6-5-2014 Epidemiology of the Metabolic Syndrome in Curacao Metabolic Syndrome ? • “a group of risk factors that occur together and increase the risk for coronary artery disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes” (NIH) • all of the risks for the syndrome are related to obesity • 2 most important : central obesity & insulin resistance Lifestyle in Medicine March 29 till 31 & April 1, 2014 - Curacao HILTON Hotel Izzy Gerstenbluth Izzy Gerstenbluth Prevalence of some chronic conditions all age groups SXM Statia Saba Bon Cur Metabolic syndrome is present if you have three or more of the following signs: • • • • • Blood pressure ≥ 130/85 mmHg Fasting blood glucose ≥ 100 mg/dL Large waist circumference Low HDL cholesterol Triglycerides ≥ than 150 mg/dL % 25 20 15 10 5 0 Complaints joints Izzy Gerstenbluth % 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Hypertension Izzy Gerstenbluth Diabetes Izzy Gerstenbluth Prevalence of some chronic conditions ageSXMgroup 65+ years Statia Saba Bon Cur Complaints joints Hypertension Diabetes HT& DM: Secondary Pathology • • • • • • Retinopathy Nephropathy (Dialysis) Neuropathy Vascular disease (Amputations) Myocardial Infarctions Stroke Izzy Gerstenbluth 1 6-5-2014 Anthropometrics Obesity: Common Risk Factor • • • • Hypertension Diabetes Mellitus Back & Joint complaints Different types of cancer • • • • Izzy Gerstenbluth Izzy Gerstenbluth Obesity indicators by age Obesity (BMI ≥ 30) Men (Saba, Statia, Bonaire) Men Women WHR>.95 60 % 40.4 46.4 29 40 20 30.7 29.6 St Maarten Statia BMI (kg/m2) ≥ 25 BMI (kg/m2) ≥ 30 WC 102 (m) 88 (f) cm WHR 0.95 (m) 0.80 (f) Overweight: Overall obesity: central obesity: Central obesity: 30.9 36.2 19.6 18.5 18.7 Saba Bonaire Curaçao 0 Women WC>102 BMI>30 WHR>.80 % 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 WC>88 BMI>30 0 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+ 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+ age age Izzy Gerstenbluth Izzy Gerstenbluth 1954 2004 Energie Verbruik 54 --Energie Inname +++ Izzy Gerstenbluth Bron: National Geographic augustus 2004 Met dank aan prof dr Remy Hirasing 2 6-5-2014 Consumption of fruit and vegetables Physical exercise (% Participants who consume fruit and vegetables (almost) everyday) (% Participants who practice any form of physical exercise at least once a week) Women Fruit Men Vegetables 60 100 % 80 60 52.4 37.5 56.5 40 30.4 31.9 35.8 30.8 46.5 20 40 20 47.8 % 63.1 33.6 38.5 31.3 46.3 51.2 0 St Maarten Statia Saba Bonaire 18.8 19.1 24.1 34.2 19.5 St Maarten Statia Saba Bonaire Curaçao 0 Curaçao Izzy Gerstenbluth Izzy Gerstenbluth Socio-economic inequalities Socio-economic differences in obesity On all five islands, people of lower SES: • Have more health problems (poorer physical, mental, and perceived health) • Have unhealthier lifestyles (eating habits, smoking) • Have among women a higher prevalence of obesity • Make less use of preventive services (dental check-ups, pap tests) • Despite their poorer health status, do not make more use of GP and specialist care Women of lower SES: • have higher BMI but are less inclined to call themselves overweight • have less knowledge of obesity, exercise and healthy eating • have a less favorable attitude towards exercise and healthy eating • eat less healthy • engage less in exercise than women of higher SES Izzy Gerstenbluth 3 6-5-2014 Projection prevalence HT Projection prevalence DM (Sources: Curacao Health Study, CBS Population prognoses Curacao) (Sources: Curacao Health Study, CBS Population prognoses Curacao) (overall 14.5% SR!) (overall 5.6% SR!) Males Males Females Females % 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 % 25 20 15 10 5 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Izzy Gerstenbluth Izzy Gerstenbluth kinderen geboren in 1997 gemeten schooljaar 2008/2009 Overgewicht bij kinderen op Curaçao % 25 percentages (BMI-waarden WHO 2007) 100% 60% 50% 10-11 jr 18 ,8 % 15 ,2 % 14 ,9 % 20% 5-6 jr 17 ,2 % 15 ,5 % 30% 5 20 ,4 % 40% 10 66 ,0 % 70% 15 64 ,7 % 80% 1996-2000 2000-2005 67 ,3 % 90% 20 geen overgewicht overgewicht obesitas 10% 15-16 jr 0% jongens meisjes Izzy Gerstenbluth % Overgewicht & Obees: BMI V 60+ 72 V<60 70,1 Totaal 65,8 M<60 59,9 60 40 30 20 V 60+ 79,6 80 V<60 63,6 70 M 60+ 54,6 V 60+ 49,7 V<60 44,2 50 % % verhoogd risico: taille omtrek in centimeters (WC) 90 80 70 totaal Izzy