6 Questions With Dr. Peter Tippett - Infection Preventionist Consultants

2011 Who’s Who in Infection
Profiles of exemplary individuals in infection
prevention, as nominated by ICT readers.
June 2011
2011 Who’s Who in Infection Prevention
Infection Control Today readers
nominated infection preventionists
from all walks of life worthy of
recognition for advancing a strong
infection control agenda.
ICT congratulates these exceptional
individuals and hopes they will serve
as continued inspiration for the entire
infection prevention and healthcare
epidemiology community.
The members of the Greater New York Chapter of APIC) celebrate the
accomplishments of George Allen, RN, PhD, CIC, CNOR, but more importantly,
they see him as an individual making a difference in infection prevention. "Our
belief is that Dr. Allen’s lifelong work in the field of infection prevention has
made a huge difference in the lives of patients, infection control practitioners,
healthcare providers and anyone who has ever been in contact with him," says
Barbara Winter, RN, MSA, CIC, president of the APIC Greater New York Chapter
#13. Allen has served as the director of infection prevention at SUNY University
Hospital of Brooklyn, N.Y. since 1991 and has been a member of APIC since
1988. He has served as the APIC GNY Chapter president several times, received
the APIC Greater NY Chapter Leadership Award in 2005 and was nominated for
the Carole DeMille Award in 2008 and 2009. He is currently on the New York
chapter's board of directors and is the legislative representative for the chapter
at the New York State APIC Coordinating Council (NYSACC). Allen worked with
NYSACC and the New York State Department of Health on developing a statesponsored basic infection control training program which has been presented to
infection control practitioners in acute- and long-term care in New York state.
"Aside from Dr. Allen’s professional achievements, he has always been available
to his colleagues for questions and advice on infection prevention issues,"
Winter says. "He is willing to share his expertise whenever needed. His
enthusiasm for the field of infection prevention is obvious. He strongly
encourages infection preventionists to become certified in their field and to
continue their education. He is the consummate mentor and educator. In fact,
one of his directors at SUNY Downstate Medical Center stated, 'Principally, I
believe that he is the ultimate educator. He has the ability and acumen to make
the continuing task of educating patients and staff fun.'"
George Allen
Doramarie Arocha, the infection prevention and control manager
for UT Southwestern University Hospitals and Clinics is a true
champion of patient safety, according to her nominator, Pearl Kim,
the clinical coordinator, MSICU, at UT Southwestern Medical
Center and St. Paul University Hospital.
"Doramarie is a highly engaged individual who works diligently to
report, track and eliminate infections within the UTSW community
of University Hospitals and Clinics," Kim says. "For example, she
has worked closely with MSICU and 7W ICU to decrease the
number of CLABSIs from 23 in 2009 to 2 in 2010. She also
attended the Culture of Unit Safety Program kickoff in 2010 and
was instrumental in implementing the program at UTSW. She
meets frequently with the different units to review their infectious
disease statistics and discuss the latest best practice updates in
infection control."
Doramarie Arocha
Gonzalo M.L. Bearman MD, MPH, is an associate professor of
medicine, epidemiology and community medicine and associate
hospital epidemiologist at Virginia Commonwealth University. Over
the last few years, Bearman's research has revealed new methods
to combat infection-causing microbes like MRSA and C. diff. He
investigated a controlled trial of universal gloving with emollientimpregnated gloves to promote skin health, improve hand hygiene
and prevent the transmission of MDROs in a surgical ICU (Infect
Control Hosp Epidemiol. 31(5):491-7). His study on the use of
sensor technology and wireless telemetry to monitor hand hygiene
compliance in the inpatient setting was also published in the
Journal of Hospital Infection (76(4):364-5). This spring he
presented a study that demonstrates the efficacy of antimicrobial
scrub uniforms in decreasing the MRSA burden on textiles at the
Society of Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA) annual
scientific meeting. He is an accomplished member of the global
infection control community, having served in several distinguished
roles, including the International Congress on Infectious Diseases.
He has been published in journals such as Infection Control and
Hospital Epidemiology, International Journal of Infectious Diseases
and the Journal of Clinical Microbiology. In 2010 alone, his
research was published in 13 publications. In addition, he has
presented at more than 25 extramural seminars and delivered 116
intramural presentations since 2003.
Gonzalo M.L.
