The Physical Examination of Abdomen The First Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning Medical College Liu Baihai 第一节:Abdominal landmarks & Area 一、 Abdominal landmarks Abdominal Mark Midabdominal Upper abdominal angle Xiphoid process line Costal margin umbilicus Lateral border of rectus muscles Anterior superior iliac spine Inguinal ligament xiphoid process 腹中线 midabdominal line costal margin Lateral border of rectus muscle umbilicus Anterior superior iliac spine 腹股沟韧带 耻骨上缘 superior margin of os pubis inguinal ligament 二、Abdominal Area four quadrants system right upper quadrant right lower quadrant left upper quadrant Left lower quadrant Right upper quadrant liver gallbladder pylorus duodenum pancreas(head) right kidney hepatic flexure of colon Right lower quadrant cecum appendix ascending colon small intestine right ovary and tube Left upper quadrant liver (left lobe ) spleen stomach pancreas (body tail) left kidney splenic flexure of colon Left lower quadrant sigmoid colon descending colon small intestine left ovary and tube Nine regions system right lumber region right iliac region epigastric region umbilieal region hypogastric region left hypochondriac region left lumber region left iliac region Abdominal Area: Nine regions right hypochondriac region stomach gallbladder ascending colon transverse colon small intestine ileum sigmoid colon urinary bladder Nine regions & Projection spleen Regions right & left hypochondrial right & left lumber right & left iliac epigastric umbilical hypogastric Right hypochondrial liver gallbladder right kidney hepatic flexure of colon right lumber ascending colon jejunum right kidney right iliac cecum appendix right ovary and tube Epigastric liver (left lobe) pylorus duodenum omentum transverse colon the head and body of pancreas umbilical duodenum jejunum ileum mesentery abdominal aorta lymph node omentum hypogastric bladder womb ureter Left hypochondrial spleen stomach splenic flexure of colon pancreas (tail part ) left kidney left lumber descending colon jejunum ileum left iliac sigmoid colon left ovary and tube Right upper abdominal region Left upper abdominal region Umbilieal region Right lower abdominal region Left lower abdominal region Hypogastric region Abdominal Area: Seven regions Epigastric region Inspection The major contents of inspection abdominal contour respiratory movements abdominal veins gastral or intestinal pattern(胃型或肠型) peristalsis(蠕动波) abdominal rash, hernia(疝), striae(纹), etc. Normal √abdominal flatness(腹部平坦) √ abdominal fullness(腹部饱满) √ abdominal lowness(腹部低平 1. Abdominal contour 1. Abdominal contour in healthy person abdomen is usually flat from xiphoid to symphysis pubis , we call abdominal flat or even abdomen. the umbilicus is located in the abdominal center. depending on the nutritional status, the abdominal contour may be lightly protuberant or scaphoid. Abdominal bulge generalized abdominal bulge is usually caused by ascites some causes for ascites: heart failure cirrhosis of liver nephrotic syndrome TB peritonitis Overall abdominal bulge can be caused by several pathological factors besides overly obesity or physiological pregnancy. In obesity and fat, the umbilicus is usually deeply inverted. Peritoneal fluid If there is a large amount of free fluid within the abdomen, i, e. ascites, abdominal wall can be lax in supine position, fluid can deposit at both lateral sides, the contour just like a frog belly. The characteristic appearance of gross ascites Apical belly尖腹 Apical belly is caused by peritonitis or infiltration of cancers, and hence abdominal muscle is tense, usu. with the apical shape. Peritoneal air 腹腔积气 Peritoneal air is caused by a large amount of air accumulating in the cavity of stomach. √ If you ask the patient to move or change the position, the shape of abdomen remains globular. √ This is commonly found in intestinal obstruction or enteroparalysis(肠麻痹). Pneumoperitoneum气腹 √ Pneumoperitoneum is caused by air accumulating in the abdominal cavity. √ It is commonly found in perforation of gastrointestinal diseases or artificial pneumoperitoneum meant to treat. Huge abdominal enclosed mass 腹内巨大包块 Huge abdominal enclosed mass is usually found in full-term pregnancy, huge