The Significant Lack of Alignment Across State and Regional Health Measure Sets: An Analysis of 48 State and Regional Measure Sets, Resource Document Kate Reinhalter Bazinsky Michael Bailit September 10, 2013 Executive summary The are many state/regional performance measures for providers in use today. – 1367 measures identified across 48 measure sets. Unfortunately, current state and regional measure sets are not aligned. – Only 20% of all measures were used by more than one program. Non-alignment persists despite the tendency to use standard, NQF-endorsed and/or HEDIS measures. – Although 59% of the measures come from standard sources, they are selecting different subsets of these standard measures for use. – The most frequently used measure was only used by 63% of the programs. 2 Executive summary (cont’d) With few exceptions, regardless of how we analyzed the data, the programs’ measures were not aligned. – This lack of alignment persists across programs of the same type and for the same purpose. – Medicaid MCOs are the exception and use far more of the same measures than any other type of program. This is partially because they rely almost exclusively on HEDIS measures. – We also found that California has more alignment. This may be due to our sample or the work the state has done to align measures. While many programs use measures from the same domains, they are not selecting the same measures within these domains. – This suggests that simply specifying the domains from which programs should select measures will not facilitate measure set alignment. 3 Executive summary (cont’d) Even when the measures are “the same,” the programs often modify the traditional specifications for the standard measures. – 83% of the measure sets contained at least one modified measure. – Two of the programs modified every single measure and six of the programs modified at least 50% of their measures. Many programs create their own “homegrown” measures. – 40% of the programs created their own homegrown measures. – Some of these may be measure concepts, rather than measures that are ready to be implemented Unfortunately most of these homegrown measures do not represent true innovation in the measures space. – There appears to be a need for new standardized measures in the areas of self-management, cost, and care management and coordination. 4 Conclusions Bottom line: Measures sets appear to be developed independently without an eye towards alignment with other sets. The diversity in measures allows states and regions interested in creating measure sets to select measures that they believe best meet their local needs. Even the few who seek to create alignment struggle due to a paucity of tools to facilitate such alignment. The result is “measure chaos” for providers subject to multiple measure sets and related accountability expectations and performance incentives. Mixed signals make it difficult for providers to focus their quality improvement efforts. 5 Purpose Goal: Paint a picture of the measures landscape across states and regions to inform development of the emerging Buying Value measure set. Process: Identify and collect 48 measure sets used by 25 states for a range of purposes and conduct a multipronged analysis: – Provide basic summary information to describe the 48 measure sets – Provide an overview of the measures included in the 48 measure sets – Analyze the non-NQF endorsed measures – Analyze the measures by measure set type – Analyze the measures by measure set purpose – Analyze the measures by domain/ clinical areas – Assess the extent of alignment within the states of CA and MA 6 Methodology We used a convenience sample of measure sets from states, by requesting assistance from our contacts in states and by: – Obtaining sets through state websites: • Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) projects • Accountable Care Organization (ACO) projects • CMS’ Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative (CPCI) – Soliciting sets from the Buying Value measures work group We also included measure sets from specific regional collaboratives. We have not surveyed every state, nor have we captured all of the sets used by the studied states. We did not include any hospital measures sets in our analysis. – Excluded 53 hospital measures from the analysis 7 Methodology (cont’d) Organized the measures by: – – – – – – – Measure steward NQF status/ number Age of the population of interest Program type (e.g., ACO, PCMH, health home) Program purpose (e.g., payment or reporting) Domain (used the NQS tagging taxonomy) Clinical areas of interest (used NQF taxonomy detail) Unduplicated the total measures list to identify the “distinct” measures –If a measure showed up in multiple measure sets, we only counted it once. – If a program used a measure multiple times (variations on a theme) we also only counted it once. 8 Methodology (cont’d) Assessed whether the measure is standard, modified, homegrown or undetermined. • If we did not have access to the specifications, but the measure appeared to be standard through combination of steward and title or NQF#, we considered it to be a “standard” measure. This approach is likely to underestimate the number of modified measures. • We labeled measures “modified” if they were standard measures with a change to the traditional specifications. • We labeled measures “homegrown” if they were were indicated on the source document as having been created by the developer of the measure set. • We labeled measures “undetermined” if the source of the measure was unclear. Some of these measures may be “homegrown” while others may be drawn from niche sources. 9 Table of contents 1. Overview of measure sets 2. Overview of measures 3. Non-standard measures 4. Analysis by measure set type 5. Analysis by measure set purpose 6. Analysis by measure domain/clinical area 7. Intrastate analysis of CA and MA 8. Conclusions / recommendations 10 1. Overview of measure sets Goal: provide some basic summary information to describe the group of measures sets and answer the following questions: 1. How many measures are included across the measure sets? 2. How many measures are included in the average measure set? 11 Measure sets by state Reviewed 48 measure sets used by 25 states. Intentionally gave a closer look at two states: CA and MA. 1. AR 11.ME (2) 2. CA (7) 12.MI 3. CO 13.MN (2) 4. FL 14.MO (3) 5. IA (2) 15.MT 6. ID 16.NY 7. IL 17.OH 8. LA 18.OK 9. MA (8) 19.OR 10.MD 20.PA (4) 21.RI 22.TX 23.UT (2) 24.WA 25.WI Note: If we reviewed more than one measure set from a state, the number of sets included in the analysis is noted above. 12 Program types Note: these categories are meant to be mutually exclusive. Each measure set was only included in one category. ACO: Measure sets used by states to evaluate Accountable Care Organizations. Organizations of providers that agree to be accountable for the clinical care and cost of a specific attributed population Alignment Initiative: Measure sets created by statewide initiatives in an attempt to align the various measures being used throughout the state by various payers or entities Commercial Plans: Measure sets used by states to evaluate insurers serving commercial members Duals: Measure sets used by state Medicaid agencies in programs serving beneficiaries who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid Exchange: Measure sets used to assess plan performance in a state-operated marketplace for individuals buying health insurance 13 coverage Program types (cont’d) Medicaid: Measure sets used by states to evaluate the Medicaid agency performance Medicaid MCO: Measure sets used by state Medicaid agencies to assess performance of their contracted managed care organizations Medicaid BH MCO: Measure sets used by state Medicaid agencies to assess performance of their contracted behavioral health managed care organizations PCMH: Measure sets used by patient-centered medical home initiatives Other Provider: Measure sets used by states to assess performance at the provider level, but are not for assessing ACO, PCMH or Health Home initiatives Regional Collaboratives: A coalition of organizations coordinating measurement efforts at a regional level, often with the purpose of supporting health and health care improvement in the geographic area 14 Measure sets by program type 14 13 12 10 8 6 4 2 6 5 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 0 15 Measure sets by purpose 25 20 Defining Terms 22 Reporting: measure sets used for performance reporting, this reporting may be public or may be for internal use only 19 15 10 5 0 5 2 Payment: measure sets used for payment distribution to providers (e.g., pay for performance, shared savings, etc.) Reporting and Other: measure sets used for reporting and an additional nonpayment purpose, such as tiering providers or contract management Alignment: measure sets resulting from state initiatives to establish a core measure set for the state 16 Measure sets ranged significantly in size [max] 108 measures [avg] 29 measures [min] 3 measures Note: This is counting the measures as NQF counts them (or if the measure was not NQF-endorsed, as the program counted them). 17 Table of contents 1. Overview of measure sets 2. Overview of measures 3. Non-standard measures 4. Analysis by measure set type 5. Analysis by measure set purpose 6. Analysis by measure domain/clinical area 7. Intrastate analysis of CA and MA 8. Conclusions / recommendations 18 2. Overview of measures Goals: To describe the measures used across the sets and answer the following questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Are the measures used primarily standard measures? To what extent are measures NQF-endorsed? What are the primary sources of the measures? Into which domains do most of the measures fall? To what extent do the measures cover all age ranges? To assess the extent of alignment across the measure sets 1. To what extent are measures shared? 2. What are the most frequently shared measures? 19 Finding: Many state/regional performance measures for providers in use today In total, we identified 1367 measures across the 48 measure sets – This is counting the measures as NQF counts them or if the measure was not NQF-endorsed, as the program counted them We identified 509 distinct measures –If a measure showed up in multiple measure sets, we only counted it once –If a program used a measure multiple times (variations on a theme) we also only counted it once We excluded 53 additional hospital measures from the analysis. 20 Programs use measures across all of the domains Utilization 5% Treatment and Secondary Prevention 33% Safety 13% Access, affordability & inapprop care 9% Comm & care coordination 2% Health and wellbeing 27% Personcentered 9% Total measures by domain n = 1367 Infrastructure 2% 21 The distinct measures actually are more evenly distributed across the domains Utilization 8% Access, affordability & inapprop care 11% Treatment and secondary prevention 28% Safety 19% Comm & care coordination 5% Health and wellbeing 14% Personcentered 11% Distinct measures by domain n = 509 Infrastructure 4% 22 Most implemented measures are for adults Adult (18-64) 4% Adult (65+) 3% Pediatric and Adult (0-64) 20% Pediatric (0-17) 16% All Adults (18+) 57% But there does not appear to be a deficiency in the number of measures that could be used in the pediatric or the 65+ population. Measures by age group n = 1367 23 Finding: Little alignment exists across the measure sets Programs have very few measures in common or “sharing” across the measure sets Shared* 20% Not shared 80% Number of distinct measures shared by multiple measure sets n = 509 Of the 1367 measures, 509 were “distinct” measures Only 20% of these distinct measures were used by more than one program * By “shared,” we mean that the programs have measures in common with one another, not that they are working together. 24 How often are the “shared measures” shared? Not that often… 11-15 sets, 3% (14 measures) Measures not shared 80% Shared measures 20% 6-10 sets, 4% (21 measures) 3-5 sets, 4% (20 measures) 16-30 sets, 4% (19 measures) 2 sets, 5% (28 measures) Most measures are not shared Only 19 measures were shared by at least 1/3 (16+) of the measure sets 25 Categories of 19 most frequently used measures 7 Diabetes Care •Comprehensive Diabetes Care (CDC): LDL-C Control <100 mg/dL •CDC: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Control (<8.0%) •CDC: Medical Attention for Nephropathy •CDC: HbA1c Testing •CDC: HbA1c Poor Control (>9.0%) •CDC: LDL-C Screening 4 Other Chronic Conditions 1 Mental Health/Substance Abuse •Breast Cancer Screening •Controlling High Blood Pressure •Cervical Cancer Screening •Use of Appropriate Medications for People with Asthma •Follow-up after Hospitalization for Mental Illness 6 Preventative Care •Childhood Immunization Status •Colorectal Cancer Screening •Weight Assessment and Counseling for Children and Adolescents •Tobacco Use: Screening & Cessation Intervention •Cardiovascular Disease: Blood Pressure Management <140/90 mmHg •Cholesterol Management for Patients with Cardiovascular Conditions 1 Patient Experience •CAHPS Surveys (various versions) •CDC: Eye Exam 26 Finding: Non-alignment persists despite preference for standard measures Undetermined 6% Other 3% Defining Terms Standard: measures from a known source (e.g., NCQA, AHRQ) Homegrown 15% Modified: standard measures with a change to the traditional specifications Modified 17% Homegrown: measures that were indicated on the source document as having been created by the developer of the measure set Standard 59% Measures by measure type n = 1367 Undetermined: measures that were not indicated as “homegrown”, but for which the source could not be identified Other: a measure bundle or composite 27 In particular, states show a preference for NQFendorsed measures Never NQFendorsed 32% NQFendorsed 63% No longer NQFendorsed 5% Percentage of total measures that are NQFendorsed n = 1367 28 But looking at the distinct measures, they are clearly willing to use non-NQF measures Never NQFendorsed 64% NQFendorsed 32% What are “distinct” measures? • If a measure showed up in multiple measure sets, we only counted it once (e.g., breast cancer screening was counted 30 times in the total measures chart since it appeared in 30 different measure sets; here it is counted once) No longer NQF- • If a program used a measure multiple times endorsed (variations on a theme) we 4% also only counted it once Percentage of distinct measures that are NQF-endorsed n = 509 (e.g., MA PCMH used 3 different versions of the tobacco screening measure; here it is counted once) 29 NCQA (HEDIS) is clearly the most common source of measures Undetermined 6% Source with fewer than 20 measures 8% Homegrown 14% Other 3% HEDIS 52% Resolution Health CMS 2% 4% CAHPS 4% AHRQ AMA-PCPI 5% 4% Total measures by source n = 1367 30 But only 16% of the distinct measures come from HEDIS Undetermined 15% HEDIS 16% Homegrown 39% Resolution Health 5% AHRQ 4% CMS 4% AMA- PCPRI 4% In other words, the 81 HEDIS measures are used by multiple programs. Standard source with less than 10 measures 13% Distinct measures by source n = 509 31 There is a lot of overlap between NQF and HEDIS but it is not 100% NQF HEDIS 32 Why HEDIS measures are often the first choice for programs HEDIS measures are known and trusted – They have been available and in use for a long time – The specifications are widely available and clearly defined NCQA offers national and regional benchmark information – Although information is at the health plan level, programs can get a sense of how to define “good performance” – They are already used by most health plans, thus providing some information about baseline performance relative to the benchmark It’s good for the health plans if other programs use HEDIS – If health plan success is being measured on the basis of the HEDIS set, the health plans have an interest in getting other parties to engage in improving scores of those measures NCQA regularly updates the specifications in response to use, feedback and changes in guidelines – Since another organization is doing this work, it takes the burden 33 off of the program managers Programs are selecting different subsets of standard measures While the programs may be primarily using standard, NQF-endorsed measures, they are not selecting the same standard measures Not one measure was used by every program – Breast Cancer Screening is the most frequently used measure and it is used by only 30 of the programs (63%) Program C Program B Program A Program D Program E 34 Finding: Even shared measures aren’t always the same - the problem of modification! Most state programs modify measures 23% of the identifiable standardized measures were modified (237/1051) 40 of the 48 measure sets modified at least one measure Two programs modified every single measure 1. RI PCMH 2. UT Department of Health Six programs modified at least 50% of their measures 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. CA Medi-Cal Managed Care Specialty Plans (67%) WA PCMH (67%) MA PCMH (56%) PA Chronic Care Initiative (56%) OR Coordinated Care Organizations (53%) WI Regional Collaborative (51%) 35 Do modifications indicate a problem with the measure specifications? Perhaps… some types of modifications suggest that the measure deserves a closer look: – – – – Adding additional detail to or changing details in the specifications Eliminating detail from the specifications Changes in the CPT codes used in the measure specifications Changes in the source of the data (i.e., from hybrid/clinical records to claims) However, we found that there are many modifications that programs make that don’t necessarily indicate a fundamental problem with the measure. For example, frequent modifications include: – Reporting only some of the rates/components of the measure (e.g., if the measure has two components: screening and follow-up, they may only do the screening component of the measure) – Narrowing or expanding the age of the population measured – Applying the measure to a new or sub-population 36 – Applying the measure to an alternative setting Frequency of modification type 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 59 39 31 28 23 17 12 12 8 6 4 4 Note: some of the measures were modified in more than one way and each modification is represented on this chart 37 Why do organizations modify measures? To tailor the measure to a specific program – If the program is specific to a subpopulation, then the organization may alter the measure to apply it to the population of interest To make implementation easier – The systems that the organizations have in place may make an alternative approach to implementing the measure easier To obtain buy-in and consensus on a measure – Sometimes providers have strong opinions about the particular CPT codes that should be included in a measure in order to make it more consistent with their experiences. In order to get consensus on the measure, the organization may agree to modify the specifications. – Sometimes providers are anxious about being evaluated on particular measure and request changes that they believe reflect best practice 38 Most frequently modified measures # programs modifying the measure Measure Name Steward NQF # 12 10 Childhood Immunization Status Use of Appropriate Medications for Asthma NCQA (HEDIS) NCQA (HEDIS) 38 36 8 Tobacco Use: Screening & Cessation Intervention AMA-PCPI 28 7 CDC: Blood Pressure Control (<140/90 mm Hg) NCQA (HEDIS) 61 7 CDC: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Control (<8.0%) NCQA (HEDIS) 575 7 Breast Cancer Screening 31 (no NCQA (HEDIS) longer endorsed) 7 Cholesterol Management for Patients with Cardiovascular Conditions NCQA (HEDIS) NA 6 Controlling High Blood Pressure NCQA (HEDIS) 18 6 Weight Assessment and Counseling for Nutrition and Physical Activity for Children/Adolescents NCQA (HEDIS) 24 6 CDC: Hemoglobin-A1c Testing NCQA (HEDIS 57 39 Most frequently modified measures (cont’d) # programs modifying the measure Measure Name Steward NQF # 5 Colorectal Cancer Screening NCQA (HEDIS) 34 5 CDC: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Poor Control (>9.0%) NCQA (HEDIS) 59 5 CDC: LDL-C Screening NCQA (HEDIS) 63 5 CDC: LDL-C Control <100 mg/dL NCQA (HEDIS) 64 4 Initiation and Engagement of Alcohol and Other Drug Dependence Treatment: Engagement Only NCQA (HEDIS) 4 4 CDC: Medical Attention for Nephropathy NCQA (HEDIS) 62 4 Preventive Care and Screening: Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening and Follow-Up CMS 421 4 Frequency of Ongoing Prenatal Care NCQA (HEDIS) 1391 40 Table of contents 1. Overview of measure sets 2. Overview of measures 3. Non-standard measures 4. Analysis by measure set type 5. Analysis by measure set purpose 6. Analysis by measure domain/clinical area 7. Intrastate analysis of CA and MA 8. Conclusions / recommendations 41 Finding: Many programs use nonstandard measures Undetermined 14% Homegrown 36% Standard 46% Other 4% Distinct measures by type n =509 42 Some measures were from “undetermined” sources 78 of the measures were from “undetermined” sources across 12 measure sets These measures are in this category due to difficulty interpreting the source documents. – Source was not indicated in the source document – The measure did not include an NQF# – The measure did not use a recognizable measure name 11 VT ACO utilization measures are considered “undetermined” because the specifications for these measures have not been finalized. They are undetermined from the program’s perspective. 43 There were 78 undetermined measures across 12 measure sets 30 26 26 25 20 15 11 10 5 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 69% percent of the undetermined measures come from two sources. 44 Finding : Many programs create homegrown measures What are “homegrown” measures? Undetermined 14% Homegrown 36% Standard 46% Other 4% Distinct measures by type n =509 Homegrown measures are measures that were indicated on the source document as having been created by the developer of the measure set. If a measure was not clearly attributed to the developer, the source was considered to be “undetermined” rather than “homegrown.” 45 40% of the programs created at least one homegrown measure 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 65 32 21 21 16 9 6 5 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 There were 198 homegrown measures across 19 measure sets 1 1 1 46 Programs create homegrown measures across all domains Access, affordability, and inappropriate care 17% Communication and care coordination 7% Utilization 17% Secondary prevention and treatment 9% Health and well-being 8% Safety 12% Person and family-centered care 20% Infrastructure 10% Homegrown measures by domain n =198 47 Four basic types of homegrown measures Provider choice measures 10% Unclear as to why the program used a homegrown measure 14% Measures that are specific to one program 41% Measures that attempt to fill a measurement gap 35% Homegrown measures by type n =198 48 Some homegrown measures that are specific to one program 81 programmatic measures: measures related to infrastructure, utilization, geographic access, and program oversight – Percent Eligibility Determination Done at State Level – Child Psychiatrist Count – Provider Satisfaction These measures are unlikely to become standardized because they are specific to the management or structure of a particular program. 49 Other homegrown measures may be “reinventing the wheel” Of these 198 measures, there were 28 measures (14%) for which it was not readily apparent as to why the program created the measures, as these measures appeared to replicate standard measures. Perhaps the programs were unaware of the availability of the standard measures – Adherence to prescription medications for asthma and/or COPD (could have used NQF #1799: Medication management for people with asthma) – ED appropriate utilization: reduce all ED visits (could have used the ED rates from the HEDIS Ambulatory Care measure) – Emergency Department Visits: Previously Diagnosed Asthma (ages 2 - 17) (could have used NQF# 1381 Asthma Emergency Department Visits) – Fall Prevention (could have used NQF #35 Fall Risk Management) 50 A few homegrown measures are designed to give providers flexibility and options 20 “provider choice” measures: measures that give the provider an option with regard to the measurement tool or outcome – Quality of Life: provider selects a validated tool – Percentage of patients 18 years of age and older receiving depression screening through the use of PHQ-2 or other approved screening instruments – Activities of Daily Living: Provider selects a validated assessment tool 18 of these measures came from Texas and 2 came from MA PCMH These types of measures could become standardized but are not traditional measures at this point 51 Some homegrown measures attempt to fill a measurement gap 22 care management measures: measures related to care transitions, care management or patient self-management – Percent of patients in the highest risk registry who have a documented self-management goal – Post-discharge follow-up 11 cost measures: – Cost of care: PMPM rolling annual cost total and by service category – Cost savings from improved chronic care coordination and management 14 unique measures: – Advance directives determination (Do Not Resuscitate) – Functional status assessment for knee replacement – Mental health admissions and readmissions to criminal justice settings such as jails or prisons 52 Do homegrown measures represent innovation? “Innovative” measures are measures that are not NQF endorsed and: a. address an important health care concern that is not addressed in most state measure sets, e.g., • • • • • Patient self-management Care coordination • Procedure-specific quality Care management/ transitions concerns Cost • Social determinants of health End-of-life care/ hospice/ palliative care b. address an issue/condition for which few measures are commonly employed, e.g., • • • • Dementia Dental care Depression Maternal health • • • • Mental health Pain Quality of life Substance abuse 53 Finding #7: Most homegrown measures are not innovative Non-innovative homegrown measures 149 Innovative homegrown measures 53 Innovative measures that are not homegrown 23 But most innovative measures are homegrown Note: The numbers on this slide vary slightly from the others since we have added the four additional homegrown innovative measures from MN AF4Q. 54 Innovative measures We identified 76 innovative measures across 50 measure sets – 48 measures sets from the state measure set analysis – 2 additional regional collaborative measure sets • Minnesota AF4Q • Oregon AF4Q 20 of the measure sets included at least one innovative measure – – – – 35% of MA PCMH measures were innovative (17) 31% of MN SQRMS measures were innovative (4) 25% of MA MBHP measures were innovative (2) 16% of TX Delivery System Reform Incentive Program measures were innovative (17) Some of the innovative measures may simply be “measure concepts” that are not ready for implementation. 