Birthrate Plus More than just a number What is it and who can use it? • National tool that for any given maternity service calculates the number of clinically active midwives required to deliver a safe high quality service – Individual trusts use it to determine their own staffing needs (individual ratio) – Regions or areas use it for workforce planning, commissioning student numbers (aggregate ratio) – National orgs (DH, RCM) use it to make broad statements about supply and demand (overall ratio) So simply? Number of births _______________ Number of midwives 1.Using BR+ in an individual unit • Quantify all activity – how many births, how much antenatal care/postnatal care, how many home births how much additional work: inductions, women not in established labour • Distinguish work involved – 5 point categorisation from normal/healthy “simple” maternity care to high risk/complex high degree of support and intervention • Collect data over agreed period usually 4/6 months • Data analysis makes allowance for time lost (travel, sickness, leave etc) Translating labour ward workload into midwifery hours category % of av casemix Av hours in delivery Midwifery input during labour Total midwifery time required I 10.9% 6.6 HRS 1 wte mw: 1 woman 6.6hrs II 22.4% 7.4 HRS 1 wte mw: 1 woman 7.4hrs III 17.3% 9.4 HRS 1.2 wte mw: 1 woman 11.3hrs IV 25.9% 10. 7HRS 1.3 wte mws: 1 woman 13.9hrs V 23.5% 16.4 HRS 1.4 wte mws: 1 woman 22.9hrs Cat X 122.4% 1 hr. 1 hr. Cat 1A 11% 4 hr. 4 hr. Cat A2 3% 15 hr. 15 hr. Cat R 1.5% 6 hr. 6 hr. Prostin 33% 2.5hr 2.5 hr. Transfers 0.5% 8 hr. 8 hr. Example: St Anywhere Trust – 5,200 Women: Labour Ward Workload category % of casemix Number in case mix Av hours in delivery Mw input Mw time required Total Mw hrs.. I 10.9% 567 6.6 1:1 6.6 3,742 II 22.4% 1165 7.4 1:1 7.4 8,621 III 899 900 9.4 1.2:1 11.3 10,159 IV 25.9% 1347 10.7 1.3:1 13.9 18,723 V 23.5% 1222 16.4 1.4:1 22.9 27,983 Cat X 122.4% 6,344 1 hr. 6,344 Cat A1 11% 572 4 hr. 2,288 Cat A2 3% 156 15 hr. 2,340 Cat R 1.5% 78 6 hr. 468 Prostin 33% 1716 2.5 hr. 4290 Transfer 0.5% 26 8 hr. 208 85,166 hrs.. Assessing staffing needs in all other aspects of midwifery care • Hospital: antenatal clinics, antenatal admissions, triage, day care postnatal inpatient stays • Community: antenatal care, parentcraft education, postnatal care • Methodology: Expert Group/Professional Judgement Example: St Anywhere’s community workload for 5200 deliveries Community services Agreed hrs.. per woman St Highbury Booking visit 2 hrs.. 10,400 Antenatal and parentcraft 5.5 hrs.. 28,600 Postnatal care simple 5 hrs.. (3120) 15,600 Postnatal care complex 8 hrs.. (2080) 16,640 Home births 17 hrs.. (78) 1326 Example: St Anywhere’s additional hospital workload Community services Agreed hrs.. per woman Antenatal clinics Locally determined Day units Locally determined Ward admissions 3hrs, 6 hrs. or 15 hrs. Postnatal wards routine 4hrs or 6 hrs. Postnatal wards complex 17 hrs. or 24 hrs. More…….. St Highbury What’s in & out In Birthrate+ Calculation Out Birthrate+ Calculation All wte clinical midwives wherever they work Non clinical midwifery roles such as managers, clinical governance/risk mws, % of specialist mw or consultant mw time NOT in direct care of women (add 8-10% of midwifery posts) Clinical midwives admin time – allow 5% MSWs (lose 10-15% of midwifery posts Clinical midwives travel time – allow 1520% Annual Leave, sickness and study leave etc – allow 17.5-25% Cross border flows, ie women who receive antenatal/postnatal care in 1 trust but deliver in another Result: An individual ratio • Ratio is expressed as midwife to births • Could be anywhere in the range 1:27 – 1:32 THIS IS ONLY CLINICAL MIDWIVES • Depending on – Split between high/low risk women – Amount of time given to travel and other variables – Cross border activity ie antenatal/ postnatal care to women not counted as births Local decisions using ratio • How many additional non-clinical midwives (usually between 8-10%) • How many midwives can be replaced by MSWs (usually between 10-15%) • How to deploy midwives – staffing and service models THIS WILL DETERMINE HOW MANY ACTUAL MIDWIVES ARE EMPLOYED 2. Using BR+ at a regional/planning level – desk top exercise • For hospital activity only – Tertiary services – DGH with >50% in cat IV & V – DGH with <50% in cat IV & V – Homebirths & MLUs • For community activity only – Antenatal/postnatal 1:38 1:42 1:45 1:35 1:96 Example: Smallcity Trust Wengerville Trust is a medium size obstetric unit with a small free standing midwifery unit. There is a neighbouring Trust nearby and in consequence there is some cross border movement of women OU FMU Births to local residents 4669 births 274 Home births 179 Number of women booked who deliver elsewhere 420 Number of women booked who deliver elsewhere 435 Number of women from outside the area 394 TOTAL BIRTH ACTIVITY 5060 274 TOTAL COMMUNITY ACTIVITY 5101 694 Calculating Staffing Using Differentiated Ratios NUMBER OF BIRTHS RATIO APPLIED WTE STAFFING Obstetric unit births 5060 1:42 120.47 Obstetric unit home births 179 1:35 5.11 Obstetric unit community cases 5101 1:96 53.13 Sub total 178.71 FMU births 274 1:35 8.33 FMU community 420 1:96 4.37 Sub total 12.7 TOTAL 191.41 wte How do you express that? • 191.41 wte is a ratio of 1:27.8 across all BIRTHS • In the OU the ratio is 1:28.3 across BIRTHS but 1:28.5 across all activity • In the FMU the ratio is 1:21.5 across BIRTHS but 1:55 across all activity The amount of antenatal/postnatal care is a significant part of the story Planning midwife numbers • Desk top review easily identifies number of midwives required in each trust • More robust than simply applying 1 national ratio • Local decisions about management time and MSWs • Compare requirements with actual staff in post • Develop plans for moving from here to there • Factor in vacancy rates, retirement predications, local churn • Determine number of student midwife commissions required to move from here to there Safety when BR+ is not met? • How many women get 1 to 1 care in labour? • What % of women are booked by 10/40? • What degree of continuity do women receive antenatally and postnatally? • Is there a supernumerary ward coordinator on every shift? • What specialist roles are funded? • How many non-clinical midwifery roles are funded? • What are levels of vacancy, turn-over, staff morale and sickness? 3. Using BR+ at a national level ASSUMPTIONS? • • • • Average ratio around the country 1:29.5 Birth rate in England around 700,000 Around 96% births in OU Around 8% additional non-clinical midwives required • Around 10-15% of clinical midwifery posts can be replaced by MSWs Translates into ? BR+ 2013 Data Assumptions 672,000 births at 1:29.5 22,780 plus 28,000 at 1:35 800 plus 23,580 clinical midwives required (skill mix of 10% MSWs 2358) additional 8% non clinical posts 1887 Total midwifery workforce 25,467 Midwives in post c21,000 Current Shortages 4,300 Issues going forward • National overall ratio changes over time – Are we going with 1:28, 1;29, 1:29.5? • Professional consensus on time for community activity probably needs review • Professional consensus on MSW time definitely needs review • How do we draw attention to the implications of NOT staffing at BR+ recommended ratio? • As birth rate goes down will need for midwives? – Not if you take into account increasing complexity Download a copy of the tool