Drugs Used in the Treatment of Gastrointestinal Diseases

Drugs Used in the Treatment
of Gastrointestinal Diseases
Drugs used in Peptic Ulcer Diseases.
Drugs Stimulating Gastrointestinal Motility.
Antidiarrheal Agents.
Drugs used in Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Antiemetic Agents.
Drugs used in Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Pancreatic Enzyme Supplements.
Agents that Reduce
Intragastric Acidity
Physiology of Acid Secretion
The parietal cell contains receptors for gastrin
CCK-B (gastrin-cholecystokinin-B receptors),
histamine (H2), and ACH (muscarinic, M3).
When ACH or gastrin (released from antral G
cells into the blood) bind to the parietal cell
receptors, they cause an increase in cytosolic
calcium, which in turn stimulates protein
kinases that stimulate acid secretion from a
H+/K+-ATPase (the proton pump) on the
canalicular (A small canal or duct ) surface.
In close proximity to the parietal cells are gut endocrine
cells called enterochromaffin -like (ECL) cells.
ECL cells also have receptors for gastrin and
acetylcholine, which stimulate histamine release.
Histamine binds to the H2 receptor on the parietal cell,
resulting in activation of adenylyl cyclase, which
increases intra-cellular cAMP and activates protein
kinases that stimulate acid secretion by the H+/K+ATPase.
In humans, the major effect of gastrin upon acid
secretion is mediated indirectly through the release of
histamine from ECL cells rather than through direct
parietal cell stimulation.
In contrast, acetylcholine provides potent direct parietal
cell stimulation.
(gastrin-cholecystokininB receptors)
Nonprescription remedies for the treatment of
heartburn and dyspepsia.
Weak bases that react with gastric hydrochloric
acid to form a salt and water.
Given 1 hour after a meal effectively neutralizes
gastric acid for up to 2 hours.
Efficacy varies according to rate of dissolution,
water solubility, rate of reaction with acid and
the rate of gastric emptying.
May affect the absorption of other medications by
binding to drugs or by changing ph, therefore,
Sodium bicarbonate
Reacts rapidly with HCL to produce carbon
dioxide and sodium chloride.
CO2 results in gastric distention and belching.
Unreacted alkali is readily absorbed, potentially
causing metabolic alkalosis when given in
high doses or to patients with renal
may exacerbate fluid retention in patients with
heart failure, hypertension, and renal
Calcium carbonate
Less soluble.
Reacts more slowly to form carbon dioxide and
calcium chloride (CaCl2).
May cause belching or metabolic alkalosis.
Excessive doses of either sodium bicarbonate or
calcium carbonate with calcium-containing dairy
products can lead to hypercalcemia, renal
insufficiency, and metabolic alkalosis (milkalkali syndrome: hypercalcemia caused by
repeated ingestion of calcium and absorbable
alkali (such as calcium carbonate, or milk and
sodium bicarbonate).
Magnesium Hydroxide.
Aluminum Hydroxide.
React slowly and without gas formation.
Metabolic alkalosis is also uncommon.
Mg salts cause diarrhea.
Aluminum salts cause constipation.
Usually given in combination.
Contraindicated in renal insufficiency.
H2-Receptor Antagonists
Cimetidine, Ranitidine, Famotidine, and Nizatidine.
Rapidly absorbed from the intestine.
Cimetidine, ranitidine, and famotidine undergo firstpass hepatic metabolism, bioavailability 50%.
Nizatidine has little first-pass metabolism.
Duration of action:6–10 hours, given twice daily.
Inhibit 90% of nocturnal acid (which depends largely
on histamine).
Have a modest impact on meal-stimulated acid
secretion (which is stimulated by gastrin,
acetylcholine and histamine).
Inhibit 60% of day-time, meal stimulated, acid.
Inhibit 60-70% of total 24-h acid secretion.
Clinical Uses of H2-Receptor Antagonists
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
Taken prophylactically before meals.
In patients with erosive esophagitis H2 antagonists
afford healing in less than 50% of patients; hence
proton pump inhibitors are preferred.
Non Ulcer Dyspepsia.
Over-the-counter agents for treatment of intermittent
dyspepsia not caused by peptic ulcer.
Prevention of Bleeding from Stress-Related Gastritis
IV H2 antagonists are preferable over intravenous
proton pump inhibitors because of their proven
efficacy and lower cost.
Continuous infusions of H2 antagonists are preferred to
bolus infusions because they achieve more consistent,
sustained elevation of intragastric pH.
Peptic Ulcer Disease:
Replaced by PPI.
Healing rate more than 80-90% after 6-8 weeks.
