Today’s Webinar will begin at 11 PST 11/29/12 Do You Speak SIR? Using your SSI SIR data to drive improvement November 29, 2012 Introduction • Please do not put your phone on hold; use the mute function or *6 • Please type questions or comments into text box • If time permits, we will open up the phone lines at the conclusion of the presentation Using Data to Drive Improvement On Death, Dying & Data ACCEPTANCE DEPRESSION BARGAINING ANGER DENIAL Connie Cutler, RN, MS, CIC, FSHEA Main Line Health Bryn Mawr Hospital Lankenau Medical Center Paoli Hospital Riddle Hospital 7 NHSN’s Definition of a SIR 8 Standardized Infection Ratio SIR = Observed (by IP Surveillance) Expected (by NHSN) Standardized Infection Ratio Simple MATH (a fraction) Observed (# SSIs found through surveillance) Expected (# SSIs that NHSN predicted) • It’s all about comparison to the number 1 • SO, if Observed = Expected, result is 1 and that means SIR is equal to (same as) CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network 10 Standardized Infection Ratio • If surgery or surgeon is less than ONE, there are less SSIs than the comparative NHSN database • If higher than ONE, there are more SSIs than the comparative NHSN database • How much more? Depends on number… – 0.9 = 90% of expected OR 10% better than NHSN – 1.4 = 140% of expected or 40% worse than NHSN – 1.0 = 100% of expected or same as NHSN 11 End of Quality Year Dashboard (April 2011-March 2012) Numerators (infections) and Denominators (cases) for 6 procedures have been required by PA to be reported through the CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN). Colon Surgeries have been added for 2012. 12 12 Months of SIRs Numerators (infections) and Denominators (cases) for 6 procedures have been required by PA to be reported through the CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN). Colon Surgeries have been added for 2012. New Dashboard Infection Prevention is providing data on these 26 procedures Numbers of Surgeries with SIRs • • • Cardio-Thoracic Surgery Procedures – Cardiac Valve – CABG with one incision – CABG with two incisions General Surgery Procedures – Appendectomy – Lap Cholecystectomy – Open Cholecystectomy – Lap Colectomy – Open Colectomy – Exploratory Abdominal Surgery – Vascular Bypass Surgery – Vascular Graft/Fistula/AV Shunt OB/GYN Categories – Cesarean Section – Abdominal Hysterectomy – Vaginal Hysterectomy • • • • Orthopedic Categories – Laminectomy – Knee Prosthesis – Hip Prosthesis Neurosurgery Procedures – Laminectomy Plastic Procedures – Breast Implant – Breast Lumpectomy – Mastectomy Specialty Categories – Esophageal Resection – Kidney Transplant – Lung Resection – Pacemaker – Pacemaker/ICD Insertion 15 Goal: Zero SSIs • We have committed to –implementation of evidence-based “bundles” for all patients undergoing surgical procedures • special focus on cardiac and orthopedic –Feedback on SIR is provided to surgeons quarterly 16 Accomplishments • Infection Prevention system & division chiefs of surgical specialties –explain SIR –distribute surgeon-specific data –discuss best practices Accomplishments • Individual hospitals continue to address issues where their SIR is above NHSN‘s benchmarks (1.0, 0.75, 0.5 are our 3 goals) Risk-Stratification 19 Surgeon-Specific SIR Report 20 Two examples of SIRs 21 Two examples of SIRs 22 Total Hips/Knees SIRs for 3+ years 26 Vicky Brinsko, Director IP Vanderbilt University Leaping Into Surgical SIR’s Moving to SIRs • Big Changes from CDC/NHSN and CMS • In Jan 2012, CMS requires reporting of SSIs from Colon Surgery (COLO) and Abdominal Hysterectomy (HYST) as part of their pay for performance program • Up until this point CDC via NHSN was providing benchmarks for “comparison” to a pooled mean • In January 2012, CDC switched to SIRs for SSIs Anticipating Change i n fec ti on c o nt rol a n d h o spi ta l e p idem i olo gy o cto be r 2 011, v o l. 3 2, n o . 1 0 original article Improving Risk-Adjusted Measures of Surgical Site Infection for the National Healthcare Safety Network Yi Mu, PhD;1 Jonathan R. Edwards, MStat;1 Teresa C. Horan, MPH;1 Sandra I. Berrios-Torres, MD;1 Scott K. Fridkin, MD1 Infect Control 2006;27:1330–1339. Hosp Epidemiol 2002;23:372–376. • At VUMC we knew this change was coming • We began preparing our surgeons for this change in late 2011 – Baby steps – Announced in November 2011 that VUMC easing in to SIRs for surgical infection data reporting Standardized Infection Ratio (SIR) • Ratio of observed events to expected events • Expected events = The expected number CDC calculates in NHSN • SIR = 1 infection rate at benchmark • SIR < 1 infection rate lower than benchmark • SIR > 1 infection rate higher than benchmark Overall SIR P-CARD SIR COLO SIR FUSN SIR CBGB SIR HYST SIR KPRO SIR P-VSHN SIR REC SIR CRAN SIR CBGC SIR VHYS SIR Future Metrics HPRO SIR P-FUSN SIR VSHN SIR CARD SIR CSEC SIR Future Metrics Summary Data SSI Rate Overall SIR 6 2.5 5 2 Surgical SIR 4 3 2 1 1.5 1 0.552 0.5 0 0 SSI Rate Linear (SSI Rate) Overall SIR CDC Benchmark Linear (Overall SIR) Are the Data Risk Stratified? Description Procedure code Abdominal aortic aneurysm AAA Limb amputation AMP Appendectomy APPY Arteriovenous shunt for dialysis AVSD Bile duct, liver or pancreatic surgery BILI Breast surgery BRST Coronary artery bypass graft CABG duration Cardiac surgery CARD Carotid endarterectomy CEA Cholecystectomy CHOL Colon surgery COLO duration Craniotomy CRAN Cesarean delivery CSEC class, emergency Spinal fusion FUSN List of variables Emergency, wound class, ASA score, duration Bed size, duration Emergency, endoscope, gender, ASA score, wound class Age, duration Emergency, endoscope, ASA score, wound class, bed size, duration ASA score, bed