
Elbow Joint
Elbow Anatomy
Elbow joint is made of
3 bones
2 joints
One capsule
Hinge joint
Flexion(145) and extension
Elbow Anatomy
Elbow joint- where the radius and ulna
articulate with the humerus.
Flexion and extension-hinge joint
Elbow Anatomy
Radialulnar joint- where the radius
and ulna articulate.
How many of this joint are there???
Elbow Anatomy
Radioulnar joint is a pivot joint.
It allows supination and pronation.
Elbow Anatomy
The ulna does not move.
 The radius moves around the ulna.
 The ulna is locked in place by the
proximal end at the olecranon
Elbow Anatomy
Infraglenoid tubercleinferior lip of the glenoid
fossa, where the long
head of triceps
Elbow Anatomy
Supraglenoid tubercle- superior portion
of the glenoid fossa. Where the long
head of biceps attaches.
Elbow Anatomy
Capitulum- lateral side of joint, it
articulates with the radius.
Elbow Anatomy
Medial epicondyle- medial side of
humerus at distal end just above
trochlea. Pronator teres attachment.
Elbow Anatomy
Lateral epicondyle- located on lateral
side of distal end above capitulum.
Anconeus and supinator attach.
Elbow Anatomy
Olecranon fossa- posterior surface of
the humerus between the medial and
lateral epicondyles.
Elbow Anatomy
Olecranon process- proximal end of
ulna, on posterior surface. The point
of elbow where triceps attaches.
Elbow Anatomy
Trochlea- located on the medial side of
the distal end of the humerus.
Articulates with ulna.
Elbow Anatomy
Coronoid Process- just below the
trochlear notch and next to the radial
notch. Attachment for brachilis.
Elbow Anatomy
Styloid Process- distal end of the
lateral/medial surface at the ulna or
Elbow Anatomy
Ulnar head- distal end on the lateral
surface, radial head pronates around
Elbow Anatomy
Radial head- proximal end, where it
articulates with the capitulum.
Elbow Anatomy
tuberosityattachment for
the biceps
muscle. On
medial side of
radius just
distal to the
radial head.
Elbow Ligaments
Medial Collateral Ligament- runs from
medial epicondyle of humerus to the
medial side of coranoid process and
olecranon process.
Elbow Ligaments
Lateral collateral ligament- attaches
proximally to the lateral epicondyle and
distally to the lateral ulna and annular
Elbow Ligaments
Annular Ligament- encompasses
radial head at the radial notch and hold
it against the ulna. (red)
Interosseous membrane- broad flat
membrane is located between the
radius and ulna for most of their
Overuse of the tendon attached to the
epicondyle of the humerus.
Faulty technique/mechanics, weak
muscles or improper equipment.
Can be on lateral side- tennis or
golfers elbow
Can be on the medial side- pitcher’s
Signs and Sx
Pain over
Increase pain with
wrist flexion or
Elbow contracture
Proper technique
Proper equipment
Good warm up with
slow increase in
Young Athlete’s Elbow Injury
Little Leaguer’s elbowrepetitive action resulting
in elbow pain in young
The elbow area is the
last epiphyseal center to
close so injuries can
Young Athlete’s Elbow Injury
Little Leaguers elbow
can result in in varies
fractures or bone
Elbow is the second most
commonly dislocated major joint.
Most often the ulna/radius
dislocate posterior to the
MOI- fall of outstretched
arm with elbow locked
in extension.
Signs and Sx
Obvious deformity
Check circulation
and nerve function
Wrist strengthening
and then progress
to elbow
Fractures to Elbow/Forarm
Often occurs due to a direct blow or a
fall on outstretched arm.
Most common childhood injury, often
involves the epiphysis.
Fractures to Elbow/Forarm
Signs and Sx
Point tenderness
Possible deformity
Limited ROM
Strengthening of
the joints
surrounding and
then whole arm
when cast is
Elbow/Forearm Muscles
Brachialis- attaches distal half of the
humerus to the coronoid process and
ulnar tuberosity of ulna.
Elbow/Forearm Muscles
Biceps Brachii
Long head-supraglenoid tubercle,
through bicipital groove, joins with the
Short head- comes from the coracoid
Both combine to inset onto the radial
Elbow/Forearm Muscles
Brachioradilis- attached to
humerus just slightly
above the lateral
epicondyle, crosses the
elbow anterior and lateral
to attach on the styloid
process of the radius.
Brachialis, Biceps
Primary Function of these three
muscles is what??????
Elbow/Forearm Muscles
Triceps brachiientire muscle mass
of posterior arm. It
attaches to the
olecranon process
when all 3 heads of
the muscle
combine. Function
is extension. Radial
Elbow/Forearm Muscles
Anconeus- helps the triceps with
extension and keeps the annular
ligament out of the olecranon fossa.
Elbow/Forearm Muscles
Pronator teres- cordlike shape is teres,
and pronation is its pimary action.
Mostly superficial muscle.
Elbow/Forearm Muscles
Pronator quadratus- small flat
quadrilateral muscle that pronates the
wrist. Deep muscle at distal end of
Elbow/Forearm Muscles
Supinator- deep muscle that wraps
around the elbow joint laterally from
posterior to anterior surfaces.