How Population Aging Affects the Macroeconomy Ronald Lee University of California at Berkeley Demography and Economics PANEL ON DEMOGRAPHICS Jackson Hole, August 22, 2014 Ronald Lee, UC Berkeley, 8/22/14, Jackson Hole 1 NTA • NTA goes beyond national accounts in two important new ways. • breaks down national accounts by age. • estimates transfers within families and households, between households, and through the public sector. • Andy Mason and I co-direct NTA • 45 countries have NTA teams working on their accounts. • Based on existing surveys and administrative data • Centralized methods, quality control, training, workshops. Ronald Lee, UC Berkeley, 8/22/14, Jackson Hole 2 Countries with NTA Teams Ronald Lee, UC Berkeley, 8/22/14, Jackson Hole 3 Recent publications, both free downloads (see Also coming: special NTA issue of Journal of Economics of Aging Ronald Lee, UC Berkeley, 8/22/14, Jackson Hole 4 The basic budget identity: Inflows = Outflows at each age for individual or for generation Income inflows = Expenditure outflows Asset Inc + Labor Inc + Transfers Rcvd = Cons + Transfers Given + Saving OR, rearrange to Life cycle deficit = Reallocations Cons - Labor Inc = Transfers Rcvd - Transfers Given + Asset Inc - Saving NTA estimates these flows, and subcomponents, public and private, and by specific type. “Age Profiles”. Ronald Lee, UC Berkeley, 8/22/14, Jackson Hole 5 Per Capita Value, Relative to Avg Labor income Average Consumption and Labor Income for 6 High Income and 6 Developing Countries 1.2 Developing: Kenya, Nigeria, India, Philippines, China, Indonesia High Income: Germany, Japan, Austria, Finland, Sweden, United 1.0 Cons-Hi Inc 0.8 Cons-Developing 0.6 0.4 Labor Inc-Developing 0.2 Labor Inc-Hi 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Age Ronald Lee, UC Berkeley, 8/22/14, Jackson Hole 6 Age profiles may change: US cons over past half century: 1960, 1981 and 2007 (Ratio to labor income ages 30-49). 1960 1981 2007 Public Education 1 1 1 Public Health Private Education Private Health Owned Housing 0.5 0.5 0.5 Private Other 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Public Other 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Source: US National Transfer Accounts, Lee, Donehower and Miller, 2011 Ronald Lee, UC Berkeley, 8/22/14, Jackson Hole 7 Ronald Lee, UC Berkeley, 8/22/14, Jackson Hole 8 Population age distributions and support ratios • How many working age people are available to support a society’s consumers? • Calculate hypothetical workers and consumers multiplying changing population age distributions times baseline NTA age profiles. • “Support ratio” is: hypothetical w orkers hypothetical consum ers • Resources available per capita are proportional to this support ratio. Ronald Lee, UC Berkeley, 8/22/14, Jackson Hole 9 Ronald Lee, UC Berkeley, 8/22/14, Jackson Hole 10 Support ratios based on the average developing country profiles and UN Population Projections Trough to Peak Peak to 2100 Rate of change of support ratio China India Nigeria Costa Rica 0.67 0.37 0.27 0.67 -0.26 -0.17 na -0.31 Ronald Lee, UC Berkeley, 8/22/14, Jackson Hole 11 Support ratios based on the average rich country profiles and UN Population Projections Rate of change of support ratio , 2010-2050 (%) Germany -0.66 Japan -0.66 Spain -0.78 US -0.34 Ronald Lee, UC Berkeley, 8/22/14, Jackson Hole 12 How the “life cycle deficit” is financed at each age (US 2003) Financing the Lifecycle Deficit Components at Each Age 2 Units of Avg YL 30-49 1.5 Private transfers Public transfers Asset income - savings 1 Pub Trans ABR 0.5 0 Priv Trans 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 -0.5 -1 Ronald Lee, UC Berkeley, 8/22/14, Jackson Hole 13 For Elderly (65+): How is consumption net of labor income funded? Shares of Family Transfers, Public Transfers and Asset income not saved sum to 1.0 Ronald Lee, UC Berkeley, 8/22/14, Jackson Hole 14 The “general support ratio” (GSR) reflects both labor income and asset income: how dependent are the elderly? • Do the elderly actually depend on workers to fund their consumption? • Suppose elderly use their own savings for consumption? • GSR reflects use of asset income by elderly to fund own consumption (asset inc – saving). • GSR isolates the impact of population aging on transfers (public and private). • Change in GSR over time shows consequences of pop change if age profiles of consumption, labor income, and asset income remain constant. Ronald Lee, UC Berkeley, 8/22/14, Jackson Hole 15 Standard support ratios (blue) and general support ratio (red), scaled to 1.0 in 2010 Ronald Lee, UC Berkeley, 8/22/14, Jackson Hole 16