Safety Office ext. 57189 Where to find safety information: Saint Francis Medical Center Policy Manual located on Medical Center web-site Safety Champions We have a Safety Champion Program with approximately 140 departments and 160 champions. The off-site facilities are included in this number. Please learn who your Champion is. We are ALL by learning how to be safe at work! What is Peminic? Peminic is an electronic event reporting system located on the Medical Center Intranet home page for reporting safety issues. Reporter Name (First MI Last) Reporter Type Reporter‘s Facility (choice) Reporters Department Date Event Occurred (MMDDYYYY) Time Event Occurred (Military Time) Blank=unknown PATIENT / PERSON INFORMATION Type of Patient / Person Involved Highlights of Peminic Real-time application Accessible to all staff; anyone could report an event Central database for tracking & trending events and near misses Healthcare Building Design Firewalls separate buildings into smoke compartments. A smoke compartment is a space within a building that is enclosed by smoke barriers on all sides, including the top and bottom. Smoke compartments protect people from smoke and fire for at least 1.5 hours. The floors and ceilings of a smoke compartment contain smoke and fire for 2 hours. Each stairwell is a separate smoke compartment. Patient rooms are within smoke compartments. The door to a patient room protects from smoke and fire for about 20 minutes. Area shutoff valves for oxygen lines are provided in patient areas. Not all buildings have these features check your department specific safety plan. Category: General Safety Which of the following overhead pages (announcements) means there is a fire? A. Code Pink C. Green Alert B. Red Alert D. Blue Alert Category: General Safety Which of the following overhead pages (announcements) means there is a fire? A. Code Pink (Infant/Child Abduction) C. Green Alert (Chemical Spill) B. Red Alert (Fire) D. Blue Alert (Cardiac arrest) Category: General Safety What key word tells you what to do in case of fire? A. RICE (Rescue, Inform, Control, Evacuate) B. REST (Remember, Eliminate the Smoke Threat) C. RACE (Rescue, Alarm, Confine/Contain, Extinguish/Evacuate) D. RATS (Run Away To Safety) Category: General Safety What key word tells you what to do in case of fire? A. RICE (Rescue, Inform, Control, Evacuate) B. REST (Remember, Eliminate the Smoke Threat) C. RACE (Rescue, Alarm,Confine (Defend in Place), Extinguish) D. RATS (Run Away To Safety) Fire Safety If a fire is located in a patient care room or cubicle the equipment connected to the oxygen wall outlets should be turned off and disconnected from the oxygen wall outlet, and the occupants moved to safety. Should an oxygen enriched fire be discovered in a patient care room or cubicle the oxygen zone valve serving the affected space shall be turned off by the Clinical Nurse Manager, or Unit Charge Person or their designee, or a Respiratory Therapist. Category: General Safety What key word tells you how to use a fire extinguisher? A. PASS (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep) C. PAST (Point, Aim, Squeeze Trigger) B. PANIC (Pull, Aim Nozzle, In Circles) D. PLANE (Point, Lock, Aim Nozzle, Extinguish) Category: General Safety What key word tells you how to use a fire extinguisher? A. PASS (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep) C. PAST (Point, Aim, Squeeze Trigger) B. PANIC (Pull, Aim Nozzle, In Circles) D. PLANE (Point, Lock, Aim Nozzle, Extinguish) PASS Using a Fire Extinguisher P – Pull the pin A – Aim at the base of the fire S – Squeeze the handle S – Sweep the nozzle from side to side across the base of the fire Make sure you are able to exit the room, keep your back towards the exit. If the fire is bigger than a small garbage can an extinguisher will not put out the fire Do not enter a room if the fire is too large. If a door is warm, do not open it. Fire Alarm Pull Boxes Located near exits and stairwells Look for them in your department and know where they are. Keep Hallways Clear Clutter in corridors will make it difficult to evacuate. You must maintain an 8 foot clearance in all patient care areas. Never block pull boxes, fire doors, fire extinguishers, exits, or any other life safety features. Electrical panel require 3 ft clearance. Which one of these items should not be used in the facility without approval from the Safety Office because they can increase the risk of fire? A. B. C. D. Door Wedges Extension Cords Space Heaters Decorations that are not found in the OSF policies E. All of the above Which one of these items should not be used in the facility without approval from the Safety Office because they can increase the risk of fire? A. Door Wedges B. Extension Cords C. Space Heaters D. Decorations that are not found in the OSF policies E. All of the above Interim