Approach and Hemodynamic Evaluation of Shocks Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center Shock Definition Question #0 Which of the following is necessary in the definition of shock? • (a) A drop in the systolic blood pressure of less than 90 mm Hg • (b) A drop in the mean arterial pressure of less than 60 mm Hg • (c) A drop in the SBP of 40 mm Hg or 20% from baseline • (d) An elevated lactic acid of ≥ 4 mmoL/L • (e) Any of the above Question #1 • Which of the following is necessary in the definition of shock? • (a) Hypotension • (b) Tissue hypoxia • (c) Use of pressors • (d) Multiple organ dysfunction Shock • Profound and widespread reduction in the effective delivery of oxygen leading to first to reversible, and then if prolonged, to irreversible cellular hypoxia and organ dysfunction” Kumar and Parrillo • Leads to Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS) Pathophysiology Pathophysiology Oxygen delivery Oxygen uptake DO2 VO2 Oxygen extraction ratio Oxygen Consumption Physiologic Oxygen Supply Dependency Critical Delivery Threshold Oxygen Delivery Mizock BA. Crit Care Med. 1992;20:80-93. sepsis sepsis Sepsis Oxygen Consumption Pathologic Oxygen Supply Dependency Pathologic Physiologic Oxygen Delivery Mizock BA. Crit Care Med. 1992;20:80-93. Pathophysiology • Most forms of shock – Low cardiac output state – Supply-dependency of systemic VO2 • Septic shock – Systemic DO2 and VO2 are both supranormal, but an oxygen deficit remains – Peripheral oxygen extraction may be deranged and VO2 is pathologically supply-dependent – Possible microvascular maldistribution of perfusion Question #2 • Which is not an important determinant of oxygen delivery? • (a) Hemoglobin level • (b) Cardiac output • (c) pO2 • (d) SaO2 Oxygen Delivery (DO2) Cardiac Output x Oxygen Content CO x [(1.3 x Hgb x SaO2) + (0.003 x PaO )] 2 – Hemoglobin concentration – SaO2 – Cardiac output – PaO2 (minimal) Cardiac Output CO SV HR Preload Afterload Contractility Preload • Determined by end-diastolic volume • Pressure and volume related by compliance of the ventricle Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure versus left ventricular end-diastolic volume 35 LVEDP (mm HG) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 LVEDV (ml/m2) Decreased compliance Normal compliance 175 200 Cardiac Output Cardiac output • Sterling relationship Volume loading Clinical Adaptation of the Sterling Myocardial Function Curves 80 LVSWI (g.m/m2) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 5 10 15 20 PAOP (mmHg) Hypodynamic Normal Hyperdynamic 25 30 Global Hemodynamic Relationships MAP CO SVR HR SV Preload Afterload Contractility Question #3 • • • • • • Which can cause low preload? (a) High PEEP (b) Tension pneumothorax (c) Third spacing (d) Positive pressure ventilation (e) All of the above Pathophysiology • Inadequate/ineffective DO2 leads to anaerobic metabolism • Large/prolonged oxygen deficit causes decrease of high-energy phosphates stores • Membrane depolarization, intracellular edema, loss of membrane integrity and ultimately cell death Effects of Shock at Cellular Level Common Histopathology Associated with Tissue Hypoperfusion and Shock? Histopathology of Tissue Hypoperfusion Associated with Shock Myocardium Lung Coagulative necrosis Diffuse alveolar damage Contraction bands Exudate, atelectasis Edema Edema Neutrophil infiltrate Hyaline membrane Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease: 2005 Histopathology of Tissue Hypoperfusion Associated with Shock Small Intestine Liver Mucosal infarction Centrilobular hemorrhagic necrosis Hemorrhagic mucosa Nutmeg appearance Epithelium absent Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease: 2005 Histopathology of Tissue Hypoperfusion Associated with Shock Brain Bland infarct Punctate hemorrhages Brain Eosinophilia and shrinkage of neurons Neutrophil