THE ROAD AHEAD OFFROADING MILE MARKERS MEMORY LANE RIDE SHARE 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 What are the four phases of the Safe Delivery Roadmap? What is the recommended cervical dilation to achieve before admission to the Labor and Delivery unit assuming reassuring maternal and fetal status and intact membranes? . What is 1.3%? This is the decrease in Early Elective Deliveries for the Partnership for Patient hospitals since 2010. . What is 2,500? . What are prompt treatment and recognition of postpartum hemorrhage and timely and safe management of the pre-eclamptic mother? . . What is Primary Term Singleton Vertex (TSV) Cesarean Section? According to the newly released ACOG consensus paper “Safe Prevention of the Primary Cesarean Delivery”, an increase in training and utilization of this type of delivery would likely contribute to a safe lowering of Cesarean Delivery rates. What is Operative Vaginal Delivery? . What are some of the safety “balance measures” identified for the Safe Deliveries Roadmap Labor Management Bundle to track potential unintended consequences while working to prevent unnecessary Cesarean Sections? . What is one of three of all delivering women? This is the inventor of the Apgar score. Who is Virginia Apgar? . What is approximately four million? . What were the most popular girl and boy baby names in 2013?