Not effective in the presence of H. pylori infection
H pylori should be treated with a 10- to 14-day
course of a proton pump inhibitor and two
If H pylori cannot be eradicated, H2 antagonists
may be given daily at bedtime in half of the
usual ulcer therapeutic dose to prevent ulcer
Not effective if NSAID is continued.
Adverse Effects:
1-Extremely safe drugs. Diarrhea, headache,
fatigue, myalgias, and constipation (3% of
patients) .
2-Cimetidine inhibits binding of
dihydrotestosterone to androgen receptors,
inhibits metabolism of estradiol, and
increases serum prolactin levels.
3- Long-term use may cause gynecomastia or
impotence in men and galactorrhea in women
4- Crosses placental barrier and appear in
breast milk
5- Other Effects:
Rarely can cause blood dyscrasias,
bradycardia and hypotension.
Mental status changes (confusion, agitation
hallucinations,) may occur with intravenous
H2 antagonists
Drug Interactions:
Cimetidine can inhibit cytochrome P450
enzymes so can increase half life of many
Ranitidine binds 4-10 times less.
Nizatidine and famotidine binding is negligible.
Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs)
Among the most widely prescribed drugs worldwide due
to their outstanding efficacy and safety.
Omeprazole (oral).
Rabeprazole (oral).
Lanzoprazole (oral and IV).
Pantoprazole (oral and IV).
Esmoprazole (oral and IV).
Formulated as a prodrug which is released in the
Immediate Release Suspension (contains sodium
bicarbonate to protect the drug from acid degradation)
results in rapid response.
They are lipophilic weak bases (pKa 4-5).
After absorption, they diffuse across lipid
membranes into acidified compartments such
as the parietal cell canaliculus.
The prodrug becomes protonated and
concentrated more than 1000-fold within the
parietal cells.
There, it undergoes a molecular conversion to the
active form which covalently binds the H+/K+
ATPase enzyme and inactivates it.
Rabeprazole and immediate release
omeprazole have faster onsets of action.
Should be given one hour before meal, usually
Have short half lives but effect lasts for 24 hours
due to irreversible inhibition.
Inhibit both fasting and meal-stimulated
secretion because they block the final common
pathway of acid secretion (90-98% of 24-hour
At least 18 hours are required for synthesis of
new H+/K+-ATPase pump molecules.
Up to 3–4 days of daily medication are required
before the full acid-inhibiting potential is
Clinical Uses of (PPIs) :
Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD):
They are the most effective agents in all forms of GERD
and complications.
Nonulcer Dyspepsia:
Modest activity.10-20% more beneficial than a placebo
Stress- Related Gastritis:
Oral immediate- release omeprazole administered by
nasogastric tube.
For patients without a nasoenteric tube, IV H2antagonists are preferred because of their proven
Gastrinoma and other Hypersecretory Conditions:
Usually high doses of omeprazole are used.
Peptic Ulcer Disease:
They heal more than 90% of cases within 4-6 weeks.
H.Pylori - associated ulcers:
PPI eradicate H.pylori by direct antimicrobial activity
and by lowering MIC of the antibiotics.
Triple Therapy:
PPI twice daily + Clarithromycin 500mg twice
daily +Amoxicillin 1gm twice daily ,OR,
Metronidazole 500mg twice daily.
NSAID-associated ulcers:
PPIs promote ulcer healing despite continued
NSAID use. Also used to prevent ulcer of NSAIDs
Rebleeding peptic ulcer:
Oral or IV.
High pH may enhance coagulation and platelet
Adverse Effects of PPIs:
Diarrhea, headache, abdominal pain, not teratogenic
in animals, but not used in pregnancy.
Reduction of cyanocobalamine absorption.
Increased risk of GI and pulmonary infection.
Increased serum gastrin levels causes:
Hyperplasia of ECL cells and Carcinoid tumors in rats
but not in humans.
Increase proliferative rate of colonic mucosa, but no
cancer developed.
Chronic inflammation in gastric body.
Atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia (the
transformation of epithelium, usually of the stomach or
the esophagus , to a type that bears some
resemblance to the intestine )
Drug Interactions:
May affect absorption of drugs due to
decreased gastric acidity like digoxin and
Omeprazole can inhibit metabolism of
coumadin (Warfarin ), diazepam and
Rabeprazole and pantoprazole have no
significant interaction.
Mucosal Protective Agents
1-Both mucus and epithelial cell-cell tight junctions
restrict back diffusion of acid and pepsin.
2-Epithelial bicarbonate secretion establishes a pH
gradient within the mucous layer in which the pH
ranges from 7 at the mucosal surface to 1–2 in the
gastric lumen.
3-Blood flow carries bicarbonate and vital nutrients to
surface cells.
4-Areas of injured epithelium are quickly repaired by
restitution, a process in which migration of cells
from gland neck cells seals small erosions to
reestablish intact epithelium.
