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PSA ERP Training Manual 1.0

– Your Custom Garment Solution!


Training Manual

Version 1.0

9 Dec 2014

For more information, contact EDP


Matt Wennersten +91 95000 35312

PSA ERP Training Manual 1.0

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Before you Begin

• Make sure you have a web browser, e.g.

– Internet Explorer

– Mozilla Firefox

– Google Chrome installed on your computer.

• Turn off popup blocker for (or else you won’t be able to print)

• Javascript must be enabled

– Tools…Settings

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Login via Web Browser

• Open

(Kelambakkam, Guindy, or Cuddalore)

• Open (MEPX)

• Enter the username and password give to you by your administrator

• Click Log in!

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Logout or Edit Your Account

• When you’re finished, click Logout

• Change your password or email address using the Edit link in the My account menu option under the Logout button

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General Features

• Use PSA ERP like any other web page

– Control-F to Search any page

– Click “Back” or use Backspace key to return to previous page

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User Roles

• Each user account has an assigned role (GM,

Sales, Shipping, Production, etc.)

• Your role determines which menus you see

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Merchandiser Menu

• Use “Enquiry & Quote” to create new style quotes or manage existing quotes

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Enquiry Home Page: Manage


• Click on an existing style to review it

• Create a new style using the form

Merchandisers see only those buyers assigned to their user

ID in the buyer database

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Enquiry – Quote Home: Manage


• Update the Enquiry details

• Edit an existing Quote

• Create a New Quote

• Create New Quote based on an existing quote (Copy a


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Edit Quote: Update Quote Details

• Use the form to update the Quote details, submit for approval, and add, edit, or delete line items

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Submit Quote: Electronic Approval

• When your quote is ready for review, click Submit For


– Quote becomes “read-only” and appears in the supervisor queue

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Active Quote List

• Use the Active Quote List menu to review all active (not yet shipped) quotes, with links to view or edit each quote and TNA

– Use hyperlinks to sort by Buyer, Style, or Status

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Approved Quotes: Email & Send

• Once approved, use Generate Email to send a draft email of the quote details to your registered email

• Mark Quote as Sent once you have communicated the quote to the Buyer

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Quote Feedback: Accept or Reject

• Find the quote in the Active Quote List and mark as

Cancelled, Rejected or Accepted based on Buyer feedback

– Rejected: Create a new quote (copy) and resubmit for approval

– Accepted: Draft Buyer PO and Supplier POs created automatically

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Review: Quote Process

• Create an Enquiry for each new style

• Create or copy an existing Quote

• Edit the Quote details and submit for Approval

• Once approved, email the Quote info to the Buyer and mark as


• Mark the Quote as Accepted – BPO created automatically

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Buyer PO Details

• Use the Buyer PO Details menu to review all active (not yet shipped) POs, with links to view or edit

– Use hyperlinks to sort by Buyer, Style, or BPO Number

• Use the “Enter a New PO” button to add additional POs

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Buyer PO: Adjust values as needed

• Edit PO Number, Payment Terms, etc.

• To adjust # of Pieces, edit the Drop

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Edit Drop: Date, Destination, Size

• Choose correct Ship To Address

– If a Ship To address is missing, ask EDP to create a new buyer address record

• Adjust color size qty (total drop qty computed automatically)

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Review: Buyer PO Process

• Draft PO created automatically when Quote is marked as accepted

• Add additional BPOs using Buyer PO Details screen

• Update each PO with correct PO number, payment / shipping terms, and number of drops

• Edit / add color size breakup in each drop to set total quantity

• Update drop FOB date to forecast production date

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• Use Purchasing to review, edit, create, or cancel SPOs

– (First, edit the draft Supplier POs automatically created when a

Quote was accepted)

– Use hyperlinks to sort by Buyer, Last Edit, or Status

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FYI: Quote SPO List

• Once accepted, the Edit Quote screen will show all the

SPOs associated with that Quote

– Find SPO details in Edit Quote or Purchasing menu

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Edit Supplier PO

• Use the form to update SPO details, change supplier, etc.

