Basics 1 Exercise 1 - Answers # 1.1 What is your current directory? This is the default directory. getwd() # 1.2 Change the working directory to your Rworkshop folder. setwd("C:/Rworkshop") # Note: check your current directory again. getwd() # 2.3 Add options(scipen=6) to your file. Open file from C:/.../R/R-3.1.1/etc and add: options(scipen=6) # Note: test if this worked by closing and reopening R and copying/pasting the following code. a <- 1234567891234.123456789 a 2 Exercise 2 - Answers # 2.1 Create an object named x and assign it the value 8. x <- 8 # 2.2 Create an object named a and assign it to the value pi. Display the value of a. a <- pi a # 2.3 Create an object named b and assign it to the value "pi". Display the value of b. b <- "pi" b # 2.4 What are the modes of a and b? mode(a) mode(b) # 2.5 Using the object you created, a, create an object e that has the value 𝝅 + 𝟏. e <- a + 1 # 2.6 Save e to a file named pi.Rda in your working directory, then remove e from your R workspace, then check it is not in the R workspace. save(e, file="pi.Rda") rm(e) ls() 3 Exercise 2 - Answers cont.. # 2.7 Load e back to R workspace and check that it is there. load(file="pi.Rda") ls() # 2.8 Remove all the objects you created and the file you stored e in. Is your workspace empty? rm("a","b","e","myObject", "x") file.remove("pi.Rda") ls() 4 Exercise 3 - Answers # 3.1 Form a vector named j, consisting of the objects b, d and e, with names 'b', 'd' and 'e'. j <- c(b, d, e) names(j) <- c("b", "d", "e") # 3.2 What is the mode of j? Check whether j is a vector (Hint: use is.******( ) function). mode(j) is.vector(j) # 3.3 Add the elements of vector g named "b" and "d". Do the same for the vector j. Why the error message for one and not the other? Change the mode of the elements in j to numeric and try again. g["b"] + g["d"] j["b"] + j["d"] as.numeric(j["b"]) + as.numeric(j["d"]) # 3.4 Replace the "d" element of the vector g with the sum of the elements "b" and "last" of the vector g. What is the value of element "d" of the vector g? g["d"] <- g["b"] + g["last"] 160 # 3.5 Clean up your workspace, remove all objects. rm(list=ls()) ls() 5 Exercise 4 - Answers # Run the following code to create vect1 and vect2: vect1 <- c(rep(1,10), rep(2,10)) # Creates a vector named vect1, with length 20, where the first 10 elements are 1 and next 10 # elements are 2. vect2 <- c(seq(1,30), seq(40,60)) # Creates a vector named vect2, which contains the numbers from 1 to 30 and numbers from # 40 to 60. # 4.1 Create a vector named vect3, which contains a sample of size 20, without replacement, from vect2. Hint, use the function sample(). So we can compare answers, set seed to 673. Display vect3. set.seed(673, kind=NULL); vect3 <- sample(vect2,20,replace=FALSE) vect3 # 4.2 Add 1 to the first 10 elements of vect3 and 2 to the next 10 elements. Hint use vect1. Check your answer vect3 <- vect3 + vect1 vect3 # 4.3 How many elements in vect3 are greater than 25? sum(vect3 > 25) 12 6 Exercise 4 - Answers cont.. # 4.4 How many elements in vect3 are less than 50? sum(vect3 < 50) 14 # 4.5 What is the max of the elements in vect3 which are less than 50? max(vect3[vect3<50]) 48 # 4.6 How many elements in vect3 are greater than 25 and less than 50? sum(vect3 > 25 & vect3 < 50) 6 # 4.7 What is the mean of the elements in vect3 are greater than 25 and less than 50? mean(vect3[vect3 > 25 & vect3 < 50]) 39.16667 7 Exercise 5 - Answers ## Run the following code on the previous slides.. h <- c(d, e, f) names(h) <- c("d","e","f") # 5.1 What is the mode of i ? What is the mode of h? mode(i) mode(h) # 5.2 What is the mode of i[1]? What is the mode of i[[1]]? mode(i[1]) mode(i[[1]]) # 5.3 Print i[[2]] and h[2] and then compare their modes. i[[2]] h[2] mode(i[[2]]) mode(h[2]) # 5.4 Print i[[3]] and h[3] and then compare their modes. i[[3]] h[3] mode(i[[3]]) mode(h[2]) 8 Exercise 6 - Answers ## Scenerio # You collected data on one plot today. We need to compile the data in R for analysis. # There were 5 trees: pine, pine, walnut, walnut, alder # The heights were: 100, 75, 120, 90, 50 # The tree status was: live, live, live, dead, live # 6.1 Assign an object named 'tree' to a vector with 5 elements of the tree names. tree <- c("pine", "pine", "walnut", "walnut", "alder") # 6.2 Display the number of elements in the tree vector? length(tree) # 6.3 What is the mode of the tree vector? mode(tree) # 6.4 Display the number of elements in the tree vector that are "walnut". length(tree[tree == "walnut"]) # 6.5 Create a vector with 5 elements of tree heights and assign it to an object named 'ht'. ht <- c(100, 75, 120, 90, 50) # 6.6 What is the mode of the ht vector? mode(ht) # 6.7 What is the maximum height of all 5 trees?.. what is the average height? max(ht) mean(ht) 9 Exercise 6 - Answers cont.. # 6.8 Create another vector of 5 elements with tree status and assign to an object named 'status'. status <- c("live", "live", "live", "dead", "live") # 6.9 What is the mode of 'status'? mode(status) # 6.10 Change 'status' to a factor with 2 levels, 1:live; 2:dead and assign back to object 'status'. status <- factor(status, levels=c("live", "dead")) # 6.11 Create a data frame object named 'treesdf', with the 3 vectors you just made, 'tree', 'ht', and 'status'. treesdf <- data.frame(tree, ht, status) # 6.12 What are the dimensions of the treesdf? dim(treesdf) # 6.13 What are the column names of the data frame? names(treesdf) # 6.14 What does the structure of treesdf look like? str(treesdf) # 6.15 You missed a tree. It was a dead pine tree with height of 30 meters. Add it to treesdf and assign this new data frame to on object named 'treesdf2'. treesdf2 <- rbind(treesdf, c("pine", 30, "dead")) # 6.16 Save the object, treesdf2 to a file in your workspace named 'treesdf2.Rda'. save(treesdf2, file="treesdf2.Rda") 10