Presentatie E.Feskens 1 Juli 2014


Voeding, gezondheid & stad: implicaties voor stadslandbouw

Bijeenkomst Stedennetwerk Stadslandbouw, 1 juli, Ede

Edith Feskens,

Wageningen University & Research centre

‘To explore the potential of nature to improve the quality of life’


Higher agricultural education at national level




WU merged with

Research Institutes

Campus Wageningen UR

Division of Human Nutrition (as of 1968)

190 people involved in research and education

40 scientific staff members involved in teaching

 20 postdocs, researchers

 45 technical assistants, dieticians, administrative staff

 85 PhD fellows (~30% international, external)

764 students Nutrition & Health

 448 BSc, 316 MSc (26% international), 2150 Alumni

 Courses, individual scientific work, internship in public/private organisation

 In 2015: Distance learning MSc Nutritional & Public Health Epidemiology

Wat is Stadslandbouw?

 Het produceren van voedsel en groen, in, om en voor de stad

Wat is Voeding?

 Voedsel = Food

 Voeding = Nutrition

 Nutriënten (voedingsstoffen), voedingsmiddelen


 Voedselkeuze, voedingsgedrag

 Voedingspatroon

Wat is Gezondheid?

 WHO (1948):

Gezondheid is een toestand van volledig lichamelijk, geestelijk en maatschappelijk welzijn en niet slechts de afwezigheid van ziekte of andere lichamelijk gebreken.

 Nieuw voorgesteld (M. Huber):

Het dynamische vermogen van mensen om zich aan te passen en zelf regie te voeren over hun welbevinden.

(Positieve Gezondheid)

Quetelet Index = Body Mass Index

 Gewicht (kg) / lengte 2 (m)



18.5-25 normaal gewicht



>35 overgewicht obesitas morbide obesitas

Obesity Trends* Among U.S. Adults

BRFSS, 1990, 2000, 2010

(*BMI  30, or about 30 lbs. overweight for 5’4” person)

1990 2000


No Data <10% 10%–14% 15%–19% 20%–24% 25%–29% ≥30%

Medical complications of obesity

Copyright ©2006 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.

Trends in overgewicht en obesitas in NL

Trend in kinderobesitas in NL

Overgewicht en Obesitas naar opleiding

Overweight ‘hotspots’ in NL

Overgewicht & Obesitas in NL

Ethnische verschillen?

Determinants of obesity

Conceptual framework of the social determinants of inequalities in obesity

Copyright ©2007 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.

Pressures toward positive energy balance



High fat,




Palatable, low-cost, easily available foods

Large portion sizes




Work- related physical activity

Activity of daily living



sedentary behavior

Bron: Hill et al., 2000

Determinants of physical activity

 Physical and social environment

 Personal attributes

 Aspects of the physical activity itself, such as exercise intensity and enjoyment of activity

Zoek de verschillen!


Voedselconsum ptiepeilin 2003,


Summary of evidence WHO/FAO 2002

Strength of evidence





Factors protecting against obesity

Factors promoting obesity

Regular physical activity; high intake of dietary fibre

Sedentary lifestyles; high intake of foods high in energy and poor in micronutrients

Home and school environments that support healthy food choices for children; breast feeding

Heavy marketing of energy dense foods and fastfood outlets; high intake of sugars (sweetened soft drinks and fruit juices ); adverse socioeconomic conditions

(in developed countries, especially for women)

Foods with low glycaemic index

Large portion sizes; high proportion of food prepared outside home (developed countries); eating patterns showing "rigid restraint and periodic disinhibition"

Increased frequency of eating



 Niet ontbijten

 Snacken

 Energie-dichte voeding

 Grote porties

 Gesuikerde drank (frisdrank)

 Hoge eetsnelheid

Richtlijnen Goede Voeding leveren gezondheidswinst op!

 Hart- en vaatziekten

 Obesitas en Diabetes

 Diverse soorten Kanker

 Osteoporose

 Deficienties,

 Bloedarmoede etc

Bijna niemand eet gezond!

Gezonde Voeding: een bijdrage van stadslandbouw?

 Link met de Gezonde Wijk..

 (Arnhem: in Achterstandswijk.. lopend project: Samen

Langer Gezond.. Dit toevoegen?)

 Andere Voorbeelden?

 Verkleinen van de fysieke en psychologische afstand tussen consument en producent....

 Breder scale verse groenten, lagere prijs?

 Fysieke activeeti in moes- schooltuin

 Sociale cohesie

Impact of garden-based youth nutrition intervention programs: a review.

Journal of the American Dietetic Association 2009

 Findings from this review suggest that gardenbased nutrition intervention programs may have the potential to promote increased fruit and vegetable intake among youth and increased willingness to taste fruits and vegetables among younger children;

 however, empirical evidence in this area is relatively scant.

 There is a need for well-designed, evidenced-based, peer-reviewed studies to determine program effectiveness and impact. .

Review of the nutritional implications of farmers' markets and community gardens: a call for evaluation and research efforts. J Am Diet Assoc.

 .

 7 studies on the impact of farmers‘ market nutrition programs for Special

Supplemental Nutrition Program; 5 on programs for seniors, and 4 on focused on community gardens.

 Findings from this review reveal that few well-designed research studies (eg, those incorporating control groups) utilizing valid and reliable dietary assessment methods to evaluate the influence of farmers' markets and community gardens on nutrition-related outcomes have been completed.

Regionaal bevolkingsonderzoekonderzoek :

EetMeetWeet en NQplus

 EMW: een ‘sampling-frame’ van 6000 mensen uit

Wageningen eo (Ede, Renkum, Arnhem, Veenendaal)

 NQplus (Nutrition Questionnaires plus..) gedetailleerd longitudinaal onderzoek onder 1750 EMW deelnemers (mannen en vrouwen van 20-70 jaar)