5- Mucosal prostaglandins stimulates mucus and
bicarbonate secretion and mucosal blood flow.
A salt of sucrose complexed to sulfated aluminum
In the stomach, It breaks down into sucrose
sulfate (strongly negatively charged) and an
aluminum salt.
The negatively charged sucrose sulfate binds to
positively charged proteins in the base of ulcers
or erosion, forming a physical barrier that
restricts further caustic damage and stimulates
mucosal prostaglandin and bicarbonate
Acts for up to 6 hours. Less than 3% of intact
drug and aluminum is absorbed from GIT.
Clinical Uses
1 g four times daily on an empty stomach
(administered as a slurry through a
nasogastric tube) reduces the incidence of
upper gastrointestinal bleeding in critically ill
patients hospitalized in the intensive care unit.
Used for prevention of stress-related bleeding
because of concerns that acid inhibitory
therapies (antacids, H2 antagonists, and
proton pump inhibitors) may increase the risk
of nosocomial pneumonia (an infection of the
lungs that occurs during a hospital stay ).
Adverse Effects
Because it is not absorbed, sucralfate is virtually
devoid of systemic adverse effects.
Constipation occurs in 2% of patients due to the
aluminum salt.
Because a small amount of aluminum is
absorbed, it should not be used for prolonged
periods in patients with renal insufficiency.
Drug Interactions
Sucralfate may bind to other medications,
impairing their absorption.
Prostaglandin Analogs
A methyl analog of PGE1.
Half-life is less than 30 minutes; administered 3-4
times daily.
It stimulates mucus and bicarbonate secretion
and enhance mucosal blood flow.
It binds to a prostaglandin receptor on parietal
cells, reducing histamine-stimulated cAMP
production and causing modest acid
Stimulates intestinal electrolyte & fluid secretion,
intestinal motility and uterine contractions.
Clinical Uses of Prostaglandin Analogs:
Prevention of NSAID-induced ulcers in high-risk
Not widely used for this purpose because of:
a- side effects.
b. need for multiple daily dosing.
c. PPI may be as effective and better tolerated.
d. Cyclooxygenase2-selective NSAIDs
an option for such patients.
Adverse Effects & Drug Interactions
Diarrhea and cramping abdominal pain occur in 10–20%
of patients.
it should not be used during pregnancy
No significant drug interactions are reported.
Colloidal Bismuth Compounds:
Bismuth subsalicylate.
Bismuth subcitrate.
Bismuth is minimally absorbed from GIT (< 1%).
Coats ulcers and erosions, creating a protective layer
against acid and pepsin.
It may stimulate prostaglandin, mucus, and bicarbonate
Bismuth subsalicylate reduces stool frequency and
liquidity in acute infectious diarrhea, due to salicylate
inhibition of intestinal prostaglandin and chloride
Bismuth has direct antimicrobial effects and binds
enterotoxins, accounting for its benefit in preventing
and treating traveler's diarrhea.
Have direct antimicrobial activity against H pylori.
Widely used for the nonspecific treatment of
dyspepsia and acute diarrhea.
Bismuth subsalicylate also is used for the
prevention of traveler's diarrhea.
Used as second-line therapy for the eradication of
H pylori infection (a PPI with bismuth
subsalicylate , tetracycline and metronidazole
for 10–14 days).
Adverse Effects
Causes blackening of the stool and the tongue.
Prolonged usage may rarely lead to bismuth
toxicity, resulting in encephalopathy.
Drugs Stimulating
Gastrointestinal Motility
(prokinetic agents)
Agents that increase lower esophageal sphincter
pressures may be useful for GERD.
Drugs that improve gastric emptying may be
helpful for gastroparesis and postsurgical
gastric emptying delay.
Agents that stimulate the small intestine may be
beneficial for postoperative ileus or chronic
intestinal pseudo-obstruction.
Agents that enhance colonic transit may be useful
in the treatment of constipation.
Physiology of the Enteric Nervous
The ENT is composed of interconnected
networks of ganglion cells and nerve fibers
mainly located in the submucosa (submucosal
plexus) and between the circular and
longitudinal muscle layers (myenteric plexus).
Extrinsic sympathetic and parasympathetic
nerves project onto the submucosal and
myenteric plexuses.
The enteric nervous system can independently
regulate gastrointestinal motility and secretion.
Extrinsic primary afferent neurons project via the
dorsal root ganglia or vagus nerve to the CNS.
Release of serotonin (5-HT) from intestinal mucosa
enterochromaffin (EC) cells stimulates 5-HT3
receptors on the extrinsic afferent nerves, stimulating
nausea, vomiting,
or abdominal pain.
Serotonin also stimulates submucosal 5-HT1P
of the intrinsic primary afferentnerves (IPANs).