– Use buttons & links to Add, Del, or Move line items to different SPOs

– When adding a new design code, you must specify the quote you are ordering against in order to track the quote materials budget

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Adjust Line Items

• Create design codes directly in the form

– Use the supplier’s part number, e.g.

H109A or, if no part number, use the description.

– Use sensible codes like,



– Use the edit link to get a form to lookup existing design codes

• Each line item can order materials for 1 or more quotes

– Adjust the order & roundoff qty for each quote

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Consolidating / Moving Line Items

• If there are SPOs for the same buyer and supplier, the system will offer to auto-consolidate the first time you save

• If you want to change the supplier for a single line item, use the move link to put that line item on a different SPO

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Splitting Line Items

• For Label or Packing line items only, use the Split By Size Breakup button to automatically generate 1 new line item for each size in the

Buyer PO drop

– Consumption is adjusted automatically based on the proportion of that size

• Or you can split by adjusting the design code, SPO Cons, and Order Qty manually

– The SPO Cons is used to determine how much of each design code the factory should request in order to produce the drop

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Edit SPO: Process PO

• Click Create Process PO to create a new Washing,

Testing, Embroidery, Printing, or Treatment PO for the current design code

– If you picked the wrong material, use the Change Link button to process a different design code

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Submit Supplier PO for Approval

• Once the SPO is ready, submit for approval

– SPO is read-only unless rejected by the supervisor

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Purchasing: Manage SPOs

• Track the status of SPOs via Purchasing

– Status will change to Approved or Rejected in the table

– Use hyperlinks to review the approved SPO

– As goods arrive in Store, SPO status will be automatically updated

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Print & Send Approved Supplier PO

• Once approved, the Print button is available

– Print will open a new window with a PDF

– If you need to change the SPO, cancel submission

• Once printed, click “Issue PO” to mark the PO as sent to supplier

– Stores are automatically notified of an SPO when it is issued

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View Pending Materials

• Pending Materials to be Ordered Menu shows all design codes for all accepted quotes that have not yet been printed and issued

– Export as Excel CSV to prepare Draft BOM

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Edit SPO: Track Goods Received

• As Goods are received against issued SPOs, the Recvd

Qty is automatically updated on the Edit SPO Screen

– SPO Status in the Purchasing table changes from Issued to Partly

Received to Fully Received

– If a supplier has part delivered an SPO but cannot fulfill 100%, use the “Submit for Short Close” button to nominate the SPO for closing

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Review: Supplier PO Process

• Draft SPOs created automatically from accepted Quote line items

• Add additional SPOs using Purchasing screen

• Update each SPO with correct supplier, design codes, quantity, duty,

VAT, etc.

– Save SPO changes to recalculate total cost

• Submit for Approval

• Once approved, Print and Issue (Stores notified)

• Monitor the PO and goods received status via Purchasing or Edit


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Orders in Hand

• Use the Orders in Hand menu to monitor all active drops and update TNAs

– Use hyperlinks to View TNA, sort by Date, or edit Drop

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• A TNA is automatically generated for all accepted Bulk quotes

– Several dates are calculated automatically, e.g. Fabric Ordered


– Use TNA menu option to review and update TNA

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Update TNA

• Input dates as appropriate and save updated values

– Status is re-calculated automatically on save

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Generate MIS

• TNA contains a link to automatically create a draft MIS

– Click to download and edit in Excel

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Completed Orders

• Once a drop has been shipped, it moves from the Orders in Hand menu to the Completed Orders menu, with reporting

– Use hyperlinks to View TNA, sort by Date, or view Quote

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Recap: Merchandising

• Enquiry & Quote: Create and edit styles and quotes

• Buyer PO Details: Create and manage POs and Drops

• Purchasing: Create and manage SPOs

• Active Quote List: Review current quotes

• Orders in Hand: Review current drops

• TNA: Review and update TNA details

• Pending Materials to be Ordered: View unissued design codes for quotes and create draft BOM

