20.02 SVCO - Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine


HKCEM College Tutorial

A Man With

Shortness Of




NOV., 2013

A Man With Shortness Of Breath…

▪ M/65 Chronic smoker

▪ SOB for 2 days

▪ Increased when lying supine

▪ Headache, facial swelling

▪ BP 178/84 mmHg

▪ Pulse 124 bpm

▪ RR 20 /min, SpO2 97% RA

▪ T - 37.3 ºC

▪ Issue(s) identified?

▪ HT

▪ Tachypnea

▪ Tachycardia

▪ DDx of SOB?



▪ Asthma


▪ Pneumothoax

▪ Upper airway obstruction

▪ Any red flags of headache?

What are your immediate management?

▪ ABC - secure airway if necessary

▪ Oxygen

▪ Set intravenous access

▪ Monitoring – BP/P, SpO2, cardiac monitor

▪ While you get further history from patient, you notice…

▪ What are the DDx of SOB with dilated neck veins?

Revise your DDx?

▪ SOB + Dilated neck veins

▪ Congestive heart failure

▪ Right ventricular infarct

▪ Superior vena cava obstruction

▪ Cardiac tamponade

▪ Constrictive pericarditis

▪ Tension pneumothorax

▪ Massive haemothorax

▪ Massive pulmonary embolism

▪ Facial Swelling

▪ Nephrotic syndrome

▪ Cellulitis

▪ Angioedema

▪ Myxedema

▪ Moon face (chronic steroids)

▪ Superior vena cava obstruction

▪ Melkersson-Rosenthal Syndrome orofacial edema

What is Superior Vena Cava Syndrome?

▪ Conglomeration of s/s that results from compression or occlusion of the SVC

▪ SVC receives venous drainage from H&N,


▪ Thin walled  extremely susceptible to extrinsic compression

▪ Immediately life-threatening oncologic emergency if airway compromise or CNS symptoms are present

SVCO – When to suspect? Common causes?

▪ Dilatation of the two external jugular veins

▪ Increasing symptoms when the patient is in a horizontal position

▪ Malignant (90%)

▪ Ca bronchus

▪ Small-cell lung cancer (SCLC)

▪ Non-small-cell cancer (NSCLC)

▪ Lymphoma

▪ Metastatic disease

▪ Germ-cell cancer

▪ Thymoma

▪ Mesothelioma

▪ Benign (10%) - compression, infiltration, thrombosis

▪ Indwelling central venous catheters

▪ Thoracic aortic aneurysm (ascending)

▪ Substernal goiter

▪ Constrictive pericarditis

▪ Primary thrombosis

▪ Idiopathic sclerosing aortitis

▪ Fibrosing mediastinitis

▪ Radiation

▪ Arteriosclerotic

▪ Infection - TB mediastinitis, luetic (syphilitic) aneurysm, histoplasmosis

If suspected SVCO….

▪ What are the common presentations?

▪ Physical signs?

▪ Facial edema, plethora

▪ Jugular venous distention

▪ Prominent superficial vascularity

▪ Neck & upper chest

▪ Stokes sign – tightness of shirt collar

▪ Edema of larynx or pharynx

▪ Hoarseness, stridor

▪ Cerebral edema, increased ICP

▪ Papilledema

▪ Confusion, coma

▪ Early symptoms

▪ Edema of face, neck, UL


▪ Venous distension of upper chest, neck and face

▪ Ruddy complexion (Plethora)

▪ Dysphagia

▪ Chest pain

▪ Late symptoms

▪ Severe respiratory distress

▪ Cyanosis

▪ Headache

▪ Visual disturbances

▪ Coma

▪ Convulsions

▪ Death

If venous dilatation over abdomen…significant?

Any specific physical sign?

▪ Pemberton Sign

▪ Exaggeration of edema and flushing with placement of the patient’s arms overhead

▪ Indicates compression of vascular structures in the thoracic inlet

▪ Highly indicative of SVCO

▪ Substernal goitre

SVCO – Management Aims

▪ Recognition of life-threatening symptoms - airway compromise and/or cerebral edema

▪ Confirmation of the presence of venous obstruction

▪ Imaging +/- interventions to establish the etiology

▪ Relief obstruction

▪ Treatment of the underlying cause

SVCO – ED Management

▪ Revise your Mx? Any precautions?