IPANs) contain calcitoningene-related peptide
(CGRP) and acetylcholine and project to
myenteric plexus interneurons.
5-HT4 receptors on the presynaptic terminals of
the IPANs enhance release of CGRP or Ach.
The myenteric interneurons control:
peristaltic reflex, promoting release of excitatory
mediators proximally and inhibitory mediators
Motilin may stimulate excitatory neurons or
muscle cells directly.
Dopamine acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter
in the GIT, decreasing the intensity of
esophageal and gastric contractions.
Figure 62–4
Release of serotonin (5-HT) by
enterochromaffin (EC) cells from gut
distention stimulates submucosal
intrinsic primary afferent neurons
(IPANs) via 5-HT1P receptors
and extrinsic primary afferent
neurons via 5-HT3 receptors
(5-HT1PR, 5-HT3R). Submucosal
IPANs activate the enteric neurons
responsible for peristaltic and
secretory reflex activity. Stimulation
of 5-HT4 receptors (5-HT4R) on
presynaptic terminals of IPANs
enhances release of acetylcholine
(ACh) and calcitoningene-related
peptide (CGRP), promoting reflex
activity. CNS, central nervous
system; ENS, enteric nervous
Cholinomimetic Agents
Stimulates muscarinic M3 receptors on muscle cells and
at myenteric plexus synapses .
Was used for the treatment of GERD and gastroparesis.
AchE inhibitor can enhance gastric, small intestine, and
colonic emptying.
IV neostigmine used for the treatment of acute large
bowel distention (acute colonic pseudo-obstruction).
Administration of 2 mg results in prompt colonic
evacuation of flatus and feces.
Cholinergic effects include excessive salivation, nausea,
vomiting, diarrhea, and bradycardia.
Dopamine D2-receptor antagonists.
Metoclopramide & Domperidone
D2 Antagonists.
DA inhibits cholinergic smooth muscle stimulation.
These agents:
-increase esophageal peristaltic amplitude.
-increase lower esophageal sphincter pressure.
-enhance gastric emptying.
-have no effect on small intestine or colonic
Also block dopamine D2 receptors in the
chemoreceptor trigger zone of the medulla
(area postrema), resulting in potent antinausea
and antiemetic action.
Clinical Uses
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Not effective with erosive esophagitis.
Not superior to antisecretory agents.
Used mainly in combination with antisecretory agents in
patients with refractory heartburn.
Impaired Gastric Emptying (Gastroparesis)
widely used in the treatment of postsurgical and diabetic
Metoclopramide is used to promote advancement of
nasoenteric feeding tubes from the stomach into the
Nonulcer Dyspepsia
Prevention of Vomiting
Postpartum Lactation Stimulation
Domperidone is used to promote postpartum lactation
Adverse Effects:
Metclopromide crosses BBB so can cause:
Restlessness, drowsiness, insomnia,
anxiety, agitation, extrapyramidal symptoms
(dystonia, akathisia, parkinsonian features)
and tardive dyskinesia.
Domperidone does not cross the BBB, so does
not cause CNS effects
Both drugs can elevate serum prolactin levels
causing galactorrhea, gynecomastia,
impotence and menstrual disorders.
Intermittent constipation is best prevented with a
high-fiber diet, adequate fluid intake, regular
exercise, and responding to nature's call.
Bulk-Forming Laxatives
Indigestible, hydrophilic colloids that absorb
water, forming a bulky, emollient gel that
distends the colon and promotes peristalsis.
Common preparations include natural plant
products (psyllium, methylcellulose) and
synthetic fibers (polycarbophil).
Bacterial digestion of plant fibers within the colon
may lead to increased bloating and flatus.
Stool Surfactant Agents (Softeners)
Soften stool material, permitting water and lipids
to penetrate.
Administered orally or rectally.
Docusate (oral or enema) and glycerin
Mineral oil
Clear, viscous oil that lubricates fecal material,
retarding water absorption from the stool.
Used to prevent and treat fecal impaction.
Aspiration can result in a severe lipid
Long-term use can impair absorption of fat-
Osmotic Laxatives
Soluble but nonabsorbable compounds that result in
increased stool liquidity due to an increase in fecal fluid.
Nonabsorbable Sugars or Salts
Used for the treatment of acute constipation or the
prevention of chronic constipation.
Magnesium hydroxide (milk of magnesia)
Not used for prolonged periods in patients with renal
insufficiency due to the risk of hypermagnesemia.
Large doses of magnesium citrate and sodium
phosphate can cause Purgation:
rapid bowel evacuation within1-3 hours.
This might cause volume depletion.
Sorbitol, Lactulose
Sugars metabolized by bacteria producing severe
flatus and cramps.
