else{} / else if( ){} switch case for( ; ; ) while( ) do{}while() Make ◦ Build compiling environment with Makefile,, and ◦ Create required object files ◦ Compile the code to make a binary code (.hex) Sending the binary code with bootloader ◦ avrdude –c stk500v2 –p m128 –P /dev/ttyACM0 –e –F –U flash:w:light-control.hex #include "Hardware.h" #include "Timer.h" #include “Delay.h" int main(void) { InitHardware(); while (1){ ms_spin(1000); //1000 millisecond delay (1sec) TOGGLE_PIN(RED_LED); // first LED TOGGLE_PIN(BLUE_LED); // second LED TOGGLE_PIN(YELLOW_LED); // third LED TOGGLE_PIN(GREEN_LED); // fourth LED } } #include "Hardware.h" #include "Timer.h" #include “Delay.h" int main(void) { InitHardware(); int ledFlag=0; while (1){ if ( ledFlag == 0){ ms_spin(300); ledFlag=1 ; }else if ( ledFlag == 1){ ms_spin(500); ledFlag=2; }else { ms_spin(1000); ledFlag = 0; } TOGGLE_PIN(RED_LED); TOGGLE_PIN(BLUE_LED); TOGGLE_PIN(YELLOW_LED); TOGGLE_PIN(GREEN_LED); } } } // 300 millisecond delay // 500 millisecond delay // 1000 millisecond delay // first LED // second LED // third LED // fourth LED #include "Hardware.h" #include "Timer.h" #include “Delay.h" int main(void) { InitHardware(); int ledFlag=0; while (1){ switch (ledFlag){ case (0) : ms_spin(300); ledFlag = 1 ; break; // 300 millisecond delay ms_spin(500); ledFlag =2; break; // 500 millisecond delay ms_spin(1000); ledFlag = 0; // 1000 millisecond delay case (1) : default : } TOGGLE_PIN(RED_LED); TOGGLE_PIN(BLUE_LED); TOGGLE_PIN(YELLOW_LED); TOGGLE_PIN(GREEN_LED); } } } // first LED // second LED // third LED // fourth LED #include "Hardware.h" #include "Timer.h" #include "Delay.h" int main(void){ InitHardware(); while (1){ count++; if ((count % 1) == 0 ){ TOGGLE_PIN(RED_LED); } if ((count % 3) == 0 ){ TOGGLE_PIN(BLUE_LED); } if ((count % 2) == 0 ){ TOGGLE_PIN(YELLOW_LED); } if ((count % 4) == 0 ){ TOGGLE_PIN(GREEN_LED); } ms_spin(1000); } } // every 2 second // first LED // every 4 second // second LED // every 3 second // third LED // every 5 second // fourth LED #include "Hardware.h" #include "Timer.h" #include "Delay.h" int main(void){ InitHardware(); while (1){ count++; if ((count % 1) == 0 ){ TOGGLE_PIN(RED_LED); } if ((count % 10) == 0 ){ TOGGLE_PIN(BLUE_LED); } if ((count % 100) == 0 ){ TOGGLE_PIN(YELLOW_LED); } if ((count % 1000) == 0 ){ TOGGLE_PIN(GREEN_LED); } ms_spin(1); } } // 1 millisecond // 10 millisecond // 100 millisecond // 1 second Make LEDs blink with below patterns R B Y G (Bonus point) Make a led-control program which can control 4 led with different blinking time ◦ Using if else ◦ Using switch case 4 prisoners, The prisoner(A) is in Room-A, the others are in Room-B Prisoners can’t see beyond the wall, and prisoners can see only front side A guard put a black or white hat on each prisoner head as below picture Let them know there are 4 prisoners and two white hats and two black hats. Any one be released immediately if they can answer correctly what color hat on their head. Who can answer this question correctly? Why? Room B Room A Wall