Shoulder Derangement with an Underlying Dysfunction from a MDT

Keeley Garrou
Regis University
 Audience will be able to differentiate derangement and
dysfunction in terms of Mechanical Diagnosis and
Therapy by end of presentation
 Audience will be able to list possible treatment
interventions for rotator cuff tendinopathy by end of
 Audience will be able to apply the literature and
physiology of tissue remodeling to physical therapy
exercise by the end of presentation
Meet Sammie
 15 year old female
softball player
Plays 1st base
Has been playing softball
since she was six
Cannot remember the
last time she has had
time off of playing
Right shoulder pain
 Many people, both
young and old suffer
from shoulder pain from
no traumatic mechanism
of injury
 At any point in time, 6.926% of people have
shoulder pain
 Lifetime prevalence is
from 6.7-66.7%2
Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy
 Comprehensive and
logical step-by-step
process that classifies
patient conditions by
level of pain or
limitation that results
from certain movement
or positions10
 Three steps10
 Assessment
 Treatment
 Prevention
Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy
 Assessment
 Algorithm that leads to
classification of disorders which
is based the “relationship
between historical pain behavior
as well as the pain response to
repeated test movements,
positions and activities during
the assessment process10”
Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy
 Assessment Continued
 The assessment is a systematic progression of applied
forces and responses to separate patients into defined
subgroups to guide treatment
 Two of the basic classifications for the extremities are
Derangement: Anatomical disruption or displacement
within the motion segment
Dysfunction: End-range stress of shortened structures
(scarring, fibrosis, n.root adherence)10
Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy
 Treatment - most
treatment is with
repeated motion,
with a progression of
unloading, clinician
mobilization and
manipulation as
 MDT emphasizes
patient education
and involvement so
that the patient can
manage themselves
without having to
come in and be
dependent on the
 Goals – to reduce
pain quickly and
restore function and
 The purpose of this case report is to illustrate and
describe the assessment and treatment for shoulder
pain using the Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy
Initial Evaluation
 History:
 Pt came in with the
complaint of right shoulder
 Pain started in March after a
double softball practice
 Currently, shoulder aches all
the time; heavy lifting
increases pain
 Pain is not that bad when
playing softball but it aches
• Pt has practice once per
week with tournaments
approximately every other
weekend playing up to five
• Pt received MRI – negative
for tears but did show
swelling in her shoulder
• Pt was prescribed an antiinflammatory; she reports
she does not take them as
• She often takes Advil or
Tylenol for pain
• Pt reported no other comorbidities
Initial Evaluation
 Measured AROM with
Initial AROMs
Internal rotation
arm behind back
Thumb to T8 with
Internal rotation
External rotation
112° with pain
large goniometer
 Measured IR behind
back with palpation of
spinous process
 to measure ROM
limitations which then
translate into functional
 In order to reference
 PROM in supine: No pain
Initial Evaluation
 Special Tests
Cervical spine AROM
Spurlings Test
Active compression
AC Distraction
AC sheer
Sulcus Test
Load and Shift
No symptom provocation
 Anterior instability and impingement are common in baseball and have been
linked to decreased in IR and concurrent increases in ER,7 therefore wanted to
test for impingement and instability
Initial Evaluation
 Strength Testing (MMT)
 Abduction
Could not test secondary to pain
 External Rotation
 5/5 with pain
 Scapular dyskinesia
 Initial Treatment
 Attempted mobilization with
movement with shoulder
abduction to increase ROM
with reduced pain4
Results – patient could not
tolerate secondary to pain
 Kinesiotape to reduce shoulder
Results – patient reported
reduced pain with movement and
 Evidence6
 Thelen M, Dauber J, Stoneman P.
The clinical efficacy of kinesio
tape for shoulder pain: a
randomized, double-blinded,
clinical trial.
 Investigated efficacy of kinesio
tape when applied to college
students diagnosed with rotator
cuff tendonitis/impingement
 Conclusion: Kinesio tape may
assist clinicians in improving
pain-free AROM immediately
after taping
The Patient-Specific Functional
Throw soft ball
Do a push up
Play Basketball
Average Score
 Primary Functional Goal: Sammie will score
8.8/10 or greater on The Patient-Specific
Functional Scale indicating improvement in
overall function
 Minimum detectable change for average score = 25
Visit 2
 Beginning ROMs: R shoulder Abd 124° with pain, Flex 152°
 Used MDT for assessment and treatment: Repeated shoulder
extension and repeated shoulder extension with clinician
 Instructed patient to extend her arm, palm facing up, as high as she
Patient was instructed to repeat 10 times
Rechecked abduction – less pain but still painful
Patient repeated 4 sets of shoulder extension until pain had
reduced to a constant
Then, patient extended shoulder and clinician gave overpressure
Continued extension with overpressure for 4 sets of 10 repeating it
until she had no pain with abduction
 Post treatment: Abd 163° with no pain
Visit 2
 The abolishment of symptoms lead to the MDT diagnosis
of reducible derangement because the symptoms were
decreased with repeated movement (extension) and then
abolished with therapeutic loading strategies (extension
with overpressure) , which was accompanied by
improvements in the mechanical presentation (ROM)3
 Began therapeutic exercise to improve muscle performance
 Home Exercise Program – Patient instructed to perform 10
repeated extensions every 2-3 hours, particularly before
and after softball games and when she felt pain
Visit 3
 Assessment: Sammie
presents with no
shoulder pain and no
significant loss of ROM
allowing for increased
function with daily
activities. Sammie
requires further
monitoring and
strengthening to return
to prior level of
scholastic athletics.
