Safety Pharmacology Society Webinar Series: Safety Pharmacology Endpoints: Integration into Toxicology Studies Integrating functional CNS observations into toxicology studies: the CONS! Will Redfern, PhD Safety Assessment UK Alderley Park Cheshire United Kingdom September 20, 2012 Reasons for attrition of candidate drugs Meanwhile, ADME failures have been reduced by a ‘frontloading’ approach Kola & Landis (2004) Nature Reviews: Drug Discovery 3: 711-715. Attrition due to inadequate safety – why? Shortcoming Impact Solution? 1. Lack of early detection of safety signals ‘Doomed’ compounds enter in vivo tox phase Improve frontloaded screening: in silico and in vitro 2. Lack of detection of safety hazards preclinically ‘Doomed’ compounds enter clinical development Improve quality and increase information content of safety pharmacology and toxicology studies 3. Lack of confidence/knowledge/ precision in preclinicalclinical translation Defective risk assessment: ‘Doomed’ compounds may be let through, anticipating a large safety margin; ‘safe’ compounds may be stopped, anticipating an inadequate safety margin. Improve risk assessment and decision-making by better understanding of the translation of the preclinical signals to humans. 3 Attrition due to inadequate safety – why? Shortcoming Impact Solution? 1. Lack of early detection of safety signals ‘Doomed’ compounds enter in vivo tox phase Improve frontloaded screening: in silico and in vitro 2. Lack of detection of safety hazards preclinically ‘Doomed’ compounds enter clinical development Improve quality and increase information content of safety pharmacology and toxicology studies 3. Lack of confidence/knowledge/ precision in preclinicalclinical translation Defective risk assessment: ‘Doomed’ compounds may be let through, anticipating a large safety margin; ‘safe’ compounds may be stopped, anticipating an inadequate safety margin. Improve risk assessment and decision-making by better understanding of the translation of the preclinical signals to humans. 4 Impact of adverse effects of drugs by organ function throughout the pharmaceutical life cycle ‘Nonclinical’ Phase I Phase I-III Phase III/ Marketing PostMarketing PostMarketing Information: Causes of attrition Serious ADRs Causes of attrition ADRs on label Serious ADRs Withdrawal from sale Source: Car (2006) Sibille et al. (1998) Olson et al. (2000) BioPrint® (2006) Budnitz et al. (2006) Stevens & Baker (2008) 88 CDs stopped 1,015 subjects 82 CDs stopped 1,138 drugs 21,298 patients 47 drugs Cardiovascular: 27% 9% 21% 36% 15% 45% Hepatotoxicity: 8% 7% 21% 13% 0% 32% Haematology/BM: 7% 2% 4% 16% 10% 9% NERVOUS SYSTEM: 14% 28% 21% 67% 39% 2% Immunotox; photosensitivity: 7% 16% 11% 25% 34% 2% Gastrointestinal: 3% 23% 5% 67% 14% 2% 13% 0% 1% 10% 0% 2% 2010 Update: 4% 0% 1% 28% 3% 2% Phase Sample size: Reprotox: Musculoskeletal: Respiratory: 2% 0% 0% 32% 8% 2% Renal: 2% 0% 9% 19% 2% 0% Genetic tox: 5% 0% No change 0%in 10 years! 0% 0%Increased contribution 0% Carcinogenicity: 3% 0% 0% 1% 0% Other: 0% 0% 4% 16% 2% from Nervous System AEs in 2010 0% The various toxicity domains have been ranked first by contribution to products withdrawn from sale, then by attrition during clinical development. 0% Adapted from Redfern WS et al. SOT 2010; 2011 1-9% 10-19% >20% 2% Impact of functional adverse effects on the nervous system on drug development during 2010: Drug Therapeutic target Adverse effect Taspoglutide Type II diabetes Nausea and vomiting Robitussin (contains dextromethorphan) Cough etc.suppression Abuse liability in adolescents Benlysta (belimumab) Lupus Increase in deaths; cancer, serious infections, and three suicides. Pandremix (Influenza vaccine) H1N1 Narcolepsy in children Ezogabine Epilepsy Urinary retention, which may cause infections or permanent bladder and kidney damage Rekinla (sodium oxybate) Fibromyalgia Abuse liability and accidental overdose concerns Girosa (flibanserin) Female hypoactive sexual desire disorder Depression, anxiety, fatigue Daxas (roflumilast) COPD Suicidality, weight loss and cancer Qnexa (phentermine/topiramate) Obesity Tachycardia, birth defects, psychiatric problems (suicidal thinking, impaired memory & concentration), kidney stones Dopamine agonists Parkinson's disease Increase in impulse control disorders Viagra (sildenafil) etc. Erectile dysfunction Hearing loss Zinc nasal sprays Common cold Anosmia Chantix (varenicline) Smoking-cessation Unprovoked acts and thoughts of aggression and violence Presciption drugs (various) Various Impaired driving ability - contribution to road traffic accidents Tramadol Pain Suicide risk in addiction-prone patients, as well as those taking antidepressants or tranquilizers Valganciclovir (Valcyte) Paediatric transplantation Abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhoea, tremor, seizure. Influenza vaccine Seasonal flu Increased incidence of febrile convulsions in infants Qualaquin (quinine) Nocturnal leg cramps (off-label) Thrombocytopenia, electrolyte imbalance, hearing loss, cardiovascular problems, and hemolytic uremic syndrome Zyflo CR (zileuton) Asthma Liver toxicity, sleep disorders and behavioral changes Geodon (ziprasidone) Bipolar disorder Dyskinesia during paediatric clinical trial Benadryl (diphenhydramine) - gel Pruritis (topical gel) Unconsciousness, hallucinations, and confusion if swallowed Exelon (rivastigmine) Dementia Nausea, hypertension, slowed heart rate or death Neurontin (gabapentin) Epilepsy Suicidality Pandremix (Influenza vaccine) H1N1 Narcolepsy in children Massive bleeding; severe high blood pressure; blood clots, heart attack; kidney damage, headache, confusion, Avastin (bevacizumab) Breast cancer seizures, and vision loss. Outcome Clinical trial halted/delayed Regulatory scrutiny/review of data Regulatory scrutiny/review of data Regulatory scrutiny/review of data Non-approval Non-approval Non-approval Non-approval Non-approval Publication Publication Publication Publication Publication Labelling Labelling Prescribing restrictions/warning letter Prescribing restrictions/warning letter Prescribing restrictions/warning letter Prescribing restrictions/warning letter Prescribing restrictions/warning letter Prescribing restrictions/warning letter Litigation Withdrawn from sale Withdrawn from sale Source: DIA Daily January to December 2010 Impact of functional adverse effects on the nervous system on drug development during 2010: Drug Therapeutic target Adverse effect Taspoglutide Type II diabetes Nausea and vomiting Robitussin (contains dextromethorphan) Cough etc.suppression Abuse liability in adolescents Benlysta (belimumab) Lupus Increase in deaths; cancer, serious infections, and three suicides. Pandremix (Influenza vaccine) H1N1 Narcolepsy in children Ezogabine Epilepsy Urinary retention, which may cause infections or permanent bladder and kidney damage Rekinla (sodium oxybate) Fibromyalgia Abuse liability and accidental overdose concerns Girosa (flibanserin) Female hypoactive sexual desire disorder Depression, anxiety, fatigue Daxas (roflumilast) COPD Suicidality, weight loss and cancer Qnexa (phentermine/topiramate) Obesity Tachycardia, birth defects, psychiatric problems (suicidal thinking, impaired memory & concentration), kidney stones Dopamine agonists Parkinson's disease Increase in impulse control disorders Viagra (sildenafil) etc. Erectile dysfunction Hearing loss Zinc nasal sprays Common cold Anosmia Chantix (varenicline) Smoking-cessation Unprovoked acts and thoughts of aggression and violence Presciption drugs (various) Various Impaired driving ability - contribution to road traffic accidents Tramadol Pain Suicide risk in addiction-prone patients, as well as those taking antidepressants or tranquilizers Valganciclovir (Valcyte) Paediatric transplantation Abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhoea, tremor, seizure. Influenza vaccine Seasonal flu Increased incidence of febrile convulsions in infants Qualaquin (quinine) Nocturnal leg cramps (off-label) Thrombocytopenia, electrolyte imbalance, hearing loss, cardiovascular problems, and hemolytic uremic syndrome Zyflo CR (zileuton) Asthma Liver toxicity, sleep disorders and behavioral changes Geodon (ziprasidone) Bipolar disorder Dyskinesia during paediatric clinical trial Benadryl (diphenhydramine) - gel Pruritis (topical gel) Unconsciousness, hallucinations, and confusion if swallowed Exelon (rivastigmine) Dementia Nausea, hypertension, slowed heart rate or death Neurontin (gabapentin) Epilepsy Suicidality Pandremix (Influenza vaccine) H1N1 Narcolepsy in children Massive bleeding; severe high blood pressure; blood clots, heart attack; kidney damage, headache, confusion, Avastin (bevacizumab) Breast cancer seizures, and vision loss. Outcome Clinical trial halted/delayed Regulatory scrutiny/review of data Regulatory scrutiny/review of data Regulatory scrutiny/review of data Non-approval Non-approval Non-approval Non-approval Non-approval Publication Publication Publication Publication Publication Labelling Labelling Prescribing restrictions/warning letter Prescribing restrictions/warning letter Prescribing restrictions/warning letter Prescribing restrictions/warning letter Prescribing restrictions/warning letter Prescribing restrictions/warning letter Litigation Withdrawn from sale Withdrawn from sale Impact of QT/TdP issues on drug development during 2010 by comparison: Drug Therapeutic target Bydureon Type II diabetes Invirase; Norvir (in combination) HIV Saquinavir-ritonavir (in combination) HIV Anzemet (dolasetron mesylate injectable) Anti-emetic Darvon (propoxyphene) Analgesia Darvocet (propoxyphene + acetaminophen) Analgesia Adverse effect QT prolongation QT prolongation QT prolongation, torsade de pointes Torsade de pointes Torsade de pointes Torsade de pointes Outcome Regulatory scrutiny/review of data Regulatory scrutiny/review of data Prescribing restrictions/warning letter Prescribing restrictions/warning letter Withdrawn from sale Withdrawn from sale Source: DIA Daily January to December 2010 Functional measurements in repeat-dose toxicity studies Scientific drivers Doing it in addition to standalone safety pharmacology studies Regulatory drivers Doing it instead of standalone safety pharmacology studies Rationale: Rationale: •To provide early warning flags well ahead of the regulatory GLP SP core battery studies (by incorporating into early tox/MTD studies). •To assess whether findings in acute SP studies persist, intensify, or diminish after repeated dosing, and to demonstrate recovery after cessation of dosing. •To provide functional correlates of histopathological findings in previous tox studies. •To assess potential effects that may only develop after prolonged exposure. To opt for the minimum regulatory requirement for FTIM: ICHS6 (Biologics) I’m OK with this. Let’s have more of it! ICHS9 (Oncology Products) FDA Guidance on Exploratory IND Studies by incorporating SP core battery assessments into the 1-month regulatory tox studies. I have reservations about this. This will be what I’m focusing on today. Starting point... • Clearly, adverse effects on the nervous system make a significant contribution to attrition of candidate drugs during clinical development. • Therefore, the last thing we should do is reduce the quality of the preclinical CNS safety pharmacology assessment. • So, do more ‘as well as’, and reduce the temptation to go for ‘instead of’*. *In other words, do include CNS safety pharmacology endpoints in repeat-dose toxicity studies as well as standalone single-dose safety pharmacology studies, rather than instead of. Why not replace standalone CNS safety pharmacology studies with assessments in repeat-dose toxicity studies – what’s the big deal? 1. The laboratory conditions in toxicology holding rooms/procedure rooms are not optimal for obtaining high quality behavioural data (due to noise; disturbance etc.). 