Sharon Bolen RN, BSN, has worked as an infection preventionist at
Cape Fear Valley Health System in Fayetteville, N.C. since 2005.
"Sharon is the ultimate infection preventionist, possessing all the
attributes that allow her to be a leader not only in the department,
but within the hospital system," says her nominator, fellow
infection preventionist, Deanna Hercik, RN. "She is knowledgeable,
patient, a great communicator and a mentor to many. She is
always willing to answer questions and evaluates the question
from every angle or perspective before giving her response. She is
always open; never critical or judgmental. Sharon has the uncanny
ability to approach a healthcare worker to correct an undesirable
behavior and walk away with a new friend."
Hercik adds that in the MICU, Bolen collaborated with key leaders
to institute a VAP bundle, provide education and monitor
compliance. "Her efforts have paid off," Hercik says. "The MICU has
not had a VAP since August of 2010! She also worked diligently to
decrease the number of CLABSIs and instituted a CHG bathing
protocol. There were four CLABSIs from January to October 2010.
From Nov. 1 when the protocol was begun to today there have
been zero CLABSIs! The nurses on that unit consider her a valued
member of their team, not just the infection prevention team.
Unfortunately, I am moving to Florida soon but I leave here
knowing that I am a much better infection preventionist for having
learned from the best."
Sharon Bolen
Sandy Carson, the director of quality and resource assessment
(corporate infection control director) at Community Health
Systems in Franklin, Tenn., has been a champion for infection
prevention, both as an infection control nurse and directing the
function across a variety of venues. Carson joined Community
Health Systems PSC in 2004 and in her current capacity, she
provides support and oversight for infection control and employee
health across the CHSPSC-affiliated facilities.
Sandy Carson
Nominator Linda C. Russell, RN, BSN, CIC, infection preventionist at
Mat-Su Regional Medical Center in Palmer, Ark., says that Carson
serves as a resource for 140 infection preventionists located at 130
facilities nationwide. Among her accomplishments are
orchestrating a corporate-wide infection control conference, as
well as overseeing infection control policy creation at all system
hospitals, contributing to infection control-related education, and
coordinating and monitoring the employee flu vaccination plan
and pandemic flu response for all facilities. Russell reports that
Carson's fellow infection preventionists say she is a hero among
her peers and that she is always available to assist when
employees have questions.
Sue Gold, BSN, MA, chief nursing officer at Carondolet Heart and
Vascular Institute in Tucson, Ariz., says that infection preventionist
Suzette Chavez, BS, MT, CIC, faces a variety of challenges in a
cardiac and vascular specialty setting. "Suzette achieves active staff
involvement by use of a quiet, friendly leadership style," Gold says.
"Suzette believes in direct staff involvement, visible on her daily
rounds, monitoring hand hygiene, appropriateness of isolation,
and interacting with the staff on multiple issues. She views this as
her opportunity to answer staff questions and experience
teachable moments.“
Gold adds that Chavez continually expands her knowledge base
and shares it with her colleagues. "She is well known to all the staff
and seen as person who works tirelessly to help accomplish their
goals. Suzette is the primary agent in implementation of
interactive, creative and fun skills learning labs, helping staff learn
infection transmission risk reduction methods. Suzette has helped
change the entire healthcare team’s focus to infection prevention
by recognizing issues before they become problems. These efforts
have improved patient outcomes by reducing the use of medical
devices, reducing healthcare associated infections. Her high level
of job performance brings strength and leadership, a refreshing
and high impact approach to the prevention of infections. Suzette
is a role model of excellence in prevention, committed to patients
and staff."
Suzette Chavez
While Michele DeMeo is a not a traditional infection preventionist,
Johann Becker, RN, BSN, MAM, the clinical manager of Wellspan
VNA Home Care in York, Pa., emphasizes, "Having established
herself as a champion in her field, Michele has made tremendous
strides to advance the perception and involvement of sterile
processing's role in the prevention of infection." DeMeo is the
manager of sterile processing at Memorial Hospital in York, Pa.,
and through numerous publications, involvement with national
and international healthcare organizations and philanthropic
pursuits, Becker says DeMeo "has advanced the visibility of sterile
processing as a significant partner in the process of producing
exceptional outcomes. It is rare that an individual has succeeded in
helping to break barriers and alter perceptions while modeling
behaviors that lead to successful advancement of any profession,
yet Michele is one of those rare individuals. Her methods have
included educational courses for front line staff, establishing local,
regional, national and legislative support for emerging SPD
professionals. Recently, Michele has partnered with Mercy Ships to
initiate additional training for SPD. This year she was also
nominated and accepted as a member of a FDA Committee. Her
no nonsense and gentle approach uniquely demystifies the
complexities of establishing professional collaboration. I admire
her tenacity and value the integrity and genuine sincerity she
invests in her professional endeavors."