size, duration Anesthesia, gender, medical school affiliation, ASA score, bed size, age, ASA score, wound class, age, duration Emergency, endoscope, ASA score, wound class, age, duration Anesthesia, endoscope, gender, ASA score, wound class, bed size, age, Trauma, bed size, age, duration Body mass index, age, anesthesia, ASA, duration, labor, bed size, wound Anesthesia, gender, medical school affiliation, trauma, wound class, diabetes, Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2011;32(10):970-986 Monthly Reports to Surgery • We provide monthly reports of surgical data to the Pod Leaders (see example) • We present these data as a summary in the Perioperative Surgical Enterprise meeting Fictional data used for illustration purposes New Reporting Metrics • In July (beginning of our fiscal year), we presented a tandem report • This report had the “old” graph they were used to seeing (without the CDC benchmark featured) Fictional data used for illustration purposes New SIR Addition Infections per 100 procedures SSI Infections Rates for Pod 1 Abdominal Hysterectomy Hysterectomy Infection Rates 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 4.9 2.8 2.4 0.7 Abd Hyst Upper Limit Average Lower Limit Linear (Abd Hyst) SSI-Rate: Number of patients with surgical site infection per 100 procedures. The rate reflects the number of CDC defined Surgical Site Infections divided by the number of cases selected by ICD-9 Procedure Code. Standardized Infection Ratio (SIR): The risk adjusted calculation comparing observed infections to predicted infections; standard=1 >1 worse than expected <1 better than expected. Upper Limit: One Standard deviation above the mean (average). Analysis: Mean (average): Sum of a list of infections divided by total number of procedures. The overall rate displays a downward trend. The Upper Limit is 4.9 infections per 100 procedures. The 2008 CDC benchmark is 4.1 infections per 100 procedures. The Vanderbilt mean (blue line) is 2.8 infections per 100 procedures The Lower Limit is 0.7 infections per 100 procedures. The infection rate for 2012 Quarter 3 is incomplete 2.4 infections per 100 procedures. Lower Limit: One Standard deviation below the mean (average). The new risk-adjusted Standardized Infection Ratio (SIR) for the identical time period is represented in the graph below. The national benchmark is 1.0. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calculates the SIR individually for each procedure and provides an expected number of events based on the specific risk makeup of the denominator population. The variables included in the Abdominal Hysterectomy risk model are anesthesia, endoscope, ASA score, wound class, and duration of surgery. The SIR for Hysterectomy 2012Q3 is 1.017 which is not different than 1. 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Standard Deviation: A measure of the variation of the observations Methodology: All cases for ICD-9 codes are reviewed using CDC-defined surveillance procedures KEY REPORTING COMMITTEE: Perioperative Enterprise Committee, OR POD Reports DATA SOURCE: Medipac coding data and manual chart review by infection preventionists. HYST SIR Infection Preventionist Assigned: Tracy Louis RN, MSN, CIC 1.017 HYST SIR CDC Benchmark Linear (HYST SIR) DEFINITIONS: Vanderbilt Infection Control and Prevention follows the CDC definitions for surgical site infections. These definitions are available at CDC-Defined Procedure Type: HYST: Abdominal hysterectomy. Removal of uterus through an abdominal incision. HYST ICD-9 Procedure codes captured: 68.31,68.39,68.41,68.49,68.61,68.69 • We included both the altered familiar graph and the new SIR graph with an explanation • Surgeons are visual and having both graphs in tandem was helpful Change is Good Amy Nichols, RN, MBA, CIC Using NHSN’s Standardized Infection Ratio The UCSF Experience Amy Nichols, RN, MBA, CIC Amy Nichols, RN, MBA, CIC Director Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Control November 2012 What is the Standardized Infection Ratio? • Observed/Expected events – Expressed as decimal – Accompanied by significance statistics – Calculated by National Healthcare Safety Network database • Calculations are based upon the 2009 NHSN report (data from 2006-2008) • 2009 report reflects information reported from about 600 reporting hospitals • Now, NHSN has about 4500 reporting hospitals 42 SIR at UCSF • Initially calculated quarterly for Surgical Site Infection (SSI) reports, now rolling monthly • Annually reported for Device-Related Infection (DRI) surveillance reports – Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSI) – Catheter-Related Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI) – Not reported for Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP) 43 UCSF SSI SIR Display CATEGORY # Procedures # SSI Rate SIR* P-Value 95% CI Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm 27 0 0.00 0.000 0.2415 2.596 0.4034 0.149, 2.109 0.0005 0.336, 0.795 Appendectomy Biliary Surgery 44 222 397 3 23 1.35 5.79 0.722 0.530 UCSF CLABSI SIR Display 45 UCSF CAUTI SIR Display 46 SIR-Based Strategy Implementation • SSI – Focus away from abdominal and transplant surgeries – Focus on procedures with SIR >1 – No procedures were significantly above expected • CLABSI – Reduction strategic work plan unchanged – No different than expected, but events still occur – Irreducible minimum achieved? • CAUTI – Reduction strategic work plan unchanged – Rates reducing 47 Upcoming Beyond SCIP Events • • • • • Join us for a FREE Webinar December 18, 2012 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Sue Barnes from Kaiser Permanente SSI Prevention: How we are doing based on direct IP observations • Thanks for joining us today