• Completed Order List: view historical quote details

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Stores: Goods Receiving

• The Stores Receiving Dashboard lists all issued SPOs with pending deliveries

• When a delivery arrives, find the SPO in the dashboard and

Create a GRN

– Use hyperlinks to sort by Supplier, Date, and SPO#

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Stores: Create GRN

• New GRN screen lists all design codes from the SPO

• Fill in the supplied and passed qtys for each design code

– Debit note qty automatically calculated when Supplied <> Passed


• Add any additional GRN charges (e.g. unloading, courier) under Other Debit Note Charges, and update Debit Note remarks to explain

• Use “Create GRN” to generate a draft GRN

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Stores: Edit GRN

• GRNs are editable until Printed

• Update and “Save GRN Changes” until ready to print

• On Print, GRN is locked, passed qty added to inventory, and

SPO status updated automatically

• Print GRN and Debit Notes for materials and other charges as needed

– Print opens PDF in a new window – print as many times as necessary

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Stores: List all GRNs by Date

• Use the List all GRNs menu to review all GRNs by month or find unprinted GRNs

– Use Printed or Pending pull-down to filter GRNs to View or Edit

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Stores: Goods Receiving

• Additional GRNs can be created until the SPO is Fully received (all design codes qty in house)

• SPO’s Short closed by Merchandiser because the supplier is unable to deliver full qty are “Completed” but can still create GRNs

– Click on the Completed PO Number if a new delivery arrives

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Stores: Status by Style

• Use the Store Status by Style menu to view all issued

Supplier POs by style

– Lists all design codes pending for delivery for a single style

– Create GRNs by clicking on the appropriate PO Number when a new delivery arrives

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Stores: Adjust Printed GRN

• Once printed, GRN quantity is added to inventory and subtracted from SPO “On Order” qty

• Mistakes in printed GRNs can be corrected in GRN Adjustment

– First, List all GRNs by Date

– Open the GRN Adjustment sub-menu

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Stores: Adjust Printed GRN

• Click on the GRN to be corrected

• Enter the new Supplied & Passed Qty, with explanation for the correction in “Remarks”

• Update New Qty submits the adjustment for approval

– Once approved, GRN and inventory updated automatically

– That GRN cannot be adjusted again until supervisor approves or rejects (all pending adjustments must be cleared first)

– Remember to reprint and notify accounting

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Review: GRN Process

• Issues SPOs appear automatically in the Receiving Dashboard

– Design codes appear in Store Status By Style

• As shipments arrive, find the SPO and create GRN

• Update supplied & passed quantities to match the shipment

• When ready, Print the GRN (Inventory updated)

– If the SPO is fully received, system marks it as completed

• If mistakes found later, adjust GRN from the GRN dashboard

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Stores: GDNs

• Stores disburse materials when they are requested

• Use GDN Dashboard to view requests and create GDNs

– Store GDNs for sampling, etc.

– Factory requests for production materials

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Stores: Create Store GDN

• Use Create Store GDN to submit a materials request for approval

– Enter the qty and reason for request (e.g. Shade Bands)

– Submit for approval

– Request will appear in GDN Dashboard

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Stores: GDNs

• Factories will request materials for styles in production

• All requests appear in the GDN Dashboard for fulfillment

– Click “Process Request” to create a GDN

– Scroll down to view past GDNs and Materials Requests (MRs)

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Stores: Create GDN

• Enter the Qty for each design code based on request required qty and qty in inventory

• Update packages, serial number, and remarks

• Click Create GDN

– If a request cannot be fulfilled, cancel the request and inform the factory why

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Stores: Update & Print GDN

• A GDN is not “official” until it is printed

– Use Update GDN to save draft changes or Delete to cancel

– Print Pick List generates a simple checklist for fetching materials from the warehouse

• Print GDN when ready to ship

– Qty subtracted from inventory

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Stores: Manage GDNs

• GDNs appear in a list below the materials requests on the

GDN Dashboard

– Click View GDN to reprint or review details

• Materials Requests remain open until 100% materials issued on GDNs, cancelled, or short-closed by the factory