infiltration Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease: 2005 Histopathology of Tissue Hypoperfusion Associated with Shock Kidney Pancreas Tubular cells, necrotic Fat necrosis Detached from basement membrane Parenchymal necrosis Swollen, vacuolated Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease: 2005 Incidence of Ischemic Histopathology in Patients Dying with Shock Hypovolemic Septic Cardiogenic n = 102 (%) n = 93 (%) n = 197 (%) Heart 37 17 100 Lung 55 65 10 Kidney 25 18 11 Liver 46 30 56 Intestine 9 26 16 Pancreas 7 6 3 Brain 6 3 4 McGovern VJ, Pathol Annu 1984;19:15 Shock Syndromes Shock Cardiogenic shock - a major component of the the mortality associated with cardiovascular disease (the #1 cause of U.S. deaths) Hypovolemic shock - the major contributor to early mortality from trauma (the #1 cause of death in those < 45 years of age) Septic shock - the most common cause of death in American ICUs (the 13th leading cause of death overall in US) Cardiac Performance Preload Left ventricular size Peripheral resistance Stroke volume Contractility Myocardial fiber shortening Cardiac output Heart rate Afterload Arterial pressure Compensatory Mechanisms Case 1 • 34 year old involved in a motor vehicle accident arrived to emergency room with blood pressure of 70/30 and heart rate of 140/min Question #5 • • • • • Which is typical of hypovolemic shock? (a) High SVR (b) High cardiac output (c) High oxygen delivery (d) Normal wedge pressure Hypovolemic Shock Preload Left ventricular size Peripheral resistance Stroke volume Contractility Myocardial fiber shortening Arterial pressure Cardiac output Heart rate Afterload Compensatory Mechanism Adrenaline Hypovolemic Shock Hemodynamics CO Hypovolemic Cardiogenic Obstructive afterload preload Distributive pre-resusc post-resusc SVR PWP EDV Hypovolemic Shock Hemorrhagic • • • Trauma Gastrointestinal Retroperitoneal Fluid depletion (nonhemorrhagic) • External fluid loss - • Dehydration Vomiting Diarrhea Polyuria Interstitial fluid redistribution - Thermal injury Trauma Anaphylaxis Increased vascular capacitance (venodilatation) • • • Sepsis Anaphylaxis Toxins/drugs Kumar and Parrillo, 2001 Case 2 • 54 year old with acute onset chest pain arrived to emergency room with blood pressure of 70/30 and heart rate of 140/min Question #5 • • • • • Which is typical of cardiogenic shock? (a) Low SVR (b) High cardiac output (c) Low oxygen delivery (d) Low wedge pressure Cardiogenic Shock Preload Left ventricular size Peripheral resistance Stroke volume Contractility Myocardial fiber shortening Arterial pressure Cardiac output Heart rate Afterload Compensatory Mechanism Adrenaline Cardiogenic Shock Hemodynamics CO Hypovolemic Cardiogenic Obstructive afterload preload Distributive pre-resusc post-resusc SVR PWP EDV Cardiogenic Shock Myopathic • • Myocardial infarction (hibernating myocardium) Left ventricle Right ventricle Myocardial contusion (trauma) Myocarditis Cardiomyopathy Post-ischemic myocardial stunning Septic myocardial depression Pharmacologic • • Anthracycline cardiotoxicity Calcium channel blockers Mechanical • • • Valvular failure (stenotic or regurgitant) Hypertropic cardiomyopathy Ventricular septal defect Arrhythmic • • Bradycardia Tachycardia Kumar and Parrillo, 2001 Case 3 • 67 year old with fever, chills, SOB, and ugly looking abdominal wound arrived to emergency room with blood pressure of 70/30 and heart rate of 140/min Question #6 • • • • • Which is not typical of sepsis? (a) Low SVR (b) High cardiac output (c) Low oxygen delivery (d) Low wedge pressure Distributive Shock Preload Left ventricular size Peripheral resistance Stroke volume Contractility Myocardial fiber shortening Arterial pressure Cardiac output Heart rate Afterload Compensatory Mechanism Adrenaline Distributive Hemodynamics CO Hypovolemic Cardiogenic Obstructive afterload preload Distributive pre-resusc post-resusc SVR PWP EDV Distributive