Bispebjerg University Hospital Evidence-Based Health Promotion in Hospitals & HS WHO Collaborating Centre Clinical Research Professor Hanne Tønnesen Bispebjerg University Hospital Evidence-Based Health Promotion in Hospitals & HS WHO Collaborating Centre Contents • Best evidence based practice – Background • The randomized trials – Example – Evidence: score for level and quality • Patient preferences – Example Best Evidence-Based HP Bispebjerg University Hospital Evidence-Based Health Promotion in Hospitals & HS WHO Collaborating Centre Includes all three parts Best Evidence Staff expertise Patient preference (Sackett, DL, Strauss SE, Richardson WS et al. Evidence-based medicine. Churcill Livingstone 2000) Best Evidence-Based HP Bispebjerg University Hospital Evidence-Based Health Promotion in Hospitals & HS WHO Collaborating Centre Best available evidence • Clinical relevant, patient focused research concerning – – – – – – – diagnostic prognosis treatment care health promotion disease prevention Rehabilitation • New evidence replaces earlier accepted procedures by new, more effective with less side-effects Bispebjerg University Hospital Evidence-Based Health Promotion in Hospitals & HS WHO Collaborating Centre Evidence degree: Pyramid (Eccles M BMJ 1998) + Quality Meta-analyses Syst reviews RCT (intervention) CCT (intervention) Cohorts, Case-Control studies (Obs) Cases (Obs) Editorial papers and Consensus (’GOBSAT’) Animal Studies In Vitro studies Bispebjerg University Hospital Evidence-Based Health Promotion in Hospitals & HS WHO Collaborating Centre Smoking before surgery (OBS) % 100 80 Cont < 8 weeks > 8 weeks Never 60 40 20 0 * Conclusion It is very dangerous to stop smoking less than 8 weeks before surgery ! (i.e. it is better to recommend cont smoking instead of risking more complications) (DO Warner Anaest 1984) Bispebjerg University Hospital Evidence-Based Health Promotion in Hospitals & HS WHO Collaborating Centre Postop complications (RCT) % 100 100 100 80 No interv Intervention 80 80 60 60 60 40 40 40 * * 20 20 20 0 0 0 6-8 wks, knee and hip replacement surgery Møller et al: Lancet 2002 3-4 wks, gall bladder, herniation, knee and hip surgery Lindström et al. Ann Surg 2008 1-2 wks, colorectal resection Sørensen et al. Colorect Dis 2003 Bispebjerg University Hospital Evidence-Based Health Promotion in Hospitals & HS WHO Collaborating Centre Evidence degree: Pyramid Møller SørensenLindst röm Meta-analyses Syst reviews DO Warner RCT (intervention) CCT (intervention) Cohorts, Case-Control studies (Obs) Cases (Obs) Editorial papers and Consensus (’GOBSAT’) Animal Studies In Vitro studies 6-8 weeks intervention before knee / hip replacement Bispebjerg University Hospital Evidence-Based Health Promotion in Hospitals & HS WHO Collaborating Centre Effect upon postop compl % Smoking Reduced smoking Stopped smoking 100 80 60 40 20 * 0 All compl AM Møller et al. Lancet 2002 * Infections Bispebjerg University Hospital Evidence-Based Health Promotion in Hospitals & HS WHO Collaborating Centre Evidence degree: Pyramid Møller Sørensen Meta-analyses Syst reviews Lindström Moller 2002 RCT (intervention) CCT (intervention) Cohorts, Case-Control studies (Obs) Cases (Obs) Editorial papers and Consensus (’GOBSAT’) Animal Studies In Vitro studies The history of peptic ulcer intervention Bispebjerg University Hospital Evidence-Based Health Promotion in Hospitals & HS WHO Collaborating Centre Another example • Previously – Egg, milk and biscuits + major surgery – Antacida + selective surgery – H-2 Blockers and Inhibiters of the protonpump + super-selective surgery • Today – Eradiation of Helicobacter + emergency surgery, exclusively • To morrow ? Bispebjerg University Hospital Evidence-Based Health Promotion in Hospitals & HS WHO Collaborating Centre Quality: RCT • Commonly utilized methods – Two researchers read and evaluate. – In case of disagreement a third researcher makes the decision. • Many different point score systems – Some invented for the occasion – Few validated Forskningstræning 2009 Bispebjerg University Hospital Evidence-Based Health Promotion in Hospitals & HS WHO Collaborating Centre Quality: RCT • How to balance different shortcomings? – Better to describe each shortcoming individually – But this does not solve the problem of balancing Bispebjerg University Hospital Evidence-Based Health Promotion in Hospitals & HS WHO Collaborating Centre Quality: RCT • Evaluation of – Research question (and if it is answered) – Material / Trial profile • In- and exclusion criteria • Patient characteristics: are the groups comparable • Trial profile: has account been made of all included patients, number of drop-outs, >80% completeness Bispebjerg University Hospital Evidence-Based Health Promotion in Hospitals & HS WHO Collaborating Centre Quality: RCT • Evaluation of – Randomization • Hidden randomization list? • Envelopes sealed, intransparant, continously numbered? • Blinding of patient / doctor, blinded follow-up / analyses ? – Results: ITT or per protocol (only the completed) – Outcomes Best Evidence-Based HP Bispebjerg University Hospital Evidence-Based Health Promotion in Hospitals & HS WHO Collaborating Centre Clinical expertise • Use of clinical expertise and experiences in relation to – intervention – meet the patients’ needs and wishes The influence of especially trained nurses Bispebjerg University Hospital Evidence-Based Health Promotion in Hospitals & HS WHO Collaborating Centre Clinical expertise 100 + 100 Emergency patients (smokers and alcohol abusers) • 47 of 100 accepted when offered brief intervention by the staff nurses • 97 of 100 accepted when offered BI by an experienced nurse from another department Nelbom et al 2004, Backer et al 2007 Bispebjerg University Hospital Evidence-Based Health Promotion in Hospitals & HS WHO Collaborating Centre Especially trained nurses • Smokers and alcohol abusers from the emergency wards accepted BI – 97 / 100 from dept internal medicine – 121 / 200 from orthopaedic department – 68 / 100 from dept neurology • Quit rates – 30 to 50% stopped smoking and alcohol abuse for a period – 5 to 10% stopped for at least a year Nelbom et al 2004, Backer et al 2007, Tonnesen et al 2008 submitted Best Evidence-Based HP Bispebjerg University Hospital Evidence-Based Health Promotion in Hospitals & HS WHO Collaborating Centre Patient preferences • Individual preferences, wishes and expectations from each patient contacting a health care system Bispebjerg University Hospital Evidence-Based Health Promotion in Hospitals & HS WHO Collaborating Centre Patient experiences • Being offered a 6-8 weeks preop program before knee or hip replacement therapy – All would like to have the program offered • Quitters • Smokers Møller & Villebroe Ugeskr Laeger 2004 Bispebjerg University Hospital Evidence-Based Health Promotion in Hospitals & HS WHO Collaborating Centre Patient experiences • Being offered a few days preop program before breast cancer surgery – All found it relevant • Most: Insufficient in the present situation • A few: The kick I needed Thomsen et al. 2009 Eur J Oncol Nurs Bispebjerg University Hospital Evidence-Based Health Promotion in Hospitals & HS WHO Collaborating Centre Patient experiences • Being randomised to the control group instead of the 4+4 weeks intervention program in relation to general and hip/knee surgery – Half of the patients were disappointed Lindström et al. Contemp Clin Trials 2009 Bispebjerg University Hospital Evidence-Based Health Promotion in Hospitals & HS WHO Collaborating Centre Ex: High compliance in surgical settings Alcohol cessation int. Colorectal Resection % 100 Without Intervention Smoking cessation int. Hip/Knee Replacement % 100 Intervention Without Intervention Physical exercise int. Spine Surgery days 10 Intervention Intervention 80 80 8 60 60 6 40 * 40 * 4 20 20 2 0 0 0 Postop complications (BMJ 1999) Postop complications (Lancet 2002) Without Intervention * Postop recovery (BMC Health Serv Res 2008) Bispebjerg University Hospital Evidence-Based Health Promotion in Hospitals & HS WHO Collaborating Centre Contents Best evidence based practice Background The randomized trials Example Evidence: score for level and quality Patient preferences Example