Management of Sexual Violence May 7th 2013 Carol Odula-Obonyo Senior Medical Officer - Obs/Gyn (UHS) Definitions Definitions Definitions contd…. Introduction Sexual assault -any sexual act performed by one (or more) person(s) on another without consent. May include the use or threat of force. In some cases, the person does not give consent to have sex because he or she is unconscious or otherwise incapacitated. A person may be raped by a stranger, an acquaintance or date, or a family member. Rape is a legal term it refers to any penetration of a body orifice (mouth, vagina, or anus) involving force or the threat of force or incapacity (i.e., associated with young or old age, cognitive or physical disability, or drug or alcohol intoxication) without consent. Sexual violence Rape Attempted rape Gang rape Defilement Attempted defilement Indecent act Sexual assault Incest by males and females Deliberate transmission of HIV and any other life threatening sexually transmissible infections Sexual offences relating to positions of authority and persons in positions of trust After sexual assault. Now what ? Why did this happen to me? Could I have prevented this? Will I develop an infection or become pregnant as a result of the assault? Who should I call first? Should I report this to the police? Is this reportable? Since I was drinking, isn't this my fault? The following steps are recommended after sexual assault Find a safe environment away from the assailant Call a close friend or relative – someone who will offer unconditional support Seek medical care; do not change clothes, bathe, douche, or brush your teeth until evidence is collected. A complete medical evaluation includes evidence collection, a physical examination, treatment and/or counseling. You do not have to do any part of this evaluation that you do not want to do. At the clinic History taking Head to toe examination Genito-anal examination Investigations for clinical management of the survivor Investigations carried out for evidence purposes Management of physical injuries Post exposure prophylaxis Pregnancy prevention Prophylaxis of STI’s including Hep B The survivor Evidence carried out for investigative purposes Management of physical injuries Prophylaxis for Sti’s HepB future prevention Counseling or psychotherapy Counseling or psychotherapy can be helpful in dealing with the events of the assault itself as well as the anger, fear, depression, or anxiety that many people feel afterwards. Several types of healthcare providers provide counseling, including social workers, psychologists, nurses, and psychiatrists. Some people prefer to meet one-on-one with a counselor while others prefer to meet in a group setting with other people who have had similar experiences. Post exposure prophylaxis April 17th 2013 PEP Regimes for adults Side effects of PEP Pregnancy prevention Mifepristone and Misoprostol Elimination of parent to child transmission of HIV M A Y 2 ND 2 0 1 3 Steps towards eMTCT Towards the elimination of Mother-to-child transmission of hiv Report of a WHO technical consultation:9-11 November 2010 Geneva, Switzerland Outline Eliminating new HIV infections in children Early diagnosis and treatment of HIV infected children Adolescent Prevention and Treatment Call to Action Key concepts in vertical transmission TRANSMISSION TIMELINE Transmission can occur during pregnancy, labor & delivery, and postpartum during breast feeding Not all infants born to women living with HIV will acquire HIV infection Estimated risk 25-45% without any intervention Source: DeCock et al. JAMA.2000; 283:1175-1182. Benefits of preventing mother to child transmission of HIV AIDS related deaths -reversing the gains made in child health and survival in Kenya. Caring for HIV-infected children has major economic and social impacts on families and health systems. Thus at the national level, preventing MTCT has the potential to increase the understanding and acceptance of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and those living with HIV/AIDS. Counseling, testing and community sensitization can contribute to reducing stigma. Reduction of MTCT of HIV: Decreases numbers of HIV infected children Increases child health and survival Decreases the load on the health system Gives an opportunity to improve and expand health services as well as to strengthen the existing health infrastructure PMTCT Global targets and indicators Overall Targets 1. REDUCE THE NUMBER OF NEW HIV INFECTIONS AMONG CHILDREN BY 90%. 2. REDUCE THE NUMBER OF HIV-ASSOCIATED DEATHS AMONG WOMEN DURING PREGNANCY, DELIVERY AND PUERPERIUM BY 50%. Prong 1 – Primary prevention of HIV infection among women of childbearing age Prong 2 – Preventing unintended pregnancies among women living with HIV Reduce under 5 deaths due to HIV by > 50% Provide antiretroviral therapy for all HIV– infected children. Prong 3 – Preventing HIV transmission from pregnant women living with HIV to their infants Target Target Target Reduce HIV incidence in women 15-49 by 50%. Reduce unmet need for family planning among women to zero (MDG goal). Reduce mother-to-child transmission of HIV to 5%. 90% of mothers receive perinatal antiretroviral therapy or prophylaxis. 90% of breastfeeding infantmother pairs receive antiretroviral therapy or prophylaxis. Prong 4 – Providing appropriate treatment, care and support to mothers living with HIV and their children and families Target Provide 90% of pregnant women in need of antiretroviral therapy for their own health with life-long antiretroviral therapy. MDG’s MDGs are a framework of 8 goals, 18 targets and 48 indicators to measure progress towards the Millennium Development goals Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases Target 6.A: Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS Target 6.B: Achieve, by 2010, universal access to treatment for HIV/AIDS for all those who need it Target 6.C: Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the incidence of malaria and other major diseases Overall Target 1: Reduce the Number of New HIV Infections among children by 90% by 2015 450,000 430,000 Estimated new Pediatric Infections in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs) 390,000 400,000 350,000 330,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 43,000 50,000 0 New Infections 2009 New Infections 2010 New Infections 2011 Source: 1. UNAIDS. Together we will end AIDS. 2012 2 . HIV/AIDS Response – Epidemic Update and Health Sector Progress Towards Universal Access 2011 New Infections 2015 (Goal) Overall Target 2: Reduce the Number of HIVassociated maternal deaths to women during pregnancy, delivery and puerperium by 50% by 2015 Women dying from AIDS-related causes during pregnancy or within 42 days of the end of pregnancy in the 22 priority countries 45,000 42,000 40,000 35,000 33,000 30,000 25,000 21,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 Source: UNAIDS. Together we will end AIDS. 2012 0 2005 2005 2010 2010 Goal -2015 2015 (Goal) Global Plan Targets Source: Countdown to zero: Global Plan towards the elimination of new infections among children by 2015 and keeping their mothers alive 2011-2015 Comprehensive MNCH Services Prevention and Treatment Interventions for Adolescents DECREASING VULNERABILITY 1. Enrollment and retention of girls in School 2. Skill-based health education 3. Decreasing gender-based violence 4. Increasing age of marriage 5. Ensuring that health services respond to the needs of adolescents 6. Social protection 7. Protection, legislation, enforcement Interventions that should be supported whether or not there was and HIV epidemic for rights or equity Source: UNICEF Making the Case for Adolescents, unpublished data , 2012 DECREASING RISK 1. Testing 2. Treatment 3. Harm Reduction I. Condoms II. Needle Exchange 4. Male Circumcision 1. For today: Adolescents 2. For the future: Neonatal Specific evidence-based interventions that decrease the risk of HIV among young people for HIV, rights and equity Call to Action Simplify our programmatic approaches to allow integration of PMTCT/ART in maternal child health services at the lowest levels of care – to optimize treatment access, adherence and retention Introduce innovative approaches to expand provider initiated HIV testing to adolescents, pregnant women and their partners Expand early infant diagnosis and integrate childhood HIV treatment and care at lower level facilities and child survival programs Collaborate with community groups, including people living with HIV, to enhance support to women and their families to maintain good adherence and retention in care and treatment Focus on how to effectively deliver high impact interventions to adolescent to achieve the best prevention and treatment benefits