Anesthesia for Orthopedic Surgery

David Hirsch M.D.
“There is a
fracture, I need to
fix it.”
Special considerations
Hip Surgery
Knee Surgery
Upper Extremity
Spine Surgery
Peripheral Nerve Blocks
Bone cement (polymethylmethacrylate)
Binds prosthetic device to patient’s bone
Can cause embolization of fat, bone marrow, cement
and air into femoral venous channels
 Most frequently with femoral prosthesis
Bone Cement Implantation Syndrome
 Hypoxia – increased pulmonary shunt
 Hypotension
 Dysrhythmias- heart block and sinus arrest
 Pulmonary hypertension – increased PVR
 Decreased cardiac output
Anesthetic Strategy
 Maximize Fi02
 Eu-volemia (monitor CVP)
 Vent hole in distal femur to decrease pressure
 High pressure lavage to remove debris
Help create bloodless field
Goal < 2 hours
Can cause transient muscle dysfunction
Permanent peripheral nerve damage
Lower Extremity
Can cause pain, metabolic alterations, hemodynamic changes
Increase in blood flow in central circulation
Pain severe enough to require substantial supplementation
despite regional block
Can lead to DVT
Sickle Cell
Pay attention to maintaining normocarbia, hydration,
Fall in CVP, ABP
 Pulse increase
 Temp Decrease
 Increased PaC02,EtC02, lactate and potassium from
ischemic limb
 Cause increase in Minute Ventilation
 Rare-dysrhythmias
 Can worsen ischemic injury due to formation of lipid
Fat Embolism Syndrome
10-20% mortality
Within 72 hours following long-bone or pelvic fx
Triad of dyspnea, confusion and petechiae
 1)Fat globules released by disruption in bone enter
circulation through tears in medullary vessels
 2) or chylomicrons resulting from aggregation of
circulating free fatty acids
 Coagulation Abnormalities
 Thrombocytopenia, increased clotting time
 Pulmonary
 Range from Mild hypoxia to ARDS
 Under GA
 Decline in ETCO2, arterial oxygen saturation
 Increase in PAP
 ECG-ischemic ST changes and right sided heart strain
 Prophylactic: early stabilization of fracture
 Supportive: 02, with CPAP, high dose corticosteroid
Increased risk DVT/PE
Higher risk
 Obesity, age > 60, procedure > 30 min, tourniquet, LE
fracture and immobilization > 4 days
 Older studies: PE as high as 20% with 1-3% fatal PE
Anticoagulation as soon as possible
Improvement in occurrence rate
 prophylaxis
 early rehab
 regional anesthesia?
Neuraxial Anesthesia
Alone or with general can reduce embolic complications
 Sympathectomy induced increase in LE venous blood flow
 Systemic anti-inflammatory effect of local anesthetic
 Decreased platelet reactivity
 Increase in factor 8,vW
 Decrease in Antithrombin III
 Decrease in stress hormone release
Contraindicated with full anticoagulation therapy
 Generally not done within 6-8 hour prophylactic heparin
dose or 12-24 hours of LMWH
Mostly elderly
Pre-op hypoxia
 Fat emboli, bibasilar atelectasis, pulmonary
congestion/effusion or infection
General vs. regional
Lower mortality early post-op period for regional
After 2 months, no difference in mortality
Hypobaric technique allows easier positioning
Osteoarthritis: repetitive trauma
Rheumatoid Arthritis
 Atlanto-axial instability:
 Preoperative:
 Flexion and extension radiographs of the cervical spine:
 Especially those on immune therapy, steroids methotrexate
 Intubate with fiberoptic/video assist
 Limited jaw mobility
Lateral Decubitus
 +/ - Arterial Monitoring
 Considerations
 Bone Cement Implantation Syndrome
 Blood Loss
 Thromboembolism
 Most often during insertion of femoral prosthesis
Recommended to monitor PA pressure in case of
 PAP> 200 during first hip, contralateral should be
Significant blood loss
 If possible, controlled hypotension
Knee Arthroscopy
Knee Replacement
Pre-op considerations
Usually young/healthy however increasing
frequency in elderly
Intra-op Management
Surgeons favor bloodless field (tourniquet)
 Neuraxial vs. alternative regional
Post-op Pain Control
Multi-orifice catheter (Painball)
Corticosteroid injection
Regional: 3 options
 Femoral with or without sciatic block
 Psoas Compartment Block
 Local Infiltration
Usually secondary to OA/RA
Blood loss decreased by tourniquet
 Bone cement implantation syndrome less likely then
 Regional technique similar to Arthroscopy
 Continuous catheter (Epidural vs. femoral)
Open or Arthoscopic
Lateral Decubitus or Beach Chair
 Interscalene block preferred
 +/- interscalene catheter
 Side effects:
 Phrenic nerve palsy
 Horner's syndrome
 Mild controlled hypotension requested
Open or Arthoscopic
 Infra-clavicular block preferred
Head and Upper torso elevated 30-90 degrees
 Complications
 Stroke, Ischemic Brain Injury and Vegetative State
Decreased cerebral Perfusion
 Each cm of head elevation above heart there is a decrease
in arterial blood pressure of .77
 20 cm not uncommon
 Approximately 15-16 mm Hg gradient from heart/cuff
Measure height difference at External Auditory Meatus
 Same level of Circle of Willis
Avoid in Elderly, HTN
 Compromised autoregulatory curve
Most common
Posterior spinal fusion
 Scoliosis correction
 Combined antero-posterior procedures
Anesthetic Considerations
 Awareness (+/- BIS)
 Often prone for long periods of time
 Mayfield tongs or Prone Pillow
Blood Loss
Cases > 6 hour with > 1 L blood loss highest risk
Ischemic Optic Neuropathy
 Variation in blood supply
 Orbital Edema
 Increased venous pressure can cause decreased arterial
 Ocular Perfusion Pressure
 Function of MAP and IOP (Intraocular Pressure)
 Prone position associated with increased IOP
Central Retinal Artery Occlusion
 Emboli
 Direct pressure on Eyeball
Visual loss Registry with ASA
Most Healthy/Prone position
93 total
 83 Ischemic Optic Neuropathy
 10 Central Retinal Artery Occlusion
 55 bilateral
Mean blood loss 2 L
 Range .1 – 25 L
Blood loss > 1L and case longer then 6 hour = 96%
Butterworth IV JF, Mackey DC, Wasnick JD.
Chapter 38. Anesthesia for Orthopedic Surgery. In:
Butterworth IV JF, Mackey DC, Wasnick JD, eds.
Morgan & Mikhail's Clinical Anesthesiology. 5th ed.
New York: McGraw-Hill; 2013.
D=57236471. Accessed June 12, 2013.
Chelly, Jacques. Peripheral Nerve Blocks: A Color
Atlas. 2009.
Miller, Ronald D. and Manuel C. Pardo. Basics of
Anesthesia , Sixth Edition.Chapter 32 , 499-513
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