Shock Septic (bacterial, fungal, viral, rickettsial) Toxic shock syndrome Anaphylactic, anaphylactoid Neurogenic (spinal shock) Endocrinologic • Adrenal crisis • Thyroid storm Toxic (e.g., nitroprusside, bretylium) Kumar and Parrillo, 2001 Obstructive Shock Preload Left ventricular size Peripheral resistance Stroke volume Contractility Myocardial fiber shortening Arterial pressure Cardiac output Heart rate Afterload Compensatory Mechanism Adrenaline Obstructive Shock Hemodynamics CO Hypovolemic Cardiogenic Obstructive afterload preload Distributive pre-resusc post-resusc SVR PWP EDV Extracardiac Obstructive Shock Impaired diastolic filling (decreased ventricular preload) • Direct venous obstruction (vena cava) - • Intrathoracic obstructive tumors Increased intrathoracic pressure - Tension pneumothorax - Mechanical ventilation (with excessive pressure or volume depletion) - Asthma • Decreased cardiac compliance - Constrictive pericarditis - Cardiac tamponade Impaired systolic contraction (increased ventricular afterload) • Right ventricle - Pulmonary embolus (massive) - Acute pulmonary hypertension • Left ventricle - Saddle embolus - Aortic dissection Kumar and Parrillo, 2001 Clinical Features Symptoms of Shock General Symptoms • • • • • • • • Anxiety /Nervousness Dizziness Weakness Faintness Nausea & Vomiting Thirst Confusion Decreased UO Specific Symptoms • Hx of Trauma / other illness • Vomiting & Diarrhoea • Chest Pain • Fevers / Rigors • SOB Signs of Shock Pale Cold & Clammy Sweating Cyanosis Tachycardia Tachypnoea Confused / Aggiatated Unconscious Hypotensive/Oliguric Stridor / SOB Capillary Refill Skin Mottling Skin Mottling Diagnosis and Evaluation • Primary diagnosis - tachycardia, tachypnea, oliguria, encephalopathy (confusion), peripheral hypoperfusion (mottled, poor capillary refill vs. hyperemic and warm), hypotension • Differential DX: – – – – – – JVP - hypovolemic vs. cardiogenic Left S3, S4, new murmurs – cardiogenic Right heart failure - PE, tamponade Pulsus paradoxus, Kussmaul’s sign – tamponade Fever, rigors, infection focus - septic Poor skin turgor and dry mucous membranes: hypovolemic Unable to produce Tachycardia • Limited cardiac response to catecholamine stimulation: elderly • Autonomic dysfunction: DM • Concurrent use of beta-adrenergic blocking agents • The presence of a pacemaker Severity of Hemorrhage Comparison of Adult vs Child Classification of Hemorrhagic Shock Class I Class II Class III Class IV Blood loss (ml) Up to 750 750-1500 1500-2000 >2000 Blood loss (%) Up to 15% 15-30% 30-40% >40% Pulse rate <100 >100 >120 >140 Normal Decreased Decreased Blood pressure Normal Pulse pressure Normal Decreased Decreased Decreased Respiratory rate Urine output (ml/h) CNS/mental status Fluid replacement 14-20 20-30 30-40 >35 >30 20-30 5-15 Negligible Slightly anxious Crystalloid Mildly Anxious/ anxious confused Crystalloid Crystalloid/ blood Confused/ lethargic Crystalloid/ Blood Shock Evaluation and Monitoring A Clinical Approach to Shock Diagnosis and Management Initial Therapeutic Steps Admit to intensive care unit (ICU) Venous access (1 or 2 large-bore catheters) Central venous catheter Arterial catheter EKG monitoring Pulse oximetry Urine output monitoring Hemodynamic support (MAP < 60 mmHg) • Fluid challenge • Vasopressors for severe shock unresponsive to fluids Diagnosis and Evaluation Laboratory • • • • • Hgb, WBC, platelets PT/PTT Electrolytes, arterial blood gases BUN, Cr Ca, Mg • Serum lactate • ECG A Clinical Approach to Shock Diagnosis and Management Initial Diagnostic Steps • • • • • CXR Abdominal views* CT scan abdomen or chest* Echocardiogram* Pulmonary perfusion scan* * When indicated A Clinical Approach to Shock Diagnosis and Management Diagnosis Remains Undefined or Hemodynamic Status Requires Repeated Fluid Challenges or Vasopressors Pulmonary Artery Catheterization • • – – • Cardiac output Oxygen