File - Continuing Staff Education

I saved a life today: I washed my
C. diff epidemic
Over 16,000 deaths
Leading nosocomial infection
Not considered serious by staff “ it is only diarrhea “
Nursing homes hardest hit
Can be found any where not just health care facilities.
Be aware of patients with loose watery stools
Complaints of cramping
Recent course of antibiotics ( big indicator)
Fast Spore Take out to Home
Alcohol hand gel will not kill
Becoming resistant to soap and water
Staff not washing hands between glove change
Spores live on hard surfaces
Do you wonder if that waiter washed his hands?
Metamorphous of Spore into “Mothra”
• Unfortunately C-diff spores are developing into hyper
resilient NAPI
• Spores becoming resistant due to over use of
fluoroquinolone antibiotics. (Cipro, Levaquin,)
• Staff not washing hands between glove change
spread spore
BONUS: What is the
name of this superbug?
Protect Yourself
• Hard surfaces cleaned with bleach (1:10 dilution)
• Strict hand hygiene, gloves, and wash with soap and water before and
after .
• Use gowns when entering patients’ rooms and during patient care
• Never assume a patient is free from C-diff, many patients transferring from
hospital to facilities have high rate of infection.
• Dedicate a blood pressure cuff for patient with C-diff.
• Use soap that contains Chlorhexadine ( Hibiclens, )
• Cannot find any hipiclens go to the pet store many pet shampoos contain
Chlorhexadine. (be a label reader)
Post Test: C-Difficile
Procare Hospice
Protecting your self from C-Diff
1 CEU: Continuing Nursing Education earned on completion.
True or False Circle Your Answer
True False. Washing your hands with antibacterial hand gel is effective from C-Diff.
True False. Only patients with diarrhea have C-Diff
True False Washing hands before and after wearing gloves is best way to prevent
True False. As long as I was my hands with soap and water before eating take-out food, I will not get C-diff.
True False. I have a new patient at assisted living facility, just released from hospital. They do not have diarrhea so
they probably do not have C-diff.
True False. To be safe I should practice universal precautions on every patient
True False. Any time my skin comes into contact with body, body fluid I should notify
my supervisor and fill out an incident report.
True False C diff is just diarrhea that is contagious but it is no big deal.
True False C diff is becoming an epidemic and has been cause for death
BONUS: What is the name of the 1961 character from a series of monster movies?
Answer: _____________________
Name: (print) ___________________ Signature ________________ Date _______
Evaluator: Rose Marie Van Dee RN, MSN_Signature: _______________ Date__________ Score _____________
Hand hygiene ineffectiveness, confusion undercut response to deadly C. diff epidemic. Evans G. (2010)
Hospital Infection Control and Prevention May 2010 V 37(5) pg 49-60
How to protect yourself from C-diff (2010).RID committee to reduce infection deaths from
Mothra (1961) Director Ishora Honda