AVR Assembler 1 BRANCHES SUBROUTINES AND MEMORY USAGE M. Neil - Microprocessor Course Outline 2 Memory on the AVR processor Addressing modes for accessing memory Program Flow: Subroutines and the stack Memory Test Program Program Design The LED display program M. Neil - Microprocessor Course 3 Memory in the AVR There are Several different types of memory on the AVR which you can use/access Flash Program Memory Data SRAM (internal and external) Registers EEPROM M. Neil - Microprocessor Course Program Memory Organized as 64K 16bit words Addressed $0000-$FFFF 128 Kilo-Bytes of memory This is where the program which is executing is stored The Program Counter (PC) holds the address in program memory of the current instruction Data can be stored in program memory The data stored in program memory needs to be copied into data memory before it can be used – there is a special instruction (LPM) for doing this M. Neil - Microprocessor Course 4 Data Memory There is some internal memory (SRAM) on the Atmega128 which can be used for storing data (and also the Stack) Internal SRAM memory is 4K X 8 bits (4 Kilo-Bytes $0100$10FF) The registers and I/O ports occupy the lower part of this memory (Addresses $0000$00FF) There is also the possibility of external memory being installed Not on our boards Can add if your project needs M. Neil - Microprocessor Course 5 Registers 6 The registers actually occupy the lowest 32 bytes of internal SRAM. Most registers can be used generally for 8 bit operations R16-R31 can be used with the ldi instruction R26-r31 can also be used as the X/Y/Z address registers M. Neil - Microprocessor Course Accessing memory – Addressing modes 7 neg r20 R20 $00-r20 add r20,r24 R20 r20+r24 M. Neil - Microprocessor Course Addressing Input/Output memory 8 There are 6 I/O ports PORTA-PORTG Each has PINX DDRX Input Port Data Direction Register PORTX Output Port M. Neil - Microprocessor Course in r20,PIND R20 PIND out PORTB,r16 PORTB r16 Working with SRAM Data 9 We can define addresses where we want to store variables, and move data in and out of the SRAM with the lds,sts instructions M. Neil - Microprocessor Course .equ myVariable = $0208 lds r16, myVariable sbi r16, $22 sts myVariable, r16 Using the X, Y, Z registers to address SRAM 10 The registers r26-r31 are special and can be used to store an address (16 bits $0000$FFFF) which points to the SRAM With these registers, any location in SRAM can be read from or written to r26:r27 is XL:XH r28:r29 is YL:YH r30:r31 is ZL:ZH ld r16,Y There are also pre/post increment/decrement modes to make it quicker to address arrays of data ld r3,Z+ ld r7,–X .equ myVariable = $0208 ldi XL, low(myVariable) ldi XH, high(myVariable) ld r16,X sbi r16, $22 st X,r16 M. Neil - Microprocessor Course ;load XL(r26):XH(r27) with ;address of myVariable ;copy data from SRAM ;subtract 34 from the byte ;store result in SRAM Program Memory and LPM - a picture 11 Using the Z register to point at program memory Program Memory Z Register LPM will load Address Bits 8-15 Bits 0-7 $200 $B1 $100 $B2 $B1 $201 $B2 $101 $B4 $B3 $202 $B3 $102 $B6 $B5 $203 $B4 $103 $B8 $B7 $204 $B5 $205 $B6 M. Neil - Microprocessor Course We multiply the address by 2 to select which 16 bit word The Least Significant Bit (LSB) is then used to select which byte to read with the LPM instruction Copying data from PM to SRAM 12 Can use only the Z register to copy data from PM to a register. Auto increment modes make more compact code – Use the special lpm instruction .equ ldi ldi ldi ldi ldi myArray=$0800 ZH,high(myTable*2) ZL,low(myTable*2) XH,high(myArray) XL,low(myArray) r16,22 ; ; ; ; ; ; Address in SRAM Load the Z register with the address of data in PM Load X register with the address in SRAM there are 22 bytes to copy lpm st dec brne ret r17,Z+ X+,r17 r16 loop ; ; ; ; move one byte from PM to r17 store in SRAM (and increment) count down bytes copied keep going until finished .db “This is just some data” loop: myTable: M. Neil - Microprocessor Course More details about Program memory 13 The Z register is only 16 bits wide Can address 64K Bytes There are 128K Bytes of flash program memory The LPM instruction addresses the lower 64K Bytes The RAMPZ register allows access to the upper 64K Bytes with the ELPM instruction ; **** RAMPZ Setup Code **** ldi r16,$00 ; 1 = ELPM acts on upper 64K out RAMPZ,r16 ; 0 = ELPM acts on lower 64K M. Neil - Microprocessor Course Storing data in program memory 14 You can create initial values for data in your program code These will be stored in the program memory Accessed using the labels you define See the examples below for the assembler directives needed to create data in the You can copy them into SRAM (as we did on the previous page) or use them directly from the program memory Access will be quicker from SRAM and values can be changed MyByteTable: .DB $00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07;Table loading MyWordTable: .DW $0908,$0B0A,$0D0C,$0F0E,$1110 ; Load 5 16-bit .DW $1514,$1617,$1918,$1B1A,$1D1C ; Next 5 16-bit MyStringTable: .DB “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz” ; Line of ascii M. Neil - Microprocessor Course with 8 bytes words in the table words in the table characters 15 Sometimes we need to work with numbers larger than 8 bits There are Word operations which can be used to perform 16 bit operations on the upper 4 register pairs (25:24,27:26,29:28, 31:30) adiw - add immediate to word longloop: ldi XH,high($DEAD) ldi XL,low($DEAD) loop: sbiw XH:XL,1 X brne loop ret ;put large number ;in X register ;subtract 1 from ;continue till 0 sbiw – subtract immediate to word We can also use the carry bits for longer numbers – this requires some coding adc – add with carry sbc – subtract with carry M. Neil - Microprocessor Course Using 16 Bit Counters Program Flow, subroutines, local variables 16 You will want to break your program up into small pieces or subroutines You will need to set up loops to repeat small pieces of program A special register called the stack pointer is used to call subroutines, and temporarily store registers when using subroutines The simulator can help you understand what is happening in your program as well M. Neil - Microprocessor Course 17 SRAM usage The on-board RAM must hold the Stack Pointer The Stack Pointer keeps track of where the program execution has been Allows temporary storage of registers SRAM also holds data variables Typical to have Stack grow downwards and data grow upwards Must avoid stack/data collisions! M. Neil - Microprocessor Course ; ***** Stack Pointer Setup Code ldi r16, $10 ; Stack Pointer Setup out SPH,r16 ; Stack Pointer High Byte ldi r16, $FF ; Stack Pointer Setup out SPL,r16 ; Stack Pointer Low Byte 18 Subroutines: call,rcall,icall call to a small unit of code which does a given task • • rcall mysub • PC+1 stored on stack • PC is changed to mysub: ret • PC is popped from the stack Good Practice to push/pop any registers used in the subroutine push r24 – stores r24 register byte at the location in the Stack Pointer (SP) then decrements the SP pop r24 – loads r24 with the byte pointed to by SP then increments the SP Must call ret at the end of the subroutine M. Neil - Microprocessor Course main: wait: loop: rcall wait rjmp main ; call our subroutine push r24 ldi r24,$FF dec r24 brne loop pop r24 ret ; ; ; ; ; preserve r24 count down bytes keep going until finished restore r24 19 Functions: Call to a small unit if code which does a given task Can depend on input parameters – passed to the function in registers or on the stack Good Practice to push/pop any registers used in the subroutine Must call ret at the end of the subroutine Result stored in a register M. Neil - Microprocessor Course main: ldi r24,3 rcall mult10 out PORTB,r24 rjmp main mult10: push r25 push r26 ldi r25,$0A ldi r26,$00 loop: add r26,r24 dec r25 brne loop mov r24,r26 pop r26 pop r25 ret ; input parameter in r24 ; call our subroutine ; put the answer on the LED ; ; ; ; ; preserve r25 preserve r26 we will multiply by 10 sum initialized to 0 add r24 to the sum ; ; ; ; ; keep going until finished put sum in r24 restore r26 restore r25 return with answer in r24 Stack Pointer – Examples, Call 20 22: 0e 94 7f 00 call 0xfe 26: 97 01 movw r18, r14 ….. ; ; our subroutine ; fe: ef 92 push r14 ; do some things – and use r14 ; for whatever we want 100:7c 01 movw r14, r24 ; 13e: ef 90 pop r14 140:08 95 ret M. Neil - Microprocessor Course PC Location Data $22 $10FF 00 $10FE 00 $10FD 00 $10FC 00 $10FB 00 $10FA 00 $10F9 00 $10F8 00 $10F7 00 