F R I D AY 2 8 M A R C H 2 0 1 4 FRIDAY 28 MARCH 2014 Main Sessions Epilepsy & Sleep Parallel Sessions Epilepsy 09.00 - 09.30 WELCOME AND REGISTRATION MAIN SESSION EPILEPSY - Theatre room / Schouwburgzaal ‘t Scureken PARALLEL SESSION 1 EPILEPSY - Large backroom / Grote achterzaal ‘t Scureken 09.30 - 12.30 14.30 - 16.30 09.30 - 09.55 09.55 - 10.20 10.20 - 10.45 10.45 - 11.15 11.15 - 11.40 11.40 - 12.05 12.05 - 12.30 12.30 - 14.30 UPDATE ON MANAGEMENT Chairs: prof. dr. Paul Boon, prof. dr. Bert Aldenkamp Seizures in patients with infarcts and bleeds dr.Shorvon Veerle De Herdt prof. dr. Simon Cognitive side effects of anti-epileptic treatments prof. dr. Christoph Helmstaedter Non-cognitive side effects of epilepsy therapies prof. dr. Margitta Seeck Coffee break/Poster session Enzyme-inducing versus non-enzyme inducing AEDs prof. dr. Tony Marson How do you optimize AED treatment? prof. dr. Philippe Ryvlin Super-refractory status epilepticus prof. dr. Martin Holtkamp 14.30 - 15.10 SUDEP epidemiology 15.10 - 15.50 SUDEP in monitoring units, MORTEMUS study 15.50 - 16.30 Ictal tachycardia-based VNS, first experience dr. Günter Krämer prof. dr. Philippe Ryvlin prof. dr. Kristl Vonck PARALLEL SESSION 2 EPILEPSY - Conference room / Conferentiezaal ‘t Scureken 14.30 - 16.30 THE FIRST FIT, DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC MANAGEMENT Chairs: dr. Anton de Louw, Albert Colon LUNCH AT HEEZE CASTLE MAIN SESSION SLEEP - Theatre room / Schouwburgzaal ‘t Scureken 14.30 - 17.00 THE HEART AND BRAIN CONNECTION Chairs: prof. dr. Paul Boon, dr. Bert Kleine 14.30 - 15.10 Epidemiology of first seizures 15.10 - 15.50 Diagnostic tools and therapeutic management for first seizures 15.50 - 16.30 The organisation of a first fit clinic for both children and adults SLEEP MEDICINE AND SLEEP RESEARCH: YEAR IN REVIEW Chairs: prof. dr. Dirk Pevernagie, dr. Sebastiaan Overeem prof. dr. Tony Marson prof. dr. Alfred Meurs dr. Mariëlle Vlooswijk, Sylvia Klinkenberg PARALLEL SESSION 3 EPILEPSY - V1-V2 main building / V1-V2 hoofdgebouw 14.30 - 15.00 15.00 - 15.30 15.30 - 16.00 16.00 - 16.30 16.30 - 17.00 17.00 New diagnostic techniques for sleep-disordered breathing prof. dr. Johan Verbraecken prof. dr. Jan Hedner What moves in restless legs syndrome dr. Roselyne Rijsman Sleep and the biological clock: an update prof. dr. Tom de Boer Pediatric sleep medicine coming of age Nele Vandenbussche Advances in our understanding of insomnia prof. dr. Eus van Someren DRINKS AT ’T SCUREKEN 14.30 - 16.30 DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC INNOVATIONS IN EPILEPSY Chairs: prof. dr. ir. Jan Bergmans, prof. dr. Johan Arends 14.30 - 15.00 Teleconsortium, preliminary results of the clinical trial 15.00 - 15.30 Unconscious emotions 15.30 - 16.00 rTMS and tDCS in epilepsy 16.00 - 16.30 Anterior nucleus of the thalamus deep brain stimulation (DBS) prof. dr. Johan Arends prof. dr. Matthias Rauterberg prof. dr. Walter Paulus Louis Wagner PARALLEL SESSION 4 EPILEPSY - First floor V3-V4 main building / Eerste verdieping V3-V4 hoofdgebouw 14.30 - 16.30 SPECIAL CASES: WHAT IF THE CAUSE OF EPILEPSY IS NOT UNDERSTOOD? Chairs: dr. Marian Majoie, dr. Jurgen Schelhaas 14.30 - 15.10 Metabolic diseases and epilepsy. A diagnostic approach 15.10 - 15.50 The genetic work up in a patient that ‘got to have’ an underlying cause 15.50 - 16.30 Auto immune antibodies: causes and consequences dr. Judith Verhoeven, dr. Jolanda Schieving prof. dr. Joris Veltman, Francesca SnoeijenSchouwenaars dr. Joost Nicolai, dr. Rob Rouhl PARALLEL SESSION 2 SLEEP - First floor V3-V4 main building / Eerste verdieping V3-V4 hoofdgebouw FRIDAY 28 MARCH 2014 09.30 - 12.05 Parallel Session Neurocognition 09.00 - 09.30 10.20 - 10.45 10.45 - 11.15 11.15 - 11.40 11.40 - 12.05 WELCOME AND REGISTRATION PARA LLEL SESSION 1 NEUROCOGNITION - Sports hall, location