Balanced Polyethylene Glycol:
PEG is an inert, nonabsorbable, osmotically active sugar
with sodium sulfate, sodium chloride, sodium
bicarbonate, and potassium chloride.
Safe, no intrvascular fluid or electrolyte shifts.
No cramps or flatus.
Used for complete colonic cleansing before endoscopy
For colonic cleansing, it should be ingested rapidly( 4 L
over 2-4hs).
For chronic constipation, PEG powder is mixed with
water or juice.
Stimulant Laxatives
Direct stimulation of the enteric nervous system
and colonic electrolyte and fluid secretion.
Anthraquinone Derivatives:
Aloe, senna, and cascara
Occur naturally in plants. Poorly absorbed and
after hydrolysis in the colon, produce a bowel
movement in 6–12 hours when given orally and
within 2 hours when given rectally.
Chronic use leads to a brown pigmentation of the
colon known as "melanosis coli.“
Not carcinogenic.
Tablet and suppository for treatment of acute and
chronic constipation.
It also is used in conjunction with PEG solutions
for colonic cleansing prior to colonoscopy.
It induces a bowel movement within 6–10 hours
when given orally and 30–60 minutes when
taken rectally.
Safe for acute and long-term use.
Removed from the market owing to concerns
about possible cardiac toxicity
Opioid Receptor Antagonists
Do not cross the blood-brain barrier.
Block peripheral (µ) mu -opioid receptors without
causing central analgesic effects.
Used for opioid- induced constipation in patients with
advanced illness not responding to other agents.
Given by S.C. injection every 2 days.
Short-term use for postoperative ileus in hospitalized
Given orally within 5 hours before surgery and twice
daily after surgery until bowel function has recovered,
but for no more than 7 days, because of possible
cardiovascular toxicity.
Antidiarrheal Agents
Should not be used in patients with bloody
diarrhea, high fever, or systemic toxicity
because of the risk of worsening the underlying
Used to control chronic diarrhea caused by
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or inflammatory
bowel disease.
Opioid Agonists
Inhibit presynaptic cholinergic nerves in the submucosal
and myenteric plexuses and lead to increased colonic
transit time and fecal water absorption.
They also decrease mass colonic movements
CNS effects and potential for addiction limit the
usefulness of most.
Does not cross BBB. No analgesic or addiction potential.
Not analgesic in standard doses.
Higher doses have CNS effects.
Can cause dependence.
Commercial preparations contain small amounts of
atropine which contribute to the antidiarrheal action.
Bile Salt-Binding Resins
Malabsorption of bile salts (e. g . Crohn's disease
or after surgical resection), can cause diarrhea.
The drugs can bind bile salts and decrease
diarrhea caused by excess fecal bile acids.
Can cause bloating, flatulence, constipation and
fecal impaction.
Cholestyramine and colestipol reduce absorption
of drugs and fat.
Colesevelam have no effects on absorption of
other drugs.
Is a synthetic octapeptide with actions similar
to somatostatin.
A14 amino acid peptide released in the GIT and
pancreas as well as from the hypothalamus:
1. Inhibits release of many hormones.
2. Reduces intestinal fluid and pancreatic
3. Slows GIT motility and gallbladder
4. Contracts blood vessels.
5. Inhibits secretion of some anterior pituitary
Clinical Uses:
1. Inhibition of endocrine tumor effects:
Carcinoid and VIPoma (neuroendocrine
tumors that secrete vasoactive intestinal polypeptide
(VIP) ) can cause secretory diarrhea, flushing
and wheezing.
2. Diarrhea due to vagotomy or dumping
syndrome (ingested foods bypass the stomach too
rapidly) or short bowel syndrome and AIDS.
3. To stimulate motility in small bowel bacterial
overgrowth or intestinal pseudo-obstruction
secondary to scleroderma (a disease affecting the
skin and other organs that is one of the autoimmune
rheumatic diseases).
4- Because it inhibits pancreatic secretion, it is used in
patients with pancreatic fistula (leakage of pancreatic
secretions from damaged pancreatic ducts ).
5- treatment of pituitary tumors (e.g., acromegaly)
6- Sometimes used in gastrointestinal bleeding.
Adverse Effects:
Impaired pancreatic secretion may cause
steatorrhea (the presence of excess fat in feces ),
which can lead to fat-soluble vitamin deficiency.
Nausea, abdominal pain, flatulence, and diarrhea.
Formation of sludge or gallstones, because of inhibition
of gallbladder contractility and fat absorption.
Hyper or hypoglycemia due to hormonal imbalance.
Drugs Used in the Treatment of
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
IBS is an idiopathic chronic, relapsing disorder
characterized by:
Abdominal discomfort (pain, bloating, distention,
or cramps) in association with alterations in
bowel habits (diarrhea, constipation, or both).