– 1 Materials Request ID can have multiple GDNs (multiple shipments)

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Review: GDN Process

• Factory or Stores create a Materials Request (MR)

– Stores request samples, etc. using Create Store GDN

• Requests appear automatically in the GDN Dashboard

– Create GDN against the request

• When ready, Print the GDN (Inventory updated)

– If the MR is fully received, system marks it as completed

• If mistakes are made, the Factory will create a dispute record when receiving

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Stores: Receive Excess Materials

• When production is complete, a factory may return excess materials (EMR) to stores

– EMRs will appear in the Receive Excess Materials Dashboard

• Click the link to Process

– Enter the quantity received from factory

– Print to issue the EMR and update inventory

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Stores: Excess Materials Disputes

• EMRs are “official” only when printed

– Use Update to save draft EMRs

– Print to issue the EMR and update inventory

• If the qty received at Store is different from the qty listed by the factory, a “dispute” record is automatically created for resolution by a supervisor

– Inventory auto-adjusted when supervisor resolves dispute

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Stores: Stock Summary

• Inventory is updated as GRNs are printed (or adjusted)

• Use Stock Summary menu to review Inventory

– Filter by Line Item Type (Fabric, Label, etc.)

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Stores: Inventory Adjustment

• If the Stock Summary is incorrect (e.g. stock has been damaged, stolen, or misplaced), use Inventory

Adjustment to submit changes

– First, view Stock Summary

– Open the Inventory Adjustment sub-menu

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Stores: Inventory Adjustment

• Filter by item type and find the appropriate design code

– Enter in the correct Actual Quantity, with reason for change

– Submit updated values OR

– Add a new design code if not listed, with appropriate description

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Stores: Inventory Audit

• ERP automatically takes a daily “snapshot” of inventory

– All design codes on file are written to a reports table

• Inventory reports can be exported in Inventory Audit

– First, view Stock Summary

– Open the Inventory Audit sub-menu

– Click Export to Excel CSV

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Stores: Inventory Audit

• Open the Inventory Report in Excel and sort as needed

– Qty in Store 30 days prev is from Inventory snapshot taken 30 days ago

– GRN Qty last 30 days is how much new qty has been received since

– GDN Qty last 30 days is how much qty disbursed since

– EMR Qty last 30 days is how much has been returned as excess by factories

– Inv Adj Qty last 30 days is how much have been added or lost in stores

– Net change is sum added minus sum disbursed/lost in last 30 days

• Checksum should be zero, (qty in inventory now minus the change in the last 30 days minus qty in inventory 30 days back = 0).

– If no snapshot was taken 30 days previously, inventory 30 days will be zero, so ignore the checksums.

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Stores: Stock Sweeper

• As production is finished and EMRs are received, the system automatically “sweeps” dead stock

– Checks to see which drops are still in production

– Marks all design codes used by those drops as “Live”

– Moves Live Stock from all other design codes to Dead Stock



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Review: Inventory Process

• New Design Codes are added to Inventory when SPOs are issued

– SPO appears in GRN Stores Receiving Dashboard

– As GRNs are printed, received qty subtracted from On Order and added to Live Stock

• Factories request materials; MRs appear in GDN Dashboard

– As GDNs are printed, qty reduced from Live Stock (or Dead Stock if

Live Stock is 0)

• As production finishes, factories return materials on EMRs

– As EMRs are printed, qty added to Live Stock

– Live Stock swept to Dead Stock

• If Stores notice any errors in inventory, submits inventory adjustment for approval

– As adjustments are approved, qty changed

• Use Stock Summary to review inventory

– Inventory audit takes an automatic snapshot of that day’s inventory

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Recap: Stores

• Receiving Dashboard: Create and edit GRNs for supplier deliveries

• Stock Summary: Review & manage inventory

• List all GRNs by Date: Review GRNs by month

• GDN Dashboard: Create and edit GDNs for disbursing

• Store Status by Style: Review inbound SPOs style wise

• Create Store GDN: Request materials for sampling, sale, etc.