55 Examples of innovative measures % of hospitalized patients who have clinical, telephonic or face-to-face follow-up interaction with the care team within 2 days of discharge during the measurement month (MA PCMH) Patient visits that occur with the selected provider/care team (ID PCMH) Cost savings from improved chronic care coordination and management (IA dually eligible program) Decrease in mental health admissions and readmissions to criminal justice settings such as jails or prisons (TX DSRIP) Mental and physical health assessment within 60 days for children in DHS custody (OR CCO) 56 Innovation across the measure sets 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 17 17 6 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 57 There appears to be a need for new measures in certain areas 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 15 11 10 7 8 6 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 58 Other measures: Bundles and composites Bundles are combinations of measures that use an “allor-nothing” approach. In order to achieve success on the bundle, the entity must successfully meet the target on each of the component pieces of the measure. Composites are combinations of measures in which the various components are averaged in some fashion to yield an overall view of performance on the group of measures. These are considered separate from the modified measures 59 Other: Some organizations create their own bundles and composites There are two standard bundles that were used by some programs: – Optimal Diabetes Care bundle (NQF #729) – Optimal Vascular Care bundle (NQF #76) There were 39 non-standard bundles and composites used across 6 programs – – – – – – 15 CA Office of the Patient Advocate (HMO) 14 CA Office of the Patient Advocate (PPO) 6 CA Office of the Patient Advocate (medical group) 2 WI Regional Collaborative 1 MA MBHP 1 MN SQRMS 60 Table of contents 1. Overview of measure sets 2. Overview of measures 3. Non-standard measures 4. Analysis by measure set type 5. Analysis by measure set purpose 6. Analysis by measure domain/clinical area 7. Intrastate analysis of CA and MA 8. Conclusions / recommendations 61 Finding: Regardless of how we analyzed the data, the programs were not aligned We conducted multiple analyses and found non-alignment persisted across: – – – – Program types Program purposes Domains, and A review of sets within CA and MA The only program type that showed alignment was the Medicaid MCOs – 62% of their measures were shared – Only 3 measures out of 42 measures were not HEDIS measures California also showed more alignment than usual – This may be due to state efforts or to the fact that three of the seven CA measure sets were created by the same entity. 62 4. Analyzing the measures by program type Goals: To analyze the measures by provider type and answer the following questions: 1. What is the average size of the measure sets by program type? 2. To what extent do programs of the same type use the same measures? 3. To what extent are the measures NQF-endorsed? 4. What are the most frequently used measures within each program type? 63 Selected four measure set types for analysis 14 13 12 10 8 6 4 2 6 5 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 0 64 Finding: Not as much sharing within program type as expected 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 62% 34% 20% 13% 12% We had anticipated that programs of the same type would use the same measures We found that except for Medicaid MCOs which share more than other types, this was generally not the case 65 Summary of program type analysis Program Type Average number of measures in the set Number of distinct measures Percent of distinct measures NQFendorsed All measures 29 509 32% PCMH 20 116 41% Medicaid MCO 19 42 55% Other provider 46 222 49% Regional collaborative 25 56 64% 66 PCMH measures 267 measures across 13 measure sets – Average of 20 measures per set (range: 6-48) – All of the PCMH programs except for one modified at least one of its measures 116 distinct measures 13 programs located in the following states: – Idaho, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Washington 67 PCMH: Greater percentage shared but still many used in only one set Shared 34% Not shared 66% Number of distinct PCMH measures shared by multiple measure sets n = 116 68 PCMH: Majority of measures implemented are NQF-endorsed Never NQFendorsed 27% -No longer NQF endorsed 5% NQFendorsed 68% Percentage of total measures that are NQFendorsed n = 267 69 PCMH: But less than half of the distinct measures are NQF-endorsed NQFendorsed 41% Never NQFendorsed 55% No longer NQFendorsed 4% Percentage of distinct PCMH measures that are NQF-endorsed n = 116 70 Most frequently used PCMH measures # programs modifying the measure Measure Name Steward NQF # 9 CDC: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Poor Control (>9.0%) NCQA (HEDIS) 59 9 Controlling High Blood Pressure NCQA (HEDIS) 18 9 Tobacco Use: Screening & Cessation Intervention AMA 28 8 Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening and Follow-Up CMS 421 8 Cardiovascular Disease: Blood Pressure Management NCQA (HEDIS) <140/90 mmHg 61 8 CDC: HbA1c Control (<8.0%) NCQA (HEDIS) 575 8 Colorectal Cancer Screening NCQA (HEDIS) 34 8 Use of Appropriate Medications for Asthma NCQA (HEDIS) 36 7 Breast Cancer Screening 31 (no NCQA (HEDIS) longer endorsed) 7 Cardiovascular Disease: LDL Cholesterol Management <100 mg/dl (CMC) NCQA (HEDIS) 64 71 Medicaid Managed Care Organization (MCO) measures 111 measures across 6 measure sets – Average of 19 measures per set (range: 6-42) 42 distinct measures – All except for 3 homegrown measures come from HEDIS All except one program modified measures 6 Medicaid MCO programs included in analysis: – California, California (specialty plans), Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania 72 Medicaid MCO: Share more measures than they don’t share Not shared 38% Shared 62% Number of distinct Medicaid MCO measures shared by multiple measure sets n = 42 73 Medicaid MCO: Most of the measures implemented are NQF-endorsed Never NQFendorsed 27% No longer NQFendorsed 4% NQFendorsed 69% Percentage of Medicaid MCO measures that are NQF-endorsed n = 111 74 Medicaid MCO: Majority of distinct measures are also NQF-endorsed Never NQFendorsed 40% No longer NQFendorsed 5% NQFendorsed 55% Percentage of distinct Medicaid measures that are NQF-endorsed n = 42 75 Most frequently used Medicaid MCO measures # programs modifying the measure Measure Name Steward NQF # 5 Controlling High Blood Pressure NCQA (HEDIS) 18 4 Adolescent Well-Care Visits NCQA (HEDIS) NA 4 Breast Cancer Screening 31 (no NCQA (HEDIS) longer endorsed) 4 CDC: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Poor Control (>9.0%) NCQA (HEDIS) 59 4 CDC: LDL-C Control <100 mg/dL NCQA (HEDIS) 64 4 Childhood Immunization Status NCQA (HEDIS) 38 4 Prenatal and Postpartum Care NCQA (HEDIS) 1517 4 Well-Child Visits in the 3rd, 4th, 5th, & 6th Years of Life NCQA (HEDIS) 1516 76 Other provider measures 276 measures across 6 measure sets – Average of 46 measures per set (range: 5-108) 222 distinct measures All of the provider programs modified at least one of its measures 6 Other provider programs included in analysis: – California, Massachusetts GIC, Massachusetts PCPRI, PA provider P4P program, TX Delivery System Reform Incentive Program, and Utah’s Department of Health reporting system 77 Other provider: Very small percentage shared Shared 12% Not shared 88% Number of distinct provider measures shared by multiple measure sets n = 222 78 Other provider: Most of the measures implemented are NQF-endorsed Never NQFendorsed 39% -No longer NQF endorsed 7% NQFendorsed 54% Percentage of Medicaid measures that are NQF-endorsed n = 276 79 Other provider: Just under half of the distinct measures are NQF-endorsed Never NQFendorsed 46% NQFendorsed 49% -No longer NQF endorsed 5% Percentage of distinct provider measures that are NQF-endorsed n = 222 80 Other provider: Most frequently used measures # programs modifying the measure Measure Name Steward NQF # 6 Breast Cancer Screening 31 (no NCQA (HEDIS) longer endorsed) 5 Cervical Cancer Screening NCQA (HEDIS) 32 4 CDC: HbA1c Testing NCQA (HEDIS) 57 4 CDC: Medical Attention for Nephropathy NCQA (HEDIS) 62 3 Controlling High Blood Pressure NCQA (HEDIS) 18 3 Chlamydia Screening in Women NCQA (HEDIS) 33 3 CDC: LDL-C Screening NCQA (HEDIS) 63 3 Annual Monitoring for Patients on Persistent Medications 21 (no NCQA (HEDIS) longer endorsed) 3 Cholesterol Management for Patients with Cardiovascular Conditions (LDL-C Screening & LDL- NCQA (HEDIS) C Control (< 100 mg/dL)) NA 81 Regional collaborative measures 75 measures across only 3 studied measure sets – Average of 25 measures per set (range: 10-37) 56 distinct measures Two out of the three collaboratives modified at least one of its measures 3 Regional collaboratives included in the analysis: – Maine Health Management Coalition, HealthInsight Utah, Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality 82 Regional collaborative: Very small percentage shared Shared 13% Not shared 87% Number of distinct regional collaborative measures shared by multiple measure sets n = 56 83 Regional collaborative: Most of the measures implemented are NQF-endorsed No longer NQFendorsed 2% Never NQFendorsed 25% NQFendorsed 73% Percentage of regional collaborative measures that are NQF-endorsed n = 75 84 Regional collaborative: Most distinct measures are NQF-endorsed Never NQFendorsed 34% NQFendorsed 64% No longer NQFendorsed 2% Percentage of distinct regional collaborative measures that are NQF-endorsed n = 56 85 7 shared regional collaborative measures # programs modifying the measure Measure Name Steward NQF # 2 CDC: Blood Pressure Control (<140/90 mm Hg) NCQA (HEDIS) 61 2 CDC: HbA1c Control (<8.0%) NCQA (HEDIS) 575 2 CDC: Hemoglobin-A1c Testing NCQA (HEDIS) 57 2 CDC: LDL-C Control <100 mg/dL NCQA (HEDIS) 64 2 CDC: LDL-C Screening NCQA (HEDIS) 63 2 CDC: Medical Attention for Nephropathy NCQA (HEDIS) 62 2 Preventive Care & Screening: Tobacco Use: Screening & Cessation Intervention AMA-PCPI 28 86 Conclusions from measure-type analysis Surprised that there is not more overlap of measures within measure set type Medicaid MCOs are the exception and share far more measures than any other type of program. – This is partially because they rely almost exclusively on the HEDIS measures. The “other provider” focused measures sets tend to be larger on average and there is less sharing across the provider measure sets The interest in modifying was not limited to one type While most of the implemented measures are NQFendorsed, many of the distinct measures used are not endorsed 87 Table of contents 1. Overview of measure sets 2. Overview of measures 3. Non-standard measures 4. Analysis by measure set type 5. Analysis by measure set purpose 6. Analysis by measure domain/clinical area 7. Intrastate analysis of CA and MA 8. Conclusions / recommendations 88 5. Analyzing the measures by program purpose Goals: To analyze the measures by provider purpose and answer the following questions: 1. What is the average size of the measure sets by program purpose? 2. To what extent do programs designed for the same purpose use the same measures? 3. To what extent are the measures NQF endorsed? 4. What are the most frequently used measures within each program purpose? 89 Selected two measure set purposes for analysis 25 22 19 20 15 10 5 5 2 0 Reporting Payment (and reporting) Reporting and other purpose Other 90 Finding: More sharing within reporting programs than in payment 45% 40% 39% 35% 30% 26% 25% 20% 20% 15% 10% We had anticipated that the payment programs would use more similar measures, but we found that was not the case. 5% 0% Reporting Payment All measures 91 Finding: Not as much use of NQF measures for payment as expected 45% 40% 37% 36% 35% 32% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% We had anticipated that the payment programs would use mostly NQF endorsed measures, but we found that was not the case. 0% Reporting Payment All measures 92 Summary of program purpose analysis Program Type Number of programs included in category Average number of measures in the set Number of distinct measures Percent of distinct measures NQF endorsed All measures 48 29 509 32% Reporting measures 22 22 157 37% Payment measures 19 30 250 36% 93 Measures for reporting 490 measures across 22 measure sets – Average of 22 measures per set (range: 5-50) 157 distinct measures 82% of the programs modified at least one of their measures 94 Reporting: More sharing than the general analysis Shared 39% Not shared 61% Number of distinct reporting measures shared by multiple measure sets n = 157 95 Reporting: The majority of implemented reporting measures are NQF-endorsed -No longer NQF endorsed 7% Never NQFendorsed 23% NQFendorsed 70% Percentage of reporting measures that are NQF-endorsed n = 490 96 Reporting: Most of the distinct measures are not endorsed NQFendorsed 37% Never NQFendorsed 57% -No longer NQF endorsed 6% Percentage of distinct reporting measures that are NQF-endorsed n = 157 97 Most frequently used reporting measures # programs modifying the measure Measure Name Steward NQF # 16 CDC: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Control (<8.0%) NCQA HEDIS 575 15 CDC: LDL-C Control <100 mg/dL NCQA HEDIS 64 14 Controlling High Blood Pressure NCQA HEDIS 18 14 CDC: Blood Pressure Control (<140/90 mm Hg) NCQA HEDIS 61 14 CDC: Medical Attention for Nephropathy NCQA HEDIS 62 13 CDC: Hemoglobin-A1c Testing NCQA HEDIS 57 13 Breast Cancer Screening 31 (no NCQA HEDIS longer endorsed) 12 CDC: LDL-C Screening NCQA HEDIS 63 11 Cervical Cancer Screening NCQA HEDIS 32 11 CDC: Eye Exam NCQA HEDIS 55 98 Measures for payment 563 measures across 19 measure sets – Average of 30 measures per set (range: 3-108) 250 distinct measures All except two of the measure sets used for payment modified at least one of their measures 99 Payment: Shares slightly more than the general, but less than the reporting Shared 26% Not shared 74% Number of distinct payment measures shared by multiple measure sets n = 250 100 Payment: Most implemented measures are NQF-endorsed Never NQFendorsed 32% NQFendorsed 64% No longer NQFendorsed 4% Percentage of payment measures that are NQF-endorsed n = 563 101 Payment: …but most distinct measures are not NQF-endorsed NQFendorsed 36% Never NQFendorsed 61% No longer NQFendorsed 3% Percentage of distinct payment measures that are NQ- endorsed n = 250 102 Most frequently used payment measures # programs modifying the measure Measure Name Steward NQF # 13 Breast Cancer Screening NCQA (HEDIS) 31 (no longer endorsed) 12 Controlling High Blood Pressure NCQA (HEDIS) 18 10 Cervical Cancer Screening NCQA (HEDIS) 32 10 Follow-Up After Hospitalization for Mental Illness (7 NCQA (HEDIS) day rate only) 576 9 Use of Appropriate Medications for Asthma NCQA (HEDIS) 36 9 Childhood Immunization Status NCQA (HEDIS) 38 NCQA (HEDIS) 59 CMS (PQRI 134) 418 9 9 CDC: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Poor Control (>9.0%) Screening for Clinical Depression and Follow-up Plan 103 Table of contents 1. Overview of measure sets 2. Overview of measures 3. Non-standard measures 4. Analysis by measure set type 5. Analysis by measure set purpose 6. Analysis by measure domain/clinical area 7. Intrastate analysis of CA and MA 8. Conclusions / recommendations 104 Summary of domain analysis Domain Access, affordability, and inappropriate care Communication and care coordination Health and well-being #of Total # of distinct measures measures % of measures shared # of programs % of distinct that share the measures most NQFfrequently endorsed used measure 120 55 21% 24% 12 32 26 12% 25% 4 371 70 40% 44% 30 Infrastructure 23 20 0 0 0 Person and familycentered care 127 58 5% 12% 16 Safety Treatment and secondary prevention 181 95 16% 34% 19 448 143 25% 49% 29 Utilization 65 38 8% 3% 9 105 6. Access, affordability, and inappropriate care 120 access, affordability, and inappropriate care (AAIC) measures – Only 4% were modified 55 distinct measures 106 AAIC: Many measures used by only one program Shared 21% Not shared 79% Number of distinct AAIC measures shared by multiple measure sets n = 55 107 AAIC: Exactly half of the measures are NQF endorsed Never NQFendorsed 50% NQFendorsed 50% Percentage of total AAIC measures that are NQF-endorsed n = 120 108 AAIC: …but most of the distinct measures are not endorsed NQFendorsed 24% Never NQFendorsed 76% Percentage of distinct AAIC measures that are NQF-endorsed n =55 109 Most frequently used AAIC measures # programs modifying the measure 12 11 10 7 7 6 6 Measure Name Appropriate Testing for Children With Pharyngitis Steward NCQA (HEDIS) Avoidance of Antibiotic Treatment in Adults with Acute NCQA (HEDIS) Bronchitis Appropriate Treatment for Children with Upper NCQA (HEDIS) Respiratory Infections Child and Adolescent Access to Primary Care NCQA (HEDIS) Practitioners (12-14, 25mo-6yr, 7-11, 12-19) HEDIS Use of Imaging Studies for Low Back Pain Adult Access to Preventive/Ambulatory Health Services Use of Spirometry Testing in the Assessment and Diagnosis of COPD NQF # 2 58 69 NA NCQA (HEDIS) 52 NCQA (HEDIS) NA NCQA (HEDIS) 577 4 PC-01 Elective Delivery The Joint Commission 469 3 Cesarean Rate for Low-Risk First Birth Women AHRQ/CHIRPA NA 3 Third Next Available Appointment NCQA Standard NA 110 Communication and care coordination 32 communication and care coordination measures – None of the measures were modified 26 distinct measures 111 Communication: Most distinct measures used by only one program Shared 12% Not shared 88% Number of distinct communication measures shared by multiple measure sets n = 26 112 Communication: Most measures used are not NQF-endorsed NQFendorsed 36% Never NQFendorsed 55% No longer NQF endorsed 9% Percentage of total communication measures that are NQF-endorsed n = 33 113 Communication: Most of the distinct measures are not NQF-endorsed NQFendorsed 25% Never