ovarian cyst(卵巢囊肿), teratoma, etc. Local abdominal bulge局部膨隆 Local abdominal bulge is usually caused by enlarged viscera, tumor, inflammatory enclosed mass, gastrointestinal flatulence(肠 胃胀气), hernia, etc. Abdominal concavity/ retraction 腹部 凹陷 Overall abdominal concavity/retraction 全腹凹陷 Overall abdominal retraction is usually found in patients severely emaciated or seriously dehydrated. Scaphoid abdomen舟状腹 √Scaphoid abdomen is so called because the contour of abdomen is shaped like a boat, with the anterior abdomen almost approximating to spinal column . √ This sign is commonly seen in cachexia(恶病质). Local abdominal retraction 局部凹陷 Local abdominal retraction is caused by the contraction of scar after operation and is less common. 2. Respiratory movement the manner of breathing: in men and children, manner of breathing is abdominal respiration. But in women the manner of breathing is thoracic respiration. In some diseases such as perforation because acute peritonitis, the respiratory movement is limited or disappear. 2. 呼吸运动 正常表现:男性、小儿:腹式为主。 女性:胸式为主。 病理状态:腹式受限—腹部炎症、包块、 积液、膈肌麻痹。 腹式增强—癔症性呼吸、胸部疾病。 3. Abdominal veins in healthy person abdominal vein can not be seen or or can be seen a little in thin person, but not dilated, in patient with obstruction of the portal venous system or in the vena cava,You may find distended veins. when you find distended veins on the abdomen you should ascertain the direction of flow. the normal direction of flow is away from the umbilicus , that is the upper abdominal veins carry blood up ward to the superior vena cava. And the lower abdominal veins flow downward to the inferior vena cava. 腹壁静脉及其血流方向 上腔静脉阻塞: 向下 下腔静脉阻塞: 向上 门静脉阻塞: 脐为中心,放射状, 水母头(caput medusae)。 how to ascertain the direction of blood flow you can choice a segment of vein, then the vein is emptied between two fingers to a distance of a few centimeters, then allows blood to refill the vein from one direction by removing one compressing finger Gastric or intestinal pattern(胃型或肠 型) and peristalsis(蠕动波) in healthy person peristalsis is not visible, but in patient with pyloric or intestinal obstruction you can see peristalsis, in pyloric obstruction on epigastrium the peristalsis is from left costal margin to right, in intestinal obstruction you can see peristalsis around umbilicus the direction of peristalsis is irregular. 胃肠型和蠕动波 gastric or intestinal pattern and peristalsis 正常人:见于经产妇与消瘦腹壁松软者。 幽门梗阻:上腹部逆蠕动。 小肠梗阻:不规则隆起,此起彼伏。 结肠梗阻:全腹膨隆、宽大肠型。 5. The skin of abdomen (1) skin Rash in some diseases especially infectious disease such as typhoid fever you can find roseolas on the skin of abdomen. 部位、形态、色彩、时间等。 (2) Pigment in normal condition, the pigment of abdomen is more decreased than exposed part of skin, in patient with chronic adrenocortical hypofunction also called addison’ s disease. Cullen sign A bluish discoloration of the umbilicus occasionally is seen after major intraperitoneal hemorrhage. Turner’s sign a bluish discoloration of the flanks. these two signs may occur as the result of hemoperitoneum such as hemorrhagic pancreatitis broken of ectopic pregnancy. (3) Striae silver striae distribute on the lower quadrants of abdomen or iliac regions, it is seen after a large gain of weight or after pregnancy. bluish striae (purple) distribute on lower quadrants of abdomen upper legs or hips this is found in hypercortisolism. (4) Scar when you find a operation scar on the patient abdomen, you should ask some question about the scar, when and why the patient got the scar, the history of operation may be helpful to diagnosis of the disease (5). Hernia umbilical hernia may be seen in belly or patient with a massive ascites . incisional hernia operation scar. femoral hernia mainly seen in female. inquinal hernia mainly seen in male. (6) Hair distribution in female the pubic hair is roughly triangular with the base above the symphysis. where as in male it is in the shape of a diamond often with hair continuing to the umbilicus, the distribution and quantity of hair maybe changed by chronic liver disease and endocrine abnormalities (7). Epigastric pulsation may be seen in the following condition: (1). thin person (2). Right ventricular hypertrophy COPD (3). Abdominal aneurysm