• Receive Excess Materials: Receive goods returned by factories

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Production & QA (Factories)

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Factory: Production Dashboard

• The Factory Production Dashboard lists all pending drops

– Note: Styles may have multiple drops; drops appear for forecast factory as soon as they are entered by the Merchandisers

• Hourly , review the dashboard and update drop status

– Use filters to find styles or sort by by Merchandiser, Date, or Buyer

– Use hyperlink to update status

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Factory: Update Production Status

• Edit factory, PPM Date, Tech Pack, Qty cut, etc.

– Click “Update production” when complete

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Factory: Update Production Status

• Production & materials status recomputed automatically each update

– Note: QA Approval is managed separately

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QA: Update Approval Status

• QA manager must login and mark each drop as QA approved

– Click on “Mark as Approved” to approve each drop

– Creates a production tracking update with QA Approval

– Note: Sample quotes are approved automatically

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Factory: Daily Production Report

• Daily Production Report summarizes updates for the day

– Use Export as XLS to view or print an Excel copy of the report

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Factory: Request Materials Dashboard

• Factory must request materials in order to produce a drop

• Find the drop in the Request Materials dashboard

– Use the hyperlink to create a request

– Note: Materials are requested by drop, not by style

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Factory: Create Materials Request


– If materials not 100% in-house, only dead stock can be requested

– Key in desired qty of each design code and Create New Request

– Note: Total qty = 105% of drop qty x SPO Consumption

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Factory: Receive Materials

• MR shows up automatically in Factory and Stores dashboard

• Stores issues GDN and ships materials directly

– GDN appears in Request Materials dashboard when printed

• On receipt, find the GDN and click to process

– MR stays “open” until Fully Received at factory, cancelled, or closed by Factory

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Factory: Receive GDN

• Update the GDN with qty actually received at factory

• Save and Print Factory Receiving Receipt (FRR) when ready

– Once printed, FRR cannot be modified

– Use cancel to start over

• If qty accepted at Factory <> GDN qty, a “dispute” record is created automatically, to be resolved by supervisor

– MR status adjusted automatically: Partly Shipped, Fully Shipped, Partly

Received, Fully Received (Complete), In Dispute, Cancelled, or Short Closed

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Factory: Receive Materials

• Use Request Materials Dashboard to request materials and process GDNs until all materials are at factory

– Some requests may ship on multiple GDNs

• Materials status automatically updated as GDNs are updated

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Factory: Overage Approval

• Factory can request more material at any time (e.g. overage)

– Create new material requests for a drop as per normal

• > 105% of design code cons flagged for supervisor approval

– Request appears in dashboard as “Pending Approval” until approved

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Factory: Short Close MRs

• If stores are unable to supply the requested quantity,

Factory can “Short Close” the MR

– Find the partly fulfilled MR in the dashboard

– Click on the View MR link

– Click the Short close button to cancel remaining balance of the MR

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Factory: Review MRs

• All fulfilled MRs are listed at the bottom of the Request

Materials Dashboard

– Click View MR or FRR links to review details of each item

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Factory: Short Close Materials (SPOs)

• If suppliers are unable to provide 100% of bulk materials ordered, Request Materials dashboard will be locked!

– To request materials and produce the order with < 100% of materials, use Override Materials for Production Menu

– SPOs for the style will be marked as complete and materials 100%

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Factory: Production Complete

• Marking a drop “Packing List sent” in Production Tracking makes it complete

– Carefully input final stats & number of cartons as no further updates possible

– Draft Invoice and Excess Materials Return created automatically

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Factory: Production Complete

• Drop moved to Completed section of dashboard

– If this is the last drop, find the completed record and Generate Draft OCR XLS

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Factory: Generate Draft OCR

• Generate Draft OCR XLS creates an Excel file for the style’s drops

– Update in Excel, print, and take signatures as per current process

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Factory: Excess Materials Return

Dashboard to return unused materials to Stores

– Find the drop in the EMR dashboard

– Click hyperlink to create an EMR record

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Factory: Excess Materials Return

return unused materials to Stores

– If there is no material to return for this drop, click on Print with all qtys zero; the EMR will vanish from the list

– To return materials, update the qtys to return, and hit Print.

