Care in Acute Hospital

Dementia Services within North Cumbria
University Hospitals NHS
The story so far
Acute Care
• Assessment takes place on Emergency Assessment
Unit (EAU)
• Patients transferred to Jenkin Ward/Elm B
• Care planning takes place utilising
Confusion/Delirium pathways of care
• Patient and family involvement using “This is me”
booklet from Alzheimer's society
• Referral to specialist mental health teams for
Staff Training
• Mandatory E-learning dementia training
• Local training sessions delivered via Liaison
Specialist Practitioner
• Person Centred training delivered by
University of Bradford 2011 across the Trust
• Nutritional Screening delivered by Dieticians
to ward areas and Medical staff
• Safety of secure doors within the ward environment
• Use of coloured toilet seats
• Picture signs to aid orientation within the wards. Use
of orientation boards to inform patients of
• Ward based therapy sessions to aid in rehabilitation
• Use of Zone working to ensure visibility of nursing
staff and improve patient observation
Best Practice Dementia care - The Future
• Empowering local leadership and commitment
• Board level ownership. Implementation of Cumbria
dementia strategy
• Clinical leads identified:
Consultant-Dr George
Matron Nursing Standards-Andrea Tomlinson
• Identification of Champions within ward areas
Nursing Review
Leadership /Effective workforce:
• Matrons Nursing Standards, Patient
Experience and Infection Prevention
• Review of skill mix and ward establishments
• Benchmarking
• Sister/Charge Nurse - dedicated time
• Training need analysis for all staff
• Training log/records for all staff
CQUIN 2012/13
• All emergency admissions over the age of 75
to be screened following the CQUIN criteria
• Referral triggers
• Assess and investigate- use of integrated care
pathways, memory matters, dementia
pathway, individualised care plans
• Refer to Specialist Review
Dementia CQUIN: FAIR (Find, Assess and Investigate, Refer)
No known dementia
review, if
Diagnosis of
Known dementia
Has the person
been more
forgetful in the
last 12 months
to the extent
that it has
affected their
daily life?
Care as
Assess and Investigate
to GP
Cumbria Liaison Assessment service(CLAS)
Care in Acute Hospital
• Improved Liaison service, 7 days per week
• A newly commissioned liaison service - Cumbria
Liaison.Assessment team (WCH)consists of 1 Advanced
Practitioner ,3 band 6 practitioners specialising in
Alcohol, Older adults and Adults
• Improved links with Acute care providers
• Education of staff within the acute hospital settings
• Reduce reliance and use of anti-psychotic medication in
people with dementia
• Ensure improved recognition of dementia, with early
referral to the Liaison service
(Cumbria Dementia Strategy 2012)
Education and Training
• Staff need to be informed, skilled and have enough
time to care
• Matron Nursing Standards to undertake best practice
in Dementia Care Training 29th -30th May 2012
• Sisters/Champions to be identified on each ward
area who will undertake the best practice in
Dementia Care, training and cascade to ward staff
• Monitor compliance with Mandatory training
• Monitor Nutritional screening training
• Improved End of Life Care - Liverpool Care Pathway
Partners in Care
• Patients and carers – directly involved in care planning;
• Introduce “This is me” across the Trust
• Involvement of families/friends in assessment, care planning
and decision making
• Flexible visiting and flexible approaches to routines so that
family/carers/supporters can be involved directly in care
• Engagement with patient and family on expected length of
stay, plan of care and discharge planning
• Patient/Carer stories
• Improve Awareness of carers strategy and provision of
information. Carers information desk in Atrium at CIC to be
replicated at WCH
• All wards to undergo an assessment “Is your ward Dementia
• Patient Flow -minimal moves to avoid unnecessary distress;
• Visible staff-zone working
• Appropriate lighting , floor coverings plus aids to support
orientation and visual stimulation,eg visual signs, large clocks,
calendars, photographs, memory boxes, use of colours,
recognisable sanitary wear
• Personalising bed space
• Adequate space and resources to support activity and
• Availability of staff to support rehabilitation egg occupational
therapy, activity coordinators
(RCN Commitment to the care of patients with Dementia in Hospital 2011)
• Aim to reduce anti psychotic prescribing
• Previous audit results show that the Trust is low prescribers of
anti psychotics
• New policy for anti psychotic prescribing currently in draft
• New anti psychotic prescribing restricted to Consultant with
all benefits and Risks explained to the patient/carer
• Regular reviews of medication recommended on admission to
hospital and discharge by GP’S in order that anti psychotics
are stopped within 6 weeks
• Audit cycle
Launch Butterfly Scheme
• A successful way of sharing carer expertise
and insight with all staff who take over the
care of people with Dementia in hospital
• A practical strategy to meet the needs of the
patient with Dementia
• Delivery of effective, appropriate care,
reducing patient stress and increasing their
• Staff satisfaction
Butterfly Scheme
• An opt in 3 part scheme:
1. At a glance discreet identification via a
butterfly symbol for hospital patients who
have dementia and wish staff to be aware of
2. All staff are trained to offer specific care;
3. The butterfly alerts all staff to the easy to
use carer sheet
Performance Assessment
CQC Assessment
Quality Indicators
Patient Stories
Patient satisfaction
Staff satisfaction
Dementia audit