HULL AND EAST YORKSHIRE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 27 SEPTEMBER 2013 Patient Involvement Leadership Development Communications Board Development Service Development Staff Involvement Themes Elective Access Emergency Access Teamwork Time for Reflection Financial Management Partnership Working Robust systems & processes for Clinical Governance Outline • • • • • • Finances Performance Quality and Safety Staff engagement Francis review Issues and Challenges for this next year and beyond… Finances How we used all of our money… FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW 2012/13 The Trust achieved all of its financial duties in 2012/13 To Break Even To Achieve A 3.5% Return on Capital To Operate Within Our External Finance Limit To Operate Within Our Capital Resource Limit BREAK EVEN DUTY As an NHS Trust we are required to at least break even. For the seventh successive year we achieved an operating surplus. 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 (£M) (£M) (£M) (£M) (£M) 0.2 6.8 5.0 7.6 4.6 2011/12 2012/13 (£M) (£M) 4.8 5.4 The £34M we have generated over the last 7 years has been used to repay loans and invest in our property, plant and equipment. We generate surpluses so that we can ensure a sound financial basis for the future particularly recognising the challenging economic environment. HOW DO WE SPEND OUR MONEY Our expenditure in 2012/13 was £480M (excluding impairments), which can be summarised as: (£M) Pay 294 Supplies and Services - Clinical 107 Supplies and Services - Other 14 Premises 21 Depreciation 13 Establishment Expenses 7 Clinical Negligence 10 Other 14 Total 480 HOW WE SPENT OUR MONEY During the year we invested additional resources into a number of clinical services: DEVELOPMENTS Winter Pressures – extra beds, 7 day Therapy and Pharmacy Service (£000) 1528 PRH Physiotherapy X-Ray Relocation 250 AAA Screening Service 137 Diabetes Structured Education 128 Neuropsychologist 125 Expansion of Cystic Fibrosis Service 45 Move to Digital Mammography 66 Community Paediatrics – Staffing and IT Equipment 72 Breast Screening Expansion 24 Total 2375 FACTS YOU DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT OUR CATERING SERVICES…… PATIENTS CONSUMED 761,761 MEALS PATIENTS, VISITORS AND STAFF CONSUMED 3,010,620 HOT BEVERAGES FACTS YOU DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT OUR DOMESTIC SERVICES…… WE USE 292,000 MOPS PER YEAR WITHIN THE TRUST HOW WE SPENT OUR MONEY We invested £20M in property, plant and equipment (£M) Building Projects New Emergency Department Upgrade to the façade of the Hull Royal Infirmary 2.5 1.0 Programmes Backlog maintenance Other 3.1 2.8 Equipment Medical and Scientific Equipment Information technology TOTAL SPENT 8.8 1.5 ____ 19.7 ____ IN SUMMARY • We’ve had another successful financial year • Our sound financial management has helped us grow, develop and invest in our clinical services • The impact of the economic environment will set significant challenges for the NHS over the next few years Performance How we delivered national targets… National Requirements • • • • • • • • A and E 95% in 4 hrs 18 weeks to treat Cancer 2 week wait Cancer 31 days diagnosis Cancer 62 days MRSA 7 maximum C-Diff 60 maximum Learning Disability • • • • • • • • MET MET MET MET MET MET MET MET Quality and Safety How we made it better for our patients… Issues • • • • • Mortality Complaints Never Events and SUIs Patient Experience Friends and Family Test Complaint numbers 9.2 Complaints per 1000 spells 2012/13 against similar sized and local trusts 5.6 2.5 2.8 3.6 3.7 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.3 3.8 6.4 6.8 6.9 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Benchmarking our complaint numbers against other Trusts per 1000 FCE Never Events and SUIs Category SUIs Never Events 2011-2012 10 3 2012-2013 8 3 2013-2014 7 0 Comparator 2012-2013 SUIs Never Events Local Trust 1 50 3 Local Trust 2 16 2 Local Trust 3 24 4 Bigger than us Same size as us Smaller than us 0 ROYAL NATIONAL HOSPITAL F OR RHEUMATIC DISEASES NHS… ASPEN - PARKSIDE HOSPITAL BENENDEN HOSPITAL THE ROYAL MARSDEN NHS FOUNDATION TRUST NUFFIELD HEALTH THE CLATTERBRIDGE CANCER CENTRE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST CARE UK SPIRE HEALTHCARE BIRMINGHAM WOMEN'S NHS FOUNDATION TRUST SOUTHEND UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST ROYAL BROMPTON & HAREFIELD NHS FOUNDAT ION TRUST MOORFIELDS EYE HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST THE ROYAL ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST NORTHUMBRIA HEALTHCARE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST TAUNTON AND SOMERSET NHS FOUNDATION TRUST HINCHINGBROOKE HEALTH CARE NHS TRUST WORCESTERSHIRE ACUTE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST UNIVERSIT Y HOSPITALS BIRMINGHAM NHS FOUNDATION TRUST SHREWSBURY AND TELFORD HOSPITAL NHS TRUST HULL AND EAST YORKSHIRE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST EAST CHESHIRE NHS T RUST WESTERN SUSSEX HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST DONCASTER AND BASSETLAW HOSPITALS NHS F OUNDATION TRUST UNIVERSIT Y HOSPITAL OF SOUTH MANCHESTER NHS F OUNDATION… GUY'S AND ST THOMAS' NHS FOUNDATION TRUST CALDERDALE AND HUDDERSFIELD NHS FOUNDATION TRUST BUCKINGHAMSHIRE HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST THE NEWCAST LE UPON TYNE HOSPITALS NHS F OUNDATION TRUST MAIDSTONE AND TUNBRIDGE WELLS NHS TRUST COLCHESTER HOSPITAL UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST WARRINGTON AND HALTON HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST THE CHRISTIE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST MID CHESHIRE HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST ISLE OF WIGHT NHS TRUST LANCASHIRE TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST AINTREE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST ROYAL CORNWALL HOSPITALS NHS TRUST OXFORD UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS T RUST NORFOLK AND NORWICH UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION… THE ROYAL BOURNEMOUTH AND CHRISTCHURCH HOSPITALS NHS… FRIMLEY PARK HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION T RUST BLACKPOOL TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST SOUTH DEVON HEALTHCARE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST MID STAFFORDSHIRE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST BRADFORD TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST THE PRINCESS ALEXANDRA HOSPITAL NHS TRUST ST HELENS AND KNOWSLEY HOSPITALS NHS TRUST EPSOM AND ST HELIER UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS TRUST WYE VALLEY NHS TRUST SHERWOOD FOREST HOSPIT ALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST MID YORKSHIRE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST IMPERIAL COLLEGE HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST EAST SUSSEX HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST THE QUEEN ELIZABETH HOSPITAL, KING'S LYNN, NHS FOUNDATION… YEOVIL DISTRICT HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDAT ION TRUST TAMESIDE HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST SANDWELL AND WEST BIRMINGHAM HOSPITALS NHS TRUST CENTRAL MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION… WALSALL HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST POOLE HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST MID ESSEX HOSPITAL SERVICES NHS TRUST UNIT ED LINCOLNSHIRE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST ROYAL UNITED HOSPITAL BATH NHS TRUST HEART OF ENGLAND NHS FOUNDATION T RUST WESTON AREA HEALTH NHS TRUST SOUT HPORT AND ORMSKIRK HOSPITAL NHS TRUST LUTON AND DUNSTABLE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST ASPEN - HOLLY HOUSE HOSPITAL BEDFORD HOSPITAL NHS TRUST SURREY AND SUSSEX HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST NORTH TEES AND HARTLEPOOL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST BASILDON AND T HURROCK UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION… ROYAL BERKSHIRE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST KETTERING GENERAL HOSPIT AL NHS F OUNDATION TRUST NORTH MIDDLESEX UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL NHS TRUST COUNTY DURHAM AND DARLINGTON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST ASPEN - HIGHGATE HOSPITAL KINGSTON HOSPITAL NHS F OUNDATION TRUST EALING HOSPITAL NHS TRUST CHESTERFIELD ROYAL HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST MEDWAY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDAT ION TRUST WIRRAL UNIVERSITY TEACHING HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST LEWISHAM HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST BARKING, HAVERING AND REDBRIDGE UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS… Friends and Family data July 2013 Trusts ranked by net promoter score Source NHS England July 2013 data 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Top Ten Hospitals for number of Inpatient returns Source NHS England July 2013 data LEEDS TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS TRUST 2,301 NOTTINGHAM UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS TRUST 2,213 BARKING, HAVERING AND REDBRIDGE UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS TRUST 1,866 EAST LANCASHIRE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST 1,835 HULL AND EAST YORKSHIRE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST 1,771 UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS OF LEICESTER NHS TRUST 1,630 BARTS HEALTH NHS TRUST 1,508 SHEFFIELD TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 1,417 COUNTY DURHAM AND DARLINGTON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 1,324 PORTSMOUTH HOSPITALS NHS TRUST 1,316 HEY 30% 104.6 109.8 2.9% 10.1% 3.2% 5.0% 11.2% 91.7% 8.4% 39% 1.3% Changes in Senior Doc Numbers at HEY Number of WTE Consultants 400 390 380 370 360 350 340 330 320 310 300 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Months I have been in post 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Staff Engagement How we listened and responded to our people… Initiatives • • • • • • • • • • Pioneer Teams Make it happen fund Lottery Flu day Big Conversations Pulse check Great Leaders Link Listeners Golden Hearts Valentine’s Ball • • • • • • • • • • Dragon’s Den Pathfinders Setting the Standard Consultant Conference Nurse Conference AHP Conference Pathfinders Moments of Magic Summer BBQ Christmas Tree and Carols Francis Report How we responded to national concerns about the NHS… Progress • Identified quickly top 11 and top 27 most important themes • Steering Board and sub-groups set up • Supervisory Ward Sisters • Nurse Senate established • Intentional rounding • Transparency project pilot site • Setting the standard for Wards developed • Acuity and dependency levels of patients • Staffing numbers to be displayed • Additional nurse staffing on some wards Issues and Challenges for this next year and beyond How we face an uncertain future… Zanussi washing machine THE FINANCIAL FUTURE • The NHS, along with the rest of the public sector, faces significant financial challenges. In England, continuing with the current model of care will result in the NHS facing a funding gap of around £30BN between 2013/14 and 2020/21. This estimate is before taking into account any productivity improvements and assumes that the health budget will remain protected in real terms. • Funding cuts have not impacted on the NHS as much as other public services, despite this we expect little growth in our funding over the next few years, alongside growing demand for our services and the need to maintain and improve the quality of our services. • We need to save £95M over the next five years in order to remain on a sound financial footing and we will do this by becoming more efficient and more productive. % GDP “The scissors of doom…” “The scissors of doom…” Treasury forecast at 90% GDP “Real” forecast at 161% GDP Paying off the debt at £1 per second… • If we owed £1m 11.5 days • If we owed £1bn 33.5 years • We owe over £1trillion Debt is increasing at £14,000 per second 33,500 years “100 Years Old” Telegrams sent Year Number Sent 1917 34 1948 300 2012 12000 2048 1,000,000 How our staff feel… How our organisation feels… Being Vulnerable… We’re here to help…. CQC NHS England TDA DoH Monitor How our patients must sometimes feel… How I feel… Why we do it??