▪ Propped up position

▪ Elevate patient's head  hydrostatic pressure (edema)

▪ Potential difficult airway

▪ Cannot lie flat

▪ Edematous epiglottis and vocal cords and narrowed glottic opening

▪ Mediastinal tumour

▪ Superior Mediastinal Syndrome – SVCO + tracheal compression

SVCO – Intravenous Access

▪ Should be considered in lower limbs in the case of complete SVC obstruction

▪ With partial obstruction, upper limb access is acceptable

▪ UL iv access  delays in resuscitation fluids and drugs reaching the central circulation

▪ Induction time will be prolonged

▪ Overdose is a potential risk

▪ In the absence of major bleeding / hypotension, fluid restriction is the watchword

▪ Diuretics must be used judiciously to avoid hypovolemia

SVCO – Any role of steroid ?

▪ Glucocorticoid therapy (dexamethasone, iv 4 mg Q6H)

▪ Work mainly by reducing tumour and airway oedema

▪ Benefits documented only in case studies

▪ Generally used in conjunction with radiotherapy because of concern about radiationinduced oedema

▪ Reduce tumor burden in lymphoma & thymoma  reduce obstruction

▪ Risk

▪ Obscuring the tissue diagnosis, especially if lymphoma is suspected

▪ Steroid-induced acute tumour lysis syndrome

SVCO - Imaging

▪ Confirming the diagnosis of SVCO

▪ Identify the site and extent of the occlusion

▪ Presence of intravascular thrombus and collateral circulations

▪ Presence of collateral vessels is highly suggestive of SVCO

▪ Sensitivity of 96% and a specificity of 92%

▪ Identify its underlying cause

▪ Planning treatment

▪ Information on the length of the lesion

▪ Any involvement of the brachiocephalic veins

SVCO – CXR signs

▪ Signs of the development of collateral circulation

▪ Opacity above the right stem bronchus  dilation of the arch of the azygos

▪ Sub-aortic opacity or ‘‘ aortic nipple’’ sign  dilation of the left superior intercostal vein

▪ Neck mass – substernal goitre

▪ Superior mediastinal widening

▪ Hilar mass - bronchogenic carcinoma

▪ Anterior mediastinal mass – lymphoma

▪ Calcification – Histoplasmosis

▪ Pleural/pericardial effusion


▪ Small-cell lung cancer


(a) Axial CT - Large right hilar mass obstructing SVC

Multiple chest wall collateral vessels

(b) Coronal CT - Compression of SVC distally (arrow)

Thrombosis of proximal SVC and brachiocephalic veins

(c) 3D CT - appearance of multiple collaterals of chest wall

SVCO – CT Venogram

▪ 4-cm thrombus in the SVC

SVCO - Venogram

▪ Invasive venography - gold standard

▪ Carried out prior to stenting to delineate the presence of an SVC stenosis or occlusion, and to identify the extent of the obstruction

▪ Cannot be performed in isolation, as it cannot identify the cause of the obstruction

▪ Simultaneous bilateral arm venogram

▪ Defines obstruction and collateral circulation

▪ Identifies thrombus

▪ Figure

▪ severe compression of both the right and left subclavian veins (RSV and LSV)

▪ a thrombus in the left subclavian vein

▪ multiple venous collaterals

Kishi Scoring System

SVC stenting

▪ Advantages

▪ Rapid relief of the symptoms of venous congestion

▪ Relief can be immediate, but in most series, it is reported within 24 to 72 hours following the procedure

▪ Allowing treatment of underlying pathology to be initiated

▪ Stent can be placed before a tissue diagnosis is available

▪ Allows early cisplatin based chemotherapy to commence (requires hydration)

▪ Prevent the risk of death due to laryngeal or bronchial oedema

▪ Indications

▪ Symptomatic malignant SVCO

▪ Symptomatic benign SVCO

▪ known chemotherapy and radiation-resistant tumors

▪ No absolute contraindications to SVC stenting

▪ Relative contraindications

▪ Patient cannot lie flat or semisupine on the table

▪ Patient with malignancy with a very good chance of cure or remission

SVC stenting

▪ Complications 3-7%

▪ Stent migration

▪ Bleeding

▪ Infection

▪ Thrombosis (Figure: Reocclusion of the stent by thrombus on an (a) axial CT and (b) coronal CT)

▪ SVC rupture

▪ Pericardial tamponade

▪ Hematoma at insertion site

▪ Acute tumour lysis syndrome

▪ Late complications

▪ Bleeding (1-14%), death (1-2%)