Michele DeMeo
Michelle R. Dore, RN, BSN, MPH, continually works hard to
advance infection prevention, says Michelle W. King, BS, MT, MPH,
a fellow infection preventionist at McLeod Health in Florence, S.C.
"She has been at the forefront of changing the face of infection
prevention at our institution," King says.
"During her time here as the corporate infection control officer,
she has increased the scope of our surveillance," King adds. "She
was instrumental in implementing an electronic surveillance
system which provided us with real time intervention capability
and increased productivity. She developed clearly defined
surveillance indicators and created infection preventionist daily
standard work. She has helped to increase the visibility of the
infection preventionist in our hospitals and worked to create
relationships with our front line staff. Because of her work and
diligence, infection preventionists have become partners in care.
We went from data abstractors to change agents and facilitators of
quality improvement. She is devoted to medical excellence and
evidence based change. I am proud to work with her and learn
from her."
Michelle Dore
Charles Edmiston, Jr., PhD, MS, CIC, is professor of surgery and
hospital epidemiologist at Froedtert Hospital - Medical College of
Wisconsin in Milwaukee, Wis. where in 1984 he developed a
surgical infectious disease research program. He is board-certified
in both infection control and as a specialist in clinical microbiology.
For 12 years he has served as a consultant to the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) as an expert on the infection control
implications of implantable biomedical devices and has served as a
consultant to the Hospital Infection Control Practice Advisory
Committee (HICPAC) of the Centers of Disease Control and
Edmiston’s major research interest include infection risks in the
operating room environment; biomedical-device associated
infections; impact of selected risk factors for surgical site
infections; perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis and the molecular
epidemiology of surgical site infections. He has authored over 300
original manuscripts, book chapters, editorials, reviews,
monographs and abstracts related to infection control and
prevention. Edmiston has delivered more than 200 invited
presentations at National and International meetings.
"He delights and impresses his audience with his wealth of
information, research and personality," says his nominator,
Maureen Spencer, RN, M.Ed, CIC, an infection prevention
consultant in the Boston area.
Charles Edmiston, Jr.
Linda Formby, BSN, RN, CIC, has more than 25 years experience in
infection prevention and control and has been manager of
infection prevention and control for Medical University of South
Carolina, a 700-bed academic hospital in Charleston, S.C. since
2005. "Linda has been a trusted leader and dedicated champion
for HAI reduction and patient safety," says her nominator, Beth
Rhoton, MS, RN, CIC, a fellow infection preventionist.
"She has played an integral role in developing and implementing
evidence-based strategies for HAI reduction at MUSC Medical
Center, which have led to dramatic sustainable decreases in central
line-associated BSI, ventilator-associated pneumonia and surgical
site infections," Rhoton says. "These decreases have been
associated with significant healthcare cost savings and more
importantly significantly reduced mortality. Additionally, in 2010,
Linda spearheaded an effort to implement compulsory influenza
vaccination among healthcare workers at MUSC resulting in more
than 95 percent compliance. Linda’s contributions in infection
prevention extend beyond our own institution with past and
present service as chair of South Carolina’s APIC-Palmetto Chapter
bylaws committee and certification committee, respectively. She is
also an active member of the HAI Committee of Healthcare
Sciences of South Carolina. Her collaborative work has resulted in
numerous presentations at local, regional and national scientific
meetings in infection prevention and control."
Linda Formby
Josalyn Gloyd, infection control practitioner at Methodist West
Houston Hospital, not only had to get her arms around her new
position, but was facing doing so in the midst of major
construction at the institution. "For the past six months she has
had to police contractors and construction crews, chase down
rogue workers, and ensure that we are functioning in a healthy
patient friendly environment -- not an easy task," says colleague
and nominator, Aimee Fischer, manager of the facility's sterile
processing department.
"Josalyn makes a point to be known by the every staff member
and has successfully become the most familiar face at Methodist
West Houston," says Fischer. "If staff members know nothing else,
they know who she is and that she is there to help ensure they can
provide the best care possible, in the best environment possible.