Berkenschutse / Gymzaal, locatie Berkenschutse 09.30 - 12.30 NEUROLOGICAL LEARNING DISABILITIES: MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS ON NEUROCOGNITION AND COMMUNICATION Chairs: prof. dr. Hans Vles, dr. Jos Hendriksen 09.30 - 09.35 Introduction 09.35 - 10.05 Imaging after stroke: cerebral palsy, cortical reorganisation and language 10.05 - 10.35 Eye tracking and cognitive functioning 10.35 - 10.55 Disharmonic intelligence profiles in children with neurological learning disabilities 10.55 - 11.10 Coffee break 11.10 - 11.40 RETT syndrome: cognitive functioning and communication 11.40 - 12.00 Working memory and language problems 12.00 - 12.20 Developmental language impairment and neurophysiology 09.30 - 9.55 9.55 - 10.20 prof. dr. Hans Vles dr. Karen Lidzba dr. Johan Pel dr. Jos Hendriksen, prof. dr. Hans Vles dr. Eric Smeets Brigitte Vugs Debby Schrans, Sandra van Abeelen, Sylvia Klinkenberg, Saskia Ebus 12.20 - 12.30 Closing remarks and discussion S 12.30 - 14.30 LUNCH AT HEEZE CASTLE BASS ON “CLINICAL SLEEP MEDICINE”: RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN SLEEP MEDICINE Chairs: prof. dr. Johan Verbraecken (BASS), dr. Hans Hamburger (NSWO) Retentive characteristics of mandibular advancement devices How to screen efficiently for pathological sleepiness in large populations of professional drivers? Results of two alternative approaches Personality and other psychological factors in insomnia Coffee break/Poster session The role of sleep in ADHD Oxidative stress in children with obstructive sleep apnea prof. dr. Marc Braem prof. dr. Elke De Valck Merijn van de Laar dr. Martijn Arns dr. Kim van Hoorenbeeck 12.30 - 14.30 LUNCH AT HEEZE CASTLE THURSDAY 27 MARCH 2014 COURSE Advanced Epilepsy Course 12.00 - 13.00 WELCOME AND REGISTRATION (including lunch buffet) 13.00 - 14.00 ON-SITE VISIT OF KEMPENHAEGHE ADVANCED EPILEPSY COURSE - Conference room / Conferentiezaal ‘t Scureken 14.00 - 17.00 COMPREHENSIVE UPDATE ON EPILEPSY MANAGEMENT Chairs: prof. dr. Paul Boon, prof. dr. Bert Aldenkamp Parallel Sessions Sleep PARALLEL SESSION 1 SLEEP - V1-V2 main building / V1-V2 hoofdgebouw 09.30 - 12.05 NSWO ON “BASIS SLEEP RESEARCH”: RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN SLEEP RESEARCH Chairs: prof. dr. Tom de Boer (NSWO), prof. dr. Tine Buyse (BASS) 09.30 - 09.55 On-the-road driving performance in untreated insomnia patients and chronic users of hypnotics 09.55 - 10.20 The caudate nucleus: a key node in the neuronal network imbalance of insomnia 10.20 - 10.45 Sleep and Alzheimer's: the amyloid connection? 10.45 - 11.15 Coffee break/Poster session 11.15 - 11.40 “Expected” versus “experienced” sleepiness: on the ability to predict situational sleepiness 11.40 - 12.05 À propos d’un cas: Hypocretin-1 deficiency in a girl with ROHHAD syndrome dr. Tim Leufkens dr. Diederick Stoffers dr. Sebastiaan Overeem dr. Olivier Mairesse dr. Karlien Dhondt 14.00 – 15.40 14.00 - 14.25 14.25 - 14.50 14.50 - 15.15 15.15 - 15.40 Plenary session AED treatment of newly diagnosed focal epilepsy Management of status epilepticus Management of refractory epilepsy Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures 16.00 - 17.00 Breakup workshops based on cases (possibility to attend one workshop) 1. Challenges in tailoring therapy in newly diagnosed patients (Large backroom / Grote achterzaal ‘t Scureken) 2. Best practices in acute seizures and status epilepticus (Small backroom / Kleine achterzaal ‘t Scureken) 3. Epilepsy surgery rounds (First floor V3-V4 main building / Eerste verdieping V3-V4 hoofdgebouw) 4. Non-epileptic seizures, practical management (V1-V2 main building / V1-V2 hoofdgebouw) 17.00 DRINKS AT ’T SCUREKEN prof. dr. Margitta Seeck prof. dr. Martin Holtkamp prof. dr. Paul Boon dr. Nynke Bodde prof. dr. Margitta Seeck prof. dr. Martin Holtkamp prof. dr. Paul Boon dr. Nynke Bodde