Gerstenbluth Totaal 38,2 60 Totaal 56 % 50 M<60 29,6 40 M 60+ 18,5 M<60 34,3 M 60+ 32,4 30 20 10 % overgewicht/obees % obees (BMI>=30kg/m2) (BMI>=25kg/m2) Izzy Gerstenbluth 10 % verhoogd risico (WC m≥102; v≥88) Izzy Gerstenbluth 4 6-5-2014 10 meest voorkomende aandoeningen BZV Onderzoek 2007 Uitgelicht: verhoogde bloeddruk Totaal % HBD: zelfrapportage blijkt onderrapportage % 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 55 Totaal 50 31,7 1. Hoge Bloeddruk 50 16,3 2 suikerziekte 14,7 3. Gewrichtsslijtage Totaal 41,9 45 10,0 4. Rugaandoening 5. Duizeligheid 9,7 6. Psychische problemen 9,3 40 % 7. Glaucoom 8. Gewrichtsontsteking 9. hartkwaal of hartinfarct 10. Migraine Totaal 31,7 30 6,2 5,7 25 5,5 8,4 [Bij mannen] Prostaatklachten [Bij vrouwen] Verzakking 35 6,9 20 Zelfrapportage HBD 6,2 Gemeten HBD Gemeten HBD + med HBD: meting geeft ander beeld Behandeling Vooral % mannen met verhoogde bloeddruk blijkt hoger Vooral advies/navolging medicijnen, leefstijlfactoren ondergeschikt. Mannen<60 vaker HBD dan Vrouwen<60 Ouderen >60 vaker HBD den jongeren<60 90 80 m 60+ 68,4 70 v60+ 74,2 84,1 78 80 70 Neemt laatste 2 weken voorgeschreven medicijnen 64,1 Volgt speciaal dieet 60 v60+ 54,1 60 50 totaal 50 50 % 40 m 60+ 33,6 totaal 31,7 30 m<60 18,7 20 40 m<60 43,8 30 20 v<60 28,4 v<60 23,5 Volgt advies af te vallen % 29 24,724,7 18,6 10 22,2 23,1 26 27 meer lichamelijke beweging 22 Insuline 2,6 0 diagnose HBD (n=233) diagnose verhoogd cholesterol (n=117) diagnose diabetes (n=101) 10 Zelfrapportage HBD Izzy Gerstenbluth Gemeten HBD + med Effect van behandeling HBD Slechts 25% van diagnose groep HBD, weet bloeddruk te onderdrukken met medicijnen geen hbd gemeten wel hbd gemeten geen hbd + medicatie 100% 90% 80% NL: 2007 ca 35.600 new strokes ̴ 210/100.000 50-70% of all strokes admitted 25% 32,5% 70% Cur: Clinical strokes ̴ 250 per year 60% 50% 68,0% 40% 30% Stroke incidence 67,5% 20% (75% of total) ̴ 227/100.000 10% 7,0% 0% niet bewust HBD (n=469) Izzy Gerstenbluth wel bewust HBD (n=200) CSQ March 2014; Gerstenbluth / Lourents / Rico 5 6-5-2014 Number of registered strokes age and stroke II by agegroup and sex per year (n=903) Female proportion of patients having strokes before 50 years and before 65 years Male male 125 % female 50 45.7 100 40 33.1 75 30 50 20 13.0 10.1 10 25 0 0 <=50 51-70 71-90 91+ 2010 <=50 51-70 71-90 91+ <=50 2011 51-70 71-90 91+ 2012 <=50 51-70 71-90 ≤50 years 91+ ≤65 years 2013 CSQ March 2014; Gerstenbluth / Lourents / Rico CSQ March 2014; Gerstenbluth / Lourents / Rico Riskfactors I Comparisons Young Strokes yes < 50: NL: 2.5% Cur: 11.6% no unknow n 700 600 500 <65: USA: 34% Cur: 39.9% 400 (CDC data) 300 200 100 0 cardioembolism current tobacco use diabetes mellitus hypercholesterolemia hypertension 32.2% has Diabetes Mellitus, 31.7 % has Hypercholesterolemia, 79.3 % has Hypertension CSQ March 2014; Gerstenbluth / Lourents / Rico CSQ March 2014; Gerstenbluth / Lourents / Rico risk factors by type of stroke tobacco use hypertension diabetes mellitus substance use Riskfactors II hypercholesterolemia other riskfactor % 90 80 70 60 Hypertension + Diabetes Mellitus: 28.6% (n=259) Hypertension + Hypercholesterolemia: 27.6% (n=249) Hypercholesterolemia + Diabetes Mellitus: 13.7% (n=124) Hypertension + Diabetes Mellitus + hypercholesterolemia: 12.6% (n=114) 50 40 30 20 10 0 ischemic intracerebral subarchnoidal CSQ March 2014; Gerstenbluth / Lourents / Rico other/unspecified CSQ March 2014; Gerstenbluth / Lourents / Rico 6 6-5-2014 Izzy Gerstenbluth Izzy Gerstenbluth Pyramide (Seidell 2005) toegepast op Curacao 2007 ‘Pyramide’ (Seidell 2005) toegepast op Curacao 2007 Morbid obesity + severe complications Surgery: YES in the hospitals Obesity + morbidity Specialists + pharmacotherapy: Yes Overweight + risk factor management Primary care + dietitian, tertiary prevention: YES Overweight Self management: yes medicine, diet, exercise etc High risk Early identification, secondary prevention: jgz Population Health promotion, primary prevention: borstvoeding stimuleren, Hartstichting, particuliere initiatieven Education:little bit Physical env Izzy Gerstenbluth Sociocult env MICRO Economic env MACRO ANGELO modelIzzy Gerstenbluth Courtesy Dr. P.J. Offringa, Izzy Gerstenbluth SXM 7 6-5-2014 “Rise up with me against the organization of misery” Pablo Neruda Masha Danki! ´ Big Mama´ Hortence Brouwn, Curaçao 1999 8