Grazie per aver scelto di utilizzare a scopo didattico questo materiale delle Guidelines 2011 libra. Le ricordiamo che questo materiale è di proprietà dell’autore e fornito come supporto didattico per uso personale. MANAGEMENT OF THE PATIENT WITH RHINITIS AND ASTHMA Giovanni Passalacqua Allergy & Respiratory Diseases Dept.Internal MedicineUniversity of Genoa ITALY ARIA Classification Intermittent . < 4 days/week . or < 4 weeks • • • • • Persistent . > 4 days/week . AND > 4 weeks MILD Moderate-severe All the following One or more: No sleep disturbance No daily activity limitations normal work/school Activity No bothersome symptom . No sleep disturbances daily activity limitations • impaired work or school activity • bothersome symptoms ALTERNATIVE: VAS No symptoms X Untolerable symptoms Diagnostic tools. The problem Differently from asthma, there is no reliable or Standardized objective measurement. No objective evaluation of severity No tool is capable to discriminate allergic and nonallergic rhinitis. No tool is capable to discriminate healthy and rhinitics PERSPECTIVES: Phenotypes of rhinitis? IgE PURE SEASONAL (hayfever) OCCUPATIONAL POLYPS PERSISTENT LOCAL RESPONSE NARES NA-NI NARESMA VASOMOTOR HORMONAL NON IgE Rhinitis: comorbidities ASTHMA SLEEP DISORDERS RHINOSINUSITIS polyps RHINITIS OTITIS CONJUNCTIVITIS Allergic rhinobronchitis: the asthma-allergic rhinitis link. Simons FER J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1999 Sep;104(3 Pt 1):534-40. Linking upper and lower respiratory airways. Aubier M. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1999; 83: 431-434. United airways disease: therapeutic aspects. Passalacqua G, Ciprandi G, Canonica GW Thorax. 2000 Oct;55 Suppl 2:S26-7. UNITED AIRWAYS EPIDEMIOLOGY Comorbidity rhinitis asthma Natural history Rhinitis as risk factor for asthma STUDY LOCUS SUBJECTS % ASTHMA Pariente France adults 1367 Leynaert ECRHS adults 262 Wright Tucson children 129 Settipane Providence adolesc 162 Sibbad England adults 319 rhin. 13.4 no rhin. 3.8 rhin. 22.5 no rhin. 4 rhin. 32 no rhin. 5 rhin. 10.5 no rhin. 3.6 SAR. 23 PAR 26 both 43 Leynaert et al. JACI 2000 93% of asthmatics have concomitant rhinitis Kapsali T et al, JACI 1998 Prevalence of asthma (physician diagnosed) in rhinitis Bousquet, CEA 2005 35 - 591 patients - 502 controls - allergic to pollens, mite, -epithelia 25 20 % subjects % pazienti 30 15 10 5 0 contr mild severe mild severe persistent intermittent Shaaban, Lancet 2008 Allergic rhinitis as a predictor for wheezing onset in schoolaged children. Rochat et al, JACI 2010 Cohort of 1,314 children followed from birth to 13 yrs UNITED AIRWAYS IMMUNOLOGY Allergic inflammation Bone marrow response Neuroinflammation PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Naso-broncghial reflex Physical filter Nonspecific hyperresponsiveness Bronchial biopsioes after Specific provocation in patients with rhinitis or asthma ASTHMA Same inflammation Crimi E et al, JAP 2001 RHINITIS ALONE Nasal allergen challenge Increases bronchial reactivity Induces bronchial inflammation Littell NT, Changes in airways resistance following nasal provocation. Am Rev Respir Dis 1990 Corren J Changes in bronchial responsiveness following nasal provocation with allergens. JACI 1992 Small P ET AL The effects of allergen-induced nasal provocation on pulmonary function in patients with perennial allergic rhinitis. Am J Rhinol 1989 Induces nasal inflammation Bronchial endoscopic challenge With allergen The nose-lung interaction in allergic rhinitis and asthma: united airways disease G.Passalacqua, G.Ciprandi & G.W.Canonica 2004 Asthma and rhinitis as different Aspects of a sinlge disorder Perennial rhinitis: independent factor for developing asthma Leynaert et al, J Allergy Clin Immunol 1999 25 % pazienti asmatici controls 20 rhnitis 15 10 5 0 atopic non-atopic Children