Medical Terminology And Frequently Used Abbreviations Objectives The student will be able to analyze medical terminology to determine the meaning of medical terms describing patients’ conditions, symptoms, diagnostic tests and surgical procedures The student will be able to understand commonly used medical abbreviations The student will be able to list certain abbreviations which are to be avoided. Medical Terms You Probably Know Appendectomy Tonsillitis Inflammation Umbilical Mammogram Medical Terms You Will Be Able to analyze and understand after this class EGD or Esophagogastroduodenoscopy ERCP or Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography Nephrolithiasis Hip Arthroplasty and Hip Arthroscopy Hemoptysis Thoracentesis Hyperplasia Tachycardia Pneumonectomy BSO or Bilateral Salpingoophorectomy Categories of Medical Terms Descriptive: describes the shape, color, size, function Example: Erythrocyte (Erythr means red, cyte means cell) 2. Eponyms: terms named after a person (usually the first person to discovered or described a disease or organ) Example: Eustachian tubes are named after Bartolommeo Eustachii; Alzheimer’s disease is named after Alois Alzheimer, MD. 1. Categories of Medical Terms 3. Acronyms: An abbreviation that forms a pronouncible word Examples: CAT or computerized axial tomography SOAP: subjective, objective, analysis, plan CABG: coronary artery bypass graft PERRLA: pupils equally round, reactive to light and accommodation Test How did we get the name “Foley Catheter” Test How did we get the name “Salmonella”? Answers Dr. Frederick Foley (1891-1966) Dr. Daniel Salmon (1850-1914) Test: Acronyms What do you think the initials PICU stand for? How about GERD? Basic Parts of Medical Words Roots: usually the middle of the word and its central meaning 2. Prefix: a syllable at the beginning of the word which usually identifies some subdivision or part of the central meaning 3. Suffix: comes at the end of the central meaning and refers to what or who is interacting or what is happening regarding it. 1. Prefix Root Suffix • beginning of the word • identifies some subdivision or part of the central meaning • middle of the word • its central meaning • end of the word • what is happening or who is referred to Example Myocarditis Root: card (referring to the heart) Prefix: myo (referring to the muscle) Suffix: itis (inflammation) Meaning: inflammation of the muscle layer of the heart Read the meaning of medical terms from the suffix, back to the beginning of the term, and then across. Myocarditis Changes Prefix change: Pericarditis (inflammation of the outer layer of the heart) Endocartitis (inflammation of the inner lining of the heart) Suffix change: Cardiologist ( a physician specializing in the heart) Cardiomyopathy (damage to heart muscle layer) Cardiomegaly (enlargement of the heart) Pericarditis Endocarditis Also: Combining vowels Usually is the letter “O” but may be A, E, I, U or Y Usually has no meaning of its own but is used to connect the root and the suffix or two roots and two suffixes Example: ELECTR O CARDI O GRAM GASTR O ENTER ITIS Examples GASTR O ENTER O LOGY (ROOT) (ROOT) (SUFFIX) GASTR O SCOPE (ROOT) (SUFFIX) GASTR IC (ROOT) (SUFFIX) GASTR O ENTER ITIS (ROOT) (ROOT) (SUFFIX) Plurals Words ending in a, retain the a add ae : vertebra - vertebrae 2. Words ending in is, drop the is and add es: Diagnosis - diagnoses 3. Words ending in ex or ix, drop the ex or ix and add ices: apex apices 4. Words ending in on, drop the on and add a: ganglion - ganglia 5. Words ending in um, drop the um and add a: bacterium - bacteria 6. Words ending in us, drip the us and add i: bronchus - bronchi 1. Terms for Body Systems: Cardiovascular angi/o aorto/o arteri/o cardi/o coron/o phleb/o ven/o vessel aorta artery heart heart vein vein Terms for Body Systems: Digestive an/o append/o anus appendix cholecyst/o gallbladder col/o colon duoden/o duodenum esophag/o esophagus gastr/o stomach hepat/o liver ile/o ileum Terms for Body Systems: Digestive jejun/o jejunum or/o mouth pancreat/o pancreas pharyng/o pharynx proct/o anus and rectum rect/o rectum sigmoid/o sigmoid stomat/o mouth Terms for Body Systems: Endocrine adren/o adrenal hypophys/o pituitary oophor/o ovary ovari/o ovarian orchi/o testis pancreat/o pancreas parathyroid/o parathyroid pituitar/o pituitary thym/o thymus thyroid/o thyroid Terms for Body Systems: Reproductive cervic/o vagin/o hyster/o mamm/o uter/o oophor/o salping/o balan/o orch/o prostat/o scrot/o cervix vagina uterus breast uterine ovary fallopian tube penis testis prostate scrotum Terms for Body Systems: Musculoskeletal arthr/o joint cartilage rib skull ligament chondr/o cost/o crani/o ligament/o my/o muscul/o myel/o oste/o pelv/o vertebr/o muscle muscle bone marrow bone pelvis vertebra Terms for Body Systems: Nervous System cerebell/o cerebr/o cerebellum cerebrum encephal/o brain medull/o myel/o neur/o