Carotid Dissection - An Actual Case from: Detroit Medical Center

Carotid Dissection

An Actual Case from :

Detroit Medical Center, Harper University Hospital Vascular


Presented By : Angela Bowling

Baker College Of Auburn Hills

Vascular Ultrasound

Winter, 2013


Carotid Dissection:


Typical Symptoms



Patient Information:




Test Ordered


Waveform Interpretation



Preliminary Report


Carotid Dissection

• “Hemorrhage within the carotid wall”

Trauma or Spontaneous

Intima tears

Dissecting the carotid artery into two parts

• “True Lumen”

• Usually crowded by false lumen

• “False Lumen”

• Can be patent or thrombosed

Waveforms typically to/fro flow in false lumen.

Rumwell & McPharlin, (2009),

Zwiebel & Pellerito, (2005)., (2012

Carotid Dissection

Typical Symptoms:

Horner syndrome, (drooping eyelid, decreased pupil size)

• “Neck pain, headache, tinnitus, transient monocular blindness”

• Asymptomatic


• Anticoagulation

• Surgical Stent

Zwiebel & Pellerito, (2005)

Rumwell & McPharlin, (2009)

Carotid Dissection

RARE: In United States: only 2.6 per 100,000 patients.

How many in this room have scanned a Carotid


Detroit Medical Center, (2012),

Zwiebel & Pellerito, (2005).

Patient Information

Initials: MJ

• Sex: Female

Age: 80 years old

Symptoms: Syncope


Prior Carotid Aneurysm with Corrective Surgery

Recent Fall down 2 steps due to syncope

Test Ordered: Bilateral Carotid Study

Detroit Medical Center, (2012)


Images: Waveforms

Rumwell & McPharlin, (2009),

Detroit Medical Center, (2012),

Zwiebel & Pellerito, (2005).


Images: Waveforms

Rumwell & McPharlin, (2009),

Detroit Medical Center, (2012),

Zwiebel & Pellerito, (2005).

Images: Waveforms

Rumwell & McPharlin, (2009),

Detroit Medical Center, (2012),

Zwiebel & Pellerito, (2005).

Images: Hemodynamics

Rumwell & McPharlin, (2009),

Detroit Medical Center, (2012),

Zwiebel & Pellerito, (2005).

Rumwell & McPharlin, (2009),

Detroit Medical Center, (2012),

Images: Hemodynamics

Zwiebel & Pellerito, (2005).

Images: B-Mode

Rumwell & McPharlin, (2009),

Detroit Medical Center, (2012),

Zwiebel & Pellerito, (2005)


Detroit Medical Center, (2012)

Preliminary Report

Vascular Lab Report

Indication: Syncope

On the right:

Smooth dense plaque visualized in ICA,

PSV of ICA was 74 cm/sec ESV of 26cm/sec

B-mode images and velocities are consistent with 1-39% diameter reduction of the proximal internal carotid artery.

Right Brachial Systolic: 124 mmHg

Left Brachial Systolic: 120 mmHg

Vertebral arteries: appeared to have ante grade flow bilaterally

On the left:

Irregular dense plaque visualized in ICA,

PSV of ICA was 107cm/sec ESV of 27cm/sec

B-mode images and velocities are consistent with 1-39% diameter reduction of the proximal internal carotid artery.

Detroit Medical Center, (2012)

Preliminary Report Continued

On the left, there was a dissection in the mid common carotid artery visualized.

The velocities pre dissection were 68 cm/sec, and the velocities post dissection were 228 cm/sec.

There was a clip that was shadowing out a partial area of the common carotid artery.

Doctor was notified of the results.


Patient: MJ, 80 year old female

Symptom: Syncope

History : Prior carotid aneurysm surgery

Detroit Medical Center, (2012)

Detroit Medical Center, (2012 )

Rumwell & McPharlin, (2009)

Zwiebel and Pellerito, (2005)


Waveform Interpretation:


Laminar flow with spectral window intact

Moderate pulsatility

Normal PSV of 68 cm/sec

False Lumen:

Reversal of flow : below baseline


Turbulent flow with spectral window filled in

Moderate pulsatility

Suggested jet like PSV of 228 cm/sec

Hemodynamics :

Area of flow separation post dissection (Bernoulli Principle)

Turbulent flow post dissection with mosaic patterns

Retrograde flow in false lumen

Detroit Medical Center, (2012)

Zwiebel and Pellerito, (2005)

Rumwell & McPharlin, (2009),

Detroit Medical Center, (2012)


B-Mode Images :

Plaque visualized ICA Bilaterally

• Left Mid CCA Dissection and clip with shadow

Suggested findings :

Left Side Common Carotid Artery Dissection, Clip shadowing area of dissection.

1- 39% stenosis Bilaterally in ICA

Treatment : Anticoagulation



Internet Scientific Publications, (2012) , The Internet Journal of Neurosurgery

(Volume 7 No. 2),

Rumwell, C. & McPharlin, M. (2009). Vascular technology: An illustrated review (4 th ed.).

Pasadena, CA: Davies Publishing

Zwiebel, W. & Pellerito, J, (2005). Introduction to vascular ultrasonography (5 th ed.).

Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders