Scoliosis: Degenerative & Idiopathic Dr. James Cox presents treatment of scoliosis due to various causes, latest published literature findings, and in-office patient cases. Sciatic Scoliosis Sciatic scoliosis is due to irritation of the spinal neurons in radiculopathic stimulation and its resultant muscle activity. Hirayama et al in Spine 2001;26(6):602-9 reported on the effects of electrical stimulation of the sciatic nerve on background electromyography and static stretch reflex activity of the trunk muscles in rats. They verified the hypothesis that sciatic scoliosis is induced reflexively by radiculopathic pain, and that scoliosis might be maintained by prolonged asymmetric alteration of the trunk muscle tonus caused by central sensitization of the spinal neurons that constitute the postural reflex pathways. Sciatic Scoliosis Sciatic scoliosis usually occurs with convexity to the side of the herniated disc. The neuronal mechanism of sciatic scoliosis has not been well clarified. In spinalized rats (transection of the spinal cord), the sciatic nerve was stimulated electrically as a conditioning stimulus. Muscle stretch elicited by bending of the lumbar spine was applied as a test stimulus. Sciatic Scoliosis It was found that the pattern of electromyographic activity of the trunk muscles evoked by sciatic nerve stimulation coincided with the typical direction of sciatic scoliosis in patients with lumbar disc herniation. It was supposed that the prolonged asymmetric alteration of the trunk muscle tonus was caused by central sensitization, and that central sensitization of spinal neurons may underlie the neuronal mechanism of sciatic scoliosis. Sciatic Scoliosis As opposed to the work of Finneson and Herlin, the sciatic scoliosis may not be, or not only be, the mechanical embarrassment of the nerve root or dorsal root ganglion by disc invasion of territory, but the embarrassment of the neurological bed of the nerve root resulting in the resultant muscle spasm and scoliosis. This is what we are discussing in this course. Let's start with a patient case presentation and treatment... Left Thoracolumbar Scoliosis in a Young Male Cox® Technic Flexion-Distraction and Decompression done to all curves using all motions of the Cox® Table lying supine and side-lying. Side Notes: This patient moved to Fort Wayne from another city where he was treated by a chiropractic physician with Cox® Technic. He came to our office seeking the same care. At the second visit, the patient reports a drop in his VAS score from a 7 to a 1 with improvement noted in his shoulder and low back. Dr. Cox introduces this discussion of degenerative scoliosis and its management. Fu KMG, Smith J, Sansur CA et al: Standardized measures of health status and disability and the decision to pursue operative treatment in elderly patients with degenerative scoliosis. Neurosurgery 2010; 66(1):42-47 Link to Journal Abstract Glassman SD, Carreon LY, Shaffrey CI, Polly DW et al: The costs and benefits of nonoperative management for adult scoliosis. Spine 2010; 35(5):578-582 Link to Journal Abstract Dr. Cox shows imaging and discusses scoliosis cases. Degenerative Scoliosis (cont.) Bautmans I, Can Arken J, Van mackelenberg M, Mets T: Rehabilitaiton using manual mobilization for thoracic kyphosis in elderly postmenopausal patients with osteoporosis. J of Rehabilitation Medicine 2010; 42(2):129-135 Link to Journal Abstract Masharawi Y, Dar G, Peleg S, Steinberg N, Medlej B, May J, Abbas J, Hershkovitz I: A morphological adaptation of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae to lumbar hyperlordosis in young adult females. European Spine Journal 2010; 19(5):768-773 Link to Journal Abstract Upendra B, Meena D, Kandwal P, Ahmed A, Chowdhury B, Jayaswal A: Pedicle morphometry in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Indian Journal of Orthopedics 2010; 44(2):169-176 Link to Journal Abstract Hee HT, Zhang JT, Wong HK:Effects of cyclic dynamic tensile strain on previously compressed inner annulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus cells of human intervertebral disc. An in-vitro Study. J of Orthopaedic Research 2010; 28(4):503-509 Link to Journal Abstract Beresford ZM, Kendall RW, Willick SE: Lumbar facet syndromes. Current Sports Medicine Reports 2010; 9(1):50-56 Link to Abstract Mayer JM, Haldeman S, Tricco AC, Dagenais S: Management of chronic low back pain in active individuals. Current Sports Medicine Reports 2010; 9(1):60-66 Link to Abstract Motions of Treatment In the following videos, Dr. Cox demonstrates treatment application options for specific conditions. The caudal section of the flexion-distraction instrument – The Cox®7 Table is used here - may be used or the thoracic restraint or the automated feature or the cervical spine headpiece or its restraint. Any condition can be treated in any number of ways. To clarify how Dr. Cox makes the table move, please review the following images. Foot Switch Strip to Activate Long-Y-Axis while treating the Thoracic Spine Tiller Bar Handle Button (top) to Activate Long-Y-Axis while treating the Thoracic Spine Table Handle Locks Treatment Demonstration: Charite Disc Replacement/Dextrorotatory Scoliosis This is a case of L4 Charite Disc Replacement with and L5 Disc herniation and dextrorotatory scoliosis. The Rule of 50% is discussed in relation to the treatment plan to relieve S1 dermatome pain. Hyperkyphosis & Scheuermann's Disease treated in the supine position. Hyperkyphosis / Scheuermann's Disease / Osteoporosis / Any Condition needing thoracic adjusting Dr. Cox demonstrates flexion-distraction long-yaxis decompression spinal adjusting (low-velocity, lowamplitude adjusting) for any condition needing gentle thoracic spinal adjusting. Patients working on computers and carry much stress really appreciate this care. Hyperkyphosis / Scheuermann's Disease / Upper Thoracic Spine Low-Velocity/LowAmplitude (LVLA) Adjusting using the Cervical Headpiece Highlights: Use of the cervical spine restraint to treat the thoracic spine curvature. Long Y axis automated distraction with cervical headpiece restraint in place. Goals: drop intradiscal pressures increase foraminal area restore physiological ranges of motion Hyperkyphosis / Thoracic Spine Adjusting in the Side-Lying Position For some patients, this very gentle application is preferred. Compression Fracture Treated in the Supine Position Case - Scheuermann's Disease Here is a patient case of Scheurmann's Disease treated in the office. use of occipital restraint to treat hyperkyphosis use of long y axis automated to treat thoracic spine (LVLA low velocity low amplitude) treatment without occipital restraint use of foramen magnum pump Initial Visit: 25 year old, postpartum 8 months, hyperkyphosis, extension irritates low back pain Outcome of Case: At the third visit, the patient reported that the neck and shoulder pain is gone and the low back pain is over 50% gone. Demonstration of the Mehta exercises with a male spine Exercises for scoliosis are for strengthening the convex side of the curve and ensuring its mobility, the same goals for adjusting scoliosis. We are not looking to necessarily correct the curve or reverse it, but rather ensure its mobility. Mehta Exercises are excellent tools the patient can do alone or, optimally, with a helper. Both ways are demonstrated, first alone in this video and with a helper in the next. Source for Mehta Exercise: in denBoer W, Anderson P, Limbeek J, Kooljman M: Treatment of Idiopathic Scoliosis with Side-Shift Therapy: An initial comparison with a brace treatment historical cohort. European Spine Journal 1999; 8:406-410 (Reference #10 - Mehta MH in 1985 which is active correction by side shift In Warner JO, Mehta MH on scoliosis prevention from Proceedings of the P. Zorab Scoliosis Symposium 1983, Praeger, New York, p 126-40) Mehta Exercises for Scoliosis Curve Strengthening Here is a demonstration with a helper assisting. Latest Research On Scoliosis The following slide presentations are discussions of the latest published articles related to scoliosis, both idiopathic as well as degenerative: bracing, exercise, diagnosis strategies, causes, biomechanics, potential solutions. Each slide has a list of the articles discussed with a link to the abstract of the article or book chapter for your later study. Scoliosis Literature – Bracing Sources Negrini, S; Minozzi, S; Bettany-Saltikov, J; Zaina, F; Chockalingam, N; Grivas, TB; Kotwicki, T; Maruyama, T; Romano, M; Vasiliadis, ES. Braces for Idiopathic Scoliosis in Adolescents. Spine 2010; 35 (13): 1285-1293 Link to Abstract Danielsson, Aina J.; Hasserius, Ralph; Ohlin, Acke; Nachemson, Alf L. Health-Related Quality of Life in Untreated Versus Brace-Treated Patients With Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Long-term Follow-up. Spine 2010; 35(2):199-205 Link to Abstract Lou, E; Hill, D; Raso, J: Brace Treatment for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. Conservative Scoliosis Treatment: 1st SOSORT Instructional Course Lectures Book 135. 2009 Link to Book Scoliosis. Grivas, TB; Rodopoulos, GI; Bardakos, NV: Biomechanical and Clinical Perspectives on Nighttime Bracing for Adolescent Idiopathic. Conservative Scoliosis Treatment: 1ST SOSORT Instructional Course Lectures Book 135. Amsterdam: I O S Press, 2009 Link to Book Katz, DE; Herring, JA; Browne, RH; Kelly, DM; Birch, JG. Brace Wear Control of Curve Progression in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. Journal Of Bone And Joint SurgeryAmerican 2010; 92A (6):1343-1352 Link to Abstract Fayssoux, RS; Cho, RH; Herman, MJ. A History of Bracing for Idiopathic Scoliosis in North America. Clinical Orthopaedics And Related Research 2010;468 (3): 654-664 Link to Abstract Scoliosis Literature – Bracing Discussion Scoliosis Research II Sources Schiller, JR; Thakur, NA; Eberson, CP. Brace Management in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. Clinical Orthopaedics And Related Research 2010;468 (3):670-678 Link to Abstract Burwell, RG; Dangerfield, PH; Moulton, A; Anderson, SI: Etiologic theories of idiopathic scoliosis: autonomic nervous system and the leptin-sympathetic nervous system concept for the pathogenesis of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Research Into Spinal Deformities 6 140. 2008. p.197-207 I O S PRESS, AMSTERDAM Link to Book Bettany-Saltikov, J; Warren, J; Stamp, M: Carrying a Rucksack on either Shoulder or the Back, Does it matter? Load Induced Functional Scoliosis in "normal" young subjects. Research Into Spinal Deformities 6 140. 2008. p.221-224 I O S PRESS, AMSTERDAM Link to Book Domenech, J; Tormos, JM; Barrios, C; Pascual-Leone, A. Motor cortical hyperexcitability in idiopathic scoliosis: could focal dystonia be a subclinical etiological factor? Kirby, AS; Moulton, A; Dangerfield, PH; Freeman, BJC; Cole, AA; Polak, FJ; Pratt, RK. Ultrasound femoral anteversion (FAV) and tibial torsion (TT) after school screening for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). Research Into Spinal Deformities 6 140. 2008. p.225230 I O S PRESS, AMSTERDAM Link to Book Burwell, RG; Aujla, RK; Freeman, BJC; Dangerfield, PH; Cole, AA; Kirby, AS; Polak, FJ; Pratt, RK; Moulton, A. The posterior skeletal thorax: rib-vertebral angle and axial vertebral rotation asymmetries in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Research Into Spinal Deformities 6 140. 2008. p.263-268 I O S PRESS, AMSTERDAM Link to Book Stokes, IAF; McBride, CA; Aronsson, DD. Intervertebral disc changes in an animal model representing altered mechanics in scoliosis. Research Into Spinal Deformities 6 140. 2008. p.273-277 Link to Book Scoliosis Research II Discussion Scoliosis Research III Sources Fong, Daniel Yee Tak; Lee, Chun Fan; Cheung, Kenneth Man Chee; Cheng, Jack Chun Yiu; Ng, Bobby Kin Wah; Lam, Tsz Ping; Mak, Kwok Hang; Yip, Paul Siu Fai; Luk, Keith Dip Kei. A Meta-Analysis of the Clinical Effectiveness of School Scoliosis Screening. Spine 2010; 35(10):1061-1071 Link to Abstract Ugras, AA; Yilmaz, M; Sungur, I; Kaya, I; Koyuncu, Y; Cetinus, ME. Prevalence of scoliosis and cost-effectiveness of screening in schools in Turkey. Journal Of Back And Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 23 (1). 2010. p.45-48 Link to Abstract Wang, Chuanfeng; Xu, Weidong; He, Shisheng; Gu, Suxi; Zhao, Yingchuan; Zhang, Jingtao; Zhu, Xiaodong; Li, Ming. Differences in Postoperative Quality of Life Between Adolescent Patients With Idiopathic Scoliosis Residing in Urban and Rural Environments. Spine 2010. 35(6):652-656, March 15, 2010. Link Ogilvie, J. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and genetic testing. Current Opinion in Pediatrics 2010; 22 (1):67-70 Link Akoume, MY; Azeddine, B; Turgeon, I; Franco, A; Labelle, H; Poitras, B; Rivard, CH; Grimard, G; Ouellet, J; Parent, S; Moreau, A. Cell-Based Screening Test for Idiopathic Scoliosis Using Cellular Dielectric Spectroscopy. Spine 2010;35 (13):E601-E608 Link Grivas, TB; Vasiliadis, ES; Rodopoulos, G. Aetiology of Idiopathic Scoliosis. What have we learned from School Screening? Research Into Spinal Deformities 6 140. 2008. P.240-244 I O S Press, Amsterdam Link Yong, F; Wong, HK; Chow, KY. Prevalence of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis among Female School Children in Singapore. Annals Academy Of Medicine Singapore 38 (12). DEC 2009. p.1056-1063 Link Scoliosis Research III Discussion Scoliosis Research IV Sources Ciazynski D, Czernicki K, Dumala J: Knowledge about idiopathic scoliosis among students of physiotherapy. Research into Spinal Deformities 2008; 6(140):281-285 Link to Book Online Weiss H, Maier-Hennes A: Specific exercises in the treatment of scoliosis. Conservative Scoliosis Treatment: 1st SOSORT Instructional Course Lectures Book 135; 2009 Link to Book Romano M, Negrini A, Parzini S et al: Scientific Exercises Approach to Scoliosis (SEAS): Efficacy, Efficiency and Innovation. Conservative Scoliosis Treatment: 1st SOSORT Instructional Course Lectures Book 135; 2009 Link to Book Rigo M, Quera-Salva F, Villagrasa M et al: Scoliosis intensive out-patient rehabilitation based on Schroth Method. Conservative Scoliosis Treatment: 1st SOSORT Instructional Course Lectures Book 135; 2009 Link to Book Dobosiewicz K, Drumala J, Kotwicki T: Dobosiewicz Method physiotherapy for idiopathic scoliosis. Conservative Scoliosis Treatment: 1st SOSORT Instructional Course Lectures Book 135; 2009 Link to Book Weiss H, Rigo M: The Cheneau Concept of Bracing - Actual Standards. Conservative Scoliosis Treatment: 1st SOSORT Instructional Course Lectures Book 135; 2009 Link to Book Durmala J, Tomalak W, Kotwicki T: Function of the respiratory system in patients with idiopathic scoliosis reasons for impairment and methods of evaluation. Conservative Scoliosis Treatment: 1st SOSORT Instructional Course Lectures Book 135; 2009 Link to Book Rigo M, Weiss H: The Cheneau Concept of Bracing - Biomechanical Aspects. Conservative Scoliosis Treatment: 1st SOSORT Instructional Course Lectures Book 135; 2009 Link to Book deMauroy J, Fender P, Tato B, Lusenti P, Ferracane G: Lyon Brace. Conservative Scoliosis Treatment: 1st SOSORT Instructional Course Lectures Book 135; 2009 Link to Book Christine C, Alin C, Riward C: Treatment of early adolescent idiopathic scoliosis using teh SpineCor System. Conservative Scoliosis Treatment: 1st SOSORT Instructional Course Lectures Book 135; 2009 Link to Book Scoliosis Research IV Discussion Scoliosis Research V – Sources for Brace Types & Outcomes Sforzesco Brace - Ananasio, Saina, Negrini: The SPoRT (Symmetci, Patient-Oriented, Rigid, Threedimensional active) concept for scoliosis bracing: principles and results. Conservative Scoliosis Treatment: 1st SOSORT Instructional Course Lectures Book 135. 2009 Link Boston Brace - Wynne J: The Boston Brace System Philosophy, Biomechanics, Design & Fit. Conservative Scoliosis Treatment: 1st SOSORT Instructional Course Lectures Book 135. 2009 Link Cosmetic Effect in IS Kids - Grivas T, Vasiliadis E: Cosmetic Outcome after Conservative Treatment of Idiopathic Scoliosis with a Dynamic Derotation Brace. Conservative Scoliosis Treatment: 1st SOSORT Instructional Course Lectures Book 135. 2009 Link Reduction in Surgical Intervention - Negrini S, Atanasio A, Zaina F, Romano M. et al: Endgrowth resluts of bracing and exercises for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Prospective worst-case analysis. Conservative Scoliosis Treatment: 1st SOSORT Instructional Course Lectures Book 135. 2009 Link Quality of Life - Vasiliadis E, Grivas T Quality of life after conservative treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Conservative Scoliosis Treatment: 1st SOSORT Instructional Course Lectures Book 135. 2009 Link Adult Scoiosis Surgery Effects - Yadla S, Maltenfort M, et al: Adult scoliosis surgery outcomes: a systematic review. Neurosurgical Focus 2010; 28(3):NIL19-NIL25n Link to Yadla article Chromium from Scoliosis Rods - Cundy T, Delaney C, Rackham M, et al: Chromium Ion Release from Stainless Steel Pediatci Scoliosis Instrumentation. Spine 2010; 35(9):967-974 Link to Abstract Cost of Scoliosis Treatment - Kamerlink J, Quirno M, Auerback J et al: Hospital costs analysis of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis correction surgery in 125 consecutive cases. J of Bone and Joint Surgery American. 2010; 92A(5):1097-1104 Link to Abstract Scoliosis Research Subjects - Bunge E, Habbema J, deKoning H: A randomized controlled trial on the effectiveness of bracing patients with idiopathic scoliosis. European Spine Journal 2010; 19(5):747-753 Link to Issue to read article Kyphosis after Scoliosis Fusion - Wang J, Zhao Y, Shen B, Wang C, Li M: Risck facotr analysis of proximal junctional kyphosis after posterior fusion in patients iwth idiopathic scoliosis. Injury-International Journal of the Care of the Injured 2010; 41(4):415-420 Link to Issue to read abstract Scoliosis Research V – Discussion of Brace Types & Outcomes Thank you. Thank you for studying with me degenerative and idiopathic scoliosis: the latest in biomechanics, diagnosis, and treatment. Scoliosis is a challenging condition demanding confident, gentle care with a realistic goal of maintaining mobility and flexibility as well as building strength into a curve that may not ever be straightened, but deserving of good care. James M. Cox, DC, DACBR