medulla spinal cord nerve Terms for Body Systems: Respiratory alveol/o alveolar bronchial tube blue larynx bronch/o cyan/o laryng/o nas/o rhin/o pharyng/o phren/o pneumon/o tonsill/o trache/o nose nose pharynx diaphragm lung tonsils trachea Terms for Body Systems: Eye, Ear, Nails, Skin aur/o ot/o cutane/o derm/o myring/o ocul/o onych/o ophthalm/o pil/o retin/o trich/o ungu/o ear ear skin skin eardrum eye nail eye hair retina hair nail Terms for Body Systems: Urinary cyst/o nephr/o ren/o pyl/o ureter/o urethr/o urinary bladder kidney renal renal pelvis ureter urethra Test: Identify the type of specialist Neurolgist Orthopedist Pathologist Urologist Pulmonologist Prefixes: At the beginning of a word Prefix Meaning A, anno, not, without Ab away from Ad toward Ana up, apart Ante before, forward Anti against Bi two, both Example Apnea abduction adduction analysis antepartum antibody bilateral Prefixes Brady Circum Con Contra Dia Dys slow bradycardia around circumoral with, together congenital against contraindicated complete diarrhea bad, painful, difficult dysuria abnormal dyspnea Prefixes Ec out, outside Endowithin, in, inner Epi above, upon Ex out Extra extra Hemi half Hyper too much, above Hypo deficient, too little ectopic pregnancy endoscopy epidermis excision extrahepatic hemiplegia hyperthyroidism hypothermia Prefixes In Inter Intra Mal in, into between within bad Megabig Meta change, beyond Micro Neo small new incision intervertebral intravenous malignant megakaryocyte metastasis microscopic neonatal Prefixes Para Peri Poly Post Pre Pro Pros beside, near, alongside of surrounding many, much after, behind before before, forward before, forward parathyroid periosteum polyuria postpartum precancerous prolapse prosthesis Prefixes Quadri four Re back, behind Retroback, behind Sub under, less than Syn with, together Tachy Fast Trans Tri quadriplegia relapse retroperitoneal subcutaneous syndrome tachycardia across, throughtransabdominal three tricuspid valve Suffixes: at the end of a word SUFFIX MEANING EXAMPLE al pertaining to neural algia pain arthralgia cyte cell leukocyte ectomy removal, excision gastrectomy emia blood conditionleukemia globin protein hemoglobin gram record (xray) arthrogram ia condition hyperglycemia ic pertaining to gastric Suffixes ism condition, process hypothyroidism itis inflammation appendicitis logist specialist in the neurologist study of logy study of neurology oma tumor, mass hepatoma opsy to view biopsy osis abnormal condition nephrosis plasty surgical repair arthroplasty (with hardware) Suffixes scope visual exam with an instrument visual exam scopy o sis gastroscope arthroscopy (with an instrument) state of tomycutting into, incision uni one prognosis appendectomy unilateral Test What do you think is the name of the surgical procedure pictured in the next slide? Common abbreviations Abd Ac Ad lib AKA A&O Assist BKA Bid abdomen before meals freely as desired above the knee amputation alert and oriented assistance below the knee amputation twice a day Common abbreviations Bm bowel movement BP blood pressure BS bowel sounds, breath sounds, blood sugar BSC bedside commode bx biopsy ˉc with CBC complete blood count Cath catheter Cm centimeter c/o complains of Common abbreviations CO2 C&S CXR D/C DNR DOB DOE Dx carbon dioxide culture and sensitivity chest x-ray discontinue, discharge do not resuscitate date of birth dyspnea on exertion diagnosis Common abbreviations F/U Fx G GI Hr Hbg Hct Hx follow-up fracture gram gastrointestinal hour hemoglobin hematocrit history Common abbreviations I&D I&O IM IV K L Lat LOC LQ incision and drainage intake and output intramuscular intravenous potassium left lateral level of consciousness lower quadrant (of abdomen) Common abbreviations m mg ml mm Na NKA N &V O2 OOB meter; milli (one thousandth) milligram millileter millimeter sodium no known allergies nausea and vomiting oxygen out of be Common abbreviations p P pc Per po POD # Prep Prn Pt Px after pulse after meals by by mouth post-op day # prepare for as needed patient prognosis Common abbreviations q Qid R Rx Sig SOB Stat Sub-q Sx every 4 times a day right treatment, prescription directions or medical instructions shortness of breath immediately subcutaneous surgery Common abbreviations T Tab Tid T,P,R Tx UA UQ VS temperature tablet 3 times a day temp, pulse, respirations treatment urinalysis upper quadrant (of abdomen) vital signs Common abbreviations VSWNL WBC WNL Wt w/u Y, yr y/o vital signs within normal limits white blood cell (count) within normal limits weight workup year year(s) old Common Symbols < > = ≈ ↑ ↓ ∆ ♀ ♂ less than more than equals approximately increase decrease change female male Abbreviations to be avoided MS4 write “Morphine” OD OS OU Qd QOD .1 1.0 Gtt. HS write “right eye” write “left eye” write “ both eyes” write “daily” write “every other day” write “0.1” write “1” write “drop” write “at bedtime”