NQFendorsed 64% Percentage of distinct communication measures that are NQF-endorsed n = 26 No longer NQFendorsed 11% 114 Communication measures shared across programs # programs modifying the measure Measure Name Steward NQF # Care Transition — Transition Record Transmitted to Health Care Professional AMA-PCPI 648 2 3-Item Care Transition Measure (CTM-3) University of Colorado Health Sciences Center 228 2 Medication reconciliation after discharge from an inpatient facility NCQA (HEDIS) 97 4 115 Health and well-being measures 371 health and well-being measures – None of the measures were modified 70 distinct measures 116 Health and well-being: Greater number of measures shared Shared 40% Not shared 60% Number of distinct health and well-being measures shared by multiple measure sets n = 70 117 Health and well-being: Most measures used are NQF-endorsed Never NQFendorsed 18% No longer NQFendorsed 9% NQFendorsed 73% Percentage of total health and well-being measures that are NQF-endorsed n = 371 118 Health and well-being: Most of the distinct measures are not endorsed Never NQFendorsed 50% NQFendorsed 44% No longer NQFendorsed 6% Percentage of distinct health and well-being measures that are NQF-endorsed n = 70 119 Most frequently used health and wellbeing measures # programs modifying the measure Measure Name Steward NQF # 30 Breast Cancer Screening NCQA (HEDIS) 31 (no longer endorsed) 24 Cervical Cancer Screening NCQA (HEDIS) 32 21 Childhood Immunization Status NCQA (HEDIS) 38 19 Colorectal Cancer Screening Preventive Care & Screening: Tobacco Use: Screening & Cessation Intervention Weight Assessment & Counseling for Nutrition & Physical Activity for Children & Adolescents NCQA (HEDIS) 34 AMA-PCPI 28 NCQA (HEDIS) 24 Chlamydia Screening NCQA (HEDIS) 33 NCQA (HEDIS) 1517 NCQA (HEDIS) NA NCQA (HEDIS) 4 17 17 15 15 14 14 14 Maternity Care: Postpartum Care (PPC), Prenatal Visit During 1st Trimester (PPC) Adolescent Well-Care Visits Initiation and Engagement of Alcohol and Other Drug Dependence Treatment: Composite Preventive Care and Screening: Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening and Follow-Up CMS 421 120 Infrastructure measures 23 Infrastructure measures – None of the measures were modified – 87% of the measures were homegrown 20 distinct measures 121 Examples of infrastructure measures MO Medicaid managed care - BH measures – Adult psychiatrist count – Psychiatric practices contacted to complete survey regarding patient services, services provided, service availability Oregon CCO Incentive Measures Set – Electronic health record adoption NY Medicaid Redesign Initiative – Percent eligibility determination done at state level MiPCT Clinical Metrics – PCMH registry with decision support & performance reports 122 Infrastructure: No measures shared Shared 0% Not shared 100% Number of distinct Infrastructure measures shared by multiple measure sets n = 20 123 Infrastructure: None of the measures are NQF-endorsed Never NQFendorsed 100% Percentage of infrastructure measures that are NQF-endorsed n = 23 124 Person and family-centered care measures 127 person and family-centered care measures – Only 4% of the measures were modified 58 distinct measures 125 Person and family-centered care: Very small number of measures shared Shared 5% Not shared 95% Number of distinct person and family-centered care measures shared by multiple measure sets n = 58 126 Person and family-centered care: Most measures are NQF-endorsed Never NQFendorsed 40% NQFendorsed 59% No longer NQFendorsed 1% Percentage of total person and family-centered care measures that are NQF-endorsed n = 127 127 Person and family-centered care: Most of the distinct measures are not NQF-endorsed NQFendorsed 12% No longer NQFendorsed 2% Never NQFendorsed 86% Percentage of distinct person and familycentered care measures that are NQF-endorsed n = 58 128 Shared person and family-centered care measures # programs using the measure Measure Name 1 Steward NQF # 16 CAHPS Survey AHRQ YES 2 Hospice and Palliative Care – Treatment Preferences University of North CarolinaChapel Hill 1641 2 Quality of Life survey: choice of tool NA NA 1: If a program used one question from a CAHPS survey, we counted it as using CAHPS. We did not look at the specific surveys or which questions/composites from the surveys they used. 129 Safety measures 181 safety measures – 17% of the measures were modified 95 distinct measures 130 Safety: Most measure used by only one program Shared 16% Not shared 84% Number of distinct safety measures shared by multiple measure sets n = 95 131 Safety: Most measures used are NQF-endorsed Never NQFendorsed 33% NQFendorsed 55% No longer NQFendorsed 12% Percentage of total safety measures that are NQF-endorsed n = 181 132 Safety: Most of the distinct measures are not NQF-endorsed NQFendorsed 34% Never NQFendorsed 62% -No longer NQF endorsed 4% Percentage of distinct safety measures that are NQF-endorsed n = 95 133 Most frequently used safety measures # programs using the measure 19 11 Measure Name Follow-Up After Hospitalization for Mental Illness (30 day only) Annual Monitoring for Patients on Persistent Medications Steward NQF # NCQA (HEDIS) 576 NCQA (HEDIS) 21 (no longer endorsed) NCQA (HEDIS) 1768 9 Plan All-Cause Readmission 6 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - Admission AHRQ (PQI) Rate 275 6 Heart Failure Admission Rate (PQI 8) 277 6 Pharmacotherapy Management of COPD Exacerbation (bronchodilator only) NCQA (HEDIS) 549 (no longer endorsed) 5 Medication Management for People With Asthma NCQA (HEDIS) 1799 4 Asthma in Younger Adults Admission Rate (PQI 15) AHRQ (PQI) Hospital-Wide All-Cause Unplanned Readmission Yale/CMS Measure (HWR) Diabetes Short-Term Complications Admission Rate AHRQ (PQI) 4 3 AHRQ (PQI) 283 1789 272134 Treatment measures, including treatment and secondary prevention measures 448 treatment and secondary prevention measures – 23% of the measures were modified 143 distinct measures 135 Treatment and secondary prevention: Larger percentage shared than in other domains Shared 25% Not shared 75% Number of distinct treatment and secondary prevention measures shared by multiple measure sets n = 143 136 Treatment and secondary prevention: Very high percentage of measures are NQF-endorsed No longer NQFendorsed 3% Never NQFendorsed 20% NQFendorsed 77% Percentage of total treatment and secondary prevention measures that are NQF-endorsed n = 448 137 Treatment and secondary prevention: Only half of distinct measures are NQF-endorsed Never NQFendorsed 45% NQFendorsed 49% -No longer NQF endorsed 6% Percentage of distinct treatment and secondary prevention measures that are NQF endorsed n = 143 138 Most frequently used treatment and secondary prevention measures # programs using the measure Measure Name Steward NQF # 29 Controlling High Blood Pressure NCQA (HEDIS) 18 23 CDC: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Control (<8.0%) NCQA (HEDIS) 575 23 CDC: LDL-C Control <100 mg/dL NCQA (HEDIS) 64 21 Use of Appropriate Medications for Asthma NCQA (HEDIS) 36 20 CDC: Medical Attention for Nephropathy NCQA (HEDIS) 62 20 CDC: Blood Pressure Control (<140/90 mm Hg) NCQA (HEDIS) 61 19 CDC: Hemoglobin-A1c Testing NCQA (HEDIS) 57 18 CDC: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Poor Control (>9.0%) NCQA (HEDIS) 59 17 CDC: LDL-C Screening NCQA (HEDIS) 63 17 Cholesterol Management for Patients with Cardiovascular Conditions (LDL-C Screening & LDL- NCQA (HEDIS) C Control (< 100 mg/dL)) NA 139 Most frequently used treatment and secondary prevention measures # programs using the measure Measure Name Steward NQF # 16 CDC: Eye Exam NCQA (HEDIS) 55 13 Follow-Up Care for Children Prescribed ADHD Medication NCQA (HEDIS) 108 13 Antidepressant Medication Management NCQA (HEDIS) 105 8 Comprehensive Diabetes Care (Composite Measure)NCQA (HEDIS) 731 6 6 6 6 5 Persistence of Beta-Blocker Treatment After a Heart NCQA (HEDIS) Attack Disease Modifying Anti-rheumatic Drug (DMARD) NCQA (HEDIS) Therapy in Rheumatoid Arthritis Diabetes Care Foot Exam NCQA (HEDIS) Ischemic Vascular Disease (IVD): Complete Lipid NCQA (HEDIS) Profile and LDL-C Control <100 mg/dL Heart Failure: Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitor or Angiotensin Receptor Blocker (ARB) AMA-PCPI Therapy for Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction 71 54 56 75 81 140 Utilization measures 65 utilization measures – 17% of the measures were modified 38 distinct measures 141 Utilization: Larger percentage not shared than in other domains Shared 8% Not shared 92% Number of distinct utilization measures shared by multiple measure sets n = 38 142 Utilization: Very high percent of measures are NQF-endorsed No longer NQFendorsed 3% Never NQFendorsed 20% NQFendorsed 77% Percentage of total utilization measures that are NQF-endorsed n = 65 143 Utilization: Only one distinct measure is NQFendorsed NQF endorsed 3% Never NQF endorsed 97% Percentage of distinct utilization measures that are NQF endorsed n = 38 144 Shared utilization measures # programs using