She also does the day-to-day rounding and stats and meetings, etc.
But she has kept her door open and phone on, and staff knows
that. They know that she will hunt down or chase after whatever
she needs to, to ensure that we prevent infection. Construction
crews now know that they must find Josalyn before even moving
into an area, the anesthesia staff knows where the coffee should
be kept, every staff member sings the ABC’s while washing their
hands, and we all have Josalyn’s number on speed dial. Since
opening we are infection free."
Josalyn Gloyd
Diane Gulczynski, RN, MSN, CNOR, the senior vice president of
clinical services and chief nursing officer, is the champion of
infection prevention at the New England Baptist Hospital (NEBH),
according to Maureen Spencer, RN, M.Ed, CIC, an infection
prevention consultant in the Boston area.
"In 2003 she implemented a multidisciplinary 'working toward zero
team' to reduce healthcare-acquired infections," Spencer explains.
"Her clinical direction reduced the orthopedic surgical site
infection rate from 0.7 percent to 0.3 percent over a seven-year
journey. She was key to implementing a MRSA and Staph aureus
eradication program early in 2006, after writing a white paper for
the board of trustees on the emergence of MRSA and prevention
measures. This resulted in the board awarding the team a
$400,000 budget to implement a prescreening program prior to
inpatient surgery. The program reduced SSIs due to MRSA by more
than 90 percent from 2006 to 2010. Her diverse career in
operating room nursing was essential to her effectiveness in
working with the surgical staff and administration to implement
the MRSA and Staph aureus Eradication program and many other
prevention measures in the bundles to reduce central line
infections, ventilator associated pneumonia, urinary tract
infections, surgical site infections and Clostridium difficile
infections. She is deemed by the staff and surgeons as a leader in
infection prevention."
Diane Gulczynski
Ary Habig, RN, MS, CIC, infection preventionist at Gulf Breeze
Hospital in Gulf Breeze, Fla., is "warm, caring and dedicated to
both the nursing profession and her community," says nominator
Barbara J. Holder, RN, LHRM, the QA /infection control coordinator
at Andrews Institute Ambulatory Surgery Center in Gulf Breeze,
Fla. "She is an exemplary mentor for nurses exhibiting endless
energy, spot-on knowledgeable answers, and professional
foresight. In the event that you have questions related to Infection
Control, Ary is the person to call!"
Holder says that nurses "seek out Ary for advice and quick answers
related to the latest infection control guidelines" and that she is
highly respected and well regarded as an expert in infection
control." Habig serves as a resource to the Andrews Institute
Surgery Center and other local facilities, and she has worked
closely with the Andrews Institute as a hospital liaison and mentor,
evaluating policies which guide the facility’s infection control plan,
assesses annual goals and performs facility rounding. "Ary’s role is
far reaching," Holder adds. "She is an active member with
Northwest Florida Infection Control Practitioners. Ary has been
instrumental in providing healthcare workers with the latest
infection control guidelines and how to achieve them. Her endless
dedication to the profession has inspired others to seek further
professional development through ongoing education."
Ary Habig
Pam Lawrence, RN, the infection control practitioner at Lima
Memorial Health System in Lima, Ohio, is "extremely passionate
about infection prevention and control," says nominator Cheryl
Nagy, RN, BHA, OCN, director of risk management. "She works
tirelessly with our associates, physicians and other healthcare
organizations on continually improving our practices. She is well
liked and respected.“
Nagy says that while the facility's infection rates have never been
high, "through Pam’s efforts our rates for VAP in our critical care
areas are 0 percent. Our CLBSI rate is 0 percent. Our urinary tract
infections have had a 48 percent decrease since 2008." Nagy adds,
"Pam is extremely creative in her approach to infection prevention,
utilizing a traveling cart to bring goodies to staff that otherwise
may have a difficult time in getting away from their areas. She
provides case presentations as part of her education. She’s very
positive and upbeat, which has lead to staff taking ownership and
pride in their role in preventing infections. Pam is a tremendous
asset to our organization."