 Plan:
extension principles;
assess response to
softball practice,
continue therapeutic
exercises for
strengthening for return
to sport
As treatment continued . . .
 Sammie reported that
shoulder no longer hurt
during the day but would
still hurt after softball
 Repeated extension always
reduced pain with
movement however there
was an underlying pain
when given resistance with
external rotation at 0° and
abduction at 90°
 Hypothesis: Sammie
presents with a reducible
derangement with an
underlying soft tissue
 Reasoning: Sammie had
pain consistently with
resisted abduction at 90°
and external rotation at 0°
but with no other
positions. Pain would
subside once the force was
 Tendon injury can occur from acute trauma or
repetitive loading from overuse
 Of all injury related physician visits, almost 7% are
from overuse injuries
 The most common site for an overuse injury is at the
osteotendinous junction
 Tendons are predisposed to hypoxic tendon
degeneration from the low blood supply to the tendon
Treatments for Tendinopathy
 Most common and
effective treatments8
 Relative rest of affected
 Goal of treatment
 Reduce pain
 Return to function
 Stretching
 Ice
 Analgesics
Visit 8: ASTYM
 ASTYM is “‘a stimulation’ of the body’s
healing response, which results in the
remodeling/resorption of scar tissue
and the regeneration of degenerated
 ASTYM restarts the body’s
inflammation process which can then
start healing/tissue remodeling
 PT certified in ASTYM performed an
assessment and treatment on Sammie’s
right upper extremity and noted
increased tissue texture in right
anterior shoulder, AC joint and long
head of biceps
 This finding helped confirm the
hypothesis that Sammie had an
underlying soft tissue dysfunction in
the shoulder with scarring and fibrosis
Therapeutic Exercise to Promote
Tissue Remodeling
 Eccentric External Rotation
 With green TheraTube in
doorway with towel under
 Fast external rotation with
slow eccentric internal
 4 sets of 15 repetitions
 Scaption
 At 45° angle lifting to
approximately 90°
 3 lb weights
 2 sets of 15 repetitions with
slow eccentric lowering
 Bicep Curls
 Bicep curl palms up, lower
with palms down
 3 lb weight
 3 sets of 15 repetitions with
slow eccentric lowering
 This will help remodel the tissue
to resolve the dysfunction
 Mechanotherapy – load is used
therapeutically to stimulate
tissue repair and remodeling in
tendon, muscle, cartilage and
Visit 10 – Last Available Visit
 The Patient-Specific Functional Scale average score = 8.3
 Abduction AROM 175° with no pain
 Sammie reported minimal pain with softball games
 No joint mobility restrictions
 Continues to have pain with resisted external rotation
demonstrating tissue dysfunction requiring further
treatment for tissue remodeling
 Sammie will benefit from up to 4 more treatments for
ASTYM for tissue remodeling and to progress her to an
independent home exercise program
Summary of Case
 Sammie presented with
 ASTYM assessment and
shoulder pain and
decreased ROM
 Pain was reduced and
ROM increased with
repeated shoulder
extension reducing the
 Sammie continued to have
residual pain with resisted
movement consistent with
soft tissue dysfunction
treatment confirmed
 Dysfunction was treated by
continued ASTYM and
repeated eccentric loading
to remodel tissue and
resolve dysfunction
 Did not record PROM
 Not generalizable to all
 Did not record initial
strength measurements
for all shoulder motions
 Physical Therapist
Student not
certified/proficient in
Mechanical Diagnosis
and Therapy method
 Did not perform intrarater reliability
 Some missing data
 Patient not yet
Were you listening?
 What MDT diagnosies am I demonstrating?
 What is the theory behind ASTYM?
 What type of exercises are best for tissue remodeling?
Khan K, Scott A. Mechanotherapy: how physical therapists' prescription of exercise promotes
tissue repair. British Journal of Sports Medicine [serial online]. April 2009;43(4):247-252.
2. Luime J, Koes B, Heridriksen I, et al. Prevalence and incidence of shoulder pain in the general
population; a systematic review. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology [serial online]. March
3. McKenzie R, May S. The human extremities mechanical diagnosis and therapy. New Zealand:
Spinal Publications Ltd; 2000.
4. Mulligan BR. Manual Therapy 'Nags'. 'Snags', -MWM'. etc. 4'"ed. Wellington, New Zealand:
Plane View Series Ltd, 1999.
5. Stratford P, Gill C, Westaway M, Binkley J. Assessing disability and change on individual
patients: a report of a patient specific scale measure. Physiotherapy Canada. 1995;47:258-263.
6. Thelen M, Dauber J, Stoneman P. The clinical efficacy of kinesio tape for shoulder pain: a
randomized, double-blinded, clinical trial. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy
[serial online]. July 2008;38(7):389-395.
7. Thomas S, Swanik K, Swanik C, Huxel K, Kelly IV J. Change in Glenohumeral Rotation and
Scapular Position After Competitive High School Baseball. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation
[serial online]. May 2010;19(2):125-135.
8. Wilson J, Best T. Common overuse tendon problems: a review and recommendations for
treatment. American Family Physician [serial online]. September 2005;72(5):811.