the measure 9 Measure Name Steward Ambulatory Care NCQA (HEDIS) 6 Asthma Emergency Department Visits Alabama Medicaid Agency 2 Mental Health Utilization NCQA (HEDIS) NQF # NA 1381 NA 145 Conclusions from domain analysis Programs select measures from the same domains, with an emphasis on the Treatment and Secondary Prevention and the Health and Well-being domains However, programs are not picking the same measures within those domains Simply specifying the domains from which programs should select measures will not facilitate measure set alignment 146 Measures by clinical areas of interest 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 44 42 41 40 21 18 17 16 14 12 Distinct measures 147 Summary of clinical areas of interest analysis # of distinct measures # of programs that share the most frequently used measure Behavioral health 44 19 Diabetes measures 42 23 Cardiovascular measures 41 29 Pulmonary/critical care 40 21 Cancer-related 12 30 Clinical area of interest 148 44 behavioral health measures by category 14 13 12 10 9 8 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 Serious Mental Illness Alcohol, Behavioral Depression Substance Health Use/Abuse Screening Tobacco Use ADHD Distinct measures 149 Shared behavioral health measures # programs using the measure Measure Name Steward NQF # 19 Follow-Up After Hospitalization for Mental Illness NCQA (HEDIS) 576 17 Preventive Care & Screening: Tobacco Use: Screening & Cessation Intervention AMA-PCPI 28 14 Initiation and Engagement of Alcohol and Other Drug Dependence Treatment NCQA (HEDIS) 4 13 Antidepressant Medication Management NCQA (HEDIS) 105 13 Follow-Up Care for Children Prescribed ADHD Medication NCQA (HEDIS) 108 12 Screening for Clinical Depression CMS 418 Depression Remission at Six Months MN Community Measurement NCQA (CAHPS) 2 2 Medical Assistance With Smoking and Tobacco Use Cessation 711 27 150 Most frequently used diabetes measures # programs using the measure Measure Name Steward NQF # 23 CDC: LDL-C Control <100 mg/dL NCQA (HEDIS) 64 23 CDC: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Control (<8.0%) NCQA (HEDIS) 575 20 CDC: Blood Pressure Control (<140/90 mm Hg) NCQA (HEDIS) 61 20 CDC: Medical Attention for Nephropathy NCQA (HEDIS) 62 19 CDC: Hemoglobin-A1c Testing NCQA (HEDIS) 57 18 CDC: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Poor Control (>9.0%) NCQA (HEDIS) 59 17 CDC: LDL-C Screening NCQA (HEDIS) 63 16 CDC: Eye Exam NCQA (HEDIS) 55 8 Comprehensive Diabetes Care (Composite Measure) NCQA (HEDIS) 731 6 Diabetes Care Foot Exam 56 NCQA (HEDIS) 151 Most frequently used diabetes measures (cont’d) # programs using the measure Measure Name Steward NQF # 3 Diabetes Short-Term Complications Admission Rate (PQI 1) AHRQ (PQI) 272 3 Uncontrolled Diabetes Admission Rate (PQI 14) AHRQ (PQI) 638 Optimal diabetes care (ODC) (bundle) MN Community Measurement 729 3 2 Diabetes Long Term Complications Admission Rate(PQI 3) AHRQ (PQI) 274 2 Comprehensive Diabetes Care: Blood Pressure Control (<140/80 mm Hg) NCQA (HEDIS) NA 2 Comprehensive Diabetes Care: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Control (<7.0%) NCQA (HEDIS) NA 152 41 cardiovascular disease measures by category 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 13 9 8 4 4 3 Distinct measures 153 Shared cardiovascular disease measures # programs using the measure 29 17 6 6 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 Measure Name Controlling High Blood Pressure Cholesterol Management for Patients with Cardiovascular Conditions Persistence of Beta-Blocker Treatment After a Heart Attack Heart Failure Admission Rate (PQI 8) Ischemic Vascular Disease (IVD): Complete Lipid Profile and LDL-C Control <100 mg/dL Heart Failure: ACE Inhibitor or ARB Therapy for LVSD Hypertension: Blood Pressure Measurement Ischemic Vascular Disease (IVD): Use of Aspirin or Another Antithrombotic Ischemic Vascular Disease (IVD): Blood Pressure Control Heart Failure : Beta-blocker therapy for LVSD Optimal Vascular Care (OVC) (bundle) Steward NQF # NCQA (HEDIS) 18 NCQA (HEDIS) NA NCQA (HEDIS) 71 AHRQ (PQI) 277 NCQA (HEDIS) 75 AMA-PCPI 81 13 (no longer NCQA (HEDIS) endorsed) NCQA (HEDIS) 68 NCQA (HEDIS) 73 AMA-PCPI MN Community Measurement 83 76 154 40 pulmonary/critical care measures by category 30 28 25 20 15 9 10 5 3 0 Asthma COPD Pneumonia Distinct measures 155 Shared pulmonary/critical care measures # programs using the measure 21 6 6 6 Measure Name Use of Appropriate Medications for Asthma Asthma Emergency Department Visits Steward NCQA (HEDIS) Alabama Medicaid Agency NCQA (HEDIS) Use of Spirometry Testing in the Assessment and Diagnosis of COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - Admission AHRQ (PQI) Rate (PQI 5) NQF # 36 1381 577 275 6 Pharmacotherapy Management of COPD Exacerbation 549 (no NCQA (HEDIS) longer endorsed) 5 Medication Management for People With Asthma NCQA (HEDIS) 1799 4 Asthma in Younger Adults Admission Rate (PQI 15) AHRQ (PQI) 283 3 Optimal Asthma Care MN Community Measurement NA 156 12 cancer-related measures Most measures related to cancer screening Four shared measures # programs using the measure Measure Name Steward NQF # 30 Breast Cancer Screening NCQA (HEDIS) 31 (no longer endorsed) 24 Cervical Cancer Screening NCQA (HEDIS) 32 19 Colorectal Cancer Screening NCQA (HEDIS) 34 2 “Checking for Cancer” Composite: Breast Cancer Screening, Cervical Cancer Screening, Colorectal Cancer Screening NCQA (HEDIS) NA 157 Table of contents 1. Overview of measure sets 2. Overview of measures 3. Non-standard measures 4. Analysis by measure set type 5. Analysis by measure set purpose 6. Analysis by measure domain/clinical area 7. Intrastate analysis of CA and MA 8. Conclusions / recommendations 158 7. Summary of intrastate analysis State California Massachusetts All measures # of % of # of Total # of distinct measures programs measures measures shared 7 8 48 231 334 1367 64 214 509 69% 24% 20% % of distinct measures NQFendorsed % of programs that share the most frequently used measure 59% 59% 32% 86% 75% 63% 159 California measures 231 measures across 7 measure sets – Average of 33 measures per set (range: 6-51) 64 distinct measures All of the CA programs modified at least one of their measures Three of the 7 sets were created by the Office of the Patient Advocate 160 California: Significantly more alignment than typical Not shared 31% Shared 69% Number of distinct CA measures shared by multiple measure sets n = 64 161 California: Uses mostly NQF measures Never NQFendorsed 15% -No longer NQF endorsed 8% NQFendorsed 77% Percentage of CA measures that are NQFendorsed n = 276 162 California: Most of the distinct measures are NQF-endorsed too Never NQFendorsed 36% NQFendorsed 59% No longer NQFendorsed 5% Percentage of distinct CA measures that are NQF-endorsed n = 64 163 Most frequently used CA measures # programs modifying the measure Measure Name Steward 6 Annual Monitoring for Patients on Persistent Medications NCQA (HEDIS) 6 Avoidance of Antibiotic Treatment in Adults with Acute NCQA Bronchitis (HEDIS) 6 Breast Cancer Screening NCQA (HEDIS) 6 CDC: Blood Pressure Control (<140/90 mm Hg) 6 CDC: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Control (<8.0%) 6 CDC: Hemoglobin-A1c Testing 6 CDC: LDL-C Control <100 mg/dL NCQA (HEDIS) NCQA (HEDIS) NCQA (HEDIS) NCQA (HEDIS) NQF # 21 (no longer endorsed) 58 31 (no longer endorsed) 61 575 57 64 164 Most frequently used CA measures (cont’d) # programs modifying the measure 6 6 6 6 6 6 Measure Name Steward NCQA (HEDIS) NCQA CDC: Medical Attention for Nephropathy (HEDIS) NCQA Cervical Cancer Screening (HEDIS) Cholesterol Management for Patients with Cardiovascular NCQA (HEDIS) Conditions NCQA Controlling High Blood Pressure (HEDIS) NCQA Use of Imaging Studies for Low Back Pain (HEDIS) CDC: LDL-C Screening NQF # 63 62 32 NA 18 52 165 Massachusetts measures 334 measures across 8 measure sets – Average of 42 measures per set (range: 8-99) 214 distinct measures 6 of the 8 MA sets modified at least one of their measures 166 Massachusetts: Less alignment than CA Shared 24% Not shared 76% Number of distinct MA measures shared by multiple measure sets n = 214 167 Massachusetts: Most measures are NQFendorsed -No longer NQF endorsed 7% Never NQFendorsed 23% NQFendorsed 70% Percentage of MA measures that are NQFendorsed n = 334 168 Massachusetts: Most of the distinct measures are NQF-endorsed too Never NQFendorsed 34% NQFendorsed 59% -No longer NQF endorsed 7% Percentage of distinct provider measures that are NQF-endorsed n = 214 169 Most frequently used MA measures # programs modifying the measure Measure Name Steward NCQA (HEDIS) 6 Breast Cancer Screening 6 Follow-Up After Hospitalization for Mental Illness 6 Use of Appropriate Medications for Asthma 5 Cervical Cancer Screening 5 Initiation and Engagement of Alcohol and Other Drug Dependence Treatment NCQA (HEDIS) NCQA (HEDIS) NCQA (HEDIS) NCQA (HEDIS) 4 Annual Monitoring for Patients on Persistent Medications NCQA (HEDIS) 4 Screening for Clinical Depression CMS NQF # 31 (no longer endorsed) 576 36 32 4 21 (no longer endorsed) 418 170 Intrastate analysis summary California has significantly more alignment across its measure sets when compared to Massachusetts and the total measures set. Part of the reason for the alignment within CA is that three of the seven measure sets were developed by the same organization (Office of the Patient Advocate). Anecdotally, we have been told that CA has worked to align its measure sets. While MA has work underway to align its measure sets across the state though the Statewide Quality Committee, currently there is little alignment within the state. 