Alarms Externalisation Dr Signouret Thomas Intensive care unit Patients Vital prognosis committed Multiorgan failure Cares : Invasives, painfull, 24 h/24 Life support equipment: ventilator, dyalisis, infusion pumps Monitoring: 24 h/24 Caregivers Monitoring device Noise: World Health Organisation guidelines: 35→40 dB Currently average noise: 60 → 70 dB Alarms : 70 → 80 dB !!! Staff conversations: 59 → 90 dB Bush-Vishniac J acoust soc Am 2005 10 à 25 % of alarms do induce a therapeutic modification Lawless ST Crit Care Med 1994 Patients: Disturbance Tachycardia, hypertension Pituitary and adrenal gland stimulation Xie Crit care 2009 Nurses: Concentration, stress, Phenomen of alarm fatigue Morrison Crit Care Med 2003 Chambrin MC crit care 2001 Link between noise and sleep disturbance ? Sleep disturbance: Slower healing Cognitive function Décrease immune response ICU delirium : 20 →80 % ↗ lenght of stay ↗ morbi-mortality Ely EW JAMA 2004 Noise is one of many factors of sleep disturbance: 17→ 56 % Xie Crit care 2009 Historic 1. Remove the cardiacs monitor alarms from the room to the centrale station 2. Close the patient door’s room 3. Pb: What about the others devices Alarm’s ? 4. Need a translation of all the alarm in the same language (HL7): Capsultech® 5. Need to bring and allocate the alarm to the caregiver: Connexall® Aims of the Externalisation alarms Decrease the noise due to the alarms in the patient room. Allow the door closing: Decrease the noise from the nursing station - 4 dB: Lawson Am J Crit Care 2010 Overpressure level respected in the unit Aspergillose prevention R113: Référentiel struct Vdef 2011 Alarms send to caregivers Tracability Définition of gravity level Cardiac arrest(vital priority) : Vital emmergency who need an immediat respons of all the caregivers( nurses and doctor) of intensive care unit Critical (high priority ) : Urgent situation who require an immediat response of caregivers Grave (medium priority) : Imminent risk who requires a rapid response of caregivers Message (low priority) : Attention of medical staff is require European standard medical devices.EN 475:1995 Mapping alarms Cause/message machine Affichage Connexall affichage simplifié Criticité Changement poche Réinjection Pression transmembranaire élevée Gain excessif poids patient Alerte changement poche Alerte PTM élevée Arrêt pompe sang Changement poche PTM ↗ ↕ pompe sang Message Grave Critique Arrêt pompe (= Occlusion) Relais seringue imminent Bulle d’air (Pompe) Occlusion Perfusion Relais seringue imminent Bulle d'air perfusion ↕ PSE relais PSE imminent bulle d'air Grave Message Grave Fibrillation V Tachycardie V Couplet Fibrillation ventriculaire Tachycardie Ventriculaire Couplet Fibr V TV Couplet Vitale Critique Message Workflow Primaire Specification pour chaque alarme Secondaire Interval entre Delai Duree Delai Duree Nombre de chaque Nombre de Connexall apres total(sec) apres ackw repetitions repetitions repetitions (sec) ackw (sec) Backup Interval Nombre Duree entre de Interval apres chaque repetition (sec) ackw (sec) s Vitale 5 2 90 9999 15 0 0 1 0 0 1 Critique 5 2 90 2 20 90 2 20 60 0 40 Grave 10 7 90 2 30 90 2 30 Message 15 12 9999 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 15 The Daily Job of the Nurse Hardware connectivity Check devices connexion Specific connection by DIM Capsultech® on device RS232 outlet Connection IT wires on DATACAPTOR®module for sending the information on the network Sélect and Assign the patients Connexall central station: Assignement of each patient on an iPoD which is dedicated to a nurse 303 304 305 R2.2 301 302 R2.1 Assignment Connexall Central station Main Screen Alarms on mobile Device Arrêt cardiaque box 1 Acknowledgment Currently Golive on a five beds unit after a training of all nurses of the unit Connection of all devices Good expression of the sonor Alarms with right tonality, gravity and workflow Visual alarms: Good rendering Doors closed recently We left the sound in the box due to an IT server issue Alarm Externalisation Risk Log out the devices from the datacaptor 4 or 5 network Drager Capsultech Connexall Hopital européen Marseille Apple Regulated Medical Devices Class II FDA What we expected ? Sécurity A visual indicator of log out on connexall central station An automatic detection of IT server issue by heart bit then an alarm message with a workflow to: Drager IT engineer Biomed Doctor Chief nurse A new device who avoid apple network Evaluation the quality of caregivers réaction And Also…: Dévellopment Transitory (2min) Inhibition of the transmission of all alarm on the Connexall system when the Nurse active “a nursing function” Showing the waves in live in case of alarm: Link patient watch Sending vocal message with: 1st : the sound characteristic of level of gravity 2nd : the number of room 3rd : the message of alarm Link on patient watch Evaluation 1. Safety 2. Efficacy 3. Perception Safety Description of differents alarm : Number of alarm / hour and /12 h Number by device Number by nurse Number by gravity Delay between alarm and acknowledgment Delay between alarm and resolution Efficacy Average intensity noise during day and night : In the room In the nurse station Number of Peak level > 80 dB/ h during day and night : In the room In the nurse station Perception Patient questionnaire : Sleep quality : Richards Campbell Sleep Questionnaire Noise discomfort Care givers quetionnaire : Noise discomfort Satisfaction A prospective open interventionnel study évaluate a reducing stratégy of noise by an alarm notification system Primary purpose: réduction of 10 dB by currently average noise level 60 +/- 10 dB We need 16 patients in each stategies Power: 80 % alpha risk : 5 % Middle and Long terms Plan Extended the externalisation of the alarm to other medical Device ECMO, Bed, Labs, etc… Extended the externalisation of the alarm to other medical specialties Anesthesia : An anesthesiologist works on several OR Cardiology Special device to show the alarm: Samsung gear, Google Glasses Thank you for you attention Functionnal Basics of Third-Party Alarm Notification Systems B Moorman Biomed Instrumentation and Technology 2011