with allergic and nonallergic rhinitis have a similar risk of asthma. Chawes et al JACI 2010 nose naso-bronchial reflex physical filter function allergen adhesion molecules INFLAMMATION viral infection cytokines bone marrow bronchial hyperreactivity bronchi PATIENTS WITH PERSISTENT RHINITIS MUST BE ASSESSED FOR THE POSSIBILITY OF ASTHMA HISTORY/EXAMINATION Do you have recurrent wheezing? Do you have dry cough? Do you experience cough after exercise? Do you have chest tightness? IF POSITIVE obstruction Assess reversibility Spirometry normal Nonspecific Bronchial provocation UNITED AIRWAYS THERAPY Immunotherapy Nasal steroids Antihistamines Combination therapy TREATMENT OF ALLERGIC RHINITIS ARIA -Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma mild intermittent Moderatesevere intermittent Mild persistent Antileukotrienes (if asthma) Nasal steroid Cromones 2nd Generation antihistamine Decongestant (<10 days) Allergen avoidance Immunotherapy Moderatesevere persistent Brozek JL, Bousquet J, Baena-Cagnani CE, Bonini S, Canonica GW et al. Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) guidelines: 2010 revision. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2010; 126: 466-476 69 CLINICAL QUESTIONS ON THE TREATMENT RECOMMENDATION: CONDITIONAL/STRONG LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: HIGH/MODERATE/LOW/VERY LOW high Weak: 84% Strenght of recommendation Very low moderate low Grade of evidence BASIC QUESTIONS: Does the treatment of rhinitis affect comorbid asthma? Any effect on the natural history? Cruz, Allergy 2008 asthma Asthma + rhinitis Untreated rhinitis increases the risk of asthma attacks. Bousquet, Clin Exp Allergy 2005 Mean % reduction of AM instantaneous asthma score Safety and efficacy of desloratadine 5 mg in asthma patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis and nasal congestion. 14 8 Berger et al. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2002 2 Mean % reduction of AM/PM asthma score 30 15 * * 5 WKS 1-2 WKS 1-4 Taramarcaz, Cochrane 2008 Effects of mometasone furoate on the Quality of Life: a randomised placebo controlled trial in persistent allergic rhinitis and intermittent asthma using the Rhinasthma questionnaire Ilaria Baiardini1, Elisa Villa1, Anthi Rogkakou1, Sara Pellegrini1, Micaela Bacic1, Enrico Compalati1, Fulvio Braido1, Cristina Le Grazie2, Giorgio Walter Canonica1, Giovanni Passalacqua1 Clin Exp Allergy 2011 MFNS N= 26 52 Placebo N= 26 Run in 1 sett V1 V2 V3 Primary outcome: Global Summary (GS) of Rhinasthma, Changes at 2 and 4 weeks versus baseline Secondary outcomes: Changes vs baseline in the 3 domains of Rhinasthma -Upper airways (UA) -Lower airways (LA) -Respiratory Allergy Impact (RAI) -Nasal symptom score - Nasal + asthma scores Enrolled n = 57 Screening failures n = 5 Entry criteria not satisfied, n = 1 Refused to continue for reason unrelated to study drug, n=2; Privacy Form not signed, n = 2 Randomized n = 52 Mometasone n = 26 Placebo n = 26 Discontinuations n=1 Consent withdrawn Completed n = 25 Completed n = 22 Discontinuations n=4 Adverse event, n = 1 Consent withdrawn, n = 2 Treatment failure, n = 1 Primary endpoint: Rhinasthma Global Score ITT Population Mean changes from baseline (V2) to endpoint (V4) MFNS Mean change vs baseline 2 p<0.001 0,4 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 Placebo 10,3 - Rhinasthma global summary MFNS Placebo <.001 <.001 30 Rhinasthma GS mean 25 20 15 10 5 baseline week 2 week 4 MFNS 40 <.001 <.001 Placebo 35 30 <.001 <.001 25 20 15 10 5 baseline week 2 UAS week 4 baseline week 2 LAS week 4 baseline week 2 RAI week 4 Global Symptom Score (GSS) Weekly score 12 Mean score 10 8 6 * * GSS Placebo 4 GSS MFNS 2 0 basale 1 2 3 4 Conclusions • Treating persistent rhinitis with mometasone furoate nasal spray resulted in a significant improvement in QoL for both upper and