Presentation to Bolton’s Local Pharmaceutical Committee January 2015 Helen Bolton Specialist Safeguarding Practitioner Bolton CCG The What and Why of Safeguarding? Children: The Children Act 2004 (Section 11 guidance)/Working Together to Safeguard Children (2013): • protecting children from maltreatment; • preventing impairment of children's health or development; • ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care • taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes. The What and Why of Safeguarding? Adults: Safeguarding Adults: The role of Health Service Practitioners (DOH 2011) states “Safeguarding adults covers a spectrum of activity from prevention through to multi agency responses where harm and abuse occurs. Multi agency procedures apply where there is concern of neglect, harm or abuse to a patient defined under No Secrets guidance as ‘vulnerable’. Safeguarding adults is an integral part of patient care. Duties to safeguard patients are required by professional regulators, service regulators and supported in law. “ Adults at Risk Defined by the Department of Health (2000) as a person aged 18 years or older: “ who is or may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness; and who is or may be unable to take care of him or herself, or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation”. Categories of abuse Both Children and adults – Physical abuse: bite, scalds, punch, slap – Sexual abuse: penetration, inappropriate touching, exposure to/involvement in pornography – Neglect: of physical, emotional, health needs, education, stimulation – Emotional abuse: intimidation, lack of warmth, humiliation will usually occur in conjunction with other forms of abuse Categories of abuse Additional categories for adults: – Financial abuse: theft, fraud, coercion – Discriminatory abuse: discrimination, harassment, hate – Institutional abuse, neglect and poor practice Who is Responsible for Safeguarding? Everyone Standards for Registered Pharmacies (General Pharmaceutical Council 2012) All 5 principles refer to arrangements being made to safeguard the health, safety and wellbeing of patients and the public – 1) Governance arrangements • 1.8 Children and vulnerable adults are safeguarded – 2) Staff empowered and competent – 3) Environment and premises – 4) Pharmaceutical services, including management of medicines and medical devices – 5) Equipment and facilities Practice requirements (as per NHS Standard Contract 2014/14 – service conditions) SC32 – Safeguarding – Safeguarding policies: updated “from time to time” – Provide evidence on request that safeguarding concerns raised through multiagency systems are being addressed – Have a safeguarding lead and a Prevent Lead SC33 – Incident reporting as per NHS Serious Incident Framework Within the policies: Be familiar with the common signs and symptoms of abuse or neglect and the term ‘looked after child’ Be aware of the heightened risks to children and vulnerable adults from parents or carers Consider professional abuse Consider training requirements Know how to recognise, respond and refer Accessing Training Adults Children via the Area Team via Bolton Safeguarding Adult Board who currently offer three free e-learning packages available on Safeguarding Adults at Risk, Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards afeguardingvulnerableadults.aspx#elearning via the Area Team via Bolton Safeguarding Children Board who deliver an annual multiagency safeguarding training programme open to anyone working with children, young people and their families/carers in Bolton and is free to access ocuments/2013/10/multi-agencysafeguarding-training-brochure-20132014.pdf Future developments The Safeguarding Team (Bolton CCG) are developing a safeguarding section of the website for practitioners to access which will share new and revised information, local and national NHSE/Bolton CCG are developing a Primary Care Tool Kit, intended to be a one stop shop: will share links to the GM Partnership, policies etc. What can we do for one another? The SGT CCG is here to help, advise and support you We will share any information you require: just ask If we have a single point of contact or distribution list for your members we can ensure you receive up to date information: both local and national (pending website development) Safeguarding Contacts: Bolton CCG – Safeguarding Team Name Pam Jones Helen Bolton Title Associate Director Safeguarding /Designated Nurse Safeguarding Specialist Practitioner (children) Vacant Safeguarding Specialist Practitioner (adults) Gabi Lipshen Designated Doctor Charlotte McManus Safeguarding Team Administrative Support/PA to Designated Nurse Contact 01204 463389 07920 478715 01204 462203 07920 477223 01204 463500 01204 463390 Safeguarding Contacts: Bolton FT – Safeguarding Team 01204 463388 Covers both community and acute services provided by the Trust Social care – adults Service Vulnerable adults North Stars team Vulnerable adults South Stars team Vulnerable adults Emergency Duty Team Vulnerable Adults Advice Line Area Contact Post code areas: BL1, 01204 333410 BL2, BL6, BL7 Post code areas: BL3, 01204 337000 BL4, BL5 01204 337777 01204 333464 Social care – children Service Area Contact Referral and Assessment North Astley Bridge, Bradshaw, 01204 337408 Breightmet, Bromley Cross, Tonge Moor Referral and Assessment South Burnden, Daubhill, Farnworth, Harper Green, Kearsley, Little Lever 01204 337729 Referral and Assessment West Blackrod, Deane, Heaton, Halliwell, Derby, Smithills, Hulton Park, Horwich, Westhoughton 6:00pm to 8.45am and Weekends 01942 634625 Emergency Duty Team 01204 337777 Police Service Domestic Violence Unit Contact 0161 856 5009 Vulnerable adults team 0161 856 1539 Public Protection Investigation Unit 0161 856 7949 Further local information dprotection.aspx eguardingvulnerableadults.aspx