A Meta-Analysis of the Clinical Impact of Telemedicine in Intensive Care Units Class 7, 1st year Introdução à Medicina II Porto, June 2011 Index 1. Background 1.1. Problem 1.2. Intervention 1.3. Outcomes 3. Aim 4. Methodology 5. Results 6. Discussion 7. Conclusion 2. Research Question 8. References A Meta-analysis of the Clinical impact of telemedicine in intensive care units 1. Background 1.1. Problem Increasing volume of ICU patients [2] [4] Shortage of intensivists[2][3] [5] Telemedicine Excessive work [1] [4] Pressure to mantain and improve the quality of health care[1] [4] [5] [1] Eklund M et al. Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference. 2008. [2] Chu-Weininger M et al. Qual Saf Health Care. 2010. [3] Lucke J et al. JAMA. 2009 [4] NEHI, Massachusetts Technology Collaborative, HTC. 2007. [5] Resche-Rigon M et al. Crit Care. 2006. 1. Background 1.2. Intervention Tele-ICU is the use of electronic information and communication technologies to provide and support health care when distance separates the participants in Intensive Care Units.[4] [6] [4] NEHI, Massachusetts Technology Collaborative, HTC. 2007. [6] Jarrah S et al. ACCP. 2010 A Meta-analysis of the Clinical impact of telemedicine in intensive care units 1. Background 1.3. Outcomes Mortality Rate [3] [9] Length of Stay [3] [9] Effectiveness [9] Outcomes Workload of human resources [7] [9] Costs for the hospital [7] [9] Staff acceptance [8] [9] [3] Lucke J et al. JAMA. 2009. [7] McGregor C, Eklund J, Canada. 2009. [8] Young L et al. CHEST. 2010. [9] Yoo E, Dudley R, JAMA. 2009. 2. Research Question Outcomes Intervention Population What is the impact of Tele-ICU on clinical and economic outcomes when compared with monitoring in situ? Control A Meta-analysis of the Clinical impact of telemedicine in intensive care units 3. Aims To gather evidence on the impact of Tele-ICU. Specifically, evaluate the impact of this technology associated to the following outcomes: - Mortality rate; [3] [12] - Length of stay; [9] - Workload of human resources; [6] - Acceptance of the health professionals; [8] - Costs for the hospital; [10] -Effectiveness of this technology. [11] [3] Lucke J et al. JAMA. 2009. [6] NEHI, Massachusetts Technology Collaborative, HTC. 2007. [8] Young L et al. CHEST. 2010. [9] Yoo E, Dudley R. JAMA. 2009. [10] Haught R. HHN Magazine. 2003. [11] Rosenfeld B et al. Crit Care Med. 2000. [12] McCambridge M et al.. AMA. Index 1. Background 2. Research Question 3. Aim 4. Methodology 4.1. Selection criteria 4.2. Query selection 4.3. Articles’ selection 4.4 Data extraction 4.5. Data analysis 4.6. Quality Assessment 5. Preliminary Results 6. Conclusion 7. References A Meta-analysis of the Clinical impact of telemedicine in intensive care units 4. Methodology 4.1. Selection criteria Type of Study Systematic Review Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria Articles containing original data and the following topics: • - The use of Telemedicine; - The use of ICU; - The measurement of at least one of the outcomes that we defined. - Quality assessment – 20 parameters using the STROBE Type of study: Randomized control trials. If necessary, also observational studies. Language: or search Other than Portuguese and English more for Search in PubMed and ISI Web of Knowledge A Meta-analysis of the Clinical impact of telemedicine in intensive care units 4.2. Query Selection Pubmed INTERVENTION (((“telemedicine”[All Fields] OR “telemedicine”[MeSH Terms] OR “tele-medicine”[All Fields] OR “remote monitoring”[All Fields] OR “remote control”[All Fields] OR “remote consultation”[All Fields] OR “telehealth”[All fields] OR “tele-health”[All Fields] OR “teleassistance”[All Fields] OR “telecare”[All fields] OR “tele-care”[All fields] OR “mobile health”[All Fields] OR “telemonitoring”[All Fields] OR “tele-monitoring”[All Fields] OR “remote analysis”[All Fields] OR OUTCOMES P/I POPULATION “e-health”[All Fields] OR “eHealth”[All Fields]) AND (“ICU”[All Fields] OR “ICUs”[All Fields] OR “critical care facility”[All