2. The phenomenon of tolerance means that the responses measured on Day X may be diminished compared to Day 1 (ie, first administration). 3. By Day X, what you may be measuring is not the pharmacological response to the compound, but the effects of overt toxicity (inappetance; weight loss; general malaise). 4. Circumventing ‘2’ and ‘3’ above by doing the assessments on Day 1 of dosing causes logistical difficulties. Limitations of SP endpoints in tox studies • The primary aim of a repeat-dose toxicity study is to expose animals to different levels of a test compound over a prolonged period, and to assess a standard list of in-life parameters (incl. clinical chemistry; body weights, food & water consumption; routine clinical observations; ophthalmoscopy; ECG, etc.), toxicokinetics, and post-mortem histological changes. • Any additional functional measurements MUST NOT interfere with these aims or affect their outcome. • The study design and laboratory conditions may be sub-optimal for obtaining high-quality functional data. Differences in in-life environments (etc.) Safety pharmacology studies General toxicology studies Dosing staggered to accommodate functional measurements Animals dosed all in one session (usually a.m.) TK sample taken after key functional measurements TK sampling takes priority No necropsy to consider Scheduled to accommodate necropsy slots Studies powered to detect the functional effect Studies adequate to detect histopathological effects Behavioural studies usually require young rats Sexually mature animals used Usually restricted to male animals Equal numbers of both sexes used May require non-standard strains (e.g. pigmented rats) Restricted to standard strains Functional measurements may require pretraining of animals Rarely required Functional measurements require a quiet room Sometimes anything but! Equipment/software may not be fully GLPcompliant GLP sacrosanct Should be run by experienced safety pharmacologists and technicians fully au fait with safety pharmacology measurements and data interpretation Toxicology facilities may be geographically remote from available safety pharmacology expertise, or such expertise may not be available within the company. Example of a custom-designed, fit-for-purpose in vivo safety pharmacology suite CNS evaluations done here Features: •Testing labs located remote from corridor noise (e.g., trundling of cage racks; loud conversations). •Primary access to suite via single entry door, with warning to limit entry to essential visits and to minimise noise level. •Staff requiring access to the other animals on the study can do so without disturbing the safety pharmacology observations/measurements. •Entry to the testing labs restricted to staff involved in the observations/measurements. •Designed to accommodate bulky test equipment, ergonomically. •Lighting control with local (manual) override. Example of toxicology study holding rooms with ante room CNS evaluations done here Drawbacks (for CNS safety pharmacology observations/measurements): •Testing area adjacent to corridor noise (e.g., trundling of cage racks; loud conversations). •Access from corridor directly into testing area. •Staff requiring access to the other animals on the study disturb the safety pharmacology observations/measurements. •Entry to the testing area unrestricted. •Bulky test equipment may be difficult to accommodate ergonomically. •Automated lighting control with no manual override. Development of tolerance with repeat-dosing A DECREASE in response/clinical efficacy with repeat-dosing Drug Therapeutic target Effects Opiate analgesics Pain Rapid tolerance to most effects develops on repeat-dosing Baclofen Spasticity Tolerance develops to muscle relaxant effects due to down-regulation of GABA-B receptors Benzodiazepines Anxiety Tolerance develops to initial sedative effect L-DOPA; bromocriptine Parkinson’s Reduced efficacy SSRI’s Depression Reduced efficacy Haloperidol; chlorpromazine Schizophrenia Reduced efficacy Anticonvulsants Epilepsy Reduced efficacy ‘‘Some form of adaptive syndrome is the inevitable consequence of the reciprocal interaction between most or all classes of drugs and the organism’’. W Haefely (1986) Pupillary light reflex in a repeat-dose toxicology study in rats: tolerance developing to a mydriatic effect ** ** (slow) Drug X µmol/kg po (n = 6 each) ** (slow) Vehicle AZD400 AZD500 AZD750 AZD1500 1.0 ** ** ** 1.5 * Pupil diameter (mm) 2.0 (slow) ** (slow) 2.5 (No further dosing at high dose level) 0.5 0.0 Day -1 Day 1 4h Day 2 pre Day 3 4h Day 4 pre Day 7 4h Day 8 pre Redfern WS et al. (2007) A simple method for estimating pupil diameter in conscious rats and dogs during repeat-dose toxicity studies. J Pharmacol Toxicol Methods 56: e50. Saliva production in a repeat-dose toxicology study in dogs: tolerance developing to a salivatory effect 0.5 Saliva weight (g) ** 0.4 vehicle (n = 12) high dose (n = 12) 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 7 14 21 Day of dosing Salivation quantified by placing a pre-weighed gauze swab inside a jowl for 20 s; removed and re-weighed. First measurement was on Day 3 of study. (AZ in-house data) 28 Example of tolerance, increased response, and no change in response in the same study with the same compound! Effects of once-daily dosing with baclofen (10 mg/kg po) in the Irwin test in rats (3M; 3F) Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Effect Abnormal respiration 6/6 3/6 2/6 Diminishing Decreased activity 6/6 6/6 6/6 Stable Increased scratching 0/6 0/6 3/6 Delayed onset Conclusion: Change in magnitude of effect over repeated dosing is both pharmacologyand parameter-specific – and can’t be predicted in advance. AZ in-house data: courtesy of Lorna Ewart Logistics for rodent studies… If you choose to go down this route (replacing the standalone safety pharmacology study), it is preferable to conduct functional measurements on Day 1 of the repeat-dose toxicity studies for the reasons outlined earlier (ie, you may miss an acute response that diminishes with repeatdosing). But Day 1 of a tox study is usually mayhem, with timed TK bleeds etc. So, you could do the measurements on Day 2 of the repeat-dose study. However, you won’t get through all the Irwin tests (multiple time points) and whole-body plethysmography (WBP) measurements (4 hours’ recordings) on the vehicle and 3 dose levels (Irwin: 24 rats; WBP: 32 rats) in one day! So you could do (say) the Irwin tests on Day 2 and the WBP measurements on Day 3. Even then, you still won’t complete either of these evaluations in a single day. So you may have to stagger the start of the rodent 1-month study, e.g.: MON TUE WED THU Day 1 Start cohort 1 Day 2 cohort 1: Irwin Day 1 Start cohort 2 Day 3 cohort 1: WBP Day 2 cohort 2: Irwin Day 4 cohort 1 Day 3 cohort 2: WBP And you’ll have to reduce the standard number of time points in the Irwin test. Do you have enough quiet space to run Irwin and WBP simultaneously, close to the tox holding room…? Conclusions • Replacement of the ‘standalone’ CNS safety pharmacology study with ‘CNS safety pharmacology assessments’ in a repeat-dose tox study represents a dumbing-down of the preclinical CNS risk assessment. • This would be like replacing the dog telemetry cardiovascular assessment with a ‘snapshot ECG’ in a tox study to assess QT risk. • You wouldn’t do that, would you...? Acknowledgements Colleagues at AstraZeneca Alderley Park: Sharon Storey; Helen Prior; Claire Grant; Louise Marks; Lorna Ewart; Kat Greenwood; Claire Barnard; Dave Simpson; Sally Robinson; Jean-Pierre Valentin.