– Only design codes requested for the drop will appear on the draft EMR

• Once printed, the EMR appears in the Stores EMR list

– If a mistake is made, Stores will generate a “dispute” when receiving

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Recap: Production

Factory Production: Update PPM, Cut Qty, Stitch Qty, etc. hourly

Request Materials: Ask Stores to send materials on GDNs for drops

Excess Materials: Generate EMRs to return materials to Stores

Daily Production Report: Review summary of today’s production

Override Materials: Mark partially fulfilled SPOs as closed in order to begin production with “short” materials

QA: QA Manager marks drops as Approved

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Shipping: Booking Drops

• Use Booking Dashboard to update booking status

• Login, find drops, click “Mark as Booked”

– Use the pull-down menu to filter by style

– Date button is clicked is saved as Drop Booking date automatically

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Shipping: Invoice Dashboard

• Use Invoice Dashboard to prepare and print


• Draft invoices show up automatically when production is complete

– Use the pull-down menu to filter by style

– Click on the hyperlink to update the invoice

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Shipping: Edit Invoice

• Update Invoice details using the form

– Key any additional details in the Additional Info box

– Update Invoice to save

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Shipping: Edit Invoice

• Drop details appear at the bottom of the form

– Update carton details and description

– Use the “Move” button to consolidate invoices (put multiple drops onto 1 invoice - Other draft invoices for the same buyer appear in a list)

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Shipping: Edit Invoice

• Use Preview Printed Invoice to check draft details

• Submit for approval when ready

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Shipping: Manage Invoices

• Review Invoice status in the Invoice Dashboard

– Once Approved, click on the Invoice to Print & Send

– Update rejected Invoices and resubmit for approval

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Shipping: Edit Invoices

• Print Invoice generates a Final Invoice number and PDF

• Use Reopen Invoice to make further changes

– (Must resubmit for approval)

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Shipping: Edit Invoice

• Invoices are not “official” until Marked As Sent

– Once printed, click Mark as Sent button to issue

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Shipping: Payment Dashboard

• Use Invoice Payment Dashboard to mark issued Invoices as paid

• Sent invoices show up automatically when issued

– Use hyperlinks to sort by Date, Value, Buyer, or

Invoice Number

– Click on “Update” to input payment details

PSA ERP Training Manual 1.0

– Your Custom Garment Solution!

Shipping: Update Payment

• Key in Paid Date, Amount, Exchange Rate, and bank details

– Once saved, details cannot be adjusted

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Recap: Shipping

Booking Dashboard: Mark drops as booked for shipping

Invoice Dashboard: Update, Manage, Print, and Issue invoices

Invoice Payment: Update issued invoices with payment details

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Only accessible to GM role

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Supervisor: Pending Quotes

• Quotes submitted for approval appear in the

Pending Quotes

– Locked for editing until approved or rejected

– Click on the Quote to review it

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Supervisor: Review Quote

• Review quote details

– Use buttons to Approve, Reject, or Download as Excel

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Supervisor: Pending SPOs

• SPOS submitted for approval appear in the Pending SPOs

– Locked for editing until approved or rejected

– Click on the SPO to review it

– Scroll down to see total budget for each active style and review linked SPOs

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Supervisor: Review SPO

• Review SPO details

– Use buttons to Approve or Reject

– Cancel Submission returns the quote for editing to Merchandiser

(same as Reject)

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Supervisor: Pending MRs

• MRs for > 105% of consumption and

Store MRs (sale of stock, samples, etc.) appear in the Pending MRs dashboard

– Locked for editing until approved

– Click on the MR to review

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– Your Custom Garment Solution!