Life Safety Measures (1) When fire or environmental safety is affected by construction or deficiencies, alternate means are implemented to temporarily compensate. These means are known as Interim Life Safety Measures (ILSM) (2) All construction jobs shall be evaluated for their affect on fire and environmental safety and the appropriate ILSM determined. This process shall be documented. Throughout the construction period, the ILSM shall be continued and inspected. The results of the inspections shall be documented Category: General Safety Which of the following overhead pages (announcements) means there is an infant/toddler/child/teen abduction? A. Gray Alert C. Code Pink B. Brown Alert D. Orange Alert Category: General Safety Which of the following overhead pages (announcements) means there is an infant/toddler/child/teen abduction? A. Gray Alert (Tornado C. Code Pink within 65 miles of Medical Center) B. Brown Alert (Utility Failure) D. Orange Alert (Mass Casualty Incident) Category: General Safety Which of the following overhead pages/ announcements means there is a missing person 18 years of age or older who is confused and disoriented? A. Blue Alert C. Condition Purple B. Green Alert D. Silver Alert Category: General Safety Which of the following overhead announcements means there is a missing person 18 years of age or older who is confused and disoriented? A. Blue Alert (Medical Emergency) B. Green Alert (Chemical spill) C. Condition Purple (Radioactive materials emergency) D. Silver Alert Category: General Safety Number to call to report Red Alert: A. B. C. D. 5-3701 5-2131 5-3333 5-7189 Category: General Safety What would be announced overhead if there were a radioactive materials emergency? A. Orange Alert B. Condition purple C. Blue Alert D. Yellow Alert CONDITION PURPLE AN INCIDENT INVOLVING RADIOACTIVITY CONDITION PURPLE Remember – Anyone working around Radiation are considered the “experts in Radiation Safety”. Remove everyone from the area and contain it – (Time, Distance, Shielding) Call Security and Page the RSO through PALS CONDITION PURPLE CONDITION PURPLE Four • • • • Categories of Radiation Unsealed Source Therapeutic – I-131 Therapy Brachytherapy – Radioactive Seeds Nuclear Medicine – Examine Body anatomy and Function, Radioisotopes External Beam – X-ray, Computed Tomography, Interventional Labs Category: General Safety Why would a Black Alert be announced? A. B. C. D. Tornado within 10 miles Tsunami in 10 minutes Earthquake Thick smoke in the hall Category: General Safety What number would be called to report a utilities failure? A. B. C. D. 5-3701 5-3333 5-2131 5-7189 Category: Electrical Safety How do you treat faulty, broken, or malfunctioning medical equipment? A. Stick a post-it note on it to Bio Med indicating “broken - please repair” B. Discard it immediately until the purchase of new equipment C. Keep using equipment D. Complete a work order request to Bio-med and place on broken equipment Category: Electrical Safety How do you treat faulty, broken, or malfunctioning medical equipment? A. Stick a post-it note on it to Bio Med indicating “broken - please repair” B. Discard it immediately until the purchase of new equipment C. Keep using equipment D. Complete a work order request to Bio-med and place on broken equipment Orange Alert Defined as: Potential emergent situations when the quantity or degree of injuries, illnesses, or staffing needs may overwhelm the Medical Center’s ability to respond. This may be due to an internal or external disaster. The Incident Command Center may be activated during the alert. In the event of an all hazards emergency the procedures below should be followed. ORANGE ALERT LEVEL I Potential emergent situation is developing and there is currently no impact or interruption to the medical center. Staff should continue normal activity LEVEL II The situation has a noticeable impact to the medical center. The staff on duty should be prepared to work extra hours and assist with duties assigned that would not normally be one of their assigned job functions. Departments should start faxing census and staffing information to the Patient Care Services Office at 624-8734. The need for setting up the Incident Command Center is being evaluated. LEVEL III The situation has a major impact to the medical center. Conditions necessitate the requirement for on duty staff to be retained until additional relief staff arrives. Departments need to activate calling trees for additional staff. Please access your Unit Specific Safety Plan for more specific department needs and requirements. HICS What can the Hospital Incident Command System do for you? Emergency Preparedness Incident Command Center activities include making arrangements for: • • • • • • Medical Supplies Food and Water Sanitation Facilities Emergency Power Extra Space Support Services Emergency