SPH SPL r14 $10 $FF $99 Stack Pointer – Examples, Call 21 22: 0e 94 7f 00 call 0xfe 26: 97 01 movw r18, r14 ….. ; ; our subroutine ; fe: ef 92 push r14 ; do some things – and use r14 ; for whatever we want 100:7c 01 movw r14, r24 ; 13e: ef 90 pop r14 140:08 95 ret M. Neil - Microprocessor Course PC Location Data $FE $10FF 00 $10FE 26 $10FD 00 $10FC 00 $10FB 00 $10FA 00 $10F9 00 $10F8 00 $10F7 00 SPH SPL r14 $10 $FD $99 Stack Pointer – Examples, Call 22 22: 0e 94 7f 00 call 0xfe 26: 97 01 movw r18, r14 ….. ; ; our subroutine ; fe: ef 92 push r14 ; do some things – and use r14 ; for whatever we want 100:7c 01 movw r14, r24 ; 13e: ef 90 pop r14 140:08 95 ret M. Neil - Microprocessor Course PC Location Data $100 $10FF 00 $10FE 26 $10FD 99 $10FC 00 $10FB 00 $10FA 00 $10F9 00 $10F8 00 $10F7 00 SPH SPL r14 $10 $FC $99 Stack Pointer – Examples, Call 23 22: 0e 94 7f 00 call 0xfe 26: 97 01 movw r18, r14 ….. ; ; our subroutine ; fe: ef 92 push r14 ; do some things – and use r14 ; for whatever we want 100:7c 01 movw r14, r24 ; 13e: ef 90 pop r14 140:08 95 ret M. Neil - Microprocessor Course PC Location Data $102 $10FF 00 $10FE 26 $10FD 99 $10FC 00 $10FB 00 $10FA 00 $10F9 00 $10F8 00 $10F7 00 SPH SPL r14 $10 $FC $xx Stack Pointer – Examples, Call 24 22: 0e 94 7f 00 call 0xfe 26: 97 01 movw r18, r14 ….. ; ; our subroutine ; fe: ef 92 push r14 ; do some things – and use r14 ; for whatever we want 100:7c 01 movw r14, r24 ; 13e: ef 90 pop r14 140:08 95 ret M. Neil - Microprocessor Course PC Location Data $13E $10FF 00 $10FE 26 $10FD 99 $10FC 00 $10FB 00 $10FA 00 $10F9 00 $10F8 00 $10F7 00 SPH SPL r14 $10 $FC $xx Stack Pointer – Examples, Call 25 22: 0e 94 7f 00 call 0xfe 26: 97 01 movw r18, r14 ….. ; ; our subroutine ; fe: ef 92 push r14 ; do some things – and use r14 ; for whatever we want 100:7c 01 movw r14, r24 ; 13e: ef 90 pop r14 140:08 95 ret M. Neil - Microprocessor Course PC Location Data $140 $10FF 00 $10FE 26 $10FD 99 $10FC 00 $10FB 00 $10FA 00 $10F9 00 $10F8 00 $10F7 00 SPH SPL r14 $10 $FD $99 Stack Pointer – Examples, Call 26 22: 0e 94 7f 00 call 0xfe 26: 97 01 movw r18, r14 ….. ; ; our subroutine ; fe: ef 92 push r14 ; do some things – and use r14 ; for whatever we want 100:7c 01 movw r14, r24 ; 13e: ef 90 pop r14 140:08 95 ret M. Neil - Microprocessor Course PC Location Data $26 $10FF 00 $10FE 26 $10FD 99 $10FC 00 $10FB 00 $10FA 00 $10F9 00 $10F8 00 $10F7 00 SPH SPL r14 $10 $FF $99 Exercises: 27 Exercise 1 : Last time you made a counter. Now use a subroutine to delay the speed of the counter. Exercise 2 : You can delay further by cascading delay subroutines. Exercise 3 : Memory Test Program: Write a program that writes (st) incrementing numbers to the SRAM. Read (ld) them back, compare with what you expect to see and if it is not correct send a pattern of lights to PORTB. What happens if you start writing before address $0100 M. Neil - Microprocessor Course LED sequence display 28 Write a program that puts the contents of a table into program memory and then reads the contents back sequentially, byte by byte, and outputs them to the LEDs on PORTB. Chose the bytes so that they will make a pattern when they are displayed on the LEDs Use delays to slow down the program so you can see the different patterns flashing as they light the LEDS on PORTB. Allow the user to change the speed of flashing using the switches on PORTD Allow the user to start/stop the pattern using switches on PORTD M. Neil - Microprocessor Course Structured Programming 29 • Design your programme into a main control segment, which calls sub-routines • • marks will be given on the modularity of your code Before starting to write code make a simple design diagram outlining the tasks which need to be done • • Take 5-10 minutes, and show this to your demonstrator Use a Top Down Modular Programming approach to design Subroutines should perform specific tasks or repeated functions • Put lots of comments in your code • M. Neil - Microprocessor Course Top Down Modular Programming 30 time Calculator Initialise Reset Load values Prompt message Output character M. Neil - Microprocessor Course Get command Input Input character Calculate Interpret command Output character Select/run routine Output Format output Display Output character c o m p l e x i t y