Supervisor: Review MR

• Review MR details

– Use buttons to Approve or Cancel

– Approve allows Stores to issue the materials

– Cancelling a request permanently closes the request – Stores or

Factory must make a new request

PSA ERP Training Manual 1.0

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Supervisor: Pending Invoices

• Invoices submitted for approval appear in the Shipping Invoice Approval

– Locked for editing until approved or rejected

– Click on the Invoice to review it

PSA ERP Training Manual 1.0

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Supervisor: Review Invoices

• Review Invoice details

– Use buttons to Print Preview, Approve, Reject or Cancel

– Cancelling permanently closes the invoice – drop cannot be shipped

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Supervisor: GRN Adjustments

• Mistakes on printed GRNs appear in GRN

Adjustment Approval

– Review printed Supplier Qty & Passed Qty vs.

Corrected (New) Supplier Qty and Pass Qty

– Check the box of each adjustment to approve or reject

– Click Approve or Reject (GRN and inventory automatically adjusted on Approve)

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Supervisor: Inv Adjustments

• Stock Take changes to Inventory in the warehouse appear in Review Inventory


– Review Old vs New qty, UoM, rate, etc.

– Check the appropriate “Reason” box and click Approve or Reject (inventory automatically adjusted on Approve)

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Supervisor: Resolve GDN/FRR Disputes

• Dispute = difference in shipped qty on GDN and received qty at factory

– Update the GDN and FRR qty as appropriate

– Check the appropriate “Reason” box and click Resolve

(inventory automatically adjusted on Resolve)

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Supervisor: Resolve EMR Disputes

• Dispute = difference in returned qty from factory and received qty at Store

– Change the Factory and Store qty as needed.

– Check the appropriate “Reason” box and click Resolve

(inventory automatically adjusted on Resolve)

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Recap: Supervisor

Pending Quotes: Approve / reject new quotes for buyers

Pending SPOs: Approve / reject new Supplier POs

Pending MRs: Approve materials requests from store or from factory > 105% of consumption

Shipping Invoice: Approve draft invoices for printing

GRN Adjustment: Approve corrections to GRN mistakes

Inv Adjustment: Approve changes in inventory in Stores

GDN/FRR Disputes: Resolve discrepancies b/w Store &


EMR Disputes: Resolve discrepancies b/w Store & Factory

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• OCR Report: Financials from Quote to Invoice for all accepted quotes in the system, with links to Quote details and Excel export

• Production Planning: Cut, Stitch, Button, etc. counts by style for all days in the planned TNA production calendar

• Planned Monthly Shipments vs Actual: List of drops by month showing

FOB vs Actual Shipped Date and value with Excel export

• Planned Shipment vs Actual Summary: Pieces shipped by month and drops shipped / missed with variance and Excel export

• Supplier PO List: All supplier POs in the system by number, INR value, and style, split by Active (Open) and Inactive (Complete), with link to view SPO and Excel export

• Inventory Report: List of all design codes in inventory with changes over the last 30 days and Excel export

• Active Drop List: List of all unshipped drops with Production & TNA Status

& link to view TNA plus Excel export

• Inventory Change Report: Net change month-on-month in Store qty for each design code

• Buyer PO List: List of all Buyer POs in the system, split by Active and

Inactive, with links to view BPO

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PSA ERP Data Flow Diagrams

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PS Apparels ERP Data Flow 1 – Enquiry to Quote


• Merchandising

• Supervisor

Enquiry comes in from


Create /

Edit Enquiry

Create &

Edit Quote


Quote for





Email Quote to Buyer

Edit Quote

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PS Apparels ERP Data Flow 2 – Buyer PO to Supplier PO


• Merchandising

• Supervisor

Buyer rejects or cancels quote

Buyer accepts quote

Cancel /



Mark Quote as Accepted



Supplier POs



BPO, Drop, &

Production &

TNA Records

Edit /


Get Best Price on SPOs

Submit SPO for


Review &


Buyer PO # and Drop


Issue PO to






SPO as


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PS Apparels ERP Data Flow 3 – Goods Receiving


