ORGANIZING SECRETARIAT H2O SRL H2 O Congress via Dante 2/142 - Palazzo della Borsa 16121 Genoa - Italy Tel. +39 0108936258 GUIDELINES FOR TIPS AND TRICKS 2014 REGISTRATION 1. Registration for the Congress is handled by H2O directly and the request shall be present by email or by fax +390108936269 using the registration form available on the website. Registration form submitted without complete data of the participant will not be processed. 2. The participant’s registration shall not become effective prior to H2O having received the full registration fee due. TIPS AND TRICKS IN CONGENITAL AND STRUCTURAL INTERVENTIONS BERGAMO SEPTEMBER 11TH - 12TH 2014 FOURTH EDITION 3. Payment of the registration fee can be effected only by bank transfer, any bank charges incurred are to be paid by the participant. BANK DETAILS Bank name: BNL - GRUPPO BNL PARIBAS Local agency: AG. n. 1 Genoa Currency code: EURO BIC/SWIFT code: BNLIITRR IBAN code: IT32E0100501401000000017902 4. tion by email upon completion of the registration as well as the invoice for the registration fee will be sent by email. 5. H2O will not provide refunds after a cancellation of registration. 6. Personal data will be used for Congress purpose only. REGISTRATION SITE: CONFERENCE VENUE CENTRO CONGRESSI GIOVANNI XXIII - Viale Papa Giovanni XXIII, 106 24121 Bergamo, Italy WELCOME LETTER GENERAL INFO Dear Friends and Colleagues, ATTENDANCE CERTIFICATE It is a great pleasure to invite you to attend the 4th edition of the International Congress “Tips and Tricks in Congenital and Structural Interventions” which will be held in Bergamo on 11th and 12th September 2014. International recognized opinion leaders will provide their personal contributions and share their own experience, with a special emphasis on practical aspects of the various procedures. The meeting is basically structured by the presentation and discussion of particular cases in round tables and some lectures, with the aim to present the state of the art of congenital heart disease interventional treatment, from fetal to adulthood. Both interventional cardiologists and cardiac surgeons will contribute Target audience: Pediatric and Adult Cardiologists, Cardiac Surgeons, Pediatricians, Anesthesiologists, Junior Fellows, Nurse and Technicians interested in congenital and structural heart disease. the meeting. CONFERENCE VENUE CENTRO CONGRESSI GIOVANNI XXIII Viale Papa Giovanni XXIII, 106 24121 Bergamo, Italy phone + 39 035 236435 CONGRESS LANGUAGE CME The Congress has received CME accreditation by the Italian Ministry of Health and UEMS with the n. 447-105376 and 14 CME credits. CME PROVIDER Formazione ed eventi srl - Provider ID 447 EXHIBITION An exhibition of companies manufacturing technological equipment and instruments will take place during the Congress. REGISTRATION FEE The registration fee is € 250,00 (VAT included) and includes access Looking forward to seeing you in Bergamo in September 2014. Marco PAPA, MD SECRETARIAT The Organizing Secretariat will be open during the whole Meeting. Course Director REGISTRATION SITE: DIRECTORS AND COMMITEE FACULTY G. AGNOLETTI - Turin Z. HIJAZI - Chicago COURSE DIRECTOR Marco PAPA L. AIT-ALI - Massa F. IORIO - Taormina O. ALFIERI - Milan J. KREUTZER - Pittsburg CO-DIRECTORS Lorenzo GALLETTI Matteo CIUFFREDA A. AMODEO - Rome A. LUDOMIRSKY - New York M. BONVICINI - Bologna M. MARASINI - Genoa A. BORGHI - Brescia S. MARCORA - Bergamo G. BUTERA - S.Donato S. MARIANESCHI - Milan M. CARMINATI - S.Donato B. MARINO - Rome A. CAROTTI - Rome P. MAZZONE - Milan M. CHESSA - S.Donato O. MILANESI - Padova L. CHIAPPA - Bergamo B. MURZI - Massa M. CIUFFREDA - Bergamo C. NICORA - Bergamo A.M. COLLI - Milan C. PACE NAPOLEONE- Turin G. CRUPI - Bergamo G. PONGIGLIONE - Rome J. DE GIOVANNI - Birmingham P. PRESBITERO - Milan P. FESTA - Massa S. QURESHI - London A. FRIGIOLA - S.Donato G. SANTORO - Naples R. FORMIGARI - Bologna D. SCHRANZ - Giessen G. GAGLIARDI - Rome M. SENNI - Bergamo L. GALLETTI - Bergamo H. SIEVERT - Frankfurt G. GARGIULO - Bologna I. SPADONI - Massa A. GASPARDONE - Rome G. STELLIN - Padova A. GIAMBERTI - S. Donato N. STROBELT - Bergamo S. GIANNICO - Rome G. VIGNATI - Milan P. GUCCIONE - Taormina K.P. WALSH - Dublin SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEES Pediatrics Giancarlo CRUPI Duccio FEDERICI Paolo FERRERO Simona MARCORA Chiara MARRONE Laura PREDA Yousef SADU Francesco SEDDIO Adults Luigi FIOCCA Giulio GUAGLIUMI Ferdinando LORINI Giuseppe MUSUMECI Michele SENNI Orazio VALSECCHI Angelina VASSILEVA Obstetricians Luisa PATANE’ Nicola STROBELT A. GUIDOTTI - Milan REGISTRATION SITE: SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM 11 SEPTEMBER 2014 08.30 09.00 09.10 REGISTRATION WELCOME - L. Chiappa, C. Nicora INTRODUCTION - M. Papa 09.20 CHAIRMAN - M. Papa Lecture - B. Marino “Surgical genetics of CHD” : impact of genetic condition on surgical prognosis 09.50 12.40 LUNCH 14.00 Round table Transcatheter duct occlusion in newborns and small children CHAIRMAN: K.P. Walsh PANELISTS: G. Agnoletti, G. Gagliardi, B. Murzi 14.30 Round table CHAIRMAN: A. Gaspardone PANELISTS: M. Marasini, S. Marianeschi, multidisciplinar discussion CHAIRMAN: J. De Giovanni PANELISTS: M. Ciuffreda, C. Pace Napoleone, G. Pongiglione 10.20 Round table Pulmonary artery angioplasty/stenting in post surgical CHD CHAIRMAN: S. Qureshi PANELISTS: P. Guccione, S. Marianeschi, G. Santoro 10.50 COFFEE BREAK 11.10 CHAIRMAN - A. Borghi Lecture - M. Ciuffreda 15.00 CHAIRMAN - J. De Giovanni Lecture - Z. Hijazi Transcatheter closure of acquired VSDs 15.30 Round table PFO. Dealing with malpositioned devices or residual shunt CHAIRMAN: H. Sievert PANELISTS: G. Butera, M. Carminati, P. Presbitero 16.00 CHAIRMAN - P. Mazzone Lecture - H. Sievert LAA occlusion. State of the art 16.30 CHAIRMAN - P. Festa Lecture - A. Ludomirsky 3D printing of hearts with Congenital Heart Diseases models from MRI/CT and Echo data 17.00 Round table Crucial MRI assessment in the management of CHD clinical cases CHAIRMAN: A. Ludomirsky PANELISTS: L. Ait-Ali, P. Festa, S. Marcora The Bergamo experience 11.40 12.10 G. Pongiglione Round table Round table Aortic coarctatation in PO neonates CHAIRMAN: Z. Hijazi PANELISTS: G. Agnoletti, A. Amodeo,O. Milanesi, G. Vignati Round table Aortic coarctatation/interruption in infants and adults CHAIRMAN: S. Giannico PANELISTS: G. Crupi, J. Kreutzer, G. Santoro REGISTRATION SITE: SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM 12 SEPTEMBER 2014 09.00 CHAIRMAN - K.P. Walsh Lecture - S. Qureshi Management of embolization/dislocation stuff in cath-lab 09.30 CHAIRMAN - M. Carminati Lecture - J. De Giovanni Use of CTO wires in CHD 10.00 CHAIRMAN - A.M. Colli Lecture - A. Ludomirsky Update on therapeutic ultrasound 10.30 Round table Comparison of fenestrated and non fenestrated patients undergoing extracardiac Fontan operation CHAIRMAN: J. Kreutzer PANELISTS: A. Amodeo, A. Carotti, A. Frigiola, L. Galletti, G. Stellin 11.00 COFFEE BREAK 11.30 CHAIRMAN - F. Iorio Lecture - S. Qureshi Pulmonary atresia with inadequate RV. Cath-lab, hybrid or surgery? 12.00 CHAIRMAN - L. Galletti Lecture - D. Schranz Hybrid approach of the left side 12.30 CHAIRMAN - A. Ludomirsky Lecture - J. Kreutzer Fetal interventions: state of the art 13.00 CHAIRMAN - S. Marcora Lecture - N. Strobelt Fetal procedures: pre-treament case assessment 13.30 LUNCH 14.30 Sala Stucchi Parallel session on perinatal management of congenital heart disease and fetal therapy 14.30 Round table Transcatheter treatment in pulmonary position CHAIRMAN: M. Carminati PANELISTS: A. Giamberti, Z. Hijazi, I. Spadoni 15.00 CHAIRMAN - P. Guccione Lecture - M. Chessa PPVI in a single pulmonary branch: why and how? 15.30 CHAIRMAN - A. Guidotti Lecture - M. Senni New insight in transcatheter mitral valve technologies 16.00 Round table Percutaneous treatment of prosthetic paravalvar leaks CHAIRMAN: M. Carminati PANELISTS: 16.30 Round table Multidisciplinary approach in adults operated on complex CHD CHAIRMAN: M. Bonvicini PANELISTS: M. Chessa, R. Formigari, G. Gargiulo, G. Vignati 17.40 CME test 18.20 Conclusion and remarks M. Papa REGISTRATION SITE: with the CONTRIBUTION of under the AUSPICES of S.p.A. REGISTRATION SITE: