Thibo Billiet E-poster nr. 3654 Tuesday 23 april at 13:30, Computer 54 Microstructural characterization of Unidentified Bright Objects in Neurofibromatosis type 1 Thibo Billiet1, Louise Emsell1, Burkhard Maedler2, Felice D'Arco3, Sabine Deprez1, Judith Verhoeven1, Ellen Plasschaert4, Ronald Peeters1, Alexander Leemans5, Bea Van den Bergh6, Mathieu Vandenbulcke7, Eric Legius4, and Stefan Sunaert1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Translational MRI, Imaging and Pathology dpt., KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium Radiology, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium Leuven research Institute for Neuroscience & Disease, Leuven, Belgium Medical Imaging Research Center, KU Leuven & UZ Leuven, Leuven, Belgium Division of Stereotaxy and MR-Based Operative Techniques, Department of Neurosurgery, Bonn University Hospital, Bonn, Germany Radiology, University Federico II of Naples, Naples, Italy Human Genetics, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium Image Sciences Institute, University Medical Center Utrecht,Utrecht, The Netherlands Psychology, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium Psychiatry, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium What are UBO’s? Discussion Research question Conclusion MWI results Materials & methods DTI & DKI results What are UBO’s? Discussion Research question Conclusion MWI results Materials & methods DTI & DKI results Unidentified Bright Objects are NF1-related T2 hyperintensities Neurofibromatosis type 1: • • • • • • Hereditary genetic disorder Prevalence 1 in 3000 Peripheral nerve tumours Learning difficulties in children … (transient) hyperintensities on T2-weighted MRI scans Cerebellar white matter Basal ganglia and hypothalami Mesencephalon Unidentified Bright Objects can be transient UBO number vs. age Cerebellar WM Globus Pallidus / Internal Capsule Kraut M.A., Gerring J.P. et al., A.J.M.G. 129A:113-119 (2004) UBO volume vs. age Cerebellar WM Globus Pallidus / Internal Capsule The histopathological basis of UBOs remains unclear 1H MR Spectroscopy NAA: UBO < contralateral NAWM Choline: UBO > contralateral NAWM Hamartomas? Braffman, Bilaniuk et al. 1988 Jones, Gunawardena et al. 2001 Heterotopias? Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) UBO > contralateral NAWM Tognini, Ferrozzi et al. 2005 Alkan, Sigirci et al. 2005 UBO > healthy control WM Eastwood, Fiorella et al. 2001 Van Engelen, Krab et al. 2008 Fractional Anisotropy (FA) UBO < healthy control WM Zamboni, Loenneker et al. 2007 Ferraz-Filho, da Rocha et al. 2011 Filippi, Bos et al. 2012 Magnetization Transfer Ratio (MTR) UBO < healthy control WM Margariti et al. 2007 Bognanno, Edwards et al. 1988 Regions of abnormal myelination/demyelination? Smirniotopoulos and Murphy 1992 Intramyelinic vacuolization/astroglial cell proliferation? DiPaolo et al. 1995 The histopathological basis of UBOs remains unclear 1H MR Spectroscopy NAA: UBO < contralateral NAWM Choline: UBO > contralateral NAWM Hamartomas? Braffman, Bilaniuk et al. 1988 Jones, Gunawardena et al. 2001 Heterotopias? Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) UBO > contralateral NAWM Tognini, Ferrozzi et al. 2005 Alkan, Sigirci et al. 2005 UBO > healthy control WM Eastwood, Fiorella et al. 2001 Van Engelen, Krab et al. 2008 Fractional Anisotropy (FA) UBO < healthy control WM Zamboni, Loenneker et al. 2007 Ferraz-Filho, da Rocha et al. 2011 Filippi, Bos et al. 2012 Magnetization Transfer Ratio (MTR) UBO < healthy control WM Margariti et al. 2007 Bognanno, Edwards et al. 1988 Regions of abnormal myelination/demyelination? Smirniotopoulos and Murphy 1992 Intramyelinic vacuolization/astroglial cell proliferation? DiPaolo et al. 1995 What are UBO’s? Discussion Research question Conclusion MWI results Materials & methods DTI & DKI results Can novel MRI techniques refine our understanding of UBO microstructure? DTI and DKI UBO vs. cNAWM ? MWI Pairwise comparison What are UBO’s? Discussion Research question Conclusion MWI results Materials & methods DTI & DKI results Kurtosis Tensor Imaging Diffusion Tensor Imaging Diffusion Tensor Imaging & Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging Radial diffusion Excess Kurtosis = 0 Mean diffusion Axial diffusion Fractional Anisotropy No boundaries: Free diffusion Excess Kurtosis = 0.5 Excess Kurtosis = 5 Axial kurtosis Mean kurtosis Radial kurtosis Kurtosis Anisotropy Myelin Water Imaging A: the fraction of water with T2 relaxation time 10-40 ms correlates with the myelin content. This is the Myelin Water Fraction (MWF) B: The water having medium T2 (40-200 ms) is the intra- and extracellular water fraction (IEF). Note: The T2 time of CSF is even longer and not shown in this graph. C: the sum of all T2 fractions gives the total water content (TWC). D: the geometric mean T2 of the MWF peak (M-gmT2) E: the geometric mean T2 of total water content (T-gmT2) F: the geometric mean T2 of the IEF peak (IE-gmT2) G: the peak width of the IEF peak (IE-pw) Data acquisition DKI sequence MWI sequence T2w-FLAIR • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • SE-EPI 3 b0-images B-shells: • 700 s/mm2 x 25 directions • 1000 s/mm2 x 40 directions • 2800 s/mm2 x 75 directions δ/ Δ= 20ms/48.3ms TR/TE= 7800ms/90ms uniform voxel size= 2.5 mm FOV= 240 x 240 x 125 mm3 data matrix= 96 x 96 x 50 SENSE factor = 2 in the anteroposterior direction • • • • • 3D GraSE 32 echoes (TE1 = 10 ms, ΔTE = 10 ms) TR = 800 ms 32 slices (thickness 1mm) FOV= 240 x 240 x 64mm3 data matrix= 240 x 240 x 32 EPI read-out factor = 3 Madler and MacKay 2007 Prasloski, Rauscher et al. 2012 Poot, den Dekker et al. 2010 Subjects • 7 NF1 patients (4 girls, 3 boys, mean age 12.6 years, SD 3.4 years) • 21 UBO-cNAWM pairs (DKI) / 10 UBO-cNAWM pairs (MWI) TR = 11000 ms TI = 2800 ms TE = 120 ms Slice thickness 4 mm FOV 230 x 184 x 119 mm3 Data matrix 240 x 138 x 16 What are UBO’s? Discussion Research question Conclusion MWI results Materials & methods DTI & DKI results DTI results RD MD FA RD MD FA Increased diffusivity in radial direction is the main contributor to decreased FA and increased MD in UBOs AD -- No changes in axial direction DKI results RK MK KA UBO radial compartmentalization cNAWM radial compartmentalization RK MK KA Decreased kurtosis in radial direction is the main contributor to decreased KA and decreased MK in UBOs AK -- No changes in axial direction What are UBO’s? Discussion Research question Conclusion MWI results Materials & methods DTI & DKI results MWI results UBO cNAWM In UBOs: 1) Longer overall T2 relaxation time MWI results UBO cNAWM In UBOs: 1) Longer overall T2 relaxation time 2) Longer intra-and extracellular water T2 MWI results UBO cNAWM In UBOs: 1) Longer overall T2 relaxation time 2) Longer intra-and extracellular water T2 3) Extended range of T2 times in intraand extracellular water MWI results UBO cNAWM In UBOs: 1) Longer overall T2 relaxation time 2) Longer intra-and extracellular water T2 3) Extended range of T2 times in intraand extracellular water 4) No changes in myelin water fraction (MWF) or intra-and extracellular water fraction (IEWF) What are UBO’s? Discussion Research question Conclusion MWI results Materials & methods DTI & DKI results What can MWI teach us about the T2 hyperintensities (UBOs)? UBO cNAWM T2 hyperintensities arise in the intra- and extracellular space • Longer T2 relaxation times • Extended range of T2 times Edema? Barnes et al. 1987 (T2 and cerebral edema), Margariti et al. 2007 (MTR in UBOs), Vacuolization? Laule, Vavasour et al. 2007 (T2 and MS lesions) Astroglial cell proliferation? DiPaolo et al. 1995 (diffuse proliferation of protoplasmic astroglia in UBOs) Unaltered MWF No demyelination? DiPaolo et al. 1995 (no effect on myelin stain in UBOs) What is the added value of DTI & DKI? UBO cNAWM MWI results: T2 hyperintensities arise in the intra- and extracellular space Axial direction: no changes intact axons? DiPaolo et al. 1995 (no axonal damage in UBOs) Radial direction: Increased diffusivity + decreased kurtosis Intramyelinic vacuolization? DiPaolo et al. 1995 (spongiotic myelin in UBOs) What are UBO’s? Discussion Research question Conclusion MWI results Materials & methods DTI & DKI results Conclusion DTI and DKI UBO vs. cNAWM cNAWM MWI UBO Pairwise comparison DiPaolo’s hypothesis confirmed: • • • • No demyelination No axonal damage Intramyelinic vacuolization Astroglial cell proliferation Thank you for your attention Translational MRI – Advanced Neuroradiology Stefan Sunaert Ronald Peeters Louise Emsell Sabine Deprez Marjolein Verly Silvia Kovacs Sofie Van Cauter