171 Table of Contents 1. Overview of measure sets 2. Overview of measures 3. Non-standard measures 4. Analysis by measure set type 5. Analysis by measure set purpose 6. Analysis by measure domain/clinical area 7. Intrastate analysis of CA and MA 8. Conclusions / recommendations 172 Summary of findings There are many, many measures in use today. Current state and regional measure sets are not aligned. Non-alignment persists despite the tendency to use standard, NQF-endorsed and/or HEDIS measures. With few exceptions, regardless of how we analyzed the data, the programs’ measures were not aligned. – With the exception of the Medicaid MCO programs, we found this lack of alignment existed across domains, and programs of the same type or for the same purpose. – We also found that California has more alignment. This may be due to our sample or the work the state has done to align measures. 173 Summary of findings (cont’d) While many programs use measures from the same domains, they are not selecting the same measures within these domains. – This suggests that simply specifying the domains from which programs should select measures will not facilitate measure set alignment. Even when the measures are “the same,” the programs often modify the traditional specifications for the standard measures. 174 Summary of findings (cont’d) Many programs create their own “homegrown” measures. – Some of these may be measure concepts, rather than measures that are ready to be implemented Unfortunately most of these homegrown measures do not represent true innovation in the measures space. There appears to be a need for new standardized measures in the areas of self-management, cost, and care management and coordination. 175 Conclusions Bottom line: Measures sets appear to be developed independently without an eye towards alignment with other sets. The diversity in measures allows states and regions interested in creating measure sets to select measures that they believe best meet their local needs. Even the few who seek to create alignment struggle due to a paucity of tools to facilitate such alignment. The result is “measure chaos” for providers subject to multiple measure sets and related accountability expectations and performance incentives. Mixed signals make it difficult for providers to focus their quality improvement efforts. 176 This is only the beginning… We anticipate that as states and health systems become more sophisticated in their use of electronic health records and health information exchanges, there will be more opportunities to easily collect clinical data-based measures and thus increase selection of those types of measures over the traditional claims-based measures. Combining this shifting landscape with the national movement to increase the number of providers that are paid for value rather than volume suggests that the proliferation of new measures and new measure sets is only in its infancy. 177 A call to action In the absence of a fundamental shift in the way in which new measure sets are created, we should prepare to see the problem of unaligned measure sets grow significantly. 178 Recommendations 1. Launch a campaign to raise awareness about the current lack of alignment across measure sets and the need for a national measures framework. – help states and regions interested in creating measure sets understand why lack of alignment is problematic 2. Communicate with measure stewards to indicate to them when their measures have been frequently modified and why this is problematic. – in particular in the cases in which additional detail has been added, removed or changed 3. Develop an interactive database of recommended measures to establish a national measures framework. – – consisting primarily of the standardized measures that are used most frequently for each population and domain selecting and/or defining measures for the areas in which there is 179 currently a paucity of standardized measures Recommendations (cont’d) 4. Provide technical assistance to states to help them select high-quality measures that both meet their needs and encourage alignment across programs in their region and market. This assistance could include: – – – a measures hotline learning collaboratives and online question boards, blogs and/or listservs benchmarking resources for the recommended measures selected for inclusion in the interactive measures tool. 5. Acknowledge the areas where measure alignment is potentially not feasible or desirable. – – different populations of focus program-specific measures 180 Contact information Michael Bailit, MBA • • • President 781-599-4700 Kate Bazinsky, MPH • • • Senior Consultant 781-599-4704 Appendix 182 Overview of measure sets included in analysis State Name Type AR Arkansas Medicaid Medicaid CA CA Medi-Cal Managed Care Division CA CA Medi-Cal Managed Care Division: Specialty Plans CA # of measures NQFendorsed Modified Homegrown 14 79% None None Medicaid 22 82% 45% 5% Medicaid 6 50% 67% 33% Office of the Patient Commercial Advocate (HMO) Plans 50 74% 18% None CA Office of the Patient Commercial Advocate (Medical Plans Group) 25 68% 4% None CA Office of the Patient Other Provider Advocate (PPO) 44 73% 14% None 183 Overview of measure sets included in analysis (cont’d) State Name Type CA CALPERS Commercial Plans for Public Employees # of measures NQFendorsed Modified Homegrown 33 85% 6% None CA Quality and Network Management – Exchange Quality Reporting System (QRS) 51 84% 6% None CO Medicaid's Accountable Care Collaborative ACO with Primary Care Medical Provider 3 None 33% None FL Medicaid MCO Procurement Measures Medicaid MCO 8 75% None None IA IA Duals Duals 31 65% 10% 10% IA IA Health Homes Health Home 12 92% None None 184 Overview of measure sets included in analysis (cont’d) State Name Type # of measures NQFendorsed Modified Homegrown ID Idaho Medical Home PCMH Collaborative 17 59% 12% None IL IL Medicaid MCO Medicaid MCO 42 88% 12% None LA Coordinated Care Networks Medicaid 35 71% 6% 9% MA MA Connector Exchange 9 67% None None MA MA Duals Project Duals 42 86% None 5% MA MA GIC Other Provider 99 60% 16% None 185 Overview of measure sets included in analysis (cont’d) State Name Type MA MA MBHP Behavioral Health MCO P4P MA MA MMCO MA # of measures NQFendorsed Modified Homegrown 8 38% 13% 38% Medicaid 19 79% 11% None MA PCPRI Other Provider 26 96% 4% None MA PCMH PCMH 48 52% 56% 44% MA Statewide Quality Alignment Advisory Committee Initiative (SQAC) 83 78% 7% 1% MD Maryland MultiPayer Pilot Program PCMH (MMPP) 20 90% 5% None 186 Overview of measure sets included in analysis (cont’d) State ME ME MI MN MN MN Name Maine Health Management Coalition Maine's PCMH Project The Michigan Primary Care Transformation Project (MiPCT) MN AF4Q MN Dept Health (Medicaid) Health Care Home MN SQRMS: MN Statewide Quality Reporting and Measurement System (SQRMS) Type # of measures NQFendorsed Modified Homegrown Regional Collaborative 28 100% 43% None PCMH 29 79% 24% 7% PCMH 36 61% 19% 17% Innovative measures only NA NA NA NA PCMH 7 86% None None Alignment Initiative 13 46% 15% 8% 187 Overview of measure sets included in analysis (cont’d) State MO MO MO MT NY OH Name Type MO BHMCO measures MO Medicaid Health Home Missouri Medical Home Collaborative (MMHC) Montana Medical Home Advisory Council Medicaid Redesign Initiative Medicaid BH MCO SW OH CPCI # of measures NQFendorse d Modified Homegrown 69 3% 4% 94% Health Home 41 41% 17% 51% PCMH 9 89% 33% 11% PCMH 13 92% 8% None Medicaid 38 55% 24% 24% PCMH 21 86% 5% None Overview of measure sets included in analysis (cont’d) Stat e Name Type OK OK Medicaid Soonercare PCMH 17 65% 18% None OR CCO's Incentive Measures Set ACO 17 65% 53% 24% PA Chronic Care Initiative PCMH 34 47% 56% 15% PA Health Home Care set Health Home 8 75% None None PA MCO/Vendor P4P 14 64% 29% None PA Provider P4P 13 62% 31% None MCO P4P Other Provider # of measures NQFendorsed Modified Homegrow n Overview of measure sets included in analysis (cont’d) State RI TX UT UT VT Name Type RI PCMH (CSI) PCMH TX Delivery Other System Reform Provider Incentive Program Other UT Dept. of Health Provider Regional Health Insight Utah Collaborative VT ACO Measures ACO Work Group # of measures NQFendorsed Modified Homegrown 10 80% 100% None 108 35% 2% 30% 5 60% 100% None 10 100% None None 37 54% 11% None WA Multi-payer PCMH PCMH 6 67% 67% None WI WI Regional Collaborative 10 80% 100% None Regional Collaborative