Fields] OR “intensive care unit”[MeSH Terms] OR “intensive care units”[All Fields] OR “ICU patients”[All Fields] OR “ICU patient”[All Fields] OR “intensive care patients” OR “critical care services”)) OR “teleintensivist”[All Fields] OR “tele-ICU”[All Fields] OR “virtual ICU”[All Fields] OR “tele-intensive care” OR “RIC”[All Fields] OR “eICU”[All Fields] OR “intensive care telemedicine”) AND “length of stay”[Mesh Terms] OR “length of stay” [All Fields] OR “LOS” OR “patient status”[All Fields] OR “intensivist’s workload” OR ((“hospitals”[MeSH Terms] OR “hospitals”[All Fields] OR “hospital”[All Fields]) AND costs) OR “quality control”[All Fields] OR “Staff Acceptance”[All Fields]) A Meta-analysis of the Clinical impact of telemedicine in intensive care units OUTCOMES P/I POPULATION INTERVENTION 4.2. Query Selection IsiWebofKnowledge Topic=(telemedicine* OR tele-medicine OR remote monitoring control OR remote monitoring OR remote control* OR remote consultation OR telehealth OR tele-health OR teleassistance OR telecare OR tele-care OR mobile health OR telemonitoring OR tele-monitoring OR remote analysis OR e-health OR eHealth) AND Topic=(ICU* OR critical care facility OR intensive care unit* OR ICU patients* OR intensive care patients OR critical care services OR ICU hospitals*) OR Topic=(teleintensivist* OR tele-ICU OR virtual ICU OR tele-intensive care OR RIC* OR eICU OR intensive care telemedicine) AND Topic=(mortality OR length of stay OR LOS OR patient status OR intensivists workload OR costs* OR quality control* OR Staff Acceptance*) A Meta-analysis of the Clinical impact of telemedicine in intensive care units 4. Methodology 4.3. Articles’ selection 1. Apply the query in Pubmed and ISI Web of Knowledge; 2. Mix and delete the repeated articles; 3. Randomly distribute them by 2 reviewers; 4. Use inclusion and exclusion criteria on the title and the abstract; 5. If the 2 reviewers agree, the article is included/excluded. If not, a 3rd one analyzes it and decides; 6. Read the complete articles that were selected, using inclusion/exclusion criteria; 7. If the 2 reviewers agree, the article is included/excluded. If not, a 3rd one also analyzes it and decides; 8. Use the STROBE to evaluate the quality of the articles. A Meta-analysis of the Clinical impact of telemedicine in intensive care units 4. Methodology EndNote 4.3. Articles’ selection A Meta-analysis of the Clinical impact of telemedicine in intensive care units 4. Methodology OpenOffice 4.3. Articles’ selection A Meta-analysis of the Clinical impact of telemedicine in intensive care units 1864 Titles identified from literature search 4. Methodology 389 from Pubmed 1475 from Isi web of knowledge 4.3. Articles’ selection 129 Duplicated were excluded 1735 Randomized and distributed to 2 reviewers for analysis by title and abstract 1613 Excluded after analysis by title and abstract 1280 Don’t mention the use of telemedicine 212 Mention telemedicine but not ICU 36 Mention Tele-ICU but not the outcomes 0 Mention Tele-ICU and outcomes but not original data 5 Articles not written in English or Portuguese 80 for criteria disagreement 118 Included after analysis by title and abstract 12 Included for data extraction and analysis 106 Excluded after full text analysis 9 without PDF 66 are not the defined type of study 30 do not measure the required outcomes 1 does not have 20 parameters in STROBE evaluation A Meta-analysis of the Clinical impact of telemedicine in intensive care units 4. Methodology 4.4. Data extraction Methods Randomized intervention Intervention Remote monitoring control - How is it controlled? Participants Outcomes Clinical and economic outcomes: Number of patients in ICU’s General characteristics: - Mortality rate; Age - Length of stay; Gender - Costs for the hospital; Race/Ethnicity - Staff acceptance; Health status - Effectiveness; - Workload of human resources. A Meta-analysis of the Clinical impact of telemedicine in intensive care units 4. Methodology 4.5. Data Analysis Meta-analysis Population Intervention