Preparedness Incident Command Center Activities Other Incident Command Center activities include: Ensuring delivery of patient care and treatment Protecting patient medical records Arranging for human and/or vehicle traffic control Emergency Preparedness Employee Rehab and Employee Pool Areas: The Incident Commander will activate the employee rehab and employee pool areas The employee pool area is a collection point for staff to be allocated where and when needed. The employee rehab area is an area where employees can relax while on break during an emergency event. The employee pool will be staffed by an assigned person from the incident command center. Hazardous Materials Chemical Waste Infectious Waste Radioactive Waste Hazardous Drug Waste Communication of Information on Hazardous Materials MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet (Personal Protective Equipment) MSDS sheets are obtained by calling 3E at 1-800-451-8346 Each area has a Safety Plan with a hazardous chemical inventory list Category: Hazardous Materials A. B. C. D. The first place to look for hazardous information about a product is: Yellow pages in phone book. Policy Procedure Manual On the product label None of the above Category: Hazardous Materials A. B. C. D. The first place to look for hazardous information about a product is: Yellow pages in phone book. Policy Procedure Manual On the product label None of the above Green Alert-Toner Special Safety Issues Latex Balloons Due to the potential of patients, visitors, and staff having possible latex allergies, latex balloons are not to be brought into the hospital. MRI Special Safety: Due to MRI special magnet process, no metal can go into the MRI process area. Always stop at desk and check with MRI staff. MRI Magnet The MRI unit contains a very powerful magnet • The magnet is ALWAYS turned on, even when the machine is not scanning, including all night, every night, every weekend, and even holidays. MRI Safety Zones Zone 1 • This region includes all areas that are freely accessible to the general public. • Signage is posted at the public entrance to the facility MRI Safety Zones Zone 2 • Zone 2 acts as a buffer between Zone 1 and the more restrictive Zone 3. • Patients are under the general supervision of MR personnel. Normally, these areas are also safe from all magnetic field hazards. • Zone 2 may include the reception area, dressing room and interview room. MRI Safety Zones Zone 3 • Only approved MR personnel and patients that have undergone a medical questionnaire and interview are allowed inside Zone 3. • The MR control room and/or computer room are located within Zone 3. MRI Safety Zones Zone 4 • The room within which the MR scanner is located. • This area is clearly marked as being potentially hazardous due to the presence of very strong magnetic fields • Barriers are in place to prohibit entrance without being escorted by MRI personnel What drugs are hazardous at SFMC? Drugs defined by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Heath (NIOSH) Drugs used to treat cancer. Drugs used to treat transplant patients. Drugs that can cause fetal harm or demise How can I be exposed to drugs? Transportation of drugs Administration of drugs Disposing/wasting of drugs Removing or disposing of personal protective equipment How will I know what is hazardous? Green is the official hazardous drug color at SFMC (some packaging may also be in yellow). • All hazardous drugs will be labeled with the official label per policy • Compounded hazardous drugs dispensed from Pharmacy will be placed in Yellow Chemotherapy, ziplock bags. – These same bags will be used for disposal. Transport of Hazardous Drugs The pneumatic tube system • NOT for any liquid hazardous drug preparation. • OK for oral, non-liquid, hazardous drugs (ie. solid doses tablets, capsules, etc) Unit personnel pick up: • All hazardous drugs that are injected, infused or implanted. • All on-call hazardous drugs. What are the risks? Routinely working with or near hazardous drugs in health care settings may cause skin rashes, infertility, miscarriage, birth defects, and possible blood disorders or cancers. Employees who are pregnant will not handle hazardous drugs at SFMC • Should you become pregnant during your employment, contact your manager. This discussion will be confidential and appropriate measures will be taken to maintain your safety. Medical surveillance offered through Occupational Health • Annual, optional monitoring for all employees that come in routine contact with hazardous drugs Although some packaging may also be in yellow what is the official hazardous drug color at SFMC? A. B. C. D. E. black red orange green fuchsia Routinely working with or near hazardous drugs in health care settings may cause: A. B. C. D. E. skin rashes infertility birth defects blood disorders all the above