Pharmacologic therapies for IBS are directed at
relieving abdominal pain and discomfort and
improving bowel function.
Antispasmodics (Anticholinergics)
Dicyclomine and Hyoscyamine .
Inhibit muscarinic cholinergic receptors in the
enteric plexus and on smooth muscle.
Their efficacy for relief of abdominal symptoms
has never been convincingly demonstrated.
Low doses cause minimal autonomic effects.
Higher doses cause anticholinergic effects,
including dry mouth, visual disturbances,
urinary retention, and constipation.
For these reasons, antispasmodics are
infrequently used.
Serotonin 5-HT3-Receptor Antagonists
Inhibition of afferent GIT
5-HT3 receptors reduce
nausea, bloating, and pain.
Blockade of central 5-HT3
receptors also reduces the
central response to visceral afferent stimulation.
5-HT3-receptor blockade on the terminals of enteric
cholinergic neurons inhibits colonic motility, especially
in the left colon, increasing total colonic transit time.
Highly potent and selective antagonist of the 5HT3 receptor.
Rapidly absorbed and has a plasma half-life of
1.5 hours but a much longer duration of effect.
Alosetron is restricted to women with severe
diarrhea-predominant IBS not responding to
conventional therapies.
Can cause ischemic colitis, severe constipation
requiring hospitalization and surgery.
Its efficacy in men has not been established.
Serotonin 5-HT4-Receptor Agonists
Stimulation of 5-HT4 receptors
on the presynaptic terminal
of submucosal intrinsic primary
afferent nerves enhances the
release of their neurotransmitters,
which promote the peristaltic reflex.
was approved for the short-term treatment of women
with IBS who had predominant constipation.
Removed from the market due to an increased number
of cardiovascular deaths.
High-affinity 5-HT4 agonist. No cardiovascular toxicity
Used for the treatment of chronic constipation in women.
Chloride Channel Activator
PG analog
Stimulates the type 2 chloride channel (ClC-2) in the
small intestine and this increases liquid secretion in
the intestine which stimulates intestinal motility and
bowel movement within 24 hours of taking one
Used in the treatment of chronic constipation.
Approved for the treatment of women with IBS with
predominant constipation.
Its efficacy for men with IBS is unproven.
Should be avoided in women of child-bearing age.
May cause nausea in up to 30% of patients due to
delayed gastric emptying.
Antiemetic Agents
Nausea and vomiting may be manifestations of a
wide variety of conditions, including:
Adverse effects from medications.
systemic disorders or infections.
Vestibular dysfunction.
CNS infection or increased pressure.
Hepatobiliary disorders.
Radiation or chemotherapy.
GIT obstruction, dysmotility, or infections.
The brainstem "vomiting center" coordinates
vomiting through interactions with cranial
nerves VIII and X and neural networks in the
nucleus tractus solitarius that control
respiratory, salivatory, and vasomotor centers.
Vomiting center contains high concentrations of:
Muscarinic M1 receptors.
Histamine H1 receptors.
Neurokinin 1 (NK1) receptors.
Serotonin 5-HT3 receptors.
There are four important sources of afferent input
to the vomiting center (VC):
1-The "chemoreceptor trigger zone“ (CTZ) or
area postrema is outside the blood-brain
barrier but is accessible to emetogenic stimuli in
the blood or cerebrospinal fluid.
It is rich in dopamine D2 receptors, opioid
receptors, serotonin 5-HT3 receptors and
neurokinin NK1 receptors.
2- The vestibular system is important in motion
sickness via cranial nerve VIII.
It is rich in muscarinic M1 and histamine H1
3- Vagal and spinal afferent nerves from the GIT
are rich in 5-HT3 receptors.
Irritation of the GI mucosa by chemotherapy,
radiation therapy, distention, or acute infectious
gastroenteritis leads to release of mucosal 5-HT
and activation of these receptors, which
stimulate vagal afferent input to the VC and CTZ.
4- The CNS plays a role in vomiting due to
psychiatric disorders, stress, and anticipatory
vomiting prior to cancer chemotherapy.
Combinations of antiemetic agents with different
mechanisms of action are often used.
Serotonin 5-HT3 Antagonists
Ondansetron oral 0r IV
Granisetron half-life 4–9 h
Palonosetron half-life 40 h
Block central 5-HT3 and peripheral (main effect)
5-HT3 receptors on extrinsic intestinal vagal
and spinal afferent nerves.
They prevent emesis due to vagal stimulation and
Other emetic stimuli such as motion sickness are
poorly controlled.
Prevention of acute chemotherapy-induced
nausea and emesis and postoperative nausea
and vomiting.
Their efficacy is enhanced by combination
therapy with dexamethasone and NK1receptor antagonist.
Prevention and treatment of nausea and vomiting
in patients undergoing radiation therapy.