SVCO – Further Management

▪ In the absence of a need for urgent intervention, the management should focus initially on establishing the correct diagnosis

▪ Treatment is directed at the underlying pathological process

▪ When malignancy is suspected without known primary cancer  tissue biopsy

▪ Sputum cytology

▪ Pleural fluid analysis

▪ Excisional LN biopsy

▪ Bone marrow

▪ Bronchoscopy with transbronchial needle aspiration

SVCO – Management Options

SVCO (Malignancy) - Management

▪ Urgent treatment with radiotherapy and corticosteroids should be used only for lifethreatening situations

▪ Stridor, hypotension, collapse

▪ Stenting is becoming increasingly used

▪ Useful procedure for patients with severe symptoms such as respiratory distress that require urgent intervention

▪ No evidence to support routine anticoagulation in patients with malignant SVCO in the absence of thrombosis

▪ After a tissue diagnosis has been obtained and the extent of the disease has been determined, a decision should be made to address control of the malignant process in either a curative fashion or palliatively

▪ Radiation, chemotherapy, or stent placement, or a combination of these modalities

SVCO (Malignancy) - Chemotherapy

▪ Chemotherapy responsive tumour

▪ Non-Hodgkin lymphomas, small cell lung cancer, and germ cell tumors are widely regarded as chemotherapysensitive tumors

▪ Good prognosis - high rates of response and quick onset of tumor shrinkage

▪ Less responsive tumours - non-small cell lung cancer, B-cell lymphoma

▪ Stents or RT/chemotherapy

SVCO (Malignancy) - Radiotherapy

▪ Relative contraindications

▪ Previous treatment with radiation in the same region

▪ Certain connective tissue disorders - scleroderma

▪ Known radioresistant tumor types – sarcoma

▪ Majority of tumor types are sensitive

▪ Improvement is often apparent within 72 hours

SVCO (Malignancy) – Surgical Management

▪ Thymomas are relatively resistant to chemotherapy and radiation  Surgery

▪ Bypass grafting using an autologous vein graft or a synthetic tube

▪ Good patency rates (80–90%)

▪ Major surgical procedure that requires careful patient selection

▪ High morbidity and 5% mortality rate

SVCO (Benign) - Management

▪ More insidious course  development of adequate collaterals

▪ Treatment is usually directed at the underlying cause

▪ Medical management with diuretics and steroids  NOT useful

▪ If symptoms caused by thrombus formation

▪ Thrombolysis followed by anticoagulation with heparin or warfarin

▪ Less effective in chronic thrombosis (with onset of symptoms more than 10 days previously)

▪ If symptoms develop rapidly

▪ SVC bypass surgery

▪ Endovascular stenting

SVCO – Iatrogenic / thrombotic

▪ Result from indwelling vascular hardware

▪ No evidence that removing the catheter in the ED provides any benefit

▪ Anticoagulation

▪ Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty +/- metallic stent

▪ SVCO may coexist with pulmonary embolism

SVCO - Complications

▪ Superior mediastinal syndrome

▪ Rubin Syndrome – SVCO + spinal cord compression

▪ Steroid-induced acute tumour lysis syndrome

▪ ‘‘Overload syndrome’’

▪ Opening of a SVC stenosis inducing a fast cardiac return of the third compartment

(oedema) may generate an ‘‘overload syndrome’’ with pre-capillary pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary oedema

▪ Increased intracranial pressure

▪ Spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage


▪ Postgrad Med J 2013;89(1050):224–30

▪ Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 2013;20:1040–1

▪ Q J Med 2013;106:283–4

▪ Rosen’s Emergency Medicine 8th ed.

▪ Journal of Emergency Medicine 2012;43(6):1079–80

▪ South Afr J Anaesth Analg 2012;18(1):20-4

▪ BMJ 2011;343:d4466

▪ Visual Diagnosis in Emergency and Critical Care Medicine (2011)

▪ Ann Emerg Med. 2010;56:305

▪ Emerg Med Clin N Am 2009;27:243–55

▪ Irwin and Rippe’s Intensive Care Medicine (2008)

▪ NEJM 2007;356(18):1862-9

▪ Critical Care – Just the facts (2007)

▪ NEJM 2006;354 (8): e7

▪ Can J Emerg Med 2005;7(4):273-7

The end