delivery MVO2 DO and VO Filling pressures Echocardiography • Pericardial fluid • Cardiac function • Valve or shunt abnormalities Hemodynamic Monitoring Measurement of PCWP Components of the Atrial Waves The difference between CVP and PCWP waves The mean of the A wave approximates ventricular end-diastolic pressure Reading CVP A V c Reading PCWP AV A V Reading the mean of an A wave 22+10/2=16 Question #7 • • • • • Which is true about the “wedge”? (a) Measures LVEDV (b) Falsely elevated by PEEP (c) Increased in pulmonary HTN (d) Accurately measured in mitral stenosis Wedge Pressure • Correlates well with LA and LVEDP if normal anatomy • Reliable measure of preload (volume) only with normal/stable ventricular compliance • Falsely elevated by PEEP (and auto-PEEP) Shock Management Management • Treatment of underlying cause • Volume • Vasopressors A Clinical Approach to Shock Diagnosis and Management Identify source of blood or fluid loss in hypovolemic shock Intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP), cardiac angiography, and revascularization for LV infarction Echocardiography, cardiac cath and corrective surgery for mechanical abnormality Pericardiocentesis surgical drainage for pericardial tamponade Thrombolytic therapy, embolectomy for pulmonary embolism Source control and early broad antibiotics for septic shock Perfusion Goals in Patients with Septic Shock HEMODYNAMCS ORGAN PERFUSION MAP > 60 mm Hg PAOP = 12 - 18 mmHg Cardiac Index > 2.2 L/min/m2 CNS - improved sensorium Skin - warm, well perfused Renal - UOP > 0.5 cc/kg/hr Decreasing lactate (<2.2 mM/L) Improved renal, liver fucntion O2 DELIVERY ADEQUACY Arterial Hgb SpO2 > 92% Hgb concentration > 9 gm/dL SVO2 > 65% Blood Lactate Conc < 2 mM/L Volume Therapy Crystalloids • Lactated Ringer’s solution • Normal saline Colloids • Hetastarch • Albumin Packed red blood cells Infuse to physiologic endpoints Early Goal Directed Therapy 89 Rivers E, Nguyen B, Havstad S, et al 2001;345:1368-1377. Early Goal-Directed Therapy Results: 28 Day Mortality 60 50 49.2% Vascular Collapse P = 0.01* 40 Mortality % 33.3% p=0.02 30 MODS 20 22% vs 16% 10 0 21% vs 10% P=0.27 Standard Therapy N=133 *Key difference was in sudden CV collapse, not MODS EGDT N=130 NEJM 2001;345:1368-77. The Importance of 92Early Goal-Directed Therapy for Sepsis-induced Hypoperfusion NNT to prevent 1 event (death) = 6 - 8 60 Mortality (%) 50 Standard therapy EGDT 40 30 20 10 0 In-hospital mortality (all patients) 28-day mortality Rivers E, Nguyen B, Havstad S, et al. 2001;345:1368-1377. 60-day mortality Therapies Across The Sepsis Continuum Infection SIRS Sepsis Severe Sepsis Septic Shock CVP > 8-12 mm Hg MAP > 65 mm Hg Urine Output > 0.5 ml/kg/hr ScvO2 > 70% SaO2 > 93% Hct > 30% * Early Goal Directed Therapy Early Goal-Directed Therapy (EGDT): involves adjustments of cardiac preload, afterload, and contractility to balance O2 delivery with O2 demand: Fluids, Blood, and Inotropes Rivers E, Nguyen B, Havstad S, et al. Early goal-directed therapy in the treatment of severe sepsis and septic shock. NEJM 2001;345:1368. Type of Fluids Therapy: Resuscitation Fluids • Crystalloid vs. colloid • Optimal PWP 10 - 12 vs. 15 - 18 mm Hg • 20-40 mL/kg fluid challenge in hypovolemic or septic shock with • Re-challenges of 5 - 10 mL/kg • 100 - 200 mL challenges in cardiogenic Vasoactive Agent Receptor Activity Agent a1 a2 + + ++++ ++ 0 Dopamine ++/+++ ? ++++ ++ ++++ Epinephrine ++++ ++++ ++++ +++ 0 +++ +/++ 0 0 + ? 0 0 Dobutamine Norepinephrine +++ Phenylephrine ++/+++ b1 b2 Dopa Vasopressors/Inotrops 0 Dopamine Norepinephrine Take Home Points • Shock is defined by inadequate tissue oxygenation, not hypotension • Oxygen delivery depends primarily on CO, Hgb and SaO2 (not pO2) • Volume expand with crystalloids and blood, if indicated; then add vasoactive drugs to improve vital organ perfusion • Early treatment of shock is critical Thank You