Adverse effects:
Headache, dizziness, and constipation.
Cause a small prolongation of the QT interval.
Neurokinin 1 Receptor (NK1) Antagonists
Have antiemetic properties through central
blockade in the area postrema.
Used in combination with 5-HT3-receptor
antagonists and corticosteroids for the
prevention of acute and delayed nausea and
vomiting from chemotherapy.
Adverse effects:
May cause fatigue, dizziness, and diarrhea.
Antipsychotic drugs
Antiemetics due to inhibition of dopamine and
muscarinic receptors.
Sedative effects due to antihistamine activity.
Droperidol is extremely sedating.
Extrapyramidal effects and hypotension may
Droperidol may prolong the QT interval, rarely.
Reduce anticipatory vomiting caused by
H1 Antihistamines & Anticholinergic
Particularly useful in motion sickness.
May cause dizziness, sedation, confusion, dry mouth,
cycloplegia, and urinary retention.
Diphenhydramine, Dimenhydrinate
Have significant anticholinergic properties.
Minimal anticholinergic properties and less sedating.
Used for the prevention of motion sickness and the
treatment of vertigo due to labyrinth dysfunction.
Hyoscine (scopolamine)
Very high incidence of anticholinergic effects.
It is better tolerated as a transdermal patch.
Dronabinol, Nabilone
Delta-9- tetrahydrocannabinol from marijuana.
Psychoactive agents.
Used as appetite stimulants and for
chemotherapy-induced vomiting.
Mechanisms for these effects are not
Adverse effects
Euphoria, dysphoria, sedation, hallucinations, dry
mouth, and increased appetite.
May result in tachycardia, conjunctival injection
(redness of the white sclera of the eye) and
Drugs Used to Treat
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) comprises
two distinct disorders:
Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.
Etiology and pathogenesis are unknown.
For this reason, the drugs used belong to
different classes and have nonspecific
mechanisms of anti-inflammatory action.
Drugs used are chosen on the basis of disease
severity, responsiveness, and drug toxicity.
5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA)
Aminosalicylates work topically (not systemically)
in areas of diseased gastrointestinal mucosa.
Up to 80% of unformulated 5-ASA is absorbed
from the small intestine and does not reach the
distal small bowel or colon in appreciable
A number of formulations deliver 5-ASA to various
distal segments of the small bowel or the
Azo Compounds
Sulfasalazine, Balsalazide, Olsalazine
5-ASA bound by an azo (N=N) bond to an inert
compound or to another 5-ASA molecule
The azo structure markedly reduces absorption
of the parent drug from the small intestine.
In the terminal ileum and colon, resident bacteria
cleave the azo bond by means of an
azoreductase enzyme, releasing 5-ASA.
Consequently, high concentrations of active drug
are made available in the terminal ileum or
Mesalamine Compounds
Timed-release microgranules that release 5-ASA
throughout the small intestine .
Asacol :
5-ASA coated in a pH-sensitive resin that
dissolves at the pH of the distal ileum and
proximal colon).
5-ASA also delivered as:
Enema (Rowasa)
Suppositories (Canasa).
The mechanism of action of 5-ASA is not certain.
5-ASA modulates inflammatory mediators derived
from both the cyclooxygenase and
lipoxygenase pathways.
Other potential mechanisms:
-Interferes with the production of inflammatory
-Inhibits the activity of nuclear factor- B (NF- B),
an important transcription factor for
proinflammatory cytokines.
-May also inhibit cellular functions of natural killer
cells, mucosal lymphocytes, and macrophages,
and it may scavenge reactive oxygen
Clinical Uses
5-ASA drugs are first-line agents for treatment
of mild to moderate active ulcerative colitis.
Their efficacy in Crohn's disease is unproven,
although used as first-line therapy for mild to
moderate disease involving the colon or distal
Adverse Effects:
Due to systemic absorption: especially in slow
Nausea, headache, arthralgia, myalgia, bone
marrow suppression, and malaise.
Also allergic reactions, oligospermia, and folate
Inhibit production of inflammatory cytokines and
chemokines; reduce expression of inflammatory cell
adhesion molecules; and inhibit gene transcription of
nitric oxide synthase, phospholipase A2,
cyclooxygenase-2, and NF- B.
Clinical Uses:
Moderate to severe active IBD.
Not useful for maintenance.
Prednisolone Orally or IV.
Hydrocortisone Rectally, preferred for rectal and
sigmoid involvement.
A controlled-release oral formulation ,releases the drug
in the distal ileum and colon.
For ileal and proximal colon involvement.
Are purine analogs; which produce thioguanine
nucleotides (Active form).
Inhibit purine nucleotide metabolism and DNA
synthesis and repair, resulting in inhibition of
cell division and proliferation and may
promote T-lymphocyte apoptosis.