Descriptive analysis A Meta-analysis of the Clinical impact of telemedicine in intensive care units Outcomes 4. Methodology 4.6. Quality Assessment Use of the STROBE to evaluate the quality of the articles A Meta-analysis of the Clinical impact of telemedicine in intensive care units 5. Results Type of Article STROBE Type of Study Intervention Control Franzini L, et al [25] Observational Tele-ICU Monitoring in situ 21 Rosenfeld B, et al [11] Observational Tele-ICU Monitoring in situ 27 Lucke J, et al [3] Observational Tele-ICU Monitoring in situ 25 Morrison J, et al [26] Observational Tele-ICU Monitoring in situ 24 Coletti C, et al [27] Cross-sectional survey Tele-ICU Monitoring on-call 21 Chu-Weininger M, et al [2] Cross-sectional survey Tele-ICU Monitoring in situ 25 Table 1.1 – Description of the type of intervention, control and type of study of each included article A Meta-analysis of the Clinical impact of telemedicine in intensive care units 5. Results Article Type of Type of Study STROBE Intervention Control Tang Z, et al [28] Time-and-motion study Tele-ICU Monitoring in situ 26 McCambridge M, et al [12] Before-and-after Tele-ICU Monitoring in situ 24 Breslow M, et al [29] Before-and-after Tele-ICU Monitoring in situ 26 Zawada E, et al [30] Before-andafter/survey Tele-ICU Monitoring in situ 22 Westbrook J, et al [31] Before-and-after Tele-ICU Monitoring in situ 22 Vespa P, et al [32] Before-and-after Tele-ICU Monitoring in situ 23 Table 1.2 – Description of the type of intervention, control and type of study of each included article (continuation) A Meta-analysis of the Clinical impact of telemedicine in intensive care units 5. Results Mortality Rate Graph 1 – Statistic results of the outcome mortality rate. 5. Results Lenght of stay Graph 2 – Statistic results of the outcome Length of Stay (LOS). A Meta-analysis of the Clinical impact of telemedicine in intensive care units 5. Results Costs per day ($) Article n=ncontrol+nintervention Control Intervention Breslow M, et al [29] (ALL) n=1396+744 1648 1411 Breslow M, et al [29] (MICU) n=631+359 1303 1041 Breslow M, et al [29] (SICU) n=765+385 1933 1756 n=1913+2057 2851 3653 Franzini L, et al [25] Table 4 – Comparison of the costs before and after the intervention for each included article. Article Vespa P, et al [32] Costs saving year($) 1.136.918 Table 5 – Costs saving per year A Meta-analysis of the Clinical impact of telemedicine in intensive care units 6. Discussion Mortality Rate Expected Results Results Won’t be affected Descreased RR=0,77 Decreased Length of stay Will decrease Mean Difference, CI 95% -0,50 [-2,23, -1,19] Costs There will be a major initial investment, but probably profitable in long-term A Meta-analysis of the Clinical impact of telemedicine in intensive care units 4 contraditory studies 7. Conclusion The implementation of significantly, and compared with reduces, when . So, we believe that the implementation of Telemedicine have a good impact in intensive care units. A Meta-analysis of the Clinical impact of telemedicine in intensive care units 8. Bibliographic References [1] Eklund M, McGregor C, Real-time Service-Oriented Architectures to Support Remote Critical Care: Trends and Challenges. Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference. 2008; 1199-1204. [2] Chu-Weininger M, Lucke J, Mazabob J, Thomas E, Weavind L, Wueste L, The impact of a tele-ICU on provider attitudes about teamwork and safety climate. Qual Saf Health Care. 2010. [3] Lucke J, Patel B, Thomas E, Weavind L, Wueste L, Association of Telemedicine for Remote Monitoring of Intensive Care Patients With Mortality, Complications, and Length of Stay. JAMA. 2009; 302(24):2671-2678. [4] Tele-ICU: Remote Management in Intensive Care Units. New England Healthcare Institute, Massachusetts Technology Collaborative,Health Technology Center. 2007. 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Impacts of remote monitoring control on clinical and economic outcomes in intensive care units: a systematic review The End