lower respiratory tract domains • There was a significant improvement of the global symptom scores (rhinitis + asthma) • No significant change in rhinitis symptoms when analyzed separately (trial powered on the basis of the primary outcome) • Good safety profile SPECIFIC IMMUNOTHERAPY IN ASTHMA AND RHINITIS Meta-analysis of the efficacy of sublingual immunotherapy in allergic asthma in pediatric patients, 3 to 18 years of age. M Penagos, G Passalacqua, E Compalati, C Baena-Cagnani, S Orozco, A Pedroza GW Canonica SYMPTOMS MEDICATIONS SYMPTOM DETERIORATION ASTHMA SYMPTOMS MEDICATIONS Abramson, Puy, Weiner Cochrane 2010 Effect of specific immunotherapy added to pharmacologic treatment and allergen avoidance in asthmatic patients allergic to house dust mite Maestrelli et al, JACI 2004 Effect of SLIT to Parietaria on seasonal BHR in children Pajno GB & Passalacqua G, Allergy 2004 0.008 NS 0.005 0.001 0.005 10 PLACEBO 5 SLIT NS WINTER SPRING 99 99 SPRING 01 WINTER SPRING 99 99 SPRING 01 CONCLUSIONS Based on the literature, SIT is effective in allergic asthma associated with rhinitis, and should be used in association with standard medications SIT reduces bronchial hyperresponsiveness, that is an indirect marker of bronchial inflammation. RISK FACTORS Based on nonfatal reactions Uncontrolled asthma Severe asthma Use of betablockers Rush immunotherapy Use of new vials Technical errors Based on fatal reactions Uncontrolled asthma Severe asthma Use of betablockers Rush immunotherapy Build-up phase Use of new vials Technical errors Estimated incidence of fatalities < 1/2.000.000 injections RHINITIS BHR/ ASTHMA MONOSENSITIZATION POLYSENSITIZATION Allergic rhinitis as a predictor for wheezing onset in schoolaged children. Rochat et al, JACI 2010 Cohort of 1,314 children followed from birth to 13 yrs MARTINEZ,PEDERSEN Long-Term Inhaled Corticosteroids in Preschool Children at High Risk for Asthma Guilbert T, NEJM 2006 Specific immunotherapy has long-term preventive effect of seasonal and perennial asthma: 10-year follow-up on the PAT study Jacobssen, Allergy 2007 Coseasonal SLIT reduces the development of asthma in children with allergic rhinitis. Novembre E. et al, JACI 2004 NO ASTHMA ASTHMA 37 26 18 Randomized, open, controlled 79 children Allergic rhinitis only Follow-up: 3 yrs 8 SLIT NO SLIT PRESENCE OF ASTHMA AFTER 3 YEARS PREVENTIVE EFFECTS OF SUBLINGUAL IMMUNOTHERAPY IN CHILDHOOD. AN OPEN RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED STUDY MAURIZIO MAROGNA MD1 , D.TOMASSETTI1, A. BERNASCONI1, F.COLOMBO1, ALESSANDRO MASSOLO BS2, A. DI RIENZO BUSINCO4, GIORGIO W CANONICA MD3, GIOVANNI PASSALACQUA MD3 AND SALVATORE TRIPODI MD4 1 3 Pneumology Unit, Cuasso al Monte, Macchi Hospital Foundation, Varese 2 Department of Animal Biology, University of Pavia, Pavia Allergy & Respiratory Diseases,Department of Internal Medicine, Genoa University 4 Pediatric Allergy Unit, S. Pertini Hospital, Rome AAAI 2008, 101: 261 14 dropout 144 SLIT PATIENTS 130 SLIT 216 6 dropout 72 CONTROLS 66 CONT Diary card Visit Skin test MCh challenge * * * * * * * * * * * Year 1 1 year BASELINE Year 2 Year 3 RANDOMIZED PHASE MONOSENSITIZED PATIENTS 70 70 60 60 *** 50 40 % PATIENTS % PATIENTS PERSISTENT ASTHMA *** 30 *** *** 50 40 30 20 20 NS 10 10 baseline CONTROLS 3rd year baseline 3rd year SLIT CONCLUSIONS Patients with rhinitis should be investigated also for asthma Uncontrolled Rhinitis may affect the severity/control of co-morbid asthma. In patients with rhinitis and asthma, treating rhinitis can improve asthma. Specific immunotherapy, either SCIT or SLIT, is of benefit also for asthma. ARIA RECOMMENDATIONS 1- Patients with persistent AR must be assessed for asthma 2- Patients with asthma should be assessed for rhinitis 3- The optimal strategy must combine the treatment of lower and upper airways, aslo in terms of safety and costs