Clinical Use:
Onset delayed for 17 weeks.
Used in induction and maintenance of
Allow dose reduction or elimination of steroids.
Adverse Effects:
Nausea, vomiting, bone marrow suppression,
hepatic toxicity and allergic reactions( fever,
rash, pancreatitis, diarrhea and hepatitis).
Allopurinol increases levels of the drugs.
Antimetabolite, Used in cancer chemotherapy,
rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis.
Mechanism of action:
Inhibition of dihydrofolate reductase enzyme
which is important in the synthesis of
thymidine and purines.
- At high doses it inhibits cellular proliferation.
- At low doses used in IBD, it interferes with the
inflammatory actions of interleukin-1,
stimulates adenosine release, apoptosis and
death of activated T lymphocytes.
Induction and maintenance of remissions of
Crohn’s Disease.
Adverse effects:
At high doses, can cause bone marrow
depression, megaloblastic anemia, alopecia
and mucositis.
Renal insufficiency may increase risk of hepatic
accumulation and toxicity.
Side effects counteracted by folate
Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor Therapy
If the epithelial barrier is impaired, bacterial antigens can
gain access to antigen-presenting cells (APC) such
as dendritic cells in the lamina propria.
These cells then present the antigen(s) to CD4+
lymphocytes and also secrete cytokines such
interleukin (IL)-12 and IL-18, thereby inducing the
differentiation of TH1 cells in Crohn's disease or IL4, type 2 helper T cell[TH2] in Ulcerative colitis.
The TH1 cells produce cytokines, including interferon
(IFN) and TNF , which in turn activate macrophages.
Macrophages positively regulate TH1 cells by secreting
additional cytokines, including IFN and TNF .
Recruitment of a variety of leukocytes is mediated
by activation of resident immune cells including
Cell adhesion molecules such as integrins are
important in the infiltration of leukocytes.
Anti- Integrin Therapy aimed at blocking
leukocyte recruitment are effective at reducing
Site-specific intervention involve intestinal
bacteria and therapy directed at TNF or IL-12.
TNF-α is one of the principal cytokines mediating
the TH1 (helper T cell type 1) immune response
characteristic of Crohn's disease.
CD4+ lymphocytes
is a chimeric immunoglobulin (25% mouse, 75% human)
that binds to and neutralizes TNF .
Infliximab binds membrane-bound TNF and may cause
lysis of these cells by antibody-dependent or cellmediated cytotoxicity.
Half life 8-10 days with persistence of antibodies in
plasma for 8-12 weeks
Used in acute and chronic treatment of patients with
moderate to severe Crohn's disease.
Given in repeated doses at 0, 2, and 6 weeks for
induction by IV infusion.
If response is adequate, infusions are repeated every
8 weeks.
Response might be lost due to development of
antibodies to infliximab.
Infliximab is effective for refractory ulcerative colitis.
Side Effects:
fever, chills, urticaria, or even anaphylaxis
serum sickness–like) reactions may develop after
infliximab infusion, but lupus-like syndrome
occurs only rarely.
Antibodies to infliximab can decrease its clinical
Therapy is associated with increased incidence of
respiratory infections; reactivation of TB.
Infliximab also is contraindicated in patients with
severe congestive heart failure.
there is concern about the possible increased
incidence of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
is a humanized recombinant human
IgG1 monoclonal antibody against TNF .
It is effective in inducing remission in mild to
moderate and severe Crohn's disease,given SC
Certolizumab pegol
is a pegylated (Polyethylene glycol ) humanized
fragment antigen binding (Fab) that binds TNF .
Also given SC.
As effective as adalimumab and infliximab for the
treatment of Crohn's disease.
With both adalimumab and certolizumab pegol,
immunogenicity appears to be less of a problem than
that associated with infliximab.
Humanized IgG4 monoclonal antibody against the
cell adhesion molecule α 4-integrin subunit.
prevents binding of several integrins on circulating
inflammatory cells to vascular adhesion molecules
Used for patients with moderate to severe Crohn's
disease who have failed other therapies
Given by IV infusion every 4 weeks, and patients
should not be on other immune suppressants to
prevent the risk of progressive multifocal
leukoencephalopathy (rare and usually fatal viral disease )
Adverse effects include acute infusion reactions &
a small risk of opportunistic infections.
Pancreatic Enzyme Supplements
Contain a mixture of amylase, lipase, and
Used to treat pancreatic enzyme insufficiency.
Available in both non-enteric-coated (given with
acid suppression therapy ) and enteric-coated
Administered with each meal and snack.
Excessive doses may cause diarrhea and
abdominal pain.
The high purine content of pancreas extracts may
lead to hyperuricosuria and renal stones.