• Stores

Materials delivered to

Store by


Review List of issued and un-Fulfilled

Supplier POs

Inspect Goods

& Determine

Passed Qty

Create GRN

& Debit Note

Review & Print

GRN & Debit

Notes as PDF


SPOs &



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PS Apparels ERP Data Flow 4 – Merchandiser Reviews

Active Styles In Process


• Merchandiser


Review & update TNA

PPS & Trims


100% Matls



Merchandiser reviews

Status of ordered materials in the

Supplier PO dashboard

Or Quote Dashboard

Merchandiser reviews each Active Drop

Is Bulk?

Materials on-track?



Check with






Update Buyer with status at appropriate frequency





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PS Apparels ERP Data Flow 5 – Factory Materials Request

Review Materials

Status & Update

Production Details for each active Style (in

Queue to produce)


• Production

• Q A

Auto-create new tracking record with revised status

Size Set &

Ready for QA


Get Factory

QA to



Need to




Review Inventory

Details via


Tracking offline

Get Materials from local Factory Store

Sales Sample or Bulk QA Approved

& 100% Matls

In House?


Request Materials from received

Supplier matls and/or Dead Stock

Bulk QA


& 100% Matls

In House?



Request Materials from available Dead

Stock only

Produce Style



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PS Apparels ERP Data Flow 6 – Stores Materials Issuance

Select and View

Materials Request from pending list


• Stores

Check Inventory & assemble Materials for Request

Request can be





Request &





Print GDN as PDF








Status Auto-

Updated offline

Ship to


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Materials received from store

PS Apparels ERP Data Flow 7a – Receive Matls

Find GDN in list &

Create Factory

Receiving Record (FRR)

Inspect Goods &

Submit FRR Qtys


• Production

• Supervisor

Print FRR

Does FRR qty match GDN qty





Manager reviews dispute record and submits resolution

Update MR


Adjust Qty in “Ready





Redirect to

View MR

Does MR need to be short closed?

(i.e. part fulfilled is OK?)


Short Close

(Update MR qty = GDN qty)

No Wait for next GDN


Materials received

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PS Apparels ERP Data Flow 7b – Production


• Production

Cut, Stitch,

Button, etc.

Update each active Drop’s

Production Status w/ Latest Qtys

Auto-update new tracking record with revised status


Packing List



Mark Drop as List

Sent (removes Drop from Production

Tracking List)

Send Packing

List to



Draft Invoice


Draft Excess


Return Record

Update & Print

Excess Materials

Return as PDF

Scan Active Styles

Sweep Dead DC

Qty to “Dead


Ship to


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PS Apparels ERP Data Flow 8 – Shipping & Invoicing

Packing List

Sent offline

Lookup Draft

Invoice In

Pending List

Check & Confirm

Packed Cartons

Prepare Other




• Shipping

• Supervisor


Update Invoice Info &

Submit for Approval

(incl. Freight Charges)

Consolidate with other ready drops for this buyer address?

Ye s

Move drops to other invoice and cancel draft invoice record



(Freight Charges



Pending Drops not yet Booked

Review OCR


Ye s

Last Drop for Style

Ye s

Print Invoice as


Close to 15 days out

Ship to


Book for


Mark Drop as

Booked Buyer

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Store receives excess materials

Lookup Excess

Matls in Printed


PS Apparels ERP Data Flow 9 – Excess Material Returns


• Stores

• Supervisor

Inspect Matls and update

Passed Qty

Mark Matls

Return as


Does Returned Qty match Passed Qty





Manager reviews dispute record and submits resolution

Adjust Qty in

“Ready Stock”

Scan Active Styles

Sweep Dead DC Qty to “Dead Stock”




PSA ERP Training Manual 1.0

– Your Custom Garment Solution!


Training Manual

Version 1.0

9 Dec 2014

For more information, contact EDP


Matt Wennersten +91 95000 35312