Pam Lawrence
Francine Lincer, RN, health facilities surveyor III in the Office of
Epidemiology at the Nevada State Health Division, leads the
infection prevention and control team and has won the admiration
of her colleagues. “It’s been a pleasure getting to work with
Francine," says Nimalie D. Stone, MD, medical epidemiologist for
long-term care at the CDC. "She has tremendous dedication to this
program and to increasing infection prevention resources for the
Nevada healthcare facilities. Her enthusiasm is contagious and her
love of teaching comes through in all that she has done. I would
love to see others with her talent and passion get involved in this
kind of work.” Nominator Julia Peek, MHA, manager of the Office
of Epidemiology in the Bureau of Health Statistics, Planning,
Epidemiology and Response at the Nevada State Health Division,
says that Lincer "responds to outbreaks of illness in healthcare
facilities and provides them onsite consultation and guidance to
ensure they are able to control the infection in a timely and
appropriate manner. Her team also provides assessments to
facilities and provides recommendations on how to improve their
infection control measures." Peek adds, "Francine is an invaluable
part of infection prevention and control in Nevada."
Lincer’s project on infection prevention and control in long-term
care facilities was winner in the innovative category for Promising
Practices 2010 from the Association for Health Facilities Survey
Agencies. Her project was also described in the Center for
Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Region IX Newsletter.
Francine Lincer
Barbara Matuszak, coordinator of the central sterile department at
John T. Mather Memorial Hospital in Port Jefferson, N.Y., is
considered to be a strong ally of infection prevention, says
nominator Deborah Maile RN, CIC, infection control nurse.
"Knowing that I was a relatively new infection control practitioner,
Barbara has strengthened my knowledge of the sterilization of our
equipment here at our facility," Maile says. "She is an outstanding
individual who speaks often on the role of infection prevention at
her level of service.“
Maile adds, "Barbara is passionate about the direction her
department is going in preserving the sterility of operating room
equipment and fulfilling all requirements of her profession. Her
staff is on the same page when it comes to realizing that central
sterile plays a large part in our organizations Infection prevention
and control efforts. Barbara understands the need for all in her
department to have the proper knowledge about Central Sterile
and is working hard at having 100 percent of her staff certified in
this field. The central sterile staff understands they are the
cornerstone of our facility in keeping our patients safe from
hospital-acquired infections. It is truly a pleasure knowing that we
have allies within our facility that do all they can to keep our
patients infection free."
Barbara Matuszak
Bev Mendenhall, RN, BSN, CIC, CPHQ, wears many hats for the
Cass County Memorial Hospital (CCMH) in Atlantic, Iowa. "As the
infection control practitioner, quality director and risk
management director, she projects self-confidence, authority, and
enthusiasm," says nominator Jennifer Arp, RN, CPHQ, who also
works in quality, infection control and risk management for the
facility. "She continually displays strong leadership and the intellect
required to face the toughest challenges of infection control."
Arp adds, "Bev has many professional accomplishments. She is the
Iowa District D consultant as well as the Iowa Association for
Healthcare Quality District V representative. She is known as an
outstanding and thorough infection control nurse with 25 years
experience. She has been sought as a speaker for a number of
state venues, including the Iowa Healthcare Collaborative
Conference on Quality, Patient Safety and Value, and Iowa
Immunization Coalition. Bev’s role as has earned her the respect of
more than 300 CCMH employees. Annually, she makes the
infection control in-service fun and informative!"
Bev Mendenhall
The words most often associated with Linda K. Miller, RN, CIC, are
"team, collaboration, education, mentor and fun" according to
nominator Tom Button, RN, BSN, NE-BC, CIC, director of infection
prevention at Parkland Hospital in Dallas and chair of the APIC
DFW Chapter. Miller is the manager of the infection control
program at Methodist Charlton Medical Center in Dallas.
"Linda’s experience spotlights her ability to influence through this
collaborative educational focused spirit," Button says. "The APIC
Dallas/Fort Worth Chapter would not have been the same without
Linda. She has remained a member since 1998 and maintained
certification since 2000. During that period she has been past
chapter officer, including membership director, board member,
president and board chair. In 2007/2008 she was a member of the
National Education Committee and National Faculty member for
APIC’s infection prevention training. Most recently she has been
faculty for the APIC and Texas Department of State Health Services
for Texas Public Reporting & National Healthcare Safety Network
Training Program. She has published and presented more times
than can be recognized here. Linda’s greatest contribution has
been her ability to be the infection prevention expert but also
share that information in a fun, non-threatening way so that the
new mentored infection preventionist remains in the specialty for
Linda K. Miller
Giovanna Santovito-Carducci RN, CIC, is the HAI coordinator in the
Office of Epidemiology at the Nevada State Health Division (NSHD).
"Eliminating healthcare-associated infections is a top priority for
the NSHD," explains Julia Peek, MHA, manager of the Office of
Epidemiology in the Bureau of Health Statistics, Planning,
Epidemiology, and Response at the NSHD. "Giovanna is an integral
part of the NSHD infection control team. She has developed and
leads the statewide multidisciplinary HAI Prevention Advisory
Group. She also developed Nevada’s first Action Plan to Prevention
HAIs. The framework is based on a collaborative public health
approach that includes surveillance, outbreak response, research,
training and education, and systematic implementation of
prevention practices. Gio has also worked with the Infection
Control Team to develop an initiative that will focus on six major
components of infection control and prevention: Infection Control
Risk Assessment and Plan, hand hygiene, prevention of the spread
of multiple drug resistant organisms, safe injection practices,
cleaning of equipment, and cleaning of environment. The initiative
will provide assessed facilities with recommendations for
improvement, monthly education via webinars, and quarterly
collaboration calls among all facility types. Additionally, at a 2010
conference on MRSA in Las Vegas, Gio led a breakout session for
hospitals on prevention of MRSA and infection control measures.
Gio truly understands the needs for a multidisciplinary,
collaborative approach to infection control in facilities. She is an
asset to Nevada."
Giovanna SantovitoCarducci
Deborah Patteson Scott, RN, is an infection
prevention quality improvement specialist at
Qsource, the Quality Improvement Organization of
Tennessee. Nominator Stephanie Rieforth, RN, BSN,
MSN-HSM, a fellow quality improvement specialist,
says that Scott has been "exceptionally successful in
her efforts to change the culture of hand hygiene
and improve the perceptions of and about infection
prevention workers in the Memphis area."
Rieforth adds, "Deborah is very passionate about
everything she does. She engages in 'out of the box'
thinking and creativity to get even the most noncompliant employee on board with her hand
hygiene program. Deborah brings Infectious ideas
and contagious creativity to work with her every
day and is immune to the word ‘No.’ It is a pleasure
to work with her."
Deborah Patteson Scott
Leslie Teachout, MT(ASCP), CIC, is the infection control practitioner
at Bozeman Deaconess Health Services in Bozeman, Mont.
Nominator Roshelle Satterthwait, RN, BAN, MHSA, director of
surgical services, says that in just three years, "Leslie has
dramatically changed infection prevention practices through her
abilities to coach and role model best practice. During Leslie’s
short tenure at BDH, she has helped this acute-care facility achieve
Joint Commission and Medicare accreditation. The Bozeman
Deaconess Health Group has added over a dozen new clinics, and
Leslie has met with each manager and mentored them in achieving
best practice for infection prevention.“
Satterthwait adds, "Leslie’s greatest strength, besides her clinical
expertise, is how she coaches others into changing practice
standards to improve patient care. Most recently Leslie mentored
the operating room aides through a very successful performance
improvement project on environmental cleaning. She views each
team member, in all roles, as patient advocates and provides them
the education and tools to succeed. Our patients are safer because
Leslie places value on our team member’s abilities to achieve best
Leslie Teachout
Debbie Nance, RN, MBA, CMBA, CPHQ, the corporate director of
infection prevention and accreditation at Baptist Memorial Health
Care Corporation, says that Betty von Kohn, manager of infection
prevention at Baptist Memorial Hospital North Mississippi in
Oxford, Miss. "is a committed infection control practitioner who
has a knack for details that are vital to a great infection prevention
Nance adds, "She has a diverse nursing background that spans
more than 31 years and a reputation for doing things by the book.
She holds both CORN and CIC certifications. Betty has championed
many prevention efforts within her hospital including empiric
isolation, antibiotic stewardship and the promotion and use of
electronic surveillance tools. Not only is Betty a recognized leader
in her facility but she has promoted a sense of communication and
cooperation among the small hospitals and nursing homes in the
area by offering education and consultation. She established a
long-term care infection prevention group that meets regularly at
her hospital. Betty was also instrumental in sharing the facility
antibiogram information with the community partners including
physicians to decrease antibiotic resistance community-wide. Betty
is a mentor and an inspiration to all who know her. We are
fortunate to have Betty as a part of the